It's Highschool! {Large Group Teen Romance} Lets party!

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10:28pm Aug 10 2010 (last edited on 10:28pm Aug 10 2010)

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Posts: 3,002
((Gravy. <3
I'm braindead. D:))

Why the cloud, Sunny?

10:35pm Aug 10 2010

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Posts: 11,785
3338125674_a3b7caba42.jpg Anime fairy image by missdivahollywood 
((She wears wings sometimes. And slitted green contacts. And the picture isn't mine...>>))
Name: Delilah Shai
Age: 18
Gender: Female!
School Rank: Senior
Group: She's a loner. ouo
Personality: She's....mysterious. So there.
History: This information has yet to be disclosed to me. e.o
Crush/GF/BF: Beth? ;D
 SO: Lesbian. :K
Other: That is actually her usual brand of clothing. ouo


10:53pm Aug 10 2010

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Posts: 3,002
(( Accepted. :3))
Vincent parked his car in the specified area for the students. He slowly exited his car, and walked onto the sidewalk. A few students' rude gazes landed on him, but he continued walking. Cold air hit him hard, surprisingly the AC was working in this sweaty-teen ridden school. Vincent akwardly pulled out his schedule and read it slowly. Apparently his first cl*censored* was World History. "Heh, great." He said sarchastically, as he casually ran his fingers through his thick hair.
Bethany entered the school as if she hadn't seen the place before in her life. She smiled lightly and noticed a few more students aimlessly wandering.

Why the cloud, Sunny?

10:57pm Aug 10 2010

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Posts: 11,785

((Ooh! Derek could have the same clas-ses as Vincent? And be getting haras-sed in each one of them by people who demand help...or else? And Vincent can come to his rescue each time. Lol.


How tall /is/ Vincent, anyways?)) 


10:58pm Aug 10 2010

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Posts: 3,002
(( Around 5'4. He's very short. XD
And okay. :D))

Why the cloud, Sunny?

11:02pm Aug 10 2010

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Posts: 11,785


He's a little over an inch taller than Derek. So he won't be terrified of him. :D

And I don't know how exactly to intro Nathan and Delilah. xD)) 


11:04pm Aug 10 2010 (last edited on 11:04pm Aug 10 2010)

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Posts: 3,002
(( Okay.
Now post somethin' durn it. :U))

Why the cloud, Sunny?

11:14pm Aug 10 2010

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Posts: 11,785

Derek held up his sketchbook as an attempt to defend himself from the students, who all happened to be bigger than him, crowded around him in World History and demanding his help. He had just transferred here from somewhere else, and had made the mistake of using sentences that showed he was smart, so now all the people were crowded around him. And since he was terrified of people bigger than him anyways, the poor little senior was curled up behind his sketchbook, his small form actually shaking a little.


((He's so cute. <3)) 


11:19pm Aug 10 2010

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Posts: 3,002
As Vincent entered he noticed a swarm of students surrounding a small teenager. "Need some help?" Before he could answer, Vincent pushed some people away from the boy. "Go study, you psychotic jerks."  he took a seat next to him, and smiled.

Why the cloud, Sunny?

11:21pm Aug 10 2010

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Posts: 11,785
((Hurr. Brb. I'm gonna go heat up some food. <3))


11:22pm Aug 10 2010

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Posts: 3,002
(( Vincent was being really nice. XD Only because Derek's cute. <3))

Why the cloud, Sunny?

11:38pm Aug 10 2010

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Posts: 11,785
((Yus. He's an adorable little Senior. <3))


12:20am Aug 11 2010

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Posts: 11,785
Derek opened his eyes and looked up at his savior, reddish-colored eyes still like that of a deer cornered by a cougar. "U-um...T-thank you," he stammered, his nerves already shot. And, unfortunately for him, it was only the first period of his first day at that school...


3:00am Aug 11 2010 (last edited on 3:20am Aug 11 2010)

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Posts: 911


Alexa's phone vibrated, another text message from her best friend, Charlotte, who was going to a different school. She quickly answered it and continued to get herself ready for the first day of school. "I have to look absolutely perfect," she said, eyeing herself in the mirror. She put the flatiron to her hair and continued to straighten it.

Ten minutes later, now seven o'clock, Alexa headed over to her closet. She had already chosen her outfit the previous day and quickly changed into it. She wore a pair of designer jeans along with a pink D&G shirt and her favorite pair of heels. She shut the door to her walk in closet as she padded over to her desk, stuffing her laptop into her backpack. She looked at herself quickly in the mirror and headed downstairs.

"Good morning!" came her mother's voice from the kitchen. She ignored it and walked into the kitchen, grabbing a banana before exiting it. She quickly ate it and tossed the peel in the garbage. She grabbed her purse off of the hook and headed out the door. "Bye, Mom!" she exclaimed before shutting the door behind her. She smiled as she walked towards her brand new Porsche convertible, her eighteenth birthday present, she loves that car. She opened the pas.senger door and dropped her stuff inside, shut the door, and continued over to the driver's side.

Fifteen minutes later, she parked the sportscar in the senior parking lot. "I'm finally a senior," she said, pleased with herself. Alexa quickly locked the car and walked towards the school enterance. She entered, hoping to find one of her friends before started.

[I added a pic for Alexa] 


3:47am Aug 11 2010

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Posts: 5,998
Maya recklessly pulled up into the school's parking lot. A very dizzy Aryia stumbled out of the car. "Geez, I don't know how you pa-ssed your driver's test, sis." Aryia said, gripping onto the car for support. Maya stepped out, and flicked her hair away from her shoulder. "Your just very delicate, Aryia." Maya said, helping her sister get to her locker. "See you!" Aryia said cheerfully as she gathered her books. Maya smirked. "Yes yes, dear." She replied, and went to get her own books from her locker.


8:20am Aug 11 2010

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Posts: 366
Candy ran in to school happily like a five year old. Atleast according to Claudia. Rafwas leaving her too, slowly approach the doors. He never seemed to mind leaving his sster on her own. Claudia sighed. School's a misery, she thought as strart to slink her way to the double-doors so she could slip in. Find intertainment or something and get by. Her pep talk for herself never seemed to work. She ran to her locker, just then glancing at the tme. Claudia was going to be late agian andshe, for once was making an effort not to be.


9:11am Aug 11 2010

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Posts: 5,998

Maya gathered her books, and slammed her locker shut. "Good morning, Claudia." Maya said breezily. Being a popular person meant knowing around everyone in high school. "And good moring, Candy. Good morning, Raf." Maya smiled at the both of them, and remembered Raf. 'Oh right, another popular person.' She thought.


Aryia had taken a few notebooks, and closed her locker quietly. She wandered around the hallways, wondering if she would enter her cla-ss in time again. She had a very neat record, and the only time she was late was when she snuck into the lunchroom to grab a doughnut.


10:28am Aug 11 2010

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Posts: 921

Drake walked down the hall, avoiding contact with everyone else. Ignoring them meant he would be better off, though Sam highly disagreed with his "helpful" advice. He gently swung his locker open, tossing in a couple things from his backpack. He wasn't the orderliest person around, unlike his sister. He turned to her, a bored ex
pression on his face.

Sam opened her locker. SHe didn't know if she was fortunate or unfortunate to have a locker directly beside Drake's. She noticed his staring at her and rolled her eyes. "Drake, you don't have to wait for me to walk you to each cl*censored*."

Drake sent a glare towards her, only causing her to slightly laugh. Walking off, he realized he'd probably be late for cl*censored*, not that he cared. Lugging his guitar in ine hand and his sling bag on this shoulder, he headed to what seemed to be his first, American history. Taking his seat in the possibly farthest seat in the room, he made sure no one was staring before strumming a light tune. 

Sam watched him leave, shutting her locker and grabbing her bag, hsppily skipping off to her first, appearing to be Calculus. Whoopee.


6:42pm Aug 11 2010 (last edited on 6:43pm Aug 11 2010)

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Posts: 853

Oh great, it was the emo infection. Was that kid carrying a guitar with him? Ugh, seriously now. Raiah rolled his eyes ceiling-ward and entered his locker combination. He probably couldn't even play it. Just thought it was "cool" to carry it around with him. He truly was too old for all of this kiddy poser fakey stuff. "Weeeaaaak." Raiah muttered to himself, grabbing his math book and shoving the rest of his things in the locker.

Math was the only thing Raiah appreciated at this festering bucket of pain. Math was a valuable part of his existence and he wanted to learn as much about it as possible. His mother being a math instructor may have had some influence on his decision, but he thanked her for it. Wouldn't it be awful to be just another stupid kid that thought math was dumb? Yes, yes it would. Just a few more months... he'd only have to endure the rest of this for just a few more months...

He headed for, absently picking at his teeth as he went. Did he have all of his pencils? Check. Was his phone turned off? Check. Notebook? Check and check. He slipped into the cla.ssroom and took a seat at the front of the room. Truly, the best place to sit. He hated sitting in the back. He carefully set everything out on the desk, his notebook, his pencils. All scrutinized and aligned in an almost obsessive fashion.

 photo 40 - DSZVXzV_zpsj5zwxtwe.jpg

11:32pm Aug 12 2010

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Posts: 921

Drake slipped his guitar behind his back as the teacher walked in. He grabbed a pen and a couple papers, stacking them neatly on the desk before him; well, somewhat neatly. Annoyed at even having to write down the problems from the board, he did as he should have, sketching a rose on the side of his paper when he'd finished writing all the information down. Drawing was a hobby of his. Especially in calculus, and he never got caught. Or hadn't.

Sam stared at her biology paper, the empty lines seeming to laugh evilly at her. Confident, she rested the paper on her small desk, zooming through the problems. Upon finishing, she laughed with happiness, running up to the front to hand in her paper. She tripped on the way down, hoping no one noticed as her face turned a sheet of red. Dashing towards her seat, she kept her head low, hoping it wasn't that obvious to the others. 

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