7:42pm Aug 9 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Looks: Niamh has a tall yet slight build, standing at about 5.9" tall. She has a thin-boned figure with wiry muscles, and she carries herself with a sort of pride. Her skin is pale ivory and she has no immediately visible scars on her skin. Her hair is pure black and is slightly curly, reaching down to her lower back when loose. Her face is narrow with high cheekbones, plump red lips and large bright blue eyes, which are flecked with black and silver. She tends to wear black skinny jeans and a simple light cotton short-sleeved blouse with a light green woolen pullover on top. On her back, which is not visible when she wears anything but a tank-top, are long pale scars that run horizantal, some older and some quite recent. There are about 20 or so of these scars, made from a rawhide whip. Name: Niamh [Nee-v] Ó Dálaigh [Daly] Age: 17
Gender: School Rank: Senior Group: Emo Personality: Niamh is a quiet and studious girl who carries the air that she dislikes being bothered. She enjoys her solitude and spends most of her time reading, drawing or in the wild. But despite that, Niamh absolutely hates herself, others and just about everything, cutting her wrists to let out the pain and anger she feels. History: No
Crush/GF/BF: Open
SO: Straight
Other: No

7:55pm Aug 9 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((I never claim art unless it is my own. P: Though I rarely use my own art unless it's an edit. :I I'm just not comfortable with it yet. ^^;;;))
8:13pm Aug 9 2010
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Posts: 1,361
9:34pm Aug 9 2010 (last edited on 9:37pm Aug 9 2010)
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Posts: 3,002
((You may join. Accepted. 'Kay Rika, and we can start as soon as everyone posts there bios.))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
9:58pm Aug 9 2010
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Posts: 853
[[I know, I'm not accusing you guys of stealing~ It is just a pet peeve of mine. And besides, where would I find a fancy drawing of someone like Raiah? xD]]
10:02pm Aug 9 2010
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Posts: 5,998
[[Yey, Det joined! : D]]
10:08pm Aug 9 2010 (last edited on 3:19am Aug 11 2010)
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Posts: 911
Looks: Standing at a towering 5'10'', Alexa has always been tall for her age. She has a petite build, weighing in at about 120 pounds. Her skin is lightly tanned, she tends to spend a lot of time at the beach, with friends. She has a small face with large, blue eyes. Her hair is bleach blonde, from spending time in the sun. It is wavy and goes down just a little below her shoulders. She dresses fashionably, and always in the most expensive of clothing. She also wears a silver Tiffany & Co. heart chain choker and matching earrings.Picture! Name: Alexa Strongheart Age: Eighteen-years-old. Gender: Female School Rank: Senior Group: Popular. (: Personality: Her friends refer to her as the 'Wild Child'. She will do anything to impress someone else. Alexa is not afraid of what other people think of her and never thinks before she talks. She doesn't always pay attention to other people's feelings and will insult them if she feels it is necessary. She is a highly outgoing person, always disobeying the saying "Don't talk to strangers.", she talks to whomever she can find. She has the reputation of a person everyone wants to be friends with, she's just too loud and pretty to ignore. History: Before her father started gambling, her family was a close-knit, wealthy family. She steals money from him without him knowing. She uses that money to buy necessities- nice clothes, food, and whatever else she wants. Her father tends to win more then he loses, so her family is still wealthy, but the family runs on lies. Crush/GF/BF: None, yet. SO: Straight Other: She occasionally models for different clothing brands.
10:09pm Aug 9 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Haha. XD I save the cool names I have for character deions. Like my mysterious masked trainer who calls himself Sinji...which means Mystery in Korean. XD I highly doubt I could draw him, what with the Rayquaza markings mask, the trench coat... Hahaha. P: I tend to use regular names for pictures...and I tend to use pictures when I'm lazy. P: But the past couple days, my brain has actually kinda decided to work. I drew a decent head (WIHOUT GUIDLINES. OYES.) in side view...and I wrote a little song in a roleplay I'm doing. <3 ....It''s hot in this room... D|))
11:47pm Aug 9 2010 (last edited on 11:47pm Aug 9 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 3,002
(( Im usually too lazy to write deions, or just dont want to. I think Im gonna write deions real quick, though. :3))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
2:41am Aug 10 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 11,785
((Ah, I've written two awesome deions in the past two days. So I'm gonna leave it at that. My brain died in the middle of the second one anyways. :T))
10:08am Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 366
11:48am Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 3,002
(( Poor brain. D: You may join, Froggie.))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
12:29pm Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 3,002
Why the cloud, Sunny?
3:28pm Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 3,002
Why the cloud, Sunny?
4:18pm Aug 10 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 853
[[Dooo doo. When we gonna start?]]
5:34pm Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 3,002
(( Once froggie posts their bio. :D))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
6:44pm Aug 10 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 366
Name: Claudia O'Vlair Age: Seventeen Gender: Female School Rank: Junior Group: A bit of everything but, likes to hang out with the goths Personality: Rp it? History:Just the normal scene chick:3 Crush/GF/BF: Nathan Tucker {Will change if needed} SO: Straight Other: Name: Rapheal O'Vlair (goes by Raf) Age: Eighteen Gender: Male School Rank: Senior Group: Populars? Personality: Rp it ? History:Takes care of his little sister but, has a pretty average life.. Crush/GF/BF: Maya Cathers {Will change if needed.} SO: Straight Other: tle="Click for a larger view" width="277" height="366" /> Name: Candy Strauff Age: Eighteen Gender: Female School Rank: Senior Group: Loner Personality: Rp it... History: Parents abandoned her so she now lives with her best friend, Raf O'Vlair Crush/GF/BF: [Open] SO: Bisexual Other: ((Tld and Rika, is it okay if the two first of my charrys Crush on yours? ;333))
7:24pm Aug 10 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,002
(( Accepted. We can start now.))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
7:29pm Aug 10 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 366
((*Gasp.* A Nono Ghost!!! SOMEONE MURDEREDED NONO-LAUFF!!! *Hyperventilates til' faints*))
7:34pm Aug 10 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,002
((Aw, Im a lauff? Yay. <3 Now post darnit! >:U))
Why the cloud, Sunny?