11:54pm Aug 10 2011 (last edited on 11:59pm Aug 10 2011)
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OoC; He reminds me 110% of Darren Chrissssss. "Orbit, I think." The conversation had reached an awkward standstill, and Draco shifted his weight, unbuttoning the top clasp of his shirt. Trying to think of a topic was harder than he had initially assumed, looking at his nails, then back up at Hermione. "So. Don't you have a cat or something? The great big orange fluffball?" He noticed some ginger fur on her sweater, reminding him of her pet, and hoping that he wouldn't sneeze. You see, Draco had an awful allergy to cats, constantly having a runny nose or itchy eyes when he came in contact with them. He sniffed nervously out of habbit, itching the side of his nose while he glanced out the door, hoping that Genie would come back soon. At the cart, Genie looked at the pasties, eyes wide as their spice-filled smells wafted towards her. The cart was littered with licorice wands, treacle tarts, chocolate frogs, and a few self-sized flasks of butterbeers. She picked a couple of each of the things mentioned, also two packages of Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans, hoping to make a game of eating the candy.
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
11:56pm Aug 10 2011 (last edited on 12:02am Aug 11 2011)
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Wynter smiled knowingly at him, "It's fine Donovan, really." She almost laughed, "I forgive you." She made a fist and lifted her pinky, brushed her right-handed fingertips along the length of her left-palm twice and pointed at him. "I." She repeated the first action, "Forgive." the second action, "You." She smiled again, "And know, people always think that, but I could hear, and participate in conversations until I was 10, my hearing wasn't the best then, but I could hear." she shrugged, "I've adjusted." She looked around and saw the Trolley not too far out, "Oh! Is that the candy trolley? We had one on the train to my old school they did. Do they have Fizzing Whizbees?" OoC; LOL. Writing out actions in ASL is a lot harder than showing people them. I'm trying to learn it IRL so playing Wynter should help me xD And yus. The appearance is based off him xD BiC; Hermione nodded,"Crookshanks. He's half Kneazle, and i don't honestly know where he's run off to." She shrugged. -- Blaine walked to the Trolley and saw a girl standing there. He was about to say hi when his shyness overtook him. He just looked at the plump witch pushing the trolley and asked, "Ummm. Can I have 3 Fizzing Whizbees, 5 chocolate frogs and a pack of bertie Botts please?" The witch gave him what he ordered and asked him for a few Knuts and Sickles. Fishing through the deep pockets of his robes, he searched for the correct change.
12:24am Aug 11 2011
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Attempting to organize what she'd just purchased, Genie was slightly off balance, and was leaning on the side of the corridor for support. Carefully she layered the treats in rows, using her sweater as a sort of basket while she lay her other items on her arms. A boy approached, looking at her for a moment, then immediately looking to the Trolley woman, ordering something and fishing for change. "Hello!" She said warmly, wishing she could hold out a hand to him while she introduced herself. "I'm Genie Hewitt, Ravie extraordinaire." Her lack of limb was proving to be quite annoying, finding that she had to lean in different directions as the train shifted and bumped down the tracks. "Yeah." Silence dappled the small room, and Draco stood, looking down the hall to Genie, wishing she would hurry back, but she seemed to be talking to a boy down at the cart. He reached for his bag, pulling out a raisin cinnamon bagel, nibbling at the food. After all, travelling always wore him out. He wondered if his daddy would write him this year at Hogwarts, since he usually didn't. Even if Draco was a wonderful artist. "Are you good at drawing?"
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
1:11am Aug 11 2011 (last edited on 7:21pm Aug 11 2011)
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Donovan relaxed slightly, laughing as Wynter signed at him, his face and hair fading back to their regular colors. His stomach growled loudly at the mention of the trolley, and he stood up, stretching. Grisby's head raised to watch him, her ears perked towards him. He shook his head at the large cat and she put her head back down, making him smile softly. His stomach rumbled again and he said, "I dunno. Probably. The trolley's stock changes from year to year, and it depends on how many kids have bought what."
As he spoke, he rumaged through his robe pocket, grinning as he heard little metalic clinks. He pulled out the change and counted it, then nodded in satisfaction. 2 galleons, 7 sickles, and 14 knuts. "Would you like to come with me? I've got more than enough here to buy you something, if you'd like," he offered, sticking out his hand to help her up. "So long as you don't go buying the whole cart," he added with a wide grin.
2:15am Aug 11 2011
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((Lol, you guys went far while I was gone. xD)) Tom watched as Donovan suddenly started talking to the boy and girl who had rudely barged into his compartment. They exchanged words, and then they had left. Well, he should have expected it, really. He was used to being ignored. He hadn't shown anyone the extraordinary talents that would make them all clamour to be his friend, so he said nothing. Still, he felt slightly...disappointed. Sighing when they were all gone, he turned to Nyx. "Just you and me again, girl," he said softly, poking his finger into her cage to let her nip it gently. He relaxed back on the seat and closed his eyes. He imagined what it would be like when he left school...maybe when he was Minister of Magic, or the most famous wizard in the world. He hoped he wouldn't be interrupted again. It would be better once he was at Hogwarts, and he could just hole up in his dorm and ignore everyone. He let his thoughths overtake him, and soon he was asleep.
1:29pm Aug 11 2011
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2:29pm Aug 11 2011 (last edited on 4:20pm Aug 11 2011)
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"Are you sure?" Wynter asked, "I mean, I have my own money." Seeing the wide grin on his face she shrugged, "If you insist." She pulled Totem off her lap and shoved him back into her robe pocket, and grabbed Donovan’s hand pulling herself up. She let go of his hand and grabbed and elastic from the pocket of her robes and used it to pull her hair away from her face. As they walked she felt an uncomfortable feeling against her leg, she soon realized it was her wand in the pockets of her jeans. Pulling it out of those pockets and storing it in her robes she asked him, “I’ve heard, well, read, that there’s an almost legendary wand shop in London. Is this true?” She smiled, “One where most Hogwarts students get theirs?” She scratched her forehead, “There’s one in Canberra that everyone goes to, it’s called insert-awesome-wand-shop-name-here” OoC; WINTER. Guess what awesome shirt I just bought? :D BiC; "Me? Drawing?" Hermione asked, humour shining in her eyes, "No way. Not at all. I cannot draw. I read too much." She msmiled at him, her eyes were warm, "How about you? Are you any good?" -- Smiling Blaine spoke, "Blaine Fursy, Hufflepuff Chaser." He gave the Trolley witch the correct change and shoved some of his things into his robe pockets, "I'd shake your hand, but they both appear full." e waved, "Maybe I'll see you around this year, maybe not. Bye!" And withtha, her turned and left.
2:33pm Aug 11 2011 (last edited on 10:46am Aug 12 2011)
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Rheia sat down in an empty seat. She pulled out a book she had brought from home. Quickly, she became enraptured by the novel. She was so into the book that she didn't hear her twin walking up beside her. He grabbed the book from her hand and began reading some of the page outloud. " 'I finally understood what true love meant...love meant that you care for another person's happiness more than your own, no matter how painful the choices you face might be.' What is this trash, Rheia? And why are you reading it here? It is a muggle book. That's so embarrassing. I can't believe you are my sister!" Rheia gasped as the book was torn from her hands. She glared at Ashton as he read it outloud. "It isn't trash! It is Dear John by Nicholas Sparks. It's romantic and beautiful. And in case you haven't noticed Ashton, we are muggle born. Mom gave me that book. Now can I have it back?" Rheia couldn't stand Ashton. She was glad they didn't share a birthday. She was born just before midnight and he was born just after midnight. It made it easy to have separate parties and separate lives. Rheia tried to grab the book from Ashton, but he waved it in the air above her. He was 4 inches taller than her, and he never let her forget it. "Just give it to me!" Ashton laughed. "Okay, Sis." Then, he tossed the book through the air and it landed in a bit of water on the floor of the train. Rheia scrambled after it angrily. "oops." Ashton laughed again as he walked away from Rheia. Rheia grabbed the book and looked at it. It was soaked with water. "What a mess," she groaned. She grabbed her bag and started to head down to a new compartment. She didn't want to be near Ashton.

4:06pm Aug 11 2011
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OoC; Alice, we are currently on the train, not at Hogwarts :P
7:38pm Aug 11 2011
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OoC; Whattt which one? o3o "I'm uh, pretty good." Draco didn't want to seem boastful in front of Hermione, but the fact was that he was quite the artist. "I'm rather good at shading, especially on everything. Cross-hatching is my favorite." He smiled a little, always proud when he talked about his drawings. They were really fabulous, or so he'd been told. "It's too bad you can't, I'd have loved to do a collaboration some time. Want to see some of my work?" Voice brimming with hope, Malfoy placed a hand on the seat, an aid to help him up if she did want to view some of the art he carried with him. At all times. The boy, Blaine, left before Genie could spark a conversation where she could mention that she too was a Chaser, and could totally kick his bum. "Bye then!" She said instead, not wanting to make him feel uncomfortable, and also needing to get her treats back to her room. Carefully, she danced her way back, tripping no less than two times, but surprisingly, only dropping things once. As she approached, she heard Draco chatting with Hermione, only catching, "... my work?" Assuming he meant his art, Genie butted in, smiling from ear to ear. "He's really good at cross-hatching."
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
7:52pm Aug 11 2011 (last edited on 11:48am Aug 12 2011)
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Donovan thought for a breif moment, before nodding quickly. "Ollivanders', you must mean. Great wands, there. That's where I got mine!" he said, grinning as he pulled his wand from the pocket of his robes. "Mr. Ollivander is a bit of an odd knut, but when it comes to wand making --and finding the perfect wand for each individual person-- there's really no one better. Honestly, if I didn't know better, I'd think his wands were custom made." He stopped chattering as they reached the trolley, and greeted the Trolley Lady warmly. "I'd like two cauldron cakes and a licorice wand. And--" he turned towards Wynter, "--you said you wanted Fizzing Whizbees, right?"
10:47pm Aug 11 2011
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OoC; It's greeeeen. Aaaand. It has Sorty on it. It says, 'Keep calm Its Gonna Be Totally Awesome." its all capitalized though xD I LUB IT. AVPS FTQ! BiC; Wynter smiled, "Of course, Ollivanders, that's it. They are custom made in a sense aren't they though? The wand chooses the wizard you know." Smirking she added, "Yeah, Fizzing Whizbees. My favourite." She could hardly wait, sweets were a bad habit of hers, it was almost surprising her teeth weren't horrible, or that she didn't weigh 300lbs."I had to buy a second wand after my third year, y'know. Mine broke whe, uh, my friend," she started giggling, "well she borrowed it and well, I don't exactly know how, persay, but she ran into a wall of some sorts and it snapped. I honestly can't remember why she even needed my wand" -- Hermione laughed at Genie, "So I've heard." Turning to Draco she added, "And yeah, suer. I do love art, I just don't have the knack. I mean, I've read enough How To Draw book, but they don't seem to help." She shrugged and grinned again, "Whatever. So, you going to show me your art or not, hmm?" She asked raising an eyebrow at him.
10:05am Aug 12 2011
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OoC; Bump! :O
10:47am Aug 12 2011
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{{{I fixed my post.}}}
8:11pm Aug 12 2011
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OoC; Alright. Bump!
8:54pm Aug 12 2011
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Donovan took the snacks as the trolley lady handed them to him, leaving 2 sickles and 4 knuts in her hand. He handed the Fizzing Whizbees to Wynter, listening to her talk as the went back toward their compartment. "Really?" he asked between laughing. "How on Earth did she break the wand walking into a wall? Even I'm not that uncoordinated." He opened the door to the compartment, sweeping his arm out and saying, "Ladies first," with a wide grin.
12:43am Aug 13 2011
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Grabbing her sweets Wynter nodded, “Yup. A wall. I have no idea how either, honestly. I mean, I am extremely clumsy. I always have been and I have run into numerous walls, but never have I broken a wand doing so.” She smiled spoke softly entering the compartment. “So, could you tell me a bit more about the houses? I read that the brave go to Gryffindor,” she smiled at him, “the smartest go to Ravenclaw, the ambitious to Slytherin, though I read they only accept Purebloods. Is that true? If so I won’t be there. And what are Hufflepuff’s like?” Putting a Fizzing Whizbee in her mouth, she studied herhands, “Are ther any feuds between houses? I mean, like, at my old school there were two of the groups that fought. We didn’t have houses, but there were groups that just didn’t get along, like it was the rules or something to fight.”
1:49pm Aug 13 2011 (last edited on 1:51pm Aug 13 2011)
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"Well," Donovan said as he sat down, "let's see. You'll find out more from the Sorting Hat than you will from me, really; it sings a song about the history of the houses each year. The four founders of Hogwarts --Godric Gryffindor, Rowena Ravenclaw, Helga Hufflepuff, and Salazar Slytherin-- each created a House, based on what virtues they value most. Gryffindor wanted brave, chivalrous students, while Ravenclaw wanted only the smartest ones. Slytherin wanted the ones who were Pureblooded, and who'd do whatever they needed to get what they want. As for Hufflepuff....Well, I'm honestly not sure how to explain Hufflepuff. She didn't have any particular trait she wanted, really. The Sorting Hat said once --I think it was something like, 'Hufflepuff took the rest and treated them all the same?'" He shook his head, and continued, "But honestly, I don't think its like that anymore. I can think of quite a few Slytherins who aren't Pureblooded, and I'm in Gryffindor but I'm certainly not extrodinarily brave. I don't particularly like sorting, really, because it divides us; there are definitely fueds among the Houses. Between Slytherin and Gryffindor, especially, but a lot of people pick on the Hufflepuffs. Gryffindors are 'too self-righteous,' Slytherins are 'evil,' Ravenclaws are 'lousy bookworms,' and Hufflepuffs are 'bumbling idiots.' But really, there are good and bad people in all of the Houses. There's this guy in Gryffindor, for example, Ashton Warchol? Total jerk. Thinks he's better than everyone. But his sister's really sweet; I've had classes with her before."
7:16pm Aug 13 2011
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"You have a hat that sings a song?" Wynter asked incredulously, "That's... interesting even for the magical world." She chuckled and listened intently to the rest of his explaination. "So basically, despite the originals wishes, the 'lines'," she made air quotes, "so to speak, are being muddled?" She shrugged, getting a serious look on her face, "Just for the record," she blushed, "I hope that if I am put in Slytherin that we'll still be friends." Wishing the colour to leave her fac she put her head down and groaned internally. 'Well, your not shy that's for sure', she thought to herself and grinned. Lifting her head up, her cheeks not so red, but pink she smiled hopefully at him.
10:03pm Aug 13 2011
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OoC; Bump?