6:29pm Mar 8 2013
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Posts: 4,873
[Lol, thanks, and it's fine, I haven't been on as much because of Practice..~NOW! Time to think of where I should jump in and stuvz]
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
12:45am Mar 9 2013 (last edited on 12:48am Mar 9 2013)
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Posts: 384
((Lol, my grandmother used to tell me the same thing when I watched SB xD))
...Derp, before I type my next rp post... what time is it in the rp? Morning, or night? I don't recall Spongebob being on so late. xD
3:27pm Mar 9 2013
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Posts: 123
((Pfft Spongebob is always on where I am! XD))
6:54pm Mar 9 2013
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Posts: 384
((XD So I'm taking that it's still around 8-9pm-ish. Any later and Davy would have to be confusing spongebob with family guy. xD))
((Do you all want tomorrow to be a day off, or school?))
Ever laid on her bed, messing with a piece of fabric that had mysteriously made it's way onto the sheets next to her. She waited to become drowsy, which was something that usually didn't hit her until one in the morning. Surprised, she looked over at her phone, noticing that it had begun to vibrate on her stomach. Ever picked it up, and opened the text. She had a slight smile on her face, happily surprised that Zayden had texted her back. Ever then turned over onto her side, trying to see if the bird had come to it's senses yet. To her dismay, it was still laying limply under the desk, but it's breathing had calmed down a bit. Ever turned back to her phone.
sending: I completely forgot. Do you know if we even have school tomorrow? I heard some people say we have it off, but it could have just been a rumor.
((Gah, I was going to type more, but I have to go to the store. xD))
7:11pm Mar 9 2013
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Posts: 4,873
Day off And, someone should let me meet their character. lololol
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
7:13pm Mar 9 2013
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Posts: 11,785
Liam's still chilling in the park. xD))
7:23pm Mar 9 2013
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[OMG! I should let Spiri meet Liam! lol Will you let me? lololol ]
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
7:36pm Mar 9 2013
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((Well duh. xD Even Mister Sassypants McCutiebutt needs lots of friends.))
7:43pm Mar 9 2013
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Posts: 4,873
After running around in her PJ's at her Cabin all day, she decided to get dressed and go to the park. She lazily dressed herself. Once she was finished, she pulled on her dark black jacket and pulled the hood up. The fur in it easily slipping to the side as she walked. She walked over to her door and opened the door and walked out.
Is he in the town park or City park?
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
7:52pm Mar 9 2013
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7:58pm Mar 9 2013
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She took the keys to her car our of her pockets and walked over to the door and opened it. She looked around, listening to the whinnies to her horses. She let out a chuckle and entered the car. She slammed the door shut and turned the car on. She then pulled out the drive way, and begun driving down the long dirt road. Soon she arrived in the Town, then latter on in the city. After arriving in the city, she pulled in a parking space and turned off her car and got out. Wishing she was able to bring a horse, she looked at all the space and sighed. She then began walking through the park, enjoying her little stroll.
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
10:52pm Mar 9 2013 (last edited on 11:09pm Mar 9 2013)
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Posts: 384
(( Day off it is. ^_^ Lol, for the sake of simplicity, time has skipped to the next morning. I can't imagine someone going to the park at around nine o'clock pm w/o their guard up. xD))
After sending the text, Ever opened her window in case the downed bird was to wake up in the middle of the night and decide to slam its self into it. She then laid back in bed, her pillow covering her head as she tried to push away the guilt that was following Blackout's continuous meows. "You can't come in Blackie. The last thing I need is for the bird to have a heart attack. It's close enough to getting one as it is." Ever said, her voice just above a whisper. She let out a sigh, watching the seconds tick by on her wall clock. the seconds turned to minutes, the minutes turned to hours, then she curled herself up (fetal position xP), and finally drifted off to sleep. ((Lol, now I'm partially caught up to you two. (Time wise) xD))
10:57pm Mar 9 2013
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Posts: 4,873
[I've been to the park at 9 pm before..]
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
11:05pm Mar 9 2013
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Posts: 384
((You wouldn't be if you lived where I live. ^_^))
6:02pm Mar 10 2013
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