Dusk sat with her pale, naked legs cross-legged with one foot pressing against her other foot making her lower body resemble the wings of a butterfly. The breeze swept over her as she sat in the tiny dingy, meditating. 2 creatu sat around her and one swam in circles around the small boat. Dusk's black hair crossed her open eyes, but Dusk did nothing for the hair did not do anything. She could see nothing throguh her purple eyes. Beautiful as they were, she was blind.
As the hours flew by, Dusk slowly emerged from her quiet trance and stretched her legs, hearing the bones crack slightly as she moved them out and in to get the numb feeling out of them. She stretched her arms over her head and stood up. The boat she was sitting in was anc*censored*d to the bottomo of the sea floor with a large rock, not a proper anchor. Their boat was floating near the mysterious whirlpool on the deserted planet of Atquati.
A note fluttered on the side of the boat, threatning to jump overboard. She snatched it just as it started to fly off. He nimble fingers slid over the wood of the dingy and she placed the paper in a hidden compartment on the oak bark that made up the boat. She slid the section closed as the wind picked up. She wondered absent mindedly if any humans has stayed. she rubbed the marks on her back--the silver ebilia next to her had told her what they looked like.-- and sighed. Nobody would want to even go near her. She was cursed...
The natural ebilia to the right of Dusk was quietly examining her pointy nails, wondering, for a moment, how many swipes it would take to kill another one of those annoying creatus humans called Meikos. She put down her claw and looked at her side. Nope, there was still fur where her bones should be showing. She looked around the boat and realized suddenly how small it was. If she stretched herself, her legs would hang over the side of the boat. She sighed.
It wasn't exactly a boat, it was more of a round wood float thing. It was able to hold Feyth and Firenei. She lay her head down on her paws and furled her her wings around her body. G'night. She said, although it was early morning...