10:54pm Jun 8 2010
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Posts: 5,542
Jake sat up. "I'm sorry.. Hichigo, do you have a human form? I could have sworn you should have one." He smiled and stood up.
1:52pm Jun 9 2010
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3:46pm Jun 9 2010
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"Why would I want something like that," Hichigo smirked. "If I had one, it would just make me look weaker."
 Beyond Birthday <3
8:02pm Jun 9 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( ........How do i pop in?))
12:30am Jun 10 2010
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Posts: 5,542
(do something random. Fall from a tree or run into teh group...) Jake growled. "I'm not weak becasue I have a human form! I was born this way!" His tail appeared and began swishing back and forth. "YOu... Your just askin gfor a fight!"
10:02am Jun 10 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( *shrug* well heres mai phail intro xD)) Calyx and Koda talked unlegable things as Nyght hid above them in his favorite tree branch. Nyght yawned. I am sooo bored. He thought. Calyx giggled at something Koda said, Nyght caught his name. He growled. Calyx looked up to see Nyght, Koda did also. "You were eavesdropping on us?!" Calyx barked. "I was not, I was simply resting on my tree branch while you two pesky things talked under my tree." he snapped back at her. "Uhh.....This is wierd......" Koda said backing away from the tree. Calyx crossed her arms and made a mad face at Nyght. "Were to eavesdropping...." She murmered.
11:08am Jun 10 2010
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Posts: 3,934
Ari laughed at the two, "are you guys really good friends, or did you just meet now?"
12:52am Jun 11 2010
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Posts: 5,542
Jake looked up into the tree and smiled slightly. His canines clearly longer and sharper than humans. His demon form taking over again. "You two are quite teh pair.."
11:13am Jun 11 2010
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Ari huffed.
11:20am Jun 11 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Koda stood up, "Im going for a walk," he paused when he saw the excited ex pression on Calyx's face, "You can co-" Calyx jumped up and tackled him "Walk!" she giggled. "ok,ok." Koda giggled as Calyx got of him. They ran away from Nyght, who began to sleep. Koda tripped over a root and flew right onto Jake. Calyx whimpered and backed away.
11:25am Jun 11 2010
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Posts: 5,748
((where can i pop in?))

11:33am Jun 11 2010
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Posts: 3,934
((pop in where ever anti))
1:53am Jun 14 2010
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"Awah!!" Jake caught Koda and fell back. He had teh weirdest instinct to Protect Koda's head. He slammed into the ground. "Ow... Are you okay?" His canines shrinking slightly. He sat up and stood up, still holding Koda. He let go and brushed himself off. "Who in the world are you?" His tail swishing.
1:27pm Jun 14 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Koda nodded shyly. Calyx trotted over, not thinking he was a threat any more. "ewwww Your introuble......" She taunted. "K-koda...." Koda stampered, scared he would get introuble by Nyght. He whimpered at the thought. ".................." calyx was silent. She gulped. "I'm Calyx.." She said. "And your in big trouble....." She added to Koda. "Nuuu Don't tell! It was an accident Calyx!" He cried.
5:26pm Jun 14 2010
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Posts: 2,065
"Unless if you wanna die then I'd suggest you don't pick a fight with a hollow," Hichigo smirked and looked at Jake. Then walked up to Ari slightly grabbing her chin. "What's the matter," He said with a smile.
 Beyond Birthday <3
5:27pm Jun 14 2010
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Posts: 17,364
10:22pm Jun 14 2010 (last edited on 10:26pm Jun 14 2010)
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Ari slapped his hand out of the way and hissed, "nothing! now keep your filthy hands off of me."
11:05pm Jun 14 2010
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Posts: 5,542
Jake nodded. "Right? Jake... I'm Jake.. Anyways, why is he in trouble? Man, be a real man and don't wimper like a lost puppy." He sighed and yawned. He let his tail swish around. "Anyways, you guys should be careful. If you had bumped into Hichigo, you would be dead.."
11:12pm Jun 14 2010 (last edited on 11:12pm Jun 14 2010)
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Posts: 2,065
"You don't have to be so rough Ari,"Hichigo said to her. He then looked towards Jake. "It's true," Hichigo said letting out a chuckle.
 Beyond Birthday <3
10:31am Jun 15 2010
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Posts: 17,364
"Nuuu Uhhh!!" Calyx protested. "I woulda given him one of dis! And dat!" Calyx pawed the air as if fighting off an invisible foe. "And dis!" Calyx tried to jump up and kick the air, but tumbled down infont of Hichigo. She whimpered and skittered over behind Jake. "He's introuble for messin' with other peoples." Calyx answered Jake. "Nyght's gonna-" She cut off when she saw how scared Koda was.