11:30pm Aug 9 2011
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Posts: 6,296
((Well, if you think it logically, Fred and george were the most brilliant wizards ever in their generation. XD ))
11:31pm Aug 9 2011
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Posts: 993
OoC; Ravies are the best. And dont you mean Gred and Forge?
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
11:34pm Aug 9 2011
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Posts: 741
((*Owns the names FredWeasley and GeorgeWeasley* Fred and George are two of the greatest people. Ever. xD))
11:42pm Aug 9 2011
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Posts: 6,296
((and George crushing on Hermione is going to make this insane. XD And she's the only girl who doesn't enjoy their jokes, so he's gunno be doing everything to get her attention and devotion- including actualy studying! Fred is going to be so peed off at him. XD ))
11:46pm Aug 9 2011 (last edited on 11:47pm Aug 9 2011)
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Posts: 993
OoC; Genie will pine after Fred awkwardly to make it more awkward yay <3 And maybe draco will too.... ;D jkjk he's in love with that hermiooneee granger.
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
11:56pm Aug 9 2011
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Posts: 6,296
((Ooo, and then George and Ron (if he still crushes Hermione) will have a huge bro-fight. XD))
11:57pm Aug 9 2011
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Posts: 993
OoC; And while those two are busy arguing, Draco will swoop in and make that Hermiooonee Granger his. I like this plan.
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
12:08am Aug 10 2011
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Posts: 6,296
((No. George will get her, and they'll have tons of little baby Weasleys, and they'll breed like rabbits and people all over the world will come to buy a famous WeasleyxHermione baby..... I said tooo much. D| ))
12:27am Aug 10 2011
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Posts: 993
OoC; Please. Everyone knows women are charmed by "men" from Pigfarts. Really, Draco knows rumbleroar, how does George expect to compete with THAT?
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
2:25am Aug 10 2011
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Posts: 2,184
((Edited my post on the first page with my charrie bio. :D))
2:31am Aug 10 2011
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Posts: 2,842
OoC; OMG. Gaiz I lurve you. <3 Winter go ahead for both Draco and your OC who I as.sume is Genie. LULZ. Did you know J.K. was gonna have Fred&Hermione as a couple? But then she decided Ron would be a better match, and her publisher said a Weasley should die? D| AND GAIZ, maybe she'll go out with all of them at some point ;D I'll start BiC; The second Hermione wandered on to platform 9 3/4 she looked around. There were people waving, families hugging, mothers crying, and she hung her head. That was the only thing that really bothered her about being muggle-born; her parents never getting to see anything of the magical world. Blinking away negative thoughts, she pulled her trunk behind her as Crookshanks walked alongside. Finally getting her stuff on the Hogwarts Express and boarding the train herself she glanced around in search of her friends. None of them were on board yet. Spotting an empty compartment she sat down and waited for someone to join her. ---- Wynter wandered onto the platform with her trunk trailed behind her. She looked aroung with a dreamy, faraway look on her face. It was her first year at Hogwarts and she found the train exhiliratingly beautiful. Scarlet and shiny, it gleamed and glinted in the dim lights and Wynter thought she hadn't seen anything quite like it. It was quite similar to the mode of transportation at her old school, but honestly, this train was a lot nicer. OoC; LULZ gaiz. My intro. Picture Wynter's voice kind of like Luna's, but with an Australian accent not kind of Irish.
2:45am Aug 10 2011 (last edited on 2:46am Aug 10 2011)
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Posts: 2,842
OoC; Page stuck? Nevermind xD
3:06am Aug 10 2011
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Posts: 2,184
Tom arrived on Platform 9 3/4 with a bored air. His father followed behind him, somewhat clumsily. He still wasn't used to being back in the Wizarding World, which he had returned to when his wife had left him for a younger man. "I'll be boarding the train now, Father," Tom said dully. He started walking away. "Tom, son! Wait!" Tom stopped, and then turned, indifferent. "Son, won't you say goodbye to me?" his father, a handsome man, pleaded, looking upset. Even though it had been four years ago since 'the change', he still wasn't used to his quiet, unloving and uncaring son. Tom considered it for a moment. Finally, he replied with a quiet, "No." He turned and left. He boarded the train alone. Carrying his trunk and Nyx, his owl, down a narrow corridor was hard, but he managed. Despite his weedy look, he was actually quite strong. "We'll be at Hogwarts soon, Nyx," Tom said softly. He entered an empty compartment and sat down. He didn't expect to be joined by anyone. "Another boring year, though." The owl turned big eyes on him. He sighed. "I know I'm smart. But I can't show it, can I? It could be used against me, and I'm meant to use it against others. I've explained this to you already, haven't I?" He gave her an appraising look, before realising he was talking to Nyx a lot more than the usual one liners. Shaking his head, he settled back on his seat and stared out the window. Once he left school, he'd be better than everyone. He wouldn't need to hide anything, and he'd be more popular than all the others.
3:36am Aug 10 2011 (last edited on 4:07am Aug 10 2011)
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Posts: 741
((Yay<3 I'm excited to start!)) Donovan Hayes pushed his way through the crowd on the Muggle side of Platform 9 3/4, grinning widely at a stout man who growled, "Move out of the way, boy! And put that ruddy beast in a cage!" "Well," Donovan said, turning to look at the aforementioned "beast" with and amused smirk on his face, "that was hardly a polite thing to say, eh, Griz?" Grisby, the large cat currently sprawled on his school trunk, stuck her nose up, tail twitching indignantly. Donovan laughed and, shaking his head softly, shoved his trolley up to the wall seperating two completely different worlds. "Bye, Muggles. Have a nice year," he said softly, and then he was moving forward and staring at a large, glossy train engine. A paper plane whizzed by his ear, followed shortly by a small boy --First year, Donovan thought-- and then a flustered looking woman. First year's mother, he concluded, another wide grin splitting his face. The train let out a puff of steam and a long whistle, sounding its soon-to-come departure, and Donovan hurried forward to board the train. He passed a pretty girl with long, curly white hair, staring up at the glossy engine in wonder, and he called out, "Oi! You ought to get a move on! The train's getting ready to leave, and you wouldn't want to miss it!" When the girl showed no signs of hearing him, he frowned a bit, but shrugged it off as he boarded the train. As he left his trunk in the luggage cart, Grisby leapt up to drape herself across his shoulders, and he let out an annoyed huff. "Honestly, Griz," he groaned as he made his way down the corridor to find a place to sit, "you weigh a ton! Can't you find another place to sit?" The cat made no attempt to move, and Donovan sighed as he opened the door to a compartment he'd thought was empty. "Oh, hello," he said, surprised, as his eyes fell apon a tall boy with curly brown hair. Grisby mewled her displeasure and leapt of his shoulders, curling up under the bench in a corner far away from the stranger. Donovan ignored her, shuffling into the compartment to stand infront of the boy, and stuck out his hand. "I'm Donovan. Don't think I've met you before. Are you new, or am I just an idiot?" he grinned. As he spoke, his hair shifted from its usually black color to a bright yellow, the result of Donovan's attempt at making freinds. ((Why hello there Pere. xD))
4:18am Aug 10 2011
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Posts: 2,184
"You're an idiot," Tom replied, sounding very serious. He gave the boy a glare. "Who are you?" He inspected the boy. He had short, messy, black hair, not unlike the Potter boy in his grade, and he wore a confident smile. He looked very happy and very cool. He was the type of boy who was no doubt the popular guy with the luck with the ladies. Tom didn't like him one bit. ((Me and Tommy no like you, Caneh. >) ))
4:37am Aug 10 2011
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Posts: 741
Donovan's grin faltered, and his hair faded quickly from yellow to black again. "Oh," he said dumbly, feeling hurt. His hand fell back to his side, and his shoulders slumped slightly. "Sorry," he muttered. He avoided looking at the other boy, chosing instead to let his eyes roam around the compartment. He perked up when his eyes fell on an owl by the boy. "Hey!" he said, excited. "Neat owl! Is is yours?" he asked, then mentally kicked himself. Who else would the owl belong to?
((Pere, you wound me. Too bad Donovan is persistant. =D))
4:55am Aug 10 2011
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Posts: 2,184
((Tom will make you go away. Trust me. ;D He's a loner.)) "I believe so," Tom drawled. "You have remarkable observation skills, I see." He moved closer to Nyx, feeling slightly protective with the other boy staring at her. "You also have no notable hearing skills. If you didn't hear the first time, I asked what your name was." His hand slipped into his robe pocket, and he fingered his wand, just in case the boy decided to get messy. After all, that was usually the result with one of these types of conversations.
5:19am Aug 10 2011
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Posts: 741
((No. Donovan's cheery disposition will prevail!))
"Oh, I heard you," Donovan said, grinning good naturedly. "I just didn't feel like repeating myself, given the fact that I already told you my name. Right when I came in, actually." Donovan sat down on the bench across from the other boy, settling down in the seat comfortably. "But I guess I don't blame you for ignoring me --you looked like you were in deep thought, anyway. So I'll repeat myself. I'm Donovan. Donovan Hayes. I don't suppose you'd mind telling me your name too much? Or maybe you'd like to talk about whatever it is you were thinking about before I barged in and pulled you out of your reverie? Contrary to whatever opinion my idiotic babbling is probably giving you, I'm a great listener."
8:33am Aug 10 2011 (last edited on 8:33am Aug 10 2011)
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Posts: 1,557
[[my gosh, guys xD ]] Olavi cursed to himself when he saw that the train was going to start moving. He couldn't believe he was so late... Again. It wasn't his fault that his parents started arguing at everything. The boy rolled his eyes and quickly threw his stuff in the luggage train. He wondered if he would be the last person on the train again as he paused through the sea of people. Far to his left, he could hear a fighting match in what sounded like Swedish. Olavi couldn't help but roll his eyes again. There was a reason why he never introduced his parents to anyone. He finally managed to jump on the train, and glancing back, he could see a first year fighting the crowd. Olavi felt proud that there was someone behind him, but then he shoved the feelings away. Olavi started down the hallway - or was it a trainway? - and nodded or waved at the people he recognized from the year before. He could hear two males arguing to his left, and paused to listen to what they were saying. [[Sorry it's so short]]
12:48pm Aug 10 2011
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Posts: 2,842
Seeing people scurrying towards the train Wynter pulled her cart behind her and saw two guys sitting together and arguing. She tucked her head in so she could understand what they were saying and asked, "Mind if I sit here? I'm new." OoC; Short failpost gaiz. Sorry