Twotone looked more confused "hes a boy he cant be my mummy can he?" she asked as Kazumi shuck her head "im sure he was just dropped on his head as a pup dont worry" she said to her.
Sebastian poked hs head into the barn and his mouth was opened "I was not!" then he walked back to his mommy. "I wasn't dropped on my head..... or was I?"
Aya grabbed his leash and said,"Lets go boy, I have to clean the house and get you ready for the dog competition."
"yus I can, there are single dads who call themselves mothers" he shout back "by the way, I have to get ready for a dog competition" he said sticking out his tongue hoping she would see through walls.
Kazumi laughed she knew what he was doing "they dont that still call them selves dads unless their into males and if you pull toungs your face might stick thaat way and you will win uglyest dog" she said laughing.
"Hanate. He's nice but defensive." *moves his arm* "Go on Boy!" *stands on his hind legs then runs circles around Ryan and Aya* "I'm Ryan. Nice to meet you."