3:48pm Apr 24 2013
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Posts: 4,754
(( *cough* erm, Princess, would you please respond to me? Thankies <333 ))
6:16pm Apr 24 2013
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Posts: 11,785
Selion stepped forward, tossing Toll's Odd Keystone back for his Trainer to catch. Flames bubbled at his mouth, standing protectively in front of his Trainer.
"Are you /really/ going to do this? Shouldn't we be focusing on The Academy?" he murmured, his Ninetales backing down at his Trainer's words. He moved to sit down, staring at the other trainer with narrowed eyes. He was confident he could win. He turned to look back at Echo, awaiting his signal to attack or return to his side as his tails swayed back and forth.
"We're not here to take each other out, unless you're really up for the possibility of all your Pokemon dying."
Echo's eyes narrowed at this, a sneer tugging at his lips, as if this prospect disgusted him. Honestly, it did. He truly cared for all of his Pokemon.
6:24pm Apr 24 2013
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Posts: 3,426
Mienshao stepped forward as well, hunching over slightly and taking a fighting stance. He growled a warning and Yuan's eyes narrowed.
"It's two against one," Yuan pointed out. Normally he wouldn't pick sides among strangers, but this newcomer seemed to be looking for a fight and Yuan didn't want to kill non-Academy Pokemon, so he would side with Echo for the moment, if only because he was advocating peace among them. "Can you even control multiple Pokemon at the same time to fight us both?"
Yuan glanced over the new male, strong suspicion present in his blue eyes. Perhaps this guy was a member of the Academy, and that's why he seemed so eager to fight.
If he insists on a fight, treat him like the Academy: a threat to be eliminated.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
6:43pm Apr 24 2013
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Posts: 4,355
A slight flash of hesitation passed across Ollie's face. To be honest, he didn't want to risk losing anymore Pokemon, especially one of his strongest.
Narrowing his eyes and expressing a small sigh, Ollie returned Tundra's ball to his belt. "We all appear to be on the same side. Fighting isn't necessary." It almost pained him to say this, as he had been craving a good fight, but things were not like they used to be and Ollie was having trouble grasping this concept. You could not just battle for "fun" anymore - it was all war and death now.
That, and the other boy was right. He couldn't take both of them on at the same time, nor did he have two fully-healed Pokemon with him at the time.
He suddenly realized that his Vulpix, a shy little creature by the name of Kindle, had not been out of her ball for quite some time and decided to allow her a bit of fresh air while he was just standing around.
He reached for the ball labeled "K" and took it into his left hand. He then proceeded to release the shiny Vulpix, which whimpered upon release and ran to duck behind Ollie's legs. Smiling just slightly, he scooped up the yellow fox-like creature and allowed Kindle to bury herself in his arms. She was obviously very frightened of the larger version of herself.
{The "larger version of herself" being Echo's shiny Ninetails, of course.}

2:50pm Apr 25 2013
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Posts: 11,785
Echo relaxed when the fight didn't happen, chuckling lightly when he saw
the other trainer had a shiny Vulpix. Selion's ears perked slightly
when he noticed this as well, also noticing that the vulpix seemed
almost painfully shy. He rolled his eyes, moving to curl himself around
his trainer for the time being, until they started moving again. Perhaps they were going to sit here and chat a little more, he couldn't be totally sure any more.
"Well, Hian, we were going to walk and talk before this guy showed up, yes?" Another smile crept upon his face, the albino male motioning for the other to lead the way should he still wish to walk away. Considering their current Pokemon choices, he was fairly certain they would be alright should the strange trainer honestly wish to push his luck. He trusted in his pokemon and their abilities, and he knew to withdraw them should things get too intense. He refused to lose any of his Pokemon for any reason, and was willing to release them into the wild to prevent them from losing their lives.

3:01pm Apr 25 2013 (last edited on 3:01pm Apr 25 2013)
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Posts: 3,426
Yuan glanced at Echo then looked warily at the newcomer. He still wasn't sure he trusted this male to even be left alone, then again he really didn't trust Echo with him, or anyone else in any sort of situation for that matter.
Yuan simply shrugged and turned to walk away, and Mienshao relaxed giving the newcomer one last warning growl before following after his trainer. Yuan glanced back at the other male.
"Don't be so eager to fight, it's foolish," Yuan said. "You might pull yourself into a situation where someone you meet doesn't wait for an attack and they simply off you because they sense your hostility. We could have easily made today your last." He smirked then turned away and began walking, Mienshao following behind with his ears perked up.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
6:16pm Apr 25 2013
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Posts: 4,355
Ollie watched the blonde-haired boy go, his eyes narrowing and his hands clenching at his words. Feeling and seeing his anger, Kindle's head popped up, teeth bared and tiny spurts of smoke exited her nostrils. Ollie gently stroked her head to sooth her, and at the calming gesture the small fire fox settled back down.
His arms folded and his grayish eyes narrowed to slits, Ollie responded to the man's lecturing speech with notable annoyance in his voice.
"Is that so? We'll have to test that theory some time, pretty boy."
Kindle snorted and growled at the Meinshao as they agreeing with her master.
Ollie wasn't necessarily a rude or violent person, but something was setting him on edge today. Whether it was his earlier encounter with the Academy member or the stranger's mocking words, he wasn't sure. He simply wasn't in the mood to try and act happy today.
6:39pm Apr 25 2013
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Posts: 11,785
Echo rolled his eyes. "Be careful what you say, and who you challenge, unless you want to take risks that could end in your pokemon being killed," he spat, Selion standing to walk off at his side, blatantly ignoring the other male once his Trainer turned. He called Toll back into his Pokeball, instead tossing up two Pokealls, one black and grey, the other blue and white, to release his two canine Pokemon. Hellspawn, his shiny Houndoom, turned her head and stared back at those they were leaving behind, while Alpha, the Mightyena, trotted loyally along.
"Be very careful who you try to challenge."
He looked back over his shoulder, a wide, heavily unsettlingly creepy smile spreading across his features. "You never know what the outcome may be."
6:58pm Apr 25 2013
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Posts: 3,426
Yuan paused in his step but didn't turn around, and Mienshao remained calm, not sensing Yuan's intent to threaten the other male again.
"I'm not interested in creating more victims in this war," Yuan said softly. He glanced over at Echo then down to his two newly revealed Pokemon. With a quick glance, he sized them up, a habit he'd formed in this environment. Mienshao could take them. Drain Punch was a deadly move, especially with a type-advantage over the two Dark-types.
Mienshao also looked over the Houndoom and Mightyena. Nothing to worry about.
Yuan began walking away again, leading Echo in the direction of the path. Woobat stayed perched on his shoulder, snuggled up to Yuan's neck and listening for any sounds of approaching threats. With any luck, he could find out more about this mysterious Echo without revealing anything more about himself. The odd man didn't seem to have much of a war-like mentality. He was... off.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
12:39am Apr 26 2013
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Posts: 4,355
Ollie's eyebrows raised in confusion when the white-haired boy grinned like some kind of maniac in a horror film.
Why is everyone go obsessed with smiling...? He wondered mindlessly, finding himself shuddering mentally. It was quite...unsettling, to say the least.
By now the blonde-haired boy had wandered off and Ollie did the same, heading in the opposite direction and leaving Echo alone in the clearing.
He sat down his Vulpix to walk beside him, which flattened its ears, tucked its tail and scrambled to hide by Ollie's legs, constantly nudging or rubbing up against the boy. She was usually a shy spirit, though usually not to this extent. She was obviously terrified of the shiny Ninetails.
He had remembered how the boys had both sent out Pokemon, perhaps to have out just in case Ollie decided to attack anyway. Even though Ollie had no intent to fight anymore, he released his Houdoom, which trotted along beside the Vulpix and the boy and kept Kindle from getting too close.
Mattex was very protective over his boy.
He still had two Pokemon that he had not let out in a long while, though those two had reasons for staying in the safety of their Pokeballs. The first was his Beartic, an untamed, vicious, disobedient Pokemon that would run off and get itself killed once given the chance.
The second was his Riolu, a headstrong, overly-confident Pokemon he had recently caught. He was hardly trained and too reckless in battle, an easy opponent to overcome in battle.

3:16pm Apr 29 2013
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Posts: 11,785
Echo glanced at the other male he was currently walking with, his three quadruped pokemon, two canine and one vulpine, trotting along with him. "Is it safe to assume you're curious to some extent about me and my personality?" he asked, grinning as his hand found his loyal Mightyena's head to rub behind one of his ears. He nudged his head against his trainer's leg, a chuckle escaping the young man. He could wait to see what went through his funny little brain, seeing as Echo wasn't just going to go and blabber his life history to a stranger without some for of reciprocation. He wanted to know more about this interesting man with the Chandelure who killed trainers by ingesting their souls.
"If you want to know about me, there has to be at least some manner of reciprocation," he stated, stroking Alpha's head as the oddly upbeat pokemon plodded along beside him.
11:43pm Apr 30 2013
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Posts: 4,754
(( Bump for Princess. I'm about to go without her, I've rmailed her and have been waiting for a while... ))
8:25pm May 12 2013
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Posts: 4,754
(( BUMP ))