9:18pm Aug 22 2011
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Posts: 2,842
Ooc; Bump >:c
8:59pm Aug 23 2011
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Posts: 741
Donovan was extremely relieved at the change of subject. "Yeah, the Sorting Hat, as odd as it may be to actually talk to a hat --you'll think you're insane at first, I promise you-- is really very smart. And though he's a bit cryptic, he's definetly and interesting...well, person, I suppose, to have a conversation with. Not that he really converses with you during the ceremony. He wants to get through that as quickly as possible. But if you ever get the chance to go into the Headmaster's office and he isn't there, you ought to talk to the Hat. Its quite the experience." He paused, considering the implications of his words, then blushed a bit again. "Err --that is, not that I've gotten in trouble enough to actually be sent to the Headmaster's office often enough to have conversations with the hat. Well, maybe I have, but it isn't my fault. I--" Donovan was cut off as the train lurched to a stop, sending him forward. He bearly tumbled off of the bench and to the floor, but caught himself. He grinned sheepishly at Wynter, then cleared his throat. "I gueess we're in Hogsmeade, then."
5:47pm Aug 24 2011
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Posts: 2,842
"Huh." Mumbled Wynter as she listened to Donovan explain what the Sorting Ceremony was actually like. When the train stopped she looked quizically at him, "You said Hogsmeade right? The little village that we'll be visiting as a school right?" Without waiting for a response she glanced out the window. What she saw was amazing to her: the cobblestone streets, leaves turning all shades of red and gold as they fell off the trees, and the brightly coloured panes of the shops. She smiled widely as she saw the joke shop, "Zonko's!" She cheered out, turning to Donovan quickly, "I haven't been to a Zonko's shop in ages! Ooooh! And there's a Honeydukes." She smiled widely at him, "I'm glad my mum signed my Hogsmeade slip."
7:36pm Aug 24 2011
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Posts: 5,512
((*prods* East...you never posted again on my warriors RP....))
12:41pm Aug 25 2011
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Posts: 1,148
Rheia smiled. "Yeah, sure. Anytime." She was a little nervous around Blaine. Her cheeks began to flush with a light touich of pink. "I'm Rheia. Rheia Warchol. Yes, I am in Hufflepuff." Rheia looked down at the Saw-whet owl sitting beside the book on her lap. Tylia looked back up at her. Rheia then looked back at Blaine.
5:34pm Aug 29 2011
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Posts: 2,842
OoC; bumping this for now. Gotta get to work. Sboweh; I'll post soon I've been super busy :)
9:49pm Aug 29 2011
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Posts: 1,148
11:08pm Aug 30 2011
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Posts: 2,842
l"What's your owls name Rheia?" Blaine asked, "I have a white great horned owl named Thor, but I left him in the compartment I was in before." He chuckled, "He's probably not too impressed with me. He tends to get quite... owly I guess you could say."
9:24am Aug 31 2011
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Posts: 1,148
"This is Tylia." Rheia pet the saw-whet owl. "She is a saw-whet owl." Rheia giggled as Blaine told her about the horned owl waiting for him in another compartment. "Tylia hates when I leave her places."
9:41pm Aug 31 2011
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Posts: 2,842
"So does Thor, he gets grouchy with me, and he'll bite." Blaine sighed, "Perhaps I should go get him? Theb maybe he won't be so angry." He stood, getting ready to leave, "I'll be back"