1:18pm Aug 10 2011
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{{{Can I join?}}} {{{I did see the last movie. It was amazing, but the book is way better!}}}
1:38pm Aug 10 2011
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Before the other boy had a chance to answer, the compartment door opened, and Donovan felt a moment of dissatisfaction as he realised there was no way the boy would want to talk, now. The moment passed when the girl he'd seen staring at the train earlier popped her head inside. He grinned warmly at her, and then shifted his grin to the boy he could see standing a little ways behind her, who was obviously trying to listen in on the conversation. He was about to invite them both in, but stopped himself as he cast a sideways glance at his current companion. The curly haired boy was obviously not a people person, and Donovan didn't want to upset him. Or have him end up upsetting anyone, really --the boy seemed to like insulting people. So instead, Donovan stood up, and, stretching slightly, said, "Actually, I was just leaving." He took a few steps toward the door, closing the distance slightly between himself and the girl, and continued, "But I'd love to sit with you, if you wouldn't mind helping me find an open compartment. You're welcome to come, too," he added to the white haired boy behind her. "That is, if you'd both like to join me." He flashed them both a wide, crooked grin, and his hair brightened to a warm orange color.
5:37pm Aug 10 2011
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OoC; Alice, sure :D BiC; "Okay" Wynter nodded. Noticing his hair change colour, she looked quite excited, "You're a metamorphagus?" She smiled at him, "That's really cool!" She walked backwards while they searched for a compartment, not taking her eyes off him. In her dreamy, faraway look on her face she watched his mouth intently.
6:54pm Aug 10 2011
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OoC; >.> you sneaky snake it is Genie. <3 Name: Draco Lucius Malfoy
Age: Fifteen years old
Gender: What do you think? Personality: Please. As if I need to tell someone like... you. House: Slytherin Quidditch position: Seeker, of couse. Wand: Hawthorn 10", Unicorn hair, reasonably springy. Pet: No thanks. I have allergies. Other: Mudbloods are awful. Even... Even that Hermiiione Granger... Looks/Deion: I was very tempted to put Lauren Lopez...  Anything I forgot and you would like to add: Did someone say DRACO MALFOY? -- Name: Genevieve Corrine Hewitt Age: Fifteen years old
Gender: Guess.
Personality: Though not always perfectly witty, Genie has an above average sense of sarcasm and an above Ravenclaw average intelligence, attending private school before Hogwarts. She has an intense passion for books, but Genevieve can’t draw. Genevieve CAN’T draw. Genevieve can-not draw. All she does is read books, she can’t draw. Even if she’s reading a how-to-draw book. (If you caught my reference, A+) I was lying, her artistic ability is normal, not anything particularly special though. She becomes infatuated easily, though never stays long after the chase, a fact that she hopes to change.
House: Ravenclaw
Quidditch position: Chaser
Wand: 10 ¾ inches, dogwood, feylin whisker core, pliable.
Pet: Cecelia, her brown tabby cat with green eyes. Owns two large dogs at home that often are the cause of her sneezing
(http://pandorascube.deviantart.com/#/d41ghlz) Other: Goes by her full first name, V, or Genie, with no preference to what others call her. She loves Cecelia, but not her dogs, and she will talk about it if the subject rises. Genie is very adept in her classes and is most excellent at transfiguration. Hopes to one day become a feline animangus so she can chat with Cecelia. Half-blood. (Muggle father, witch mother)
Looks/Deion: Genevieve has long hair, just past her bust, in a deep purple-y auburn color. Her bright green eyes are offset by the contrasting colors, and she often wears black liquid eyeliner, though prefers not to use it on her lower lashes. With naturally long eyelashes, she doesn’t need to wear too much mascara, but likes the way it feels, and can be seen experimenting with false eyelashes. Full lips complete her oval face shape, and her brows are near perfect, but slightly lighter than her hair color, so Genie colors them in. For her athletic build, Genie’s bust is a bit larger in proportion, a genetic trait from her mother’s side- her little sister (Evangeline) is the same way. She stands at 5’7” and 126 lbs, mostly muscle from playing beach volleyball when she stays the summer at her mother’s apartment in San Francisco. Her shoe size is 10, rather large, giving her hope that she might grow a little more to match her feet. Her attire varies day to day, but her favorite clothing color is teal or grey, absentmindedly choosing things in those categories. She loves jeans and yoga pants, finding comfort in the way they always feel the same. On girlier feeling days, she wears skirts that are usually accompanied by white v-necks and a waist-accentuating belt, if the skirt is a-line instead of the pencil style. While her hair doesn’t like to commit itself to one particular texture, for the most part Genevieve straightens it, though most of it just needs smoothing down. She’s tan relative to a vampire and pale relative to the year-round California girls, but has more of a medium skin tone. Has a double piercing and a small nose stud (right side), and plans on piercing her cartilage and belly button sometime in the next year or so.
(A good-ish representation of Genie: http://pandorascube.deviantart.com/#/d3d98lz) Anything I forgot and you would like to add: http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lmek8zDF001qjfwcso1_500.jpg
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
7:11pm Aug 10 2011
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OoC; Accepted. I definitely caught the referance. xD (A+) Perhaps we should bring Lupin back as DADA teacher so he can sing? BAHAHAHAAHA. That's foolish, Lupin can't sing. LULZ. I picture much drama between Malfoy and Wynter. After all you can't spell, "DRACO MALFOY!" without "DRAMA!"
7:28pm Aug 10 2011
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Posts: 993
OoC; God I love that musical. And it may be true that Lupin can't sing, but HERMIONE CAN'T DRAW AHAHAHAHA. I'm very good ad cross-hatch shading, though. And cool. o3o Where are we so my boss characters can join in? P.S Genie and Draco are going to be friends [without benefits aww] so yeah.
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
7:54pm Aug 10 2011 (last edited on 7:59pm Aug 10 2011)
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Name: Rheia Madylyn Warchol
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Personality: Rheia is caring and considerate. She is always friendly to others. She can even be nice to her enemies. She is a very happy young girl. She is smart, but not too smart. She is not easily angered.
House: Hufflepuff Quidditch position: She is happier cheering on the team rather than playing. Wand: 11.5" Yew, Unicorn Hair, flexible Pet: A Saw Whet Owl name Tylia Other: She is muggle born Looks/Deion:  Anything I forgot and you would like to add: She is Ashton's twin sister. Name: Ashton Blane Warchol
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Personality: Ashton is haughty. He is good looking, but thinks he is better than he is. He is a ladies man. He is a tootal cool boy. He picks on first years. He is really full of himself, but for some reason, the girls love him.
House: Gryffindor Quidditch position: Keeper Wand: 9" Willow, Phoenix Feather, sturdy Pet:Horned Owl named Tytius Other: Muggle born Looks/Deion:
Anything I forgot and you would like to add: He is Rheia's twin brother.

7:57pm Aug 10 2011
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OoC; Genie can come sit with Hermione :D
8:19pm Aug 10 2011
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((Lol, you know, I have the distinct feeling that Donovan will not like Ashton very much. xD)) Donovan grinned again, and stepped out of the compartment to join the two people in the corridor as the girl said okay. "Yeah, I am," he said in response to her question. Just to show off a bit, he concentrated and made his hair flash several different colors in quick succession before it settled on its normal color, black. Grisby's tail twitched and she slinked out from under the bench, hissing slightly at the people around her, and Donovan picked her up. She climbed out of his arms to her customary perch on his shoulders, and Donovan sighed before turning to the brown haired boy still in the compartment. "See you later, mate!" he said with a crooked grin. Then he followed the girl down the hall, assuming that the white haired boy would follow if he wanted to. He smiled at the girl next to him, just about half an inch shorter than himself. "So," he started, pausing to grimace slightly as Grisby's tail flicked across his open mouth. "You said you're new here? D'you know what House you're in, yet? Or do you have to go through the Sorting Ceremony with the first years?"
8:28pm Aug 10 2011
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{{{He's not as easy to get along with as his sister. It's a shame because the boy is cute. hahahahaha}}}
9:35pm Aug 10 2011
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"I'm really not quite sure. What house are you in?" Wynter smiled, "Perhaps I should speak to Professor Dumbledore, oh and before I forget, what did you say to the boy sitting in the compartment?" She flashed him a smile before adding, "My name's Wynter, Wynter Calloway." Looking to her left quickly she saw an empty compartment, "Let's sit." She motioned for him to sat down as she did so herself. Sitting down, she pulled an albino rat from the pocket of her robes. She set it on teh seat beside her and proceeded to run her fingers through her long, pale, wavy hair, brushing through small knots no the way.
9:42pm Aug 10 2011
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Posts: 993
hasing through the wall to get to Platform 9 3/4 was still something odd to Genie, and she had a feeling she'd never quite get over the unnatural-ness that it provoked in her. She wore her hair in a tight faux-knot, her locks not long enough to actually tie, but the headache that running through a wall created proved too much and she shook her hair out nervously. Whenever her hair was up for a long time, and she took it down, it either looked really amazing, or completely awful. Glancing in one of the reflective windows, she shook her mop a couple of times, finally getting it to fall in a somewhat cute pattern, sighing as the car filled up and she knew she could no longer use it as a mirror. "You look finnnne Genie just let mee use it now. I have to be the prettiest. Oh wait, I am!" Genie spun around, seeing the smug face of her only friend from Slytherin (at least, so far), one Draco Malfoy. She laughed and pushed her hair behind her ear, casually shoving the blonde boy. "Malfoy you little brat, where have you been?" They chuckled and shared stories of their summer as they boarded the train. Genie itched her arm through the grey v-neck cashmere sweater she wore, something that belonged to her deceased grandfather. She had paired that with skinny jeans and her favorite heels, cage heels, in fact, and felt a little tall next to all the first years. At least she looked fashionable too. The two boarded the train, giggling and chatting as they always had. As they passed through, looking for either an empty car or a friend, Draco nervously fiddled with his blue plaid shirt. Genie couldn't quite figure out why, but ignored it. Draco scanned every car, looking for someone with wild(ly beautiful) light brown hair, but Genie spotted her first. "Hermione!" Genie raced towards her fellow Ravenclaw, holding her in an embrace, even if the girl hadn't quite realized who it was yet. "How was your summer? Wait, don't answer. Can we sit here? We being Draco and I. You know him, right?" Puppies dying couldn't stop Genie from smiling right now. Her two best friends were finally going to meet. Draco tried to control the blood rushing to his face, managing a slight smile to the (stunning) girl that was seated before them. "Oh, uh, hi." Smooth Draco, Smooth. OoC; yay o3o
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
9:52pm Aug 10 2011
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OoC; Nice post :D AND LULZ-ing at Malfoy and Hermione meeting for the first time. BiC; "Hey Genie." Hermione mumbled, after overcoming the shock of her friends arrival. "I've been fine, and yeah, whatever sit." She said that before she saw that it was Malfoy. She frowned internally, 'Isn't her the Slytherin who hates muggleborns?' She shrugged in her mind and smirked at his blush. Genie's got good enough judgement I guess... She smiled and held out her hand, "Hermione Granger, Ravenclaw prefect. Who're you?"
10:43pm Aug 10 2011
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Posts: 741
Donovan sat down, and Grisby slipped off of his shoulders to curl up tightly on the seat in the corner next to him, making an unpleased noise. Donovan rolled his eyes at the large cat, muttering, "Cowardly little kitten," before focusing his gaze on the girl sitting across from him. "Wynter? That's an awfully pretty name. It suits you." He grinned widely at her, before continuing, "I'm Donovan Hayes. And I'm in Gryffindor --that's one of the four houses at Hogwarts. Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff." He ticked each house off on his fingers, his nails turning red, green, blue, and yellow in turn. "And I just said goodbye to the boy in the compartment, is all. Didn't you hear me?"
10:43pm Aug 10 2011 (last edited on 10:45pm Aug 10 2011)
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Posts: 741
((FFFFT. Double post. Ignore this one))
11:02pm Aug 10 2011
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"I'm Uh, Draco Malfoy, Slytherin. Nice to meet you." He took her hand, trying to persuade himself it was only friendly, and not to over think it. Of course, this wasn't his original introduction to her, as some time in the first year, he became acquainted with her fair face. It was still fresh in his memory, watching the extremely intelligent witch correct Professor McGonagall about the history of transfiguring mice into goblets. After that, he had been unable to sleep, remembering her shining chocolate eyes light up when the teacher added points to Ravenclaw, and just wishing he could have been next to her, to congratulate her, and hold her in his arms. He had demanded that Crab and Goyle find out who she was and tell him, and often drew her name, or small sketches of the two of them, charming them so that they could dance and laugh and romance each other. "So um, prefect, that's pretty cool." He had considered becoming a prefect himself, and thought that perhaps he should next year, if it meant spending more time with this incredible girl. Genie, oblivious to his friend feeling for once, quite timid and shy, lit up at the talk of Hermione's new status. "Right? It's so amazing! Now I can know the new passwords in advance!" She flashed Hermione a smile, indicating that she was only joking, per her usual, and looked up as the Trolley woman could be heard entering the train car. "Oh! I'm gonna go get some pasties and stuff, you two keep talking, I'll share." And with that, she was gone. Draco's thoughts started racing, nervous as to what to say now that his saftey net had left to retrieve treats. He hoped the subject of Hermione being a prefect would carry them through a bit. Wiat- Why did he need to think this? After all, he was Draco Malfoy, most powerful young wizard ever. He would think of something or other. This new thought calmed him a little, and he relaxed his muscles, trying to appear as casual as possible while waiting for her response.
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
11:07pm Aug 10 2011 (last edited on 11:13pm Aug 10 2011)
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"Nice to meet you Donovan. I as.sume the colours of your nails are the house colours?" Wynter chuckled, "And no, I didn't hear you." She turned a little bit awkward, "I haven't heard anything in over 5 years actually." She picked up Totem and placed him on her lap, petting him awkwardly, "I'm deaf." She smiled lightly at him, her dark eyes flickering wth sadness, "People don't usually like me because of it, well, at my old school I was teased a lot. i didn't hear them though." She chuckled again, more real and loudly this time. -- Hermione smiled at the two of them, "Yeah, I'm pretty excited about this year actually. I've actually been chosen as a Prefect! I mean,' she paused trying to think for the words, "my first year I met Gryffindor prefect, his name was Percy, umm, Weasley I think? And he explained it to me, it was quite intriguing(I fail at that woord sorry). " She smiled at Genie's antics and said to Draco, "And like Genie said, password in advance will be nice."
11:23pm Aug 10 2011
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Posts: 993
Draco gave a fairly confident smile, taking out a packet of gum he'd found in some muggle shop on the way there. He didn't think it would compare to Drooble's best, but it was worth a try, he though, removing two individually wrapped pieces and popping them in his mouth. A sweet minty flavor washed into his mouth and he smiled a little, holding the pack out to Hermione. "Want some? It's kind of good." He smiled, hoping she'd take a piece, and enjoyed the odd flavor himself. It wasn't every day that Draco would try something that muggles made, but especially since Hermione was a mudblood (the grossest thing about her), he was willing to look like he didn't care. OoC; P.S. someone should talk to Genie at the cart o3o
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
11:30pm Aug 10 2011
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Donovan's grin fell at her words, and he said the first thing that came into his head. "I thought deaf people couldn't talk." He immediately flushed, embarrassed, his face --and hair-- turning a bright shade of pink. "Oh!" he exclaimed. "Crap! I'm so sorry --I didn't mean to --to insult you like that! I wouldn't have said anything if I --God, I'm such an idiot! I just...I'm so sorry!"
11:43pm Aug 10 2011
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OoC; I'll add my male character xD BiC; Hermione shrugged and took a piece of the gum, recognizing the brand from home. She unwrapped the green gum from it's identically coloured wrapper and placed it in her mouth. Chewing silently for a few seconds bored her, so she asked him, "What brand is this?' OoC; LOLFAILPOST Name: Blaine Fursy
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Personality: He is a sweet, caring, hopeless romantic. He believes in love at first sight and enjoys a good book. He is just and loyal and believes in family and friends above everything. He isn't the most outgoing and is actually quite shy, but once you know him he is very open and a good and loud friend.
House: Hufflepuff Quidditch position:Chaser ;D
Wand: 13" Yew, gryffin claw, reasonably plient
Pet:white great horned owl named Thor Other:Bisexual
Anything I forgot and you would like to add: Not my art guys </3 belongs o yu-oka on deviantArt