10:59am Jun 15 2010
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11:48am Jun 15 2010
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Ari huffed, "well you don't have to touch me."
11:38pm Jun 15 2010
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(Koda and Calyx bumped into Jake, HIchigo, and Ari. That's about it.) Jake looked at Koda and patted his head. "Nah. Don't be scared. He isn't that harmful. I've known him for about 10 minutes and he seems like a somewhat nice guy." He smiled. "Anyways, why would he be in troublf for that? And what in teh world are you?" He looked at Calyx.
10:16am Jun 16 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Calyx barked happily. "Im'a Werewulfeh! Grrrrr!" She started to play bite Jake's hand. "Grrrrrr grrrrr..." She said. "I don't know...! Nyght just gets mad at me......" He whimpered. "Uh oh..." Calyx stopped biting Jake's hand. "Now what? Nyght going to get youuuuu....." She echoed. "Oh would you shut up already! I know that!" Koda snapped. Calyx whimpered slightly. "Just reminding you.......Ahhh! I'm going to get in trouble to!" She gasped. "No you aren't! And you know that, I'm the one help less....." Koda said. "Humaaaaannn....." Calyx said.
3:22pm Jun 16 2010
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12:00am Jun 17 2010
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((hey zozo xD bumps for Ari ;P))
12:56am Jun 17 2010
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"Hmm? Your a Human Koda?" He picked up the small werewolf. " You don't look very big or harmless... Then again. I'm demon so I have no reason to be scared of such a species.." He looked at Koda. "And Nyght is a...?"
10:05am Jun 17 2010 (last edited on 10:41am Jun 17 2010)
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Calyx giggled. "You should be scared!" She giggled. "I'm gonna eat you!" She started biting Jake. Koda shivered. "V-vampire...." He told Jake. "Grrrr....ggrrrr....." Calyx murmered, still biting his hand. "Calyx is a Werewolf, Nyght is a Vampire, and I'm a worth-less human." He hissed. "It just dosent feel right, being surrounded by Werewolves and Vampires all the time." He atmitted. "It freaks me out, i'm help-less if one of them should attck me." He started, "Bye-bye."
11:30am Jun 17 2010
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12:31am Jun 18 2010
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Jake smiled and looked taat Calyx. "Those teeth? They won't do a thing to me.. Now..." Jake's eyes narrowed slightly and his tail came back. It swished around and Jake's canines were about two times teh size of a regular wolf's. "Now, these could do some damage.." He smiled, his teeth barred and his canines visible.
2:28pm Jun 18 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Koda backed away slightly. Calyx yipped happily. "Mai teethys are bettah!" She giggled, showing her baby teeth. Koda turned away to look at some birds when Calyx bit him. Koda fell back in surprise and looked at his bleeding hand. "What was that for?!" He barked. Calyx whimpered. "I barely touched yew....." Her sadness turned to teasing. "Your such a pup!" She laughed out loud. "I am not!" He cried. He looked at his hand, it was a small bite, but it still bled and hurt. "You meanie!"
7:26pm Jun 18 2010
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Posts: 836
((alrighty, I'm back, still in pain, but back. Now what happened? o_O))
8:05pm Jun 18 2010
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((not sure))

8:06pm Jun 18 2010
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(( I joined lolz ^^))
8:06pm Jun 18 2010
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((yea... *thinks* ish sora on?))
8:28pm Jun 18 2010
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(( *waits for RuRu* ))
12:27am Jun 19 2010
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(well.... Koda ran into Jake. Jake adn Hichigo met some chik whom I can't remember teh name of. They are now talking and nothing else happened...) Jake grabbed teh werewolf and held her up. "Hmm.. Your too small.." He looked at Koda and pressed his hand on his. The wound simmered slightly and then was reduced to nothing. "there.. I wonder how humans can make it when they get hurt so easily."
12:30am Jun 19 2010
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Posts: 3,934
((the chick's name ish Ari ;o jk bumps for Ari again xD))
2:27am Jun 19 2010
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(yeah! Gomen.. It is Ari...)
6:06am Jun 19 2010
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((yea xD))