7:41pm Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 366
((Yus, mien. But-But, Ish dunno whuut to post! Well, except this....))
7:44pm Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 3,002
(( I'll post somethin' soon. :P))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
7:58pm Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 366
((Alrighty. ^w^))
8:00pm Aug 10 2010 (last edited on 8:04pm Aug 10 2010)
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Posts: 3,002
Vincent's body was severely sore as he awoke, but he ignored it. He was already late enough, so no time to worry. He pushed himself out of bed and grabbed a pair of dark skinny jeans from the floor, then pulled them on his boney legs. Vincent went into his closet and pulled out a plain white polo. After putting on his clothes and shoes, he deciding not to fix his hair. He quickly went outside and hopped into his car. ----- Bethany woke up suddenly to the sound of her alarm clock beeping loudly. She pushed the "Off" button and got out of bed. She looked at her hair, knots scattered every where. Bethany carelessly picked out a navy jacket, some baggy jeans, and a tight green shirt. For around 7 minutes she brushed her hair clean of knots, and grabbed her bag. Her parents had bought her a sillver Mercedes for her 16th birthday, and as usuall, she drove it to school.
Why the cloud, Sunny?
8:04pm Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 3,002
Why the cloud, Sunny?
8:13pm Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 366
Candy was doing her hair when Claudia burst in. "Uhmn, occupied?" Candy said sweetly with a hint of annoyance. Claudia shot her a 'shuddup' look and Candy obeyed. The two girls got ready together, rushing in and out of the small room. When done they ran down the stairsteps to Claudia's older brother, Raf, who was waiting impatiently. "How long does it take two chicks to get ready?" He said to start the conversation for the car and they left the house, Raf giving the girls their ride to school.
8:40pm Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 5,998
Aryia burst into Maya's room. "Good morning, sister!" She crowed. She saw the familiar frizz of black hair move ever so slightly. Aryia sighed and walked over to stand by the bed. "Get up, get up, get up!" She shook the bed violently. "Ack! Geez, I was just about to get up!" Maya Cathers slowly sat up on the bed, rubbing her eyes. "Well, hurry up! I wanna eat cereal!" Aryia said, and shoved the clothes that Maya picked the night before onto her sister. "Now, hurry up! If you don't come down in 10 minutes, I'll bludgen you to death!" Aryia said happily, and skipped down to the dining table downstairs. "Geez, just like mom." Maya grumbled as she quickly changed and brushed her teeth. She whipped out her comb and brushed her hair, then went downstairs. "About time!" Maya heard Aryia say. Maya sighed, but grinned at her little sister. Aryia seemed to have this way with people, to infect them with happiness. She quickly grabbed a bowl and filled it with cereal and milk. Aryia was already half-done. The two girls wolfed down the cereal, setting their bowls neatly in the dishwasher and cleaning the spoons. "Now, come on, Maya! Drive, drive drive!" Aryia pushed her sister out of the door, barely giving her time to put on any shoes. "Fine, fine." Maya held her hands up in surrender and walked over to the car, getting into the driver's seat while Aryia plopped down into the pa-ssenger's seat.

8:41pm Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 921
((Join?)) Looks: 
Name: Drake Collins Age: 17 Gender: Male School Rank: Junior Group: Loner and emo Personality: Emo, Quiet, Usually misunderstood, however is friendly and will speak to you if you sit down and speak to him, creative and artistic, enjoys drawing, is personally good at singing though he doesn't believe it History: Lives with his cousin JJ and his sister Sam, in an apartment. Abandonned by his parents at a young age and forced to live with his aunt. Shortly afterwards, his aunt p*censored*ed away, and both he and she had to live with his cousin. Crush/GF/BF: None/ open SO: Straight Other: Loves playing his electric guitar and doesn't care what others think of it ------ Looks: Name: Samantha Collins Age: 16 Gender: Female School rank: Junior Group: Somewhat popular, but usually hangs around her brother Personality: Quiet though more talkative than Drake, isn't quite as emo, but still categorized with them, not shy like Drake and actually takes a liking to other people, tries to be social and is happy to be around everyone and anyone, no matter what they think of her whether good or bad History: Same as Drake's Crush/BF/GF: None/ Open SO: Straight Other: Looks to the bright side of things unlike Drake, who takes a side with the negatives. Enjoys drawing like Drake, but is actually a fantastic singer.
8:47pm Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 3,002
Why the cloud, Sunny?
8:49pm Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Froggie, of course it's okay! :D Nathan needs some love to get him to be social and reveal his true colors. <3))
8:49pm Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 3,002
(( And Bethany needs a real relationship. Not one with her teddy bears. XD))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
8:54pm Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((HAha. Would you like me to add in another guy for Bethany? |D))
8:55pm Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 3,002
((Bethany usually leans towards girls, but you can only play guys. >:C))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
8:56pm Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((-just noticed- Lol. Or a girl for Bethany. Whichever she prefers. XD))
8:57pm Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 3,002
((That'd be one manly chick, Rika. XD))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
8:59pm Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((-was late- LAWL. And I'm considering just making little Derek gay instead of bi. -headtilt- Just because the guys here are all way taller than him and it'd be funny for someone to have to lean over to so much as hug the shorty. XD Who is, by the way, the same height as me. c:))
9:00pm Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((My girls end up happy and bubbly most of the time. Or cute and shy. ... Or just like me. XD))
9:01pm Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 3,002
(( Vincent and Derek. <3 And you can make a manly chick for Beth. :3))))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
9:02pm Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 921
Drake blinked his eyes open to a rude awakening. His window curtains were open, exposing the bright sunlight, which bounced off his gray walls, blinding him. He emitted a low groan, tossing a pillow over his head. It was immediately ripped off of him, his sheets torn from his body. Drake sat up, his hair in his face, not wanting to move. He shot a glare towards JJ, who woke him up like this on every school day. Though he should have been used to it, he wasn't. He treasured his sleep and made the best of it. JJ, on the other hand, grinned at him widely, walking out of the room. Drake rolled his eyes, quickly changing into another pair of everyday high tops, converse, and a band t-shirt. Grabbing his backpack, he tossed it in front of the bathroom door as he quickly brushed his teeth, washing his face. Shaking his head and disagreeing against brushing it out of laziness, he walked to the living room, plopping downwards in front of his sister, who was on the couch across from him. He grabbed his guitar, strumming it lightly out of boredom. Bored. He owned the word. Well, he could have. He was almost always bored, especially when it came to school or work. Sam was dressed in her converse, a black knee skirt, and a white tank top, a black hoodie covering her shoulders. She stared at Drake, her pitiful brother, tossing a brush at his tired face. "You're hair looks terrible." She went back to ignoring him until he had finally brushed his hair. She always won over him, and they both knew it. JJ stepped into the living room, sighing in exhaustion. It was always Drake that wore him out. He motioned the siblings to the door, grabbing his keys as they stood, making their way out to the slim black corvette. They hopped in the back and JJ immediately pulled out of the driveway, silence the entire way to the school. Hopping out of the car, they began to walk towards the entrance of the building. "Bye cousins! Have a fun day of education and strenuous learning!" JJ shouted out his window with a laugh before driving off. Drake scoffed at his joke. Learning wasn't fun at all. Sam gave him a slightly disgusted glance, elbowing his arm to force him to cheer up. He sent her a fake grin before they entered the school doors.
10:17pm Aug 10 2010 (last edited on 10:23pm Aug 10 2010)
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Posts: 853
His parents were already gone and at work by the time Raiah got up. But, that was probably because both of them had to work early. Of course, this didn't mean Raiah got up late, either. He disliked the phrase "the early bird gets the worm", but, the bird usually did. That is if he could manage to get up before his parents, because despite being an early riser, the toaster strudels were already gone. Normally this wouldn't bug him, but he had been looking forward to it. Now he just had to go with the alternative... a cherry poptart. As he waited for the poptart to cook, Raiah looked at himself in the toaster, and rubbed at his already smudging eyeliner. He was already dressed, showered and decorated. It was the first thing he did every day. Today he was feeling a tad lazy, however, and had wrapped his dreads up in a messy, low bun that would have irritated his mother, had she been around to see it. His clothes were of the usual; black and decorated with chains. He found it deliciously ironic. It was 6:45 am as he washed the hideous poptart down with some milk, and grabbed his backpack. Raiah was one of the people who never went "green", he was the kind of person who had walked to school and back since forever ago. It was only an added benefit that he could excuse himself from some things for saying he was saving the planet by walking every day. The chains on his pants rattled irritatingly as he walked up to the school. He would be so glad to finally graduate. School sucked. He could be out doing something important but nooo, he had to be stuck here in this awful place. "Man I am so sick of the emo kids." He said to himself, out of the blue, as he watched the said emos enter the school. They were like zombies. They infected other people and the only way to kill them was to severe the brain from the spine. That would be one thing he'd be glad to get away from. Love and peace, losers who don't have any real problems. Raiah, not one to dawdle, headed straight for his locker after entering the building. [[I would like to personally apologize to any emotastic individuals Raiah has offended. Because if you are emo... you are offended... and you are crying about it.]]
