11:16pm Mar 6 2010
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((No, Mylovee. The animals don't really speak at all. ))
wuss poppin jimbo
11:18pm Mar 6 2010
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Posts: 3,291
(*sighs* Now back to retyping the post.))
11:59pm Mar 6 2010
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Isamu and May stood a little ways away from the line of chained kids. Isamu looked up as a snowy owl flew overhead, heading towards the cave. Larania walked up behind him, "Sorry I`m late. I was lazy this mourning and didn`t want to get up. "Larania, when aren`t you lazy?" Isamu said turning and looking at her. May turned and yipped happily at Larania, who picked her up and stood next to Isamu, watching the kids work. ~~~ Snow flew over the chained kids. She screached as she p*censored*ed over Josh. Then she went and landed on a huge rock. She looked down at the kids, spread her wings, and screached loudly. Rinku glared at Snow. He acted like he was gonna chuck his rock at her, causing her to get scared and fly to Josh. Rinku watched her fly off and squeezed his rock angerly, "One day..." "You know Larania would kill you if she knew you scared Snow." Bavmorda said looking up at Rinku. "I don`t care. I`m gonna get that spy bird on day." RInku said as a drop of blood came from his hand. Bavmorda sighed and went back to her digging. ~~~ Shun pulled aginst his lead rope. Isamu had put a halter on him and tied him to a steal pole, so he couldn`t be by Rinku. Two ropes were around his hooves. One connected his front hooves and the other around his back hooves. Ismau had also locked Maara in a kennel so she couldn`t get to Bavmorda. She also had a muzzle on so she couldn`t bite anymore. ((Not sure what else to do.))

12:16am Mar 7 2010
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Posts: 6,165
(( Is Angel a chained kid?))
12:18am Mar 7 2010
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Posts: 9,944
((If their a Lost Kid, then yes. Re-read the first post if you don't understand.))
wuss poppin jimbo
12:31am Mar 7 2010
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Posts: 6,165
(( Okay, I get it)) Angel cried in pain as the shackles on her fee moved. " Why do they do this!" she cried.
12:33am Mar 7 2010
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Poppy, who was beside Angel, whispered, "Shhh. If they here you, they'll whip you." She chipped at the rock, eyes studying Angel carefully. "I'm Poppyseed. Who're you?"
wuss poppin jimbo
1:03am Mar 7 2010
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Posts: 3,291
((Snow felw over to Josh you know.))
1:07am Mar 7 2010
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Josh narrowed his eyes at the bird. He really disliked owls.
wuss poppin jimbo
1:18am Mar 7 2010
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Posts: 3,291
Snow landed on the ground next to him. She looked up at him and screached, then flew off again. She flew over the line of kids, watching and making sure they were working.
7:12am Mar 7 2010
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Posts: 6,165
A tear ran down Angel's eye. " I'm Angel Arokial, and I wanna go home......" she whispered, chipping off a big piece of the rock.
9:34am Mar 7 2010
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Aurora knocked a rock against the big rock in front of her. She yawned tired,"Why do we have to do this? Is it just that these other people are too lazy to do it them selves or are the just torturing us." She said talking to herself. Her voice was cold and sharp but her eyes were dull and tired. She yawned again trying to come up with a faster way to finnish. Ash walked from kid to kid watching them very closely. He stopped when he came to angel,"Why are you crying?" he asked his voice hard. He hissed looking down at the weaping girl but kept moving on.
9:51am Mar 7 2010
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Posts: 3,291
Snow screached and swooped down, landing gently on Ash`s soulder. ~~~ Larania`s eyes followed her Snow, as she flew over the kids watching them. Larania sat on the ground next to Isamu, srill holding May, "This is so boring." She said hugging May. Isamu just rolled his eyes then went back to watching the kids.
9:56am Mar 7 2010
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Ash looked at the bird that landed on his shoulder,"Careful, Vemon is on my neck." Ash said. Venom was his small, green snake with black eyes that liked to wrap around Ash's neck.
10:01am Mar 7 2010
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Snow watched Venom carefully. After a few seconds of being uncomfortable around the snake, she flew off Ash`s shoulder, and landed on a large near by rock.
2:21pm Mar 7 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Jace, who was beside Aurora, mumbled, "I agree. They should get off their lazy butts and do this." He yawned. "I'm Jace. Who're you?" _____ "I want to go home too," Poppy whimpered. Suddenly, her chains dug into her ankles the wrong way and she let out a cry of pain. _____ Josh's head jerked up, and he narrowed his eyes at Poppy and Angel. They looked familiar...He shoved it off, and started to scan his eyes through the rest of the kids. _____ With a clang, Charlotte broke through her chains. Her heart started to pound; thoughts of freedom thundered through her mind, but she shoved it off. She had to keep acting like she was bound, or she'd be caught and whipped.
wuss poppin jimbo
2:28pm Mar 7 2010
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Posts: 596
Matt was wiping sweat off his brow when he saw Charlotte break through the chains. "Now how did you manage that?" He asked softly, momentarily stopping his work. "You know how much trouble you'll be in when they find out about you breaking the chains?"
'You did not leave, you just went to live in eternity' 5 Months
2:31pm Mar 7 2010
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Charlotte glanced over at him. "I know," she whispered. "I'll break yours too, if you don't say anything." Her eyes glittered with fear. "Please."
wuss poppin jimbo
2:34pm Mar 7 2010
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Posts: 5,835
"I am Aurora. I wonder why they even want this stupid hole built into this rock." She said. Ash looked over at Aurora as he heard her say something about being lazy. He hissed under his breathe letting the comment p*censored*.
2:36pm Mar 7 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Jace shrugged, wiping the sweat off his face. "Must be important though," he grinned, despite the pain in his ankles.
wuss poppin jimbo