10:17am Feb 24 2010 (last edited on 1:26pm Feb 24 2010)
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Alex woke up. He felt a bit achy, but not too badly. His body felt...different. He did not feel stronger per say, but he certainly felt... He was not sure yet. He knew he probably looked completely different. That is what always happened to the people who went through... whatever they did to people. -x- Trinity stopped crying, as next to her cage, a bunch of the stupid, cruel life-ruining men forced a boy into the cage right next to her. He had a wild look in his eyes and was fighting. His eyes... were terrifying to look directly into. Then again she thought mine do not look too good either. She figured that the boy would come to in a bit... Hopefully. You never could guess. She took a shaky breath and tried to talk to him, sitting as close to his cage as possible, thinking that the metal bars would protect her (hopefully) if he went out of control. "They changed you too, huh?" she began, a bit hesitantly. Her voice sounded like crap. So she contnued. "It sucks to be here." That was definetaly the bottom line. It really really sucked to be here. She stared with disdain at the way her silver-bleached white silky hair fell against her royal blue t-shirt and black jeans. It really popped out, and she hated it.
4:12pm Feb 24 2010
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Dravius quickly stopped smiling, covering his teeth with his lips. "I'm Dravius," He muttered, large eyes mournful. "And you're Larine." He added, looking at the floor of the cage. "What are they gonna turn you into?" Dravius asked, scuffing a bare foot on the floor outside his cage. "I'm a vampire now." He sniffed, wiping his arm across his face. His arms were dotted with pairs of fangholes, some just scars, other still oozing blood.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
5:36pm Feb 24 2010
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Jash was stuck that whole time, in the corner of his mind. Images swirled around his head, of family, friends, and random things. He could faintly feel and heard everything around him, but not much in this unconscious state. Jash heard an unearthly screech a few times, louder than anything else he was hearing, and he was not even aware he was making the noise, actually. Jash knew that the needles were no longer, in his skin, because there was no more, prickles, all over his body. He heard a thump as he was heaved into his cage. He woke up, feeling sore from the shots, and a flash of agony ripped through him, like he was being burned from the inside-out. Jash saw himself, back in his cage, the bars looming around him, hard and cold, casting long shadows over the ground, and Jash felt like he was being mocked by it all. Then Jash looked at what he could see of himself without a mirror, recalling how people were changed. This must be the changing process. Jash looked at his skin, and saw a bluish tint to it, so unusual, especially since Jash had never seen anyone with blue skin yet. He flexed his fingers, and was flooded with relief to see that he still had aposable thumbs, because one guy, he had seen, couldn't even grab anything anymore, except with his mouth, like some animal. Jash looked himself over, hoping to see if his hair color had changed too, but Jash was having difficulties, trying to find a bit stray hair, which always got into his eyes, to examine. Just when you're curious, I can't find out what I completely look like. Larine exhaled as the fangs disappeared from her sight. Then she listened to Dravius say what he was. A vampire. Larine finally knew what he had slightly reminded her of, the monster that was popular in a few movies, old and new. Well, at least he isn't a werewolf, Larine silently joked with herself, though it wasn't even funny. "I'm not sure what they want to turn me into," Larine said. "They just bundled me in here, without a word of what they planned to do to me."
8:41am Feb 25 2010
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Trinity sighed and flopped back into her cage. Apparently the boy hadn't heard her. She felt kind of bad for him. "Hey!" a voice to her left surprised her. Another boy... He had reddish-brown hair, and strange eyes that were blacker than a moonless night. She was so surprised her head hit the top of her cage. Ow. She nodded her head, to let him know to continue. "I'm Alex," he explained. Pointless conversation? Trinity thought. But she missed talking to somebody else without being told to be quiet. "I'm Trinity," she said. Alex looked at his right arm, which was feeling.....strange and gripped the metal bars with it. It's so strong... Trinity noticed the movement. "Escape," she said, "would be nice." But how?
7:59pm Feb 25 2010 (last edited on 8:06pm Feb 25 2010)
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Dravius gave a tight lipped grimace as Jash's screams echoed through his heightened senses. "You friend is in trouble." He remarked, scratching his head with pointed nails, white hair that was upon closer inspection, a matted light grey from the dirt surrounding the young vampire. "He has blue skin." Dravius said, pointing to Jash's cage through the dingy half-light. "And green hair." He added thoughtfully, tapping his long nails on the floor, producing a rippling clicking noise. He looked at Jash, red eyes boring through the dimness as he gazed at the boy.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
2:09pm Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 1,551
((Bump~ ))
2:30pm Feb 28 2010
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Larine gulped. What had the scientists turned her brother into? Blue skin and green hair? That was a ridiculous thing those dreaded people had done to her brother! If anybody who knew him could see him now, Larine bet that they would laugh at him. But right now, was no laughing matter really. A criminal walked over to Larine, flashing a smile, showing rotten teeth, terribly yellowed. "Looks like you'll be up in a minute, pretty." Larine spat at the criminal. She would not tolerate being called pretty. The criminal shouted, and banged the cage, startling Larine. "Now you will be changed even sooner you filth!" the criminal yelled, then slunk away.
2:37pm Feb 28 2010
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Alex winced as the girl in the cage across from his was told that she was "next". He instantly felt terrible for her. I wish that I could get away from here... "Alex." Trinity's paniced voice woke him up. She was staring at his arm that was gripping in metal. His right arm all the way up to his elbow was now metal. Alex's eyes grew wide. He took his hand away from the bars. His hand still worked. He grimaced. They turned me into one heck of a freak. "Do you think it'll wear off?" Trinity asked warily. "No clue," Alex answered uncertainly. He glanced at his arm. He touched it with his normal arm... It felt cold, just like the bars. Weird.
8:01pm Feb 28 2010
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12:03pm Mar 1 2010
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((Bump Dx))
7:24pm Mar 1 2010
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Dravius looked up at the criminal, red eyes glowing and hissed, a sound filled with menace and murderous intent. Then he turned back to fiddling with scraps of metal on the floor of his cage, long fingers twisting and warping the soft metal. The criminal smeered at Dravius and backed even farther away, the sneer in place to disguise his fear. He reached into a sack and pulled out a large raw steak, and hurled it a Dravius, hard. It smacked the vampire in the side of the head, making a deep red blotch on the grey white of his hair. Dravius stared at the hunk of meat, eyes boring into the dripping peice of meat.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
7:42am Mar 4 2010
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4:52pm Mar 5 2010
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Jash thought he caught the words "green hair" said by someone, and he wondered who the person was talking about. He beckoned at a criminal, and hissed at him to hand him a mirror. The irritating criminal muttered under his breath and threw a piece of gl*censored* at him, possibly from a mirror that had been shattered. Jash held the mirror up to his face, and saw a startling sight. Jash's eyes were cold and cruel-looking. One of his eyes was a blood-red color and the other one was the color silver, and reminded him of the bars of the cage with its hardness. Jash's face was blue like the rest of him, but there was another that made him feel, unhuman even more. His short hair was lime green. Jash ran a hand through the hair, and felt that it was rough to the touch, reminding him of a reptile. Just strange.
5:27pm Mar 5 2010 (last edited on 5:29pm Mar 5 2010)
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Alex stared at his arm with wide eyes. He didn’t feel like talking anymore, really… He backed away into the corner of his cage. Trinity didn’t blame him. She felt bad for him. At least my arm doesn’t do that she thought uncertainly. Hopefully it doesn’t, anyway. A man with blonde hair and brown eyes who looked to be middle aged walked up to her cage and smiled. It was a nice smile, strangely. It wasn’t cruel like she thought it would be. But she still didn’t like or want to be near anyone who worked in this place. “I see you’ve been changed,” he mused. Trinity stayed silent. “White hair really does look good on you. Can I have a sample of it?” What? What was he going to do with it? Study it? No way. The man reached his hand into her cage to probably yank out a strand of her hair. Trinity grabbed the man’s wrist with her hand before he could. That’s when it happened. As soon as Trinity grabbed the man’s hand, she felt something from him go to her. It was the strangest feeling… Where she was grabbing his wrist, there was a faint silver glow. Trinity wanted to let go, but at the moment, she couldn’t seem to move a thing. The man’s eyes widened. “Stop!” he yelled. Trinity dropped his wrist like it was a hot coal. The man cursed under his breath and walked away. When he was only three feet away from her cage, however, the fan that was above his head fell right on top of him. On its way down it hit a window and gl*censored* shattered everywhere. The shards cut the man’s body and the fan’s weight was on top of him. A shard of glas.s had cut a vein in his neck… Trinity stared in horror. Somehow, by mere luck, the lock on her cage was now loose. Luck. The silver glow. The strange feeling… She had stolen the man’s luck by touching him. No… Even though she hated everyone who worked in this building, she had hurt, maybe even killed somebody. She stared at her hands. She had caused this. And she also knew another thing: They could all escape. ((-stares at long post-))
2:19pm Mar 6 2010
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Larine stared as a few more people were dragged onto stretchers, to be tested on, their whole life shattered, and turned into walking freakshows. So horrible. They would never be looked upon as real people, with real feelings ever again. If they ever got out, Jash might be laughed at forever. And what about me? Will I be like that too? Screams and yells rang through the air, as newly changed people, we thrown into their cages. Like animals. Weeping and crying could be heard from the dark corners of the room, Larine was in. The young girl clenched her fists. How could they do this to human beings, and make them....make them monsters! Then, the guy who she has angrily spat at earlier, came over to her cage, with a grin of hideous delight upon his face. "Looks like the doctor's come to see you," the criminal sneered, showing his yellowed teeth. He flung open the cage's door, and before Larine could even move, grabbed her around the waist. Larine shrieked, in horror, kicking and wailing, as she was slammed onto the stretcher. A man in a white lab coat approached her and pressed a damp cloth over her mouth. Larine felt her eyes become blurry, and the last thing she saw was a needle, starting to go into both of her arms.
7:52pm Mar 6 2010
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Though still horrified by what she'd done, Trinity gripped the lock of her door and pushed. The door of her cage miraculously opened. She could hardly believe it. Nobody seemed to have heard what had happened. Not yet, Trinity reminded herself, but they could any second. She quickly slipped out of the thing she had been scared she would have to stay in for the remainder of her life. She stood up, not knowing what to do next. She looked around, seeing the faces of other people locked up. "Over here." Alex's voice came from the cage that was next to hers. She quickly ran over and opened it. Alex slipped out too. "Now what?" she asked. Escape? Trinity looked down at Alex's arm; it had not changed back to normal, but less of it appeared to be metal. "I talked with a girl named Larine somewhere nearby my cage... I think they just took her to get changed. Can we wait for her?" he asked. Trinity nodded. But where to hide for now? ((Wolf~ While waiting for Larine I can help get your characters out and escape ^^))
8:02pm Mar 6 2010
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Dravius bared his teeth and hissed loudly as Larine was hauled away. All the criminals in the midst ofstrapping Larine down made sure to stay at least out of Dravius's arm length. ravius reached out and by pure luck, caught the overly baggy pants of an African American man with golden grills on his teeth. Reeling in his bellowing catch, Dravius licked his ruby red lips and tore into the man, not noticing Trinity freeing the blue boy near her. The caught man reached out a blood slicked hand to Trinity, eyes pleading in a ruined face. Dravius drained the man, and before Trinity, the man's skin withered and sucked into itself, until a grinning skull's bony hand clettered to the ground. The out of control vampire's eye's searched for anything near him and groped the air near Trinity, only a few arm's length's away. Dravius hissed wildly, blood dripping from his open mouth.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
9:10pm Mar 6 2010
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Larine's body squirmed and twitched, as the agonizing transformation was taking place. The remaining criminals looked down in horrible excitement. Bloody red streaks were appearing in the ten-year-old girl's blonde hair. There was the sound of grinding bone, as her fingernails became sharp and curved claws, that were ruby red like what she had painted them. Patches of spotted golden, like a cheetah's could now be seen on her pale skin. Larine opened her blue eyes then, and gave a devilish fanged smile. A hand went out and struck at the nearest person. The criminal gave a scream, as he saw blood coming from his chest. Her hand flashed out again, its target the heart. The transformation had made her go mad, and it would only disappear once all these imprisoners were dead.
2:37pm Mar 7 2010
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6:21pm Mar 7 2010
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Trinity was appalled by what she saw. A boy had drained a man of his blood. Vampire? Then his hand was reaching closer towards her. “Get away!” she shouted. She dared not strike out and touch him with her hands; they were hands that could kill. Next to her, Alex motioned for Trinity to stand behind him. He edged close to the demented boy in the cage and held out his arm that was metal. “It’s not his fault he became like this,” he said to Trinity.