8:47pm Feb 21 2010
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Posts: 1,551
Alex heard the girl in the cage next to him say, "Anybody here?" He hesitated. "Yeah. I'm in the cage next to you. You new?" he said. -x- Trinity stared at the men, walking around, and heard people whispering and moaning. Occasionally she could hear a scream. I'll never sleep. Not that sleep was important right now. The men walking around outside would carry these things, walk up to a random cage, and do something to the person in the cage. She couldn't see what... She simply wished that she could fold herself into darkness and disappear.
8:51pm Feb 21 2010
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Larine glanced around, squinting in the dim light, when she heard someone speak in reply. "Well, yes," Larine answered. "Just got here recently. What is this place anyways?" She fidgeted with her fingers, until a man in one of the other cages, screamed at Larine to stop. Larine noticed that he didn't really look normal, the man who had yelled, and leaned back in her cage. This was something that she couldn't bear to cope with for the moment. Being kidnapped, was something normal, but this, this was unbelievable.
8:54pm Feb 21 2010
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Posts: 1,361
(did anyone see meh post?)
8:54pm Feb 21 2010
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Jash stared into space for a long while, almost not hearing what Rockette said. He was lost in memories of family and friends. Would he never see them again? Ever, for the rest of his life? Jash bit his lip, almost making it bleed.
8:58pm Feb 21 2010
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Posts: 1,551
Alex waited for the men to walk away before answering. "This place... Who knows. I got here some days ago, but now I know how it works... These people like to experiment... They come up with injections and stuff, and test them out on us. I haven't been changed yet. But everyone is sometime.... I know that my time is coming soon."
9:00pm Feb 21 2010
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Posts: 1,361
Rockette touched his shoulder. "i can slip through the bars we can get out of here,i just need a plan to rescue everyone."Her voiced sounded hopeful.She scooted back to the corner of Jashes cage.She so deperately wanted to hug him it had been months since she had touched another human.She missed a simple hug.She curled herself in a ball containing herself as well as she could "dont worry we can get out of this"She gulped and writhed holding herself back. As she watched him suffer.It hurt for some reason after think of herself and nothing but herself for months she saw herself in love with him.She knew it was just seperation not reality.
9:04pm Feb 21 2010
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Posts: 1,551
((Ack! I have to go... Will roleplay tomorrow.... o.e ))
9:05pm Feb 21 2010
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Jash broke out of his trance for only a second, to listen to Rockette's words. It gave him a spark of hope, but it faded quickly, as he wondered whether the security was high here. The sound of footsteps could suddenly be heard, and Jash stiffened. "Someone's coming," he said in surprise, voice low.
9:08pm Feb 21 2010
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Posts: 1,551
Alex stiffined as he heard feet... Walking in his (and other people near him) direction. He immidietly froze in fear. "Speak of the devil..." he whispered. He felt he knew what was coming next. Maybe its a false alarm...he thought desperately...
9:08pm Feb 21 2010
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Posts: 1,299
((Gotta go too. Bye..))
9:13pm Feb 21 2010 (last edited on 9:21pm Feb 21 2010)
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Rockette paused thinking of the words she could say if a gaurd noticed her out of her cage.A large man stopped in front of jashes cage "what are you doing in there!"The man screamed at Rockette. "someone put me here"Her voice shook. "come here!" His voice boomed. Rockette came foward. "you where such a pretty girl" he laughed "look at you now,crap,worthless"Her took a large rock and smashed her in the face with it that kicked her in the stomach so hard she slammed to the wall.Rockette curled herself and sobbed she touched her face and looked at her hands soaked with blood.She moaned in deep pain.Gulping in the crimson liquid it made her sick.Her body sharpened with unbearable pain she shook in agony.She felt even worse having others see her like this.She moved her face out looking at jash through the blood that poured from her face "im s-s-s-sorry" sucking in breathes as she spoke she curled tighter and wimpered.
7:36am Feb 22 2010
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Posts: 1,299
Jash clenched his fists when the man kicked Rockette. "Can't you leave her alone," he said, voice hard and cold to the guy. The man looked at Jash like he was crazy and that he had no mind at all, and couldn't think for himself. "Watch your mouth. With a face as stupid as yours, I could mop the floor with your face. Jash shrugged. Like he hadn't heard that before. "And what are you to do with me?" Jash asked, grinding his teeth after he spoke. That guy in the lab coat approached. "We're going to deal with you first. Let's see how you deal with many shots in both arms." The lab coat guy, gave an insane laugh and ordered the man to take Jash out. The man flung open the cage's door, which had been securely locked. Jash attempted to make a mad dash for it, but in only a few minutes, the man had him in a firm grip, unable to escape from it. Jash was set onto a stretcher and strapped tightly in, so tight, his wrists and ankles felt like they were burning.
8:32am Feb 22 2010 (last edited on 8:32am Feb 22 2010)
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Trinity didn't realize it when she dozed off. She was having a terrible dream... Somebody was screaming at her and the sound grew louder and louder until... She woke up. Her eyes snapped open. She was staring at a face that was looking at her, grinning evily. It was the same twisted smile of the guy who had captured her. She scowled at him. "Aw, come on, don't feel that way towards me," he sneered at her. He opened the cage door and grabbed her roughly by the arm and threw her onto a stretcher. She struggled, but was soon strapped in. No... she thought.
10:27am Feb 22 2010
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The guy in the lab coat, whose name was still unknown to Jash, along with the two other unknown men, sneered at Jash, taunting him. The dude in the lab coat, some kind of criminal scientist to Jash, took out needles. Jash stared with wide eyes. The criminal noticed how wary he was and jeered at Jash. "You're a baby really, afraid of injections." He then glanced at one of the men at his shoulder. "Knock the fool out." A quick blow could be felt against Jash's head, hitting close to where the blow had landed before. His eyes rolled up into the back of his head, as his vision blurred, and he fell once again, into unconsciousness. The criminals all laughed, and set to work, giving Jash many injections, in his arms, legs, and even his chest.
4:22pm Feb 22 2010
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Posts: 2,046
((You went way ahead of me, and I don't really have inspiration anymore...))
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
5:12pm Feb 22 2010
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Posts: 1,895
((Oh....I might like to join this. *watches*))
8:03pm Feb 22 2010
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Posts: 1,551
Alex watched in horror as a man opened his cage and forced him onto a stretcher also. He did not fight. He simply was feeling like he was in one of his worst nightmares. My time has come he thought. Cold dread filled him as he felt needles pinching his skin. -x- The man who had kidnapped Trinity rolled the stretcher to a room where other people on stretchers were... The man took out a bunch of things she recognized as, on no, shots. Trinity hated shots. She didn't dare look away, yet was appalled as she watched the needle grow close to a vein, a major arterie, in her wrist. The man experetly injected her with the stuff, whatever it was. Trinity watched the shot, this strange silver liquid, flow into her bloodstream. She felt it rush through her veins and travel to her heart. She felt her blood get colder. It felt like ice. She started shivering uncontrollably. It was bad enough with one injection. It was worse when the man smiled his twisted smile and inject her with another shot, this time rolling up her shirt and injecting her on her chest. Trinity's muscles instantly fought back in reflex, hardening up, only making the pain worse. This time it was gold liquid, that burned. "Stop," she moaned, shivering and sweating at the same time. "The people here do not give mercy," the man said. Trinity watched as he produced more shots, injecting her everywhere. She kept on moaning and begging for him to stop until he finally simply knocked her out so that she could not feel the terrible pricking sensation of the needles anymore, or feel the change that her body was undergoing.
8:48pm Feb 22 2010
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Posts: 1,943
((Flashback mode!)) Dravius Wolfe angrily kicked a tree, then swore as pain curled around his toes. His stupid ex-girlfriend was such a *censored*! He grabbed a branch and screamed loudly, releasing his rage through a long howl. Suddenly, he heard a rustle, and whirled around. Spotting a tall man in the distance, he edged slowly away, strangly afraid of the imposing figure as it broke into a run, covering the ground between them almost supernaturally fast. He yelled as the figure wrapped an arm aroung his torso, his black hair flying. He screamed breifly before the person clapped a hand around his face. He sank his teeth into the hand, clenching his jaw powerfully. The man jerked his hand away and sneered, "You like to bite? Well, I'll be sure to tell them to make you want to bite some necks!" The man lifted his fist and slammed it into Dravius's forehead. The sky spun as it dimed, until Dravius grew limp. ~X~ Dravius winced at the harsh sounds as new faces were brought into the facility. His bleached hair covered his cromson eyes and he felt the familiar wave of bloodlust roll over him. He snarled and sunk his huge fangs into his own arm, eyes unfocused. Releasing his jaw, he sloely watched the new one be carted away, and turned to the other beside him. "Hello." He said softly, waving to the girl (Larine) and smiling, accidentally showing his large bloodstained fangs.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
11:45am Feb 23 2010 (last edited on 11:49am Feb 23 2010)
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Trinity woke up in her cage again. Her whole body felt... achy, for one, and... different. She felt dazed, and for some strange reason she couldn't see clearly. Huh. Everything was blurred. She took out the contacts in her eye. Suddenly she could see clearly. I have perfect vision now? She looked at her hand that was holding the contacts. Her skin was pale. Deathly pale. It was almost like she was translucent, or something. That's when she noticed her hair. Before it was thick, long, and black and fell in waves... Now it was a silvery unnatural white. Trinity breathed deeply. My eyes... She found a piece of broken gl*censored* in the cage and used it as a mirror. Wow. She really looked like a ghost. And her eyes... One was golden, like really golden, not yellow. And the other one... It was the colour of emerald green moss. I am not me anymore... she thought. And for the first time, she actually started to cry. But not even her tears were normal anymore. They were silver tears. And that just made her cry harder.
5:43pm Feb 23 2010
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Posts: 1,299
Larine blinked, hearing another voice. She turned her head to look at someone who had crimson eyes and bleached hair. The fangs faintly reminded her of some monster that you see in movies, though at the moment she had forgotten what. Then Larine paused for a moment, seeing the blood. "What are you?" she whispered, her eyes not leaving the fangs, afraid that they would be used on her. The lab guy looked at Jash, with satisfaction. He had been wanting to try out the liquids that had been in the shots on someone. Now he could see the effects, finally. Jash's body, struggled against the straps, unconsciously, with a surge of wildness. Jash, unable to control what he did, and still knocked out, opened his mouth and gave an unearthly screech. Eyes opened, revealing a blood-red eye and a silver eye, gleaming in malevolence. Jash screeched again, more high-pitched than before. The man in the lab coat, glanced at the people helping him. "Get him into his cage. Now!" he ordered, fearing that Jash, his creation, might break the straps that held him. The as.sistants quickly grabbed Jash, who was thrashing about, like a fish out of water, still screeching. They dashed over to his cage, and hurled him in there. They latched the cage door, and backed cautiously away from the cage. Their eyes stared at him, like he was a demon, then they ran away. The scientist followed closely after him, a slight bit calmer.