5:03pm Feb 13 2010
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Kazumi barked and wagged her tail at Sebastian before nudging Kimiko towards the stable she was like family here so it was ok for her to go inside there.
5:07pm Feb 13 2010
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"haha, okay, I'm coming Kazumi" Sebastian wagged his tail back and ran into the field to play with Kazumi. "How's the new baby?" Kimiko asked
5:12pm Feb 13 2010
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Kazumi started pouncing on Sebastian. The adult man looked at kimiko and smiled "shes doing fine but her mother paszed away must of bee just after giving birth" he said to her looking at the baby and his wife as she helped her to stand up like her mother should of. Twotone looked up seeing a new two legged animal and tried to stand up again finaly when she was steady on her feet she moved to the back of the stable cube. The mans wife sighed and walked out closing the gate after her "the little one seems healthy buts scared at the moment its good to see she got both parents colour though" she said.
5:16pm Feb 13 2010
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"well, at least she's still here. She'll make a fine mare." Sebastian stood up and acted serious, tagged her and darted in the other direction.
5:18pm Feb 13 2010
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The man nodded "im sure she will but now she will have to be hand raised and we dont have the time to do it" he said with a sigh. Kazumi laughed and ran after him tagging him back before running away.
5:23pm Feb 13 2010
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"Hey, I-I I guess since I'm out of school, I could take care of the foal, I mean.. thtas if you want me too" Sebastian took a break and walked over to his mommy to make sure she was okay. Then, at the right moment, he raced over to Kazumi tagged her and stopped in his tracks......
5:27pm Feb 13 2010
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The man nodded "thank you and as a reward you can keep her if you want but she can live here but she will still be yours" he said to her. Kazumi ran and jumped on him nipping his ear.
5:33pm Feb 13 2010
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"Are you serious?! Then I do wanna help out, I can also help with other barn c*censored*s." Sebastian shook his head and stood his ground staring at the group of trees on the farm.
5:39pm Feb 13 2010
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Kazumi tilted her head wondering what he was lookign at. The man smiled "its up to you" he said before walking out with the others "if you want you can start bonding with her now" he said to her.
5:48pm Feb 13 2010 (last edited on 5:52pm Feb 13 2010)
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"okay, thank you so much." she said as she smiled. Kimiko then opened the stall gate and walked in. "Hey there, it's alright,I won't hurt you." *said in a small voice* Sebastian soon began to growl and looked back to see if his mommy was there, but she wasn't. He began wandering aroud marking his turf so the preditor would leave. Even though he wanted to find his mommy, he stayed still out in the field. "Kazumi! Stand your ground" he said while growling.
11:38pm Feb 13 2010
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((just keeping the post alive xD))
9:49am Feb 14 2010
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Kazumi looked at him before looking around wondering what he smelt. Twotone slowly walked to her and smelt her hand it seemed like she was safe.
12:36pm Feb 14 2010
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Sebastian wait a good 5 minutes, then the smell went away. Sebastian walked over to the barn cell where his mommy was sitting in. "your so cute, I wish I could take you home with me!" Sebastian jumped around cuz he knew she was happy and safe.
12:49pm Feb 14 2010
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Kazumi followed him then laughed "your such a pup" she said before laying down. Twotone made a small niegh before nuzzleing her then hiding when she could see the two mean looking animals.
12:54pm Feb 14 2010
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"I'm no baby, I j-j just wanted to protect my mum" Aya heard Sebastian walk in and called him in to the stall. "Sebastian, this is Twotone. She will be mine new mare and your new baby." she said while laughing. Sebastian looked at the mare and jumped playfully. "I have a new baby! I have a new Baby!" Aya just laughed. "I love you Sebastian"
12:58pm Feb 14 2010
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Twotone nighed abit not knowing if he was goign to attack or not and moved back scared. Kazumi sighed "you act like a baby and calm down your scaring her shes very young and doesnt know who is nice or not" she said to him before walking over and nudging him before going to lay down.
1:06pm Feb 14 2010
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"oh noes, I don't want to scare my baby." Sebastian layed down on the ground in front of the little foal, hoping it would know he wouldn't harm her. "Calm down boy, you are scaring the baby"she said softly. Sebastian looked at his mommy with beady eyes as if to say he was sorry. "aww, don't look at me like that" T^T she sat on the ground and squeezed him "I-I I can't bre*gasp*athe" he said squirming to get away.
1:13pm Feb 14 2010
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Kazumi laughed and shuck her head before walking over to the foal and licking her head because she was layign down "hey there little one donw worry we wont hurt you" she said calmly as the foal looked up at Kazumi and nighed abit. Twotone looked at the more relaxed of the to "wheres my mummy she only fell asleep then the two legged animals took her where is she" she said in a baby voice as Kazumi looked sad "well they took her where she can sleep for a long time" she said "but the human here is going to be your new mummy" she said licking her head again.
7:05pm Feb 14 2010
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Posts: 1,771
((Silver, I wish I could do this rp but I don't have time. =( Maybe when I have less homework, I could pop in?)) ~Bump
Just call me Siri.
7:14pm Feb 14 2010
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(( ish okay, just pop in when ever okays siri =3)) "aww, my little baby want her mummy" he said as he started to cry Aya checked her phone, "I wonder when he'll call"