11:40am Jul 11 2010
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Posts: 2,338
((omg the comercial for that just creeps me out!!!))
11:44am Jul 11 2010
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Posts: 97
(I know!!the movie was even creepyer!!I fixed my wolf person!)
11:51am Jul 11 2010
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Posts: 97
(You there?)
11:57am Jul 11 2010
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Posts: 97
12:02pm Jul 11 2010
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Posts: 97
4:09pm Jul 11 2010
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Posts: 97
(You there?)
4:20pm Jul 11 2010
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Posts: 2,338
((yeah im here!!))
4:37pm Jul 11 2010
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Posts: 97
Akita padded close to camp.She held her head high and looked around the camp proudly.She smiled.Never had she felt so joyful.She finllay had a pack she could care for.She wouldn't lead them in the same direction her old pack was headed.She smiled and sat down watching her pack.
4:38pm Jul 11 2010
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Posts: 97
4:39pm Jul 11 2010
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Posts: 97
4:46pm Jul 11 2010
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Posts: 97
(Me not so happy anymore....YOU POOF!)
4:56pm Jul 11 2010
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Posts: 97
(I got to go.*Sniffles.*SEE YAH!!)
5:29pm Jul 11 2010
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7:13pm Jul 11 2010
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name- Reoko age (pup,trainee,young adult, adult)- Adult gender- Female looks-(deion only) Reoko is completely black pelted except for a few exceptions. She has white socks with light silver bands on the back. Her tail is medium and fluffy, While her body would rank a medium in scale, With a feminine build and sharp claws. Her ear has a good deal of snips, While her muzzle shows three stripes of low pink that wrap around the top. As to her orbs, They are bright golden with flecks of burgundy. Hidden underneath her thick and coarse mane fur, She has white stripes much like that of a tiger. Her under belly is a faint cream, while her flanks are very dark shade of grey. The top of her ears are tipped white. personality- Reoko is somewhat sweet, With a soft spot for pups. She is quick to react and sometimes snappy, With a soft spot for pups. She is very smart and sometimes hardheaded, And goes by her own rules until said to stop by a higher authority. history- Reoko was born from a sickly mom, in an empty field that was dangerously close to a acid dump. Her mother knew of this spill, And had her thoughts of death, Until Lumasi decided it was time to be born. Through pain and suffering, Lumasi came into the world, Without a mother, Father or sibling. As the curious young pup she was, She broke off into the world, Finding a fox mother somewhere at two weeks. She grew into childhood with the protection of the she-fox, She soon grew old like every other creature out there. With the nature of every wolf, She began the journey into the life of an Lone. After several years, She found this pack, And began her pack life. rank- Prophicied wolf
others- Nope. crush/mate- Open..
7:23pm Jul 11 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 2,338
((yeah i totally choose you for the prophicied wolf. i love your bio and i probably would have anyway.))
7:24pm Jul 11 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,662
(( Thank you. :) ))
12:43am Jul 12 2010
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Posts: 3,662
(( Start? :3 ))
12:47am Jul 12 2010
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12:57am Jul 12 2010
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Reoko's paw hung freely from a branch, Most of her weight pushed towards the base. She slept peacefully, The wind lightly ruffling her fur. Her paw twitched, And her eyes slid open. Raising her head, She instinctively rose her head and glanced around. Nothing but the whistling winds of the forest bind. She yawned and stretched her front paws, Bringing one up and warily rubbing her face. Rushing her tongue over her lips, She carefully stood on top of the branch and hopped down. Shooting through the leaves, She shook off the jolt of the land and proceeded to hunt.
1:14am Jul 12 2010
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Posts: 2,338
kina moved swiftly in and out of the trees. his white fur stood out among the dark trees. he tried to find a mud puddle from the storm from the night before but he couldn't seem to find one for some odd reason. he continued to search for food and a puddle. after a little bit he stepped in a deep muddy puddle. "yes." he whispered to himself rolling onto his back. he rolled around until he was covered in the sticky dark mud. he knew many things the mud would help him with. in addition to his fur it would keep him warm, it would also mask his scent. and it would help him bland in with the forest that surrounded him. he stood up and dipped his muzzle in the puddle. he snorted, getting the water up his nose. then he went back to hunting.