2:19pm Jul 24 2011
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2:21pm Jul 24 2011
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She gave Malfoy one more glare and mumbled, "Pansy." Befrore stalking back to the compartment.The second she sat down though, the glare was gone and a grin replaced it. She smiled an excited smile at Kylie, Ron, Fred and George and spoke, a laugh in her voice for the first time in ages, "That felt quite good." She turned to Ron and laughed, "Nice punch Ronald." OoC; Can you not just see her being all like 'Oh, hey Ronald.'
3:31pm Jul 24 2011
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(( I totally could. xDD Anywho, are we already for the time skip to the castle? c:))
3:32pm Jul 24 2011
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((YES. o_o))
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

4:01pm Jul 24 2011
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Alliecat is offline. (◕‿◕✿) and also (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚’✿,。・:*:❀・゚’❁
4:32pm Jul 24 2011
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OoC; am i good to go Kink? o3o
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
4:33pm Jul 24 2011
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4:33pm Jul 24 2011
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OoC; -time travels- >:D
8:32pm Jul 24 2011
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||Back! and YUS! c:||
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10:01pm Jul 24 2011
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A yawn spread across Genie's face as the boats carried all the students to the looming castle, lanterns at the front of each. Blue and bronze was wrapped around her neck kept the chill from the lake from reaching her, as she leaned on her hand and attempted to keep her eyelids from dropping. Alas, she had slipped into a light slumber, and the next thing she knew the boats were docked and some blonde Slytherin was shaking her to wake her. Genevieve thanked the girl and stripped over her feet as she left the boats. She cussed a little, seeing that her ballet flats had gotten very dirty when she had stumbled, so the perfectionist Ravenclaw gently scraped the dirt off before following her classmates up into the castle. Another year was ahead of all of them, and she intended to make the best of it. Just last year, she'd had a rather large break up with one Patrick Murry (a Hufflepuff), and she was finally over her broken heart and ready to focus on Transfiguration. Boys could come second to her studies, just as they had before. Cecelia purred as she rubbed herself on Genie's black robes, leaving traces of fur on the freshly laundered clothes. Genie chuckled and scooped up her cat, cuddling her close, even though she knew Cecelia didn't enjoy being carried. Too bad. She thought, concealing her pet beneath her wide scarf, and letting out a small sneeze. Torches lit the meandering path up to the Hogwarts castle, the first years just boarding their boats on the other side of the lake. Fondly remembering her first year, Genie thought about how the Great Hall had already been filled as the sorting was about to begin, tables bare. Banners for the four houses dangled from the enchanted ceiling, making the animals on them dance as if they were alive and encouraging the young students. She smiled happily, and hurried up so she could get a seat next to some friends. --- Solange wondered if Veronica would be back in her chamber by the time the feast was over, but waved off the thought, the giant castle growing exponentially as the students neared. She was in a mist of some chatting Gryffindors, feeling out of place with her green colors flying loyally on her neck. In an effort to feel more at home, she sped up her pace, emerging from the crowd of crimson and gold into a small break in the cliques. Up ahead were some fellow Slytherins, she noticed, and Solange decided that if anyone, maybe she should talk with them. Her spotted vans quickened to meet their pace, and Solange realized it was Draco, one of the more popular Slytherins, that she was approaching. His status and reputation intimidated her, and she held back for a second, wondering if she should proceed. At last she figured there wasn't too much he could do to hurt her feelings and decided to speak up. "Um, hello!" She said cheerfully, if nervously.
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
10:28pm Jul 24 2011
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||Winterisis, don't the students arrive by carriages pulled by Thestrals? I thought only first years got to Hogwarts by boat (?).||
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10:47pm Jul 24 2011
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OoC; I'll post my characters. Also, does anyone care if I drop Xander and just play Neville and Hermione ? BiC; Making her way into the Great Hall for the opening feast and sorting ceremony Hermione sat down at the rather large Ravenclaw tables. She was rather upset, yet at the same timerelieved, that she had not been made a Prefect. What she had done on the train had been almost necissary, perhaps a bit over the top, but had she done that as a Prefect, well, that wouldn`t have been good. She was rather excited for the first years to be sorted, and would cheer enthusiastically for every Ravenclaw sorted. Of course, she would still clap and cheer politely for the other three houses, but Ravenclaw was her home. -- Once he was finally sat down at a Gryffindor table Neville grinned. The sorting ceremony was a ceremony loved by almost all of Hogwarts. He smiled somewhat dreamily as he thought back to his sorting, Neville waited anxiously in line, knowing his named would soon be called. `Longbottom, Neville!` he finally heard at sat down on the hard wooden stool. The hat was placed upon his head and it began `hmmm' ing and 'ha' ing. 'Well, you ceartainly are interesting aren't you?" asked the hat. "You'd be an excellent Hufflepuff." Neville cringed and mumbled, "Please no." He could almost hear the hat smirk as it yelled out, clearly, "Gryffindor!" The little girl who was sitting on the stool came running over towards the scarlet and gold tables. OoC; That'll probably be my last post today guys. I only had 3 1/2 hours of sleep D':
11:18pm Jul 24 2011
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OoC; Yummi; ahh my bad thennn...? Dx (/winterisisfail)
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
11:24pm Jul 24 2011
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||I jus'sayin'. who cares, lol x). -I shall post my intro to Hogwarts tmr, I sleepy Dx.||
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11:29pm Jul 24 2011
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OoC; Aight o3o Sorry if I get details such as that wrong haha.
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
7:47am Jul 25 2011
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[Sorry I took so long guys!]
Fred and George were still feeling a little awkward about the conforntation on the train as they made their way to the Gryffindor table. "Didn't know that Ron fancied that Granger girl." "Oh, come on Fred, you caould see it from space." George chuckled, elbowing his twin in the ribs. "S'pose you're right George. But even though you're smarter, I still reckon I'm better looking!" Fred elbowed him back, just as hard before taking a seat next to Neville.
"Hey Neville. How've you been? Haven't seen you in a while." Said George. Fred tugged on his brother's sleeve, pointing towards a new Gryffindor. "Shall we try some of these new Puking Pastels on her?" "Oh yes... Hey, new girl. Want a sweet?" George asked her, grinning innocently. The girl nodded nervously, taking the puking pastel in one hand and delicately nibbling a corner. Upon swallowing she went awfully pale and dashed from the hall at lightning speed. "Sucess!" Both twins sniggered, high-fiving again.
2:01pm Jul 25 2011
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OoC; Nomnomnom I need Draco or somthin cause that's who Solange is attempting to talk to.
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
2:05pm Jul 25 2011
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Neville chuckled at the Weasley twins, wondering what trouble would the pair get in this year. He utnred to them, "Ready for the school year? I reckon I might fail my Potions OWL." He frowned at the thought, before smiling as anothr Gryffindor joined their table.
3:25pm Jul 25 2011
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Amaryllis stared at the faint figure of a castle as the carriage moved on. Moving closer and closer, the castle obviously got bigger and more clear to look at. Amaryllis always, kind of thought each year of attending Hogwarts was just a fascinating dream. But, of course, reality always awakened her thought. Finally the castle was as crystal clear and the carriage was drawn to a halt. Amaryllis never got used to the image of the grand castle. It was already black outside when they arrived each year, and the only light there, were small fires. Orangey, Yellow, flickering blurs against the darkness. This night there were only few stars to light up the night sky. Unfortunately, no moon, not even a very thin crescent. Dark green trees outlined the path and sounds of water splashing could be heard, probably the first years coming in by boat on the great body of water near the castle. Fireflies were scattered, here and there and the sound of crickets just completed the beautiful scene. She withdrew from the carriage with luggage in both of her hands. She let out a sight of relief, Here at last... Amaryllis made her way down the grand staircase, which seemed always endless. She had already organized her luggage and what not in the Gryffindor Girls' Dormitories . She walked along the hall, waving hello's at familiar faces and hiding her face from enemies which she quietly cursed at. Sadly, she hadn't seen Ron yet. But, surely she would get to see him soon. She now, entered the Great Hall and took her seat at the Gryffindor table with grace. She waited for the Sorting Ceremony and word from Dumbledore. Amaryllis was looking forward to some lucky first years who would be sorted into Gryffindor though, she was much more excited to see that red-head's face again. ||Will edit with Eric's intro soon.||
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4:43pm Jul 25 2011
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