5:20pm Feb 19 2010 (last edited on 5:21pm Feb 19 2010)
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+Plot+ People, whose age ranges from a very young age to teenager to old person, are taken by a group of people, who have escaped from jail, and need money. They take them to a lab that is hidden in some forest, unseen by anyone, since people rarely come there. If anybody sees the lab, they never come out again, well they actually do, but they aren't that recognizable. The people and others, such as those who see the lab, are tested on constantly. Soon, they become creatures, that only can be imagined of, but the people who are forcefully tested on, pay a price for being extraordinary. They change somehow, maybe their hair or eyes are different, or even their whole face, isn't the same. Or their face is burned so badly, that they cannot be recognized. Their voice might be different. The criminals who did this to them, have a plan to sell them to people, as little slaves, and they are certain that they will get a large amount of money for this. The people have a plan, but they must be quick, because time is running out, and sooner or later, they might lose everything, and be working for someone, with no free will. +Rules+ (ick) Me and the co-owner (to be picked) are to be listened to. Don't be rude, to other players. Be literate or at least semi-lit. Violence and romance allowed certainly. Roleplay will start at the point they were taken. Can happen to your character at any place you want, not just in one place. Creatures made into can be like werewolves, vampires (not like Twilight ones), etc. Can also be like made up creatures. To join click my siggy. (Please don't make me add more. I'd feel bad having more rules.) +Bio+ Name: Age: Gender: Personality (rp it outs are allowed): Looks (normal and what he/she looks like after being tested on so many times): History: Crush/Bf/Gf: Other:
5:33pm Feb 19 2010 (last edited on 9:21pm Feb 19 2010)
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Name: Larine Drakmore/Jash Drakmore Age: 10 years old/17 years old Gender: Female/Male Personality (rp it outs are allowed): Rp it out, since she's a new char./Jash is quiet, with an air of seriousness. He has a big desire to protect his little sister, Larine, who he believes can't walk around, without him by her side. If someone dares to try to take Larine, he will go with her. (which caused him to suffer being tested on later) Looks (normal and what he/she looks like after being tested on so many times): Normal Larine- Larine is 6"6 (it runs in the family for the kid to be tall at 10 years) with shiny blonde hair, that is worn in a ponytail. Her fingernails are painted a ruby red, and Larine's eyes are a almost liquid-like blue. She wears a black tank top and torn jeans. Later Larine- Larine is still the same height as before, but her blonde hair has streaks of red in it now. Her fingernails are now sharp, curved claws (like Wildkillers, a creature I made up) and are a glistening ruby red, like she had painted them, but it is now the claws' natural color. Larine has pointed fangs when she smiles, now. Patches of black spotted golden fur, is here and there on her body. Normal Jash- Jash is 6"9 and is very skinny. Scars run down both of his arms, and his eyes are midnight blue. He has blonde hair, which he dyes blue and black. Jash has a smile that he rarely shows, which is very nice-looking. He normally wears black pants and a green T-shirt that has a crescent moon printed on it. Later Jash- Jash is a few inches taller than before. His blue eyes are now changed, one red, the other one is a liquid silver (like Shryghts). His hair is a lime green, and is rough if you touch them. Jash now has notciable muscles, that show he had a small increase in his strength. His voice has somehow changed also, not matching his niceness. Jash's skin now has a blue tint to it. History: Nothing of importance, only that they're related. Crush/Bf/Gf: Open Other: Shryghts- Shryghts are malevolent creatures. They are usually tall and stronger than other creatures. Their hair is different shades of green, and rough like scales to the touch. One of their eyes are red, the other is silver. Shryghts have voices that make your skin crawl. They represented the darkness in everyone. Their skin is blue or black. Wildkillers- Wildkillers look like humans, with normal skin, except there is patches of cat fur, on their skin. They have long claws, and have fangs like a sabertooth tiger. The Wildkillers' eyes are completely black, like eye sockets in a skull. They smile wickedly, when they smell blood from anything, and attack who the blood is coming from, even if it's their own kind. Wildkillers rarely are together, only if they're family.
6:34pm Feb 19 2010
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Name: Trinity Maxwell Age: 15 Gender: female Personality: It changes everytime, so I'll rp it out ;3 Looks: Trinity used to have silky black hair and dark, violet eyes. Her vision used to be terrible, so she had to wear contacts. Her skin was tan. Then, she finds her hair turned to a silver/white colour. Her right eye turns gold and the other one is emerald green. Her skin is very, very fair. She sort of has a "translusent" look to her, even though you can't see through her skin. Later she finds that whenever she has physical contact with another person, she seems to steal their luck. Sometimes the other person will die, or get injured in a worst case senario. History: She had a warm home, and her dad. She had never known her mom, but it had never bothered her all that much. She went to school like any normal kid... Nothing much to say here. Crush/Bf/Gf: Open~ Other: Nothin' -------------------- Name: Alex Knight Age: 17 Gender: Male Personality: Rp it out xD Looks: Alex before had blonde, sort of sandy hair, and soft brown eyes. Later he has a strange shade of... Reddish brown. His eyes are the colour of the inky night. Later he finds that.. Well you'll find out. xD History: Nothin' Crush/Bf/Gf: Open~ Other: Nothin'
9:22pm Feb 19 2010
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((Accepted, Night. 8D))
1:05am Feb 20 2010
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Name: Tyra Age: 15 Gender: Female Personality (rp it outs are allowed): Rp it out. Looks (normal and what he/she looks like after being tested on so many times): Regular: Tyra had light brown hair with the same colored eyes. Her pants were faded, and she wore blue sneakers and a t shirt. Later: Now Tyra's eyes have turned golden and her pupils are of a cat's. Her whole body is covered with white fur, and a cat tail sprouted, soon 2 more will grow. She has large cat ears and whiskeres, along with claws. No shoes, just a ripped black dress. History: all normal, except she had a love for cats. Crush/Bf/Gf: None Other: As she changes more an more, her personality changes. Name: Rita Age: 17 Gender: Female Personality (rp it outs are allowed): RP it out Looks (normal and what he/she looks like after being tested on so many times): Normal: Blonde hair with light blue eyes and a beautiful dress. Sandals. Later: Her hair turned black and black wolf ears and a tail grow. Her teeth sharpen and her eyes turns red. Black fur sprouts all over body, and a red nightgown. Claws grow. History: Nothing. Crush/Bf/Gf: None. Other: None.
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
9:08am Feb 20 2010
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(join?) Name:Rockette Bloodlace Age:15 Gender:Female Personality (rp it outs are allowed):She can be aggressive but is usally sweet and very brave.SHe talks often and never dwells on the bad side of things. Looks (normal and what he/she looks like after being tested on so many times):5'6 Her short chocolate hair fell just bellow her pale sweet face.Her eyes where an olive green and she was quite tall and a little on the chubby side.She *censored* black and pink clothing. Later:5'4 her long white hair falls to her ankles.Her skin is now darkned to a tan.her eyes a greyish-blue.She is now very very skinny and small she coveres up with a khaki cnvas dress that goes inches before her knees.Her once beatiful face is know burned on the left side of her face that she covers with hair History:She was exploring through the woods when they kidnapped her.She was never popular but after she excapted she never leaves the woods rather being thought dead than seen like this..... Crush/Bf/Gf:Jash Drakmore Other:nope

12:23pm Feb 20 2010
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((Does this mean we be starting soon? :D))
8:16pm Feb 20 2010
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(( Hello? Just wonfdering, Am I accepted?))
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
8:27pm Feb 20 2010
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Name: Dravius Wolfe Age: 15 Gender:Male Personality: RP, time. Looks: The original Dravius had black spiky hair and green eyes, with pale skin and a tall build. He was almost 6' feet tall, and slender with a long face. His face was constantly smiling and happy. After being taken in, his hair was bleached pure white, with one eye sea green and the other back with golden flecks. His hair syle is the same, but he is now nearly 7 1/2 feet tall, with olive skin and pointed teeth. They altered his mind, so now he craves blood and tends to be reclusive. History: He was taken after he was found alone in the woods. He had just dumped his girlfriend and was not in the best of moods. Crush/Bf/Gf:None. Other: Is the equvilent of a vampire.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
12:51pm Feb 21 2010
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(( Sorry, everybody. I was off for a while and a bit busy. Just to let you know, all are accepted, and we will start.)) Larine Drakmore walked down the sidewalk. She had met some cool friend online, who had told her to meet him at the park, to chat up close. Larine was so excited, and already she was wondering what her friend looked like. Maybe some handsome guy, a prince, Larine wondered, with a dreamy ex pression on her face. If only my overprotective, wimp of a brother, would leave me alone, and stop following me. Jash walked beside his little sister, his face revealing how serious he was. Larine had planned to meet some 'friend' that she had wanted to meet in real life, not online. Jash wasn't so sure about this, and wanted to make sure that she was okay, and didn't get kidnapped, or worse, killed. Jash halted as soon as the park came into sight. A figure lurked in the shadows. Larine stepped forward to say "hello" to the person she could see, but not recognize. She felt a tug on her arm, and she gritted her teeth. She tried to pull forward, but she was tightly held back. Larine whirled on her brother. "What!" she hissed at him, face red with anger. Jash looked at Larine with concern in his eyes. "No, this might not be a person you think you know," he whispered. Larine narrowed her blue eyes. "I don't care what you say, brother." She stepped toward the figure. Jash stared in horror as the unknown person turned, and sprung at Larine, grabbing her around the waist. The person covered her mouth, so she wouldn't scream, and dragged her to a nearby van. "No!" Jash yelled. He ran at the person, who was pushing his sister into the back of the van. Jash felt a fist connect with his head. He fell down, onto the pavement. Larine watched helplessly, as Jash was loaded onto the van with her. The back doors were closed, and the van drove away.
2:24pm Feb 21 2010
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Jash groaned as he felt the pain on his head. His eye-lids opened, slowly, and his midnight blue eyes showed the agonizing pain he was in. Jash's head felt like it had been sent on fire, by the blow he had received. His muscles ached, uncontrollably. Jash struggled to push himself into a sitting position. For a moment, he wondered where he was and what had happened to him. It felt like a train had hit him, when Jash remembered about taking Larine to see some stranger that had been on the internet talking to her. Jash absently touched the back of his head, and felt a large sting of pain. He swiftly withdrew his hand, and saw blood on it. Jash shivered, since he really didn't like blood. With difficulty, Jash glanced around, hoping to find Larine. That was when Jash finally realized he had been hurled into a cage, and a few people were also hanging around in cages, but not many. What are they going to do to us, and are more going to be taken here too?
5:59pm Feb 21 2010
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7:41pm Feb 21 2010 (last edited on 7:47pm Feb 21 2010)
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Rockette focused her good eyes from the back corner of her cage.Her body hollowed and dizzy by starvation.When she moved the room spinned she tried to hold her balance and flipped hair shining white hair over the mutalated burned side of her face.Her feet stung under the broken gravel that was the bottom of her cage.SHe stumbled foward her bones cracked as she moved to the new boy,She held to the iron bar at the front of the cage to stable her self "are you okay?"Her voice was smooth and high pitched it showed worry and pain".She slowly sat down watching him."im sure your wondering wear you are."SHe breathed in then sighed."im not sure myself but they,they.....hurt you,change you.First its..."She heard a crack and closed her mouth.
8:01pm Feb 21 2010
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Jash felt a faint flash of surprise, when he saw Rockette. It was stange to him, but didn't manage to say a thing, because that was when there was a creaking of floorboards, and a crack. Jash saw some guy appear, in a white lab coat, though he didn't look at all like someone, who would be wearing one, with his unshaven face, and scars. A few other guys were behind him, and they carried Larine. The men seemed to be talking, and Jash strained his ears to listen. "So, you have brought more," Jash could hear the dude in the lab coat say, in a whisper. "Perfect." One of the guys who were holding Larine, said,"It wasn't that hard to get this girl, but we did get a bonus, some guy, who accompanied her." The man that had spoke first, the one in the coat, narrowed his eyes. "What did you do?" "We just thrown him in one of the cages, over there," the other guy said, pointing at where Jash was. The first person, sighed. "We better keep him here. Take the girl to one of the other cages." The two men holding Larine, quietly obeyed. The guy in the lab coat, strode over to Jash, and breathed in his face. "Hope you are happy here," the lab coat guy said. "Otherwise this will be your living hell." He gave a chuckle and walked away, leaving Jash rigid with fear.
8:20pm Feb 21 2010
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Trinity looked in the mirror. She was going out and wanted to look decent. She was planning a simple walk down in the town, maybe buy something...Meet somebody.... Forget about the summer online cl*censored* she had recently signed up for. She made sure her black wavy hair laid on her shoulders like she wanted it to. She was wearing black jeans and a royal blue form fitting t-shirt. She picked up her purse and walked out the door. Trinity had a fairly good day. She had no idea it would be her last happy day in a long time... She had just eaten and bought some coffee ad was about to walk home when, on the streets, she accidentally bumped into somebody. "Oh, sorry-" she began to appologize. The person stood up. It was a middle aged guy, with a twisted grin. "S'ok, girly," he said in a rough voice. The next thing Trinity knew, she felt a dull pain in the back of her neck. Her vision slowly faded like a tv screen getting fuzzier and fuzzier until everything simply went....Black. -x- Trinity woke up in a strange cage. At first it didn't register in her brain. Waking up from being blacked out felt strange, and it took a while for her to process everything. Where am I, and how did I get here? Finally it all clicked. 1. A creep had knocked her out. 2. She was in a cage. Locked. Not escaping anytime soon. 3. Her whole body was achy, and suddenly her mouth felt she had recently eaten sawdust. A wave of panic p*censored*ed over her. Questions like: It's locked. My dad's freaking out. I can't get out. What are these people/person going to do to me? And then she calmed herself. She would find out... All in good time. The people in the ages next to her were talking to each other. She simply sat in her cage indian style... Now was the time for thinking and planning and being calm... But truth be told, Trinity was very, very scared.
8:22pm Feb 21 2010 (last edited on 8:26pm Feb 21 2010)
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Rockette slowly watched the men leave.Her eyes turned to him she saw the fear in his eyes and felt pain in her chest for him."im Rockette."She looked down as she whispered."you either excape here or die here"Her voice rigid with fear and pain.She removed the white hair that covered the ugly of her face a tear rolled down from her icy eye she looked up exposing the bruned side of her face."ive been here for three months" she moved and showed the scrathes in the wall for each p*censored*ing week."how did you get here? i was in the woods when they stole me away from life"her voice growled with anger."her breath slowed and deppened her chest pumping in and out."we'll be lucky if we survive a year,but death is better then this hell"She muttered
8:23pm Feb 21 2010
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Alex was sitting in a cage next to a couple of others. He had been in here for a while. The people hadn't touched him yet, or had changed him yet, but he knew his time was coming. For now, he sat in a corner, resting his head against the uncomfortable bars, wishing desperately that he could slip through them. Or maybe this was a dream. He just hadn't woken up. But a voice told him no, this is reality. Alex sighed. The truth sometimes was the harder thing to accept.
8:31pm Feb 21 2010 (last edited on 8:38pm Feb 21 2010)
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Jash took a deep gulp of breath, before saying,"I'm Jash. I was with my sister accompanying her while she met some person she had been friends with on the internet. We saw some guy, and then I was knocked out. That girl they had with them just now, was her." Jash shook his head in disbelief that this was actually happening. "If only she hadn't went, then we wouldn't be in this place." The teenager, ran his fingers down one of the bars. It felt cold and cruel to the touch, like the hearts of the people who had taken him and Larine. Larine was slumped in the men's arms. She had sobbed all the way there in the van, crying to be let go, until she had fallen asleep. The men threw her into a cage, without any care if she got hurt, then rushed off. When Larine came to, she found herself laying on cement floors, in a metal cage, her limbs aching dully with pain. She glanced around, suprised by what she saw. It was dim where she was, barely any light at all. To her, it looked like a total dump. If Larine squinted, she could see other cages, like hers. Where in the world am I now, and where is Jash? "Um, hello?" Larine called out. "Anybody here?"
8:42pm Feb 21 2010
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Rockette looked at him sadly "you cant blame yourself for what happened."She shifted trying to ease her aching body. "i wasted so many night thinking of what if or what i didnt do,its out of your control"She wanted to go and hug him. Then it hit her,she did shrink she looked at her shrunked belly and then at the bars.She shoved her head through then twisted and slide her shoulders past then she slipped through and fell on the cement floor she smiled.She heard another noise.But instead of runing she slide into Jashes cave.She could live with her self if she left the others behind.She watched the man that came by so many that she never saw the same one twice she could just say the other put her there.She smiled "now this could help us."
8:43pm Feb 21 2010
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Rockette looked at him sadly "you cant blame yourself for what happened."She shifted trying to ease her aching body. "i wasted so many night thinking of what if or what i didnt do,its out of your control"She wanted to go and hug him. Then it hit her,she did shrink she looked at her shrunked belly and then at the bars.She shoved her head through then twisted and slide her shoulders past then she slipped through and fell on the cement floor she smiled.She heard another noise.But instead of runing she slide into Jashes cave.She could live with her self if she left the others behind.She watched the men that came by so many that she never saw the same one twice she could just say the other put her there.She smiled "now this could help us."