It's mating(Warrior cat romance)season again...

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8:18am Jun 13 2010

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((ok here i go... i reread... :)))

Silverheart strode into her clan's camp she could tell romance was in the air.  She had no intentions of finding one for she wasnt ready for that type of responsibility...and she had no interest in any of the males at the camp, plus they were already involved...

Coldfrost stalked through the borderline the scent of more cats was strong but he kept his distance, careful not to be found.

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be back tonight


9:57am Jun 13 2010

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((You forgot about me...


Can someone give me a recap?))

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10:29am Jun 13 2010

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Posts: 4,310

((Okay just basically,

Bluefrost and Snowykiss became mates....and Acestar found out about Falconwing havin a crush on her.))


10:29am Jun 13 2010 (last edited on 10:30am Jun 13 2010)

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11:19am Jun 13 2010

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Angelkit tumbled out of nowhere. " Here I am mommy! " she mewed. Angelkit wobbled over to Rainheart. Her paws were streaked with brown. " I was just playing in the mud" she said, happily.She smiled and sat beside her mother. OH MAH GIZZLE. ANGEL'S BACK.

11:23am Jun 13 2010

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Posts: 4,310

((Can you please post in normal text mercy,i can't understant your post.))


11:25am Jun 13 2010

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Posts: 6,165
( okay, but why can you understand it? I used correct grammar and everything...) OH MAH GIZZLE. ANGEL'S BACK.

11:28am Jun 13 2010

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Posts: 4,310
((it's just the font you used isn't easy to understand...))


11:32am Jun 13 2010

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Posts: 6,165

( Oh, just wondering)

Angelkit tumbled out of no-where. " here I am mommy!" she mewed to Rainheart. Angelkit wobbled over to Rainheart.Her paws were streaked with mud. " I was just playin' in the dirt, mommy" she said, with a fake smile. OH MAH GIZZLE. ANGEL'S BACK.

1:36pm Jun 13 2010

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Posts: 6,590

((ok who can silverheart interact with? wait maybe i can get coldfrost and silverheart to fight.))

Coldfrost crosssed the border.  He was cautious unsure if there were other cats around...his claws were out ready to attack anyone wanting to fight.

Silverheart was about to meet up with the others and then she got the scent of an unknown cat, she disappeared into the brush and emerged in front of Coldfrost, "State you business." she hissed.

Coldfrost cocked his head, the silver cat was small... he was debating if she was an apprentice.  "Big talk for such a small kitten." he smirked.

Silverheart hissed... her green eyes like venom.

Coldfrost backed up, "Im just wandering.  Go where the wind takes me." he growled back, getting into a crouch ready to attack.

Silverheart glared, "You are in my clans territory, and are NOT welcome." she hissed angrilly.  Her fur pricking, and her claws coming out.

"Who are you, leader?" he smirked again starting to circle his foe.

Silverheart smirked back, "deputy." she stated begining to circle as well.

Coldfrost glared, there must be a reason this small cat was deputy.  He lunged.

Silverfrost met him half way and collided in mid air, the two of them fought viciously ((to lazy to explain, sorry D:)) Silverheart emerging on top, she tour coldfrost from the ground and forced him to walk back to the camp.

Coldfrost growled at his opponent, he hardly touched her.  He limped with her, the scent of other cats becoming stronger and stronger.

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be back tonight


2:27pm Jun 13 2010

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Falconing wandered over to Acestar and pressed against her for amoment. He dipped his head in greating, "I hear I am on the next patrol." he said, his whiskers twitching. Are you coming?" He asked...

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2:52pm Jun 13 2010

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Silverheart forced Coldfrost into camp, "acestar!  I found a tespas.ser." she stated expressionlessly.

Coldfrost twitched his whiskers as the small cat spoke, she almost killed a WANDERER. he thought angrilly.  Before reality struck that he was alone, in an unknown camp, with a cat who almost killed him.

Is Funneh online?:

why NO

be back tonight


4:04pm Jun 13 2010

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"So, You don't have a mate lovely one?" Trinty snow asked Rainfrost.

"Okay, So let's mate." Snowkiss said to Bluefrost.

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4:56pm Jun 13 2010

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"Yes,after i deal with this new comer." Acestar purred to Falconwing.She then padded over to Coldfrost"What is a cat like you doing wandering into marked territory...i though rouges and loners knew better than that."


5:55pm Jun 13 2010

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Posts: 191

Bio: ...

Name: Gypsy/Gypsypaw

Age:24 moons

Gender: Female

Crush: none


Persona: Hog, lazy, grumpy, slow

Other? She's chubby and used to be a kittypet

Kits:2, both died before birth

Mate: unknown

Furdragon Egg on Dragonadopters

5:59pm Jun 13 2010

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Posts: 4,310
((Will you please shrink that pic for me doggie?it's stretching the page.))


8:39pm Jun 13 2010

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Coldfrost smirked, "whats a kit like this doing outside of camp, thought clans were more civilized." he growled acknowledging Silverheart as a kit.

Silverheart let out a returning hiss, as her fur pricked..."Acestar asked you a question." she growled kicking Coldfrost's hurt leg, causing him to collapse to the ground.

Coldfrost winced and forced himself up, "I cant anwser the question with your threats." he growled as an anwser.

Silverheart gave a low snarl and relaxed her muscles.

Coldfrost smirked at Silverheart and looked up at Acestar..."A cat like me?  whats a cat like you doing leading this clan?" he growled, "You should be watching over your clan before flirting with THAT." he growled glaring at falconwing.

Silverheart glared, ready to silence the fool.

((sorry if my charrys offend anyone :(  and coldfrost dosnt trust that many, because his old leader mated with another clan mate, and he betrayed the clan, forcing coldfrost to run.  sorry his history is a work in progress xD *fails*))

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be back tonight


8:48pm Jun 13 2010

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Acestars hazel eyes flashed with rage and she leapt onto Coldfrost and pinned him to the ground claws unsheathed and whispered with a deadly menace in his ear"I don't know who you are or where you come from,but how i lead is none of our business,and for your information i've sat by being leader and giving everything i have to offer in order to serve my purpose in my clan." Acestar began "Don't tell me who i should and shouldn't like or consider yourself dead,if you want to serve me use then either leave or join my clan your choice.... but you have 3 minutes to decide or i and my fellow clan mates will run you out of here."she finished.


8:53pm Jun 13 2010

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Posts: 1,576

((okay, wait.))

"Angelkit!" Rainheat pounced on her. "Looks like you need to clean up." she went over to her and started licking her paws. "Don't do that again, dear," she looked at TrinitySnow. "Um..nope," she muttered.

**okay, so they are mating- bluefrost and snowkiss. when is soulkit going to enter?shes gonna be played by both bluefrost and snowkiss- or me and tri. :P**



9:17pm Jun 13 2010

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Posts: 12,418

((She'll come tomorrow.))

"I wonder why. You're so pretty. And that's not sarcasim." Trintysnow said.

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