Its been a while, right?

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6:00pm Aug 1 2010 (last edited on 8:45pm Aug 1 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 2,931

Wow. It feels like its been forever since Ive been here....

I apologize greatly. Some...complications...came up, and sort of screwed up my life. Well... not sort of, they did.

I was not able to use Res because I no longer had free time, and yet again I aplogize for disapearing, several times....

But I'm back now. I will no longer be leaving and disapearing, as my life has cleared up again.

I missed you guys....

Of course, I do have an RP too. Because...that is the way I am.


Life changes things.

Complications change things.

Basically, things change in general.

The world changed, heck it changes every day.

But never like this.

The bombs would not stop coming in.

Death would not stop coming.

The bullets would not stop raining.

War would not stop- ever.


Its been four years since the first attack on the city of Naple, Italy. Soon the attacks spread to Britain, then to Asia, and soon to the United States.

Who were these attacks made by?

The People.

The People are an evil organization that wants to take over the world. They believe that everyone should do the same things, act the same way, and look the same way. All young adults would go through a ceremony when they turned 17. When they came back, they seemed rather brainwashed. All they cared about was following The People, fighting for The People, and killing off The United.  After completing the ceremony, people are referred to as several different things. The basic person is a Walker. The next step up, a form of Law Enforcement for The People, are called Runners. They are lethal, and very hard to kill. Then there is a sort of Priest type role, known as Sprinters.  Then at the very top of the pyramid is The Leader. Before the Ceremony, people are referred to as Weaklings, and are treated fairly badly. 

The United is a form of resistance. They are constantly on the run. Avoiding the Ceremony is the goal. The United is trying to counterattack the damage The People make. The key would be to take them down.


Im pretty layed back on rules. I dont really care where you take the story. My only big rule is:

You must be literate. 

For your bios, I would prefer that you post a paragraph, and above it a picture. That is just my preference. 

Please do not ask to join, just join.  


Characters needed:

The Leader-Chance437

At least one, maxium 2 Sprinters.-KatnissEverdeen, Feyth

At least 1 Runner-Dragonstar

At least 2 people in The United-1.KatnissEverdeen, 2. Chance437

At least 1 Weakling-1.KatnissEverdeen


I have vowed to play at least one character in The People- I will take whatever spot needs to be filled.  

I will post my bios shortly.  

Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?

7:01pm Aug 1 2010

Normal User

Posts: 15,067
(Hey Catnip!! I know you said not to join, but I don't want to post as the leader without permission, so join as Leader?))


7:09pm Aug 1 2010

Normal User

Posts: 5,310


I aks out of habit and consider it rude not to... So... Could I join as a Runner?

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


7:10pm Aug 1 2010

Normal User

Posts: 7,736

Anzu is-Online^^

7:20pm Aug 1 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,931
((Hello everyone! You can both join.Cooltle="Cool" /> ))

Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?

7:26pm Aug 1 2010

Normal User

Posts: 5,310


Sweet. But your bio system is different and it confuses me... Could you post yours so I could see it?

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


7:40pm Aug 1 2010 (last edited on 7:50pm Aug 1 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 2,931


The air was damp.

Not that it had been raining recently.

The air was just damp.

It seemed that this showed in the eyes of the few people living in the woods. Constantly being on the run, The United was forced into the wilderness a lot.  Not that this changed anything, after all Emma loved the wilderness. She looked around the make shift camp, seeing the others sleep. Emma sighed. It wasn't like there were many 'others'. The war had sent everyone into different groups, and unfortnately, The United was a very small group. 

Emma had  brown curly hair, and very dark brown eyes. Not only did this stand out, but her skin was pale. With the ceremony, people often became tan with blonde hair. This was kind of the universal idea of beauty. That and blue eyes.

Emma's personality stood out too. She was strong and determined, and above all else smart. She knew how to get to someone's head. She was once captured, but she got away by making everyone think that she was helpless. Emma had likes and dislikes too. She loved music and books. She could not get enough of either of them. The things she disliked where people that thought themselves better than others, and The People. Of course, that is just an abridged version of who she is. Emma has a very strong view of the world, that is hard to describe.  

Emma was one of the leaders of The United. She pledged that even if it cost her her life, she would stop The People.

If only her brother would support this....




Life was simple from Peter's point of view. You had fun.

Of course, its hard to have fun with a war going on, but you still tired.

You would get together with your friends, and fool around. The average life of a 17 year old boy.

After the Ceremony, life got good. You would become workers for The People.

The People were amazing. They helped the world. Sure they started the war, but it was for the better. Discpeline of the rebels, that was how things needed to work.

Peter spent most of his time thinking about the Ceremony, and hoping. After it, he would be "hot" and have a great job. He would finally have a voice too. People would think about his opinions. And he would be able to help The People, the group that gave him his everything.

Peter was a simple person- he didnt show much personality. He had no interests other than having fun. His sister was crazy, because she wanted to bring change. Peter had thought about turning her in and getting a bonus when he was in The People...but she was his sister after all.  

Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?

7:43pm Aug 1 2010

Normal User

Posts: 5,310


Gah! I just realised I don't have a pic for the char I want to use...

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


7:51pm Aug 1 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,931
ooc: Thats fine. Just describe the character. :) 

Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?

7:53pm Aug 1 2010

Normal User

Posts: 15,067



So that's all you do? Great, I'll post in a second. 


7:54pm Aug 1 2010 (last edited on 8:06pm Aug 1 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 2,931

ooc: Yes. :) Mkay. I guess because we need it, Ill be the Sprinter. That way we only need about one more person to join.




All Jake ever wanted was to be normal.

Unfortunately, he never was. Even when he was younger, he had shown great leadership potential. This was why The People had chosen him clearly.

Not only that, but he was strong and a good fighter.

Above all, he was very dark. He was not afraid to do the secret things The People hid. Like kill the members of The United.

The People were here to keep the world at bay, and to be in control. As long as The United was gone, they would be totally in control.

This was Jakes job. To help The Leader take over the world. 

Jake knew that he knew things that no one else knew. The secrets of The People.

This made him feel even more dangerous.  

Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?

8:09pm Aug 1 2010

Normal User

Posts: 15,067

To be or not to be.

It was the question that changed Damon's life.

From boring to fun.

From ignorance and weakness to arrogance and power. Damon started the group that would change the world. The People started off as two men, and now had many followers. The Ceremony was a grand event that he started himself.

He was 17 when he thought of the idea, the one that would change the world. He was the one who created and perfected The Ceremony. He was now 23, and his conquest was raging strong.

Though, he could not take his mind off of that friend that he used to have, before all of this. Emma. But, they had to go their separate ways, for better of worse.

Damon stood out among most of The People, with his midnight hair, pale skin, and raven-dark eyes. He was cunning, smart, and devious. He was a manipulator. He knew how to get into people's heads and toy with their mind to the brink of insanity.

Of course, this was only because he thought the world should be remodeled into the image of the rightful Leaders. And even if they are enemies, he did not mind sharing his world with The United. He would share his new world as well. He respected the morals and determination of them. 


Which only made things harder. 


8:17pm Aug 1 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,931
((ooh I like the old friendship with Emma thing. That could get interesting ))

Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?

8:20pm Aug 1 2010

Normal User

Posts: 15,067


((Yeah, that's why I incorporated it. Can't wait to get started.))


8:22pm Aug 1 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,931
((We need a walked and another person in The United. :P Or I guess we can just kind of ignore the walker and all...yeah. There will be walkers, they just wont be actual characters. Just need one more person in The United ))

Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?

8:26pm Aug 1 2010

Normal User

Posts: 15,067
((Ooh, I know. In Emma's intro it says that she was ne of the leaders,can I join with the other?))


8:34pm Aug 1 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,931
((Yes! :) ))

Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?

8:40pm Aug 1 2010 (last edited on 8:41pm Aug 1 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 5,310


Break the Law? You've signed your own death warrant.

And Ariskye was good with just that. Twenty and lethal, she is no school-yard bully. Think of a police officer on steroids mixed with a highly dangerous as-sas-sin. Yep; that's her. 

Mercy? She's never heard that word before. If she leaves you alive, it is for good reason... And she might come back. Rain check? Hell, she'll kill you where you stand. But not if she tortures you first.

Decked out in black, Ariskye blends in with the shadows she stalks. Her crimson eyes are the last thing her vics see before their dead. End. Of. Story.

Mysterious some call her. Others say she is a demon. Call her whatever you want, but she'll be laughing at your demise.


"So," a clearly feminine voice asks from the shadows hiding her before slowly moving out with the grace of a snake, "you've broke the Law?" A cold smile curved her lips as her white teeth flashed in whatever light offered and the rays glimmered around her longer than humanly possible canines. Faded crimson dots marked her face as she ran her fingers through her hair showing a dark white scar running vertically over the left side of her face. The mark shone clear against her tawney skin. With her crimson eyes narrowing, an evil laugh bubbled up from her; "You, my friend, just signed your own death warrant." Rushing forward, her sleeveless, ankle-long coat flared out behind her as two silver blades flashed in her hands.

And true to nobody's word, the last thing her vics see is her crimson eyes divided by space-black, slitted pupils.

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


8:42pm Aug 1 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,931
((Yay! As soon as Chance post the second bio, we can start. ))

Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?

8:43pm Aug 1 2010

Normal User

Posts: 6,948
((Can I be a sprinter who had something bad go on when she was being brain-washed?))

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