8:07pm Mar 11 2010
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"I won't," Poppy murmured. "I won't tell anyone, I promise..."
wuss poppin jimbo
8:09pm Mar 11 2010
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'Any questions about my humiliation?" Angel asked, petting Star.
8:11pm Mar 11 2010
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"No," Poppy mumbled. "But do you want to hear about my life? It's probably a walk in the park compared to yours, but..." Sable hissed, curling up on Poppy's shoulder.
wuss poppin jimbo
8:14pm Mar 11 2010
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Posts: 6,165
Angel nodded, listening closely to what Poppy had to say. " Sure" she said, opening a box which was holding three blankets.
8:28pm Mar 11 2010
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(( ssather?))
8:39pm Mar 11 2010
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"My Dad left before I was born, and my Mom died giving birth to me. My brother Josh raised me, and my twin sister Lynn, but Lynn was hit by a car and died. Then, when I was walking home from school one day, some guy kidnapped me and ran. I never saw Josh again..." Her eyes watered. "And I'm still looking for my Dad."
wuss poppin jimbo
8:47pm Mar 11 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((Sorry I had to eat dinner. I don't know what to post...))
3:36pm Mar 12 2010
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Posts: 6,165
Angel hugged Poppy. " It will be okay, we'll get outta here, find your brother, and live happily ever after until we die" she whispered, holding Poppy
4:22pm Mar 12 2010 (last edited on 4:41pm Mar 12 2010)
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Name:Aloe Fern
Age:15 Gender:female *LK or WSW:LK Personality:Rping it out.
History:Sad...Very sad. Pet of choice: She a pet raven name Feathers. Other:She is Hunter sister...Yes, the one that got her tongue cut out by her father when she was 2.She has a deep scar across her left eye and a whole bunch of scars on her back. She can't talk. Looks: Like this only she has a scar over her left eye.
Pet looks:coming...
8:24pm Mar 12 2010
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Poppy nodded. "And let's hope it's soon!" ((Accepted I guess.))
wuss poppin jimbo
11:42am Mar 13 2010
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((Bump :D)) Josh sat on his bed for a minute, letting his mind wander all over. He thought about Charlotte and Matt, the whole situation of WindScream, Poppy, his mom, his dad, and then he finished his thoughts with Charlotte and Matt again.
wuss poppin jimbo
11:53am Mar 13 2010
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Posts: 5,835
Aloe looked around. She took a drink of water chocking as it moistened her die throat. She frowned and looked down at her hands.. They were died up with blood from working too hard on the rock. She sighed licked her dry, cracked lips. Aurora got up,"I am bored." She said yawning. She got up and started to walk out of the cafeteria. She stopped when the chains dug into her skin and remembered she had to put in the cloth so they wouldn't bleed. She tore some cloth from her clothes and stuffed it between the chains and her skin. Hunter looked around curious,"I wonder why she wants to see me at twelve?" He asked himself. Ash looked around for the boy Poppy had told him about. He shrugged giving up for today.
11:58am Mar 13 2010
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Jace followed after Aurora. "I'm bored too," he mumbled. "I wonder if they have anything fun here."
wuss poppin jimbo
12:01pm Mar 13 2010 (last edited on 12:01pm Mar 13 2010)
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Aurora laughed,"Probably not." She said her voice sounding a little sarcastic.
12:03pm Mar 13 2010
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Jace snorted. "I wouldn't mind throwing a couple rocks at those Workers." he added, "That would at least be semi-entertaining."
wuss poppin jimbo
12:08pm Mar 13 2010
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Aurora giggled,"It is most likely the most entertaining thing we could find here." She saw Hunter listening and hoped he hadn't heard anything. Hunter sighed. He looked over at Aloe and came over to greet her,"You must be new here because I haven't seen you before." He said taking out his hand,"I am Hunter, who are you?" Aloe just looked at the hand. She took is shaking it a little. "I see. You don't speak much..." Hunter said his voice still friendly. He felt kind of shellfish putting the girls life in danger. Aloe shook her head.
12:38pm Mar 13 2010
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Jace grinned, picking up two rocks off the ground. "Aim for the head?" he asked Aurora, jerking his head at Hunter.
wuss poppin jimbo
12:42pm Mar 13 2010
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Aurora nodded and watched. I am going to get in so much trouble for this. She thought excitment and fear both showing in her eyes,"I don't know...Maybe we should try someone who won't kill us for doing this." She said rethinking it over. She looked over at the girl he was talking to,"I haven't seen her around before."
12:42pm Mar 13 2010 (last edited on 12:43pm Mar 13 2010)
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12:45pm Mar 13 2010
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Jace shrugged. "Better to ask forgiveness than permission." He whipped both rocks at the back of Hunter's head. One hit him directly where he aimed, and the other hit him right between the shoulder blades. Jace grinned; this was fun.
wuss poppin jimbo