1:26pm Feb 21 2013 (last edited on 1:55pm Feb 21 2013)
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Posts: 331
It was yet another lazy sunday afternoon, sun shining and all. The half opened blinds on Ed's window let out a trace of sunlight which was falling directly onto his pale, freckly face. He grunted and slipped off the bed, searching his night stand for glasses. He closed the blinds shut and somehow stuttered into the bathroom.
"Morning, Belini." He smiled as the fluffy cat wrapped around his legs. It was the perfect day to do absolutely nothing. And he was fine with it. Ed grabbed a half empty cup of coffee off the table and threw himself on the sofa, still half dressed and covered in cat hair. "You promised you'd stop shedding, little missy." He squinted for a split second, thinking about what he just said and shaking his head. "I'm a cat lady, ain't I?" He grabbed a blanket and wrapped himself up in it before grabbing the remote and nervously shuffling through the channels.
"I should go out. At least for a bit. It's too sunny to stay in, Innit?" Ed shrugged at his cat and quickly got dressed before slinking out of the flat. He slammed the flat door and inhaled the fresh, crisp air. "Just what I needed."
Sheeran away
3:33pm Feb 21 2013
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Posts: 68
Tiffany sat on magics black back she exited the scenic trail and onto the beach her white bikini straps showing among her shoulders she smirked looking around she loved to do stunts that no rider would dare she kicked hard into magics sides magic bolted into a full gallop tiffany flung the riens up in the air and flung her arms in the air with no grip she sat on the galloping horse with no grip the wind being thrown at them harshly she closed her eyes and faced towards the sky there riding showed elegance and harmony magic leaped over a really tall rock no hitting it tiffany leaned forwards and darted over it on the the mares back she could feel freedom running threw her viens
6:05pm Feb 21 2013 (last edited on 6:06pm Feb 21 2013)
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Posts: 384
This would have turned out longer... but I didn't want to post something no one would want to read. xD Btw, Arvo= afternoon.))
Ever slowly woke up, the cause of her sudden wakening was of course caused by her cat Blackout who seemed to enjoy her morning misery. "Why do you wake me up so early in the day..." Ever said, her words quietly spoken as she rubbed Blackout's cheek, and ran her hand across his back. She then let out a yawn and placed Blackout on the bed beside her before scooting herself to the edge of her bed to turn off the alarm, which was set for 12:00 pm. "You sure so wake me up early, considering it's a weekend... Why won't you let me sleep until arvo?" She added as she got up from her bed and headed towards the kitchen, Blackout at her heels. Suddenly, she stopped half way, leaving her at her mother's room. Ever cracked the door slightly, and peeked around it's edge. She strained her eyes, trying her best to find any shape in the complete darkness in which her mother used to hide herself from reality. "Mom, you awake?" Ever asked, her voice as cheerful as she could muster at this time of the morning, 9:00. Early by her standards. Ever stood there, leaning on the door fr.ame as she waited for a reply. After a while, she added, "I'm going to go out for groceries later, want to come?" To Ever's dismay, her mother answered, "Maybe next week. You know, I think I'm starting to feel better." "You've been saying that for a couple months now... Ever whispered to herself, knowing what her mother had said was not the truth.
8:41pm Feb 21 2013 (last edited on 8:28pm Feb 24 2013)
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Posts: 123
((May I still join?))
Name/Full name: Zayden Auburn Age: 15
Picture/desc[injection]ription: images
Personality: Zayden can be very obnoxious, stubborn, rude, and impatient. That is until you get to know him. Once you get close to him, he is very sweet and kind, but still a bit ragey, in a cute way. He acts as if nothing can scare him or get him down, when really he's often hurt or depressed on the inside. |
Family: Deceased mother and father, and a younger brother, Davy. ((Younger brother looks ---> images))City or town?: Town Day or night kind of person: Zayden is more of a night person, though his little brother always wakes him up early.
Accent?: None
Sport?: Nope
Pet(Optional): Pet cat, callie Desc[injection]ription of house (I would prefer if you would fill this out, but is not necessary): images <-- Zayden and his little brother live in a small house since its just the two of them. |
Habits bad/good (Optional): Constant raging. Height(Optional): 5'8
Past(Optional): His parents were killed in a horrible accident when Zayden was 11 and his brother 4. He has been taking care of davy since.
Fears/Phobias(Optional): losing davy
other: none
WIP Favorites: music: Books: Magazines: Food: Drinks: Animal: Sports: Color:
Etc. Pet Peeves: motivation: Goals and hopes: Favorite school subject: Astrological sign:
8:43pm Feb 21 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 123
((May I still join?))
Name/Full name: Zayden Auburn Age: 15
Picture/desc[injection]ription: images
Personality: Zayden is can be very obnoxious, stubborn, rude, and impatient. That is until you get to know him. Once you get close to him, he is very sweet and kind, but still a bit ragey, in a cute way. He acts as if nothing can scare him or get him down, when really he's often hurt or depressed on the inside. |
Family: Deceased mother and father, and a younger brother, Davy. ((Younger brother looks ---> images))City or town?: Town Day or night kind of person: Zayden is more of a night person, though his little brother always wakes him up early.
Accent?: None
Sport?: Nope
Pet(Optional): Pet cat, callie Desc[injection]ription of house (I would prefer if you would fill this out, but is not necessary): images <-- Zayden and his little brother live in a small house since its just the two of them. |
Habits bad/good (Optional): Constant raging. Height(Optional): 5'8
Past(Optional): His parents were killed in a horrible accident when Zayden was 11 and his brother 4. He has been taking care of davy since.
Fears/Phobias(Optional): losing davy
other: none
WIP Favorites: music: Books: Magazines: Food: Drinks: Animal: Sports: Color:
Etc. Pet Peeves: motivation: Goals and hopes: Favorite school subject: Astrological sign:
9:27pm Feb 21 2013 (last edited on 12:48am Feb 22 2013)
Normal User 
Posts: 384
Yes, you certainly may. :) There is no cutoff for new members. :D
...I can't get over that kitten. ^.^
((I have no idea what is up with me and these lengthy rp posts... eh, I guess that means my brain is working correctly today. xD))
Ever let out a small sigh before backing up, and urging Blackout to come out of the dark room with a series of little clicks, before shutting her mother's door behind her. "I guess it's just you and me today, Blackie." She said, smiling at her cat before making her way to the kitchen once again. Once in the kitchen, Ever brought over a stool and placed it below the cabinets to aid her in figuring out what she needed to go pick up at the store in town. Without much caution, she stepped onto the stool. "Why couldn't whoever built this home have just placed the cabinets a bit lower?" She said as she began reaching her arm up towards the cabinets. Suddenly, a harsh feeling of vertigo washed over Ever, causing her to lose her balance. Frantically, she reached her arm out in the air for something to aid her. Unfortunately, she grabbed hold of a bag of flour, and then finished her descent to the kitchen floor. "Oh lucky me, I guess we need more flour." She said as she looked down at the small mess the flour had made onto the floor below her. She then looked over to Blackout, who was hissing in the corner, his back sprinkled with flour, obviously traumatized from the whole ordeal. I use the word traumatized pretty loosely here. Ever quickly cleaned up the mess, then walked over to the front door and let Blackout out to explore for a few hours. "Oh, right. I need to go get that flour before Mum notices." Ever said, before heading off further into town by foot, walking in the direction of the nearby shopping mart. She kept a slow pace, finding joy in walking through the neighborhoods.
3:10pm Feb 22 2013
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Posts: 379
(I'm okay to join, right? c: )
Name/Full name: Louis Age: 19Picture/deion: Personality:Mischievous, cheerful, ever so slightly crazy, a sweetheart at times Family: Four sisters, however he lives alone and away from his family City or town?: City Day or night kind of person: Day usually Accent?: British, Doncaster to be specific Sport?: Football (soccer I guess wow I never use that word), occasionally surfing or skateboarding Pet: Fluffy black/brown kitten named Harry Desc[injection]ription of house: A very very messy flat covered in clothes and other things. He basically abandons all cupboards and uses the floor instead. The curtains are never shut and the kitchen is usually full of dirty plates and cups that he leaves as long as he can before cleaning. Habits bad/good: His ideas, though usually crazy and random, often turn out a lot of fun and extremely entertaining - however, they do sometimes go wrong and he ends up in trouble. (He also doesn't like to wear socks which results in sweaty feet but still) Plus he hates tidying up. Height: 175cm Past: Born in South Yorkshire, England. Louis' parents split up when he was only young, and he moved away as soon as he could, getting his own flat and deciding to do the cliche and 'find himself'. He stayed in touch with his family but is much happier now he's doing his own thing and can be as crazy as he wants whenever he wants. Fears/Phobias: Growing up other: none :)))
4:34pm Feb 22 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 123
Zayden groaned as his little brother shook him awake. "Come on Bro!" Davy yelled. "Were out of waffles!" he whined. Zayden sighed and gave himself a face palm. "Dude, just go have some cereal!" He gently nudged him away. "But Broooooooo!" Davy began, but Zayden quickly bolted out of bed and put a pair of jeans and a T-shirt on. He stopped at the door. "You realize this means no McDonald's or Burger King tonight right?" He warned. Once Davy nodded, Zayden was out the door. He began walking to the store, when he realized he was bear foot. Zayden sighed but kept going. Whats the point of turning back now? He thought. After a short period of time, Zayden saw a girl walking across the street. She seemed to be going in his Direction. He didn't know many kids his age because he dropped out of school to take care of Davy. He was going to start going to school this year for high school, so he could get a better job to support the two of them. He didn't know if he should say hi or not, but it couldn't hurt to make a few friends for school.
((Is this good? I'm kinda a newcomer with RPing...))
4:35pm Feb 22 2013
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Posts: 68
wanna rp?
4:37pm Feb 22 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 68
Tiffany cantered along the beach shore in her blue striped bikini her horse whinnied loudly tiffany splashed threw the water feeling the cold water stream up her legs her hair being blown back in the wind she looked around
4:39pm Feb 22 2013
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Posts: 123
((Paintedsky, may I ask to whom your asking?))
4:44pm Feb 22 2013
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Posts: 68
((anyone)) ----------------------------- Tiffany slowed her horse magic on the damp cool sand her starred at the sky as the sun just started to rise over the beach. Tiffany watched the two of their shadows grow long and longer. She patted the mares black neck "let's go home now girl" she smiled she walked the horse along the abandoned road she held onto the mares neck keeping grip of her.
5:16pm Feb 22 2013 (last edited on 6:07pm Feb 22 2013)
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Posts: 384
((KarketteVantas, It's good. As long as it's longer than three sentences, I don't believe anyone could/should attempt to complain. xD
5:39pm Feb 22 2013
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Posts: 68
okay :)
6:07pm Feb 22 2013 (last edited on 6:52pm Feb 22 2013)
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Posts: 384
As Ever walked along in the general direction of the store, the movement
of a figure coming from her peripheral vision caught her eye. She
slowed her pace for a couple of seconds, curiosity gnawing at her
ankles. "I guess I've got nothing to lose. The store is over on that
side of the street anyways." she told herself before practically jogging
up the street just a bit to the nearest cross walk, and crossing over
to the side of the street on which the guy, and the store were located.
She then stopped, unsure if the guy would find her to be just an
obstacle in the middle of the sidewalk, or if she would be able to pull a
much needed conversation out of him. " G'day..." Ever began, before
looking down at his feet, noticing the lack of shoes. "Um... you're
missing your shoes." She said, pointing down to his feet. She took half a
step back, wondering if the guy was actually homeless.
((The situations I make... Why on earth does my post only take up half the space it should? Heh, I'm confused. xD Is everyone up for tomorrow being a school day? Or Sunday?))
8:39pm Feb 22 2013
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Posts: 123
((I'll be good with school day. ^.^))
Zayden laughed a little and scratched the back of his head in embarrassment. "Sorry, I kinda forgot them, I was in a rush." He paused to examine the girl. "My little brother was nagging me, so i'm headed to the store to get breakfast." He gave her a slight smile. "How about you?" he asked a bit curious as to wether she was headed the same way. Zayden noticed she looked a bit older then himself. Maybe they would be attending the same school? He wondered if she could be his first friend in a while, a long while.
10:01pm Feb 22 2013
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Posts: 11,785
((quuiiick question.
Would a boy with a mouth sewn into a permanent smile with a pet wolf be allowed? >> -hugs Abhaya-))
12:24am Feb 23 2013 (last edited on 6:09pm Feb 23 2013)
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Posts: 698
"Johnnycake, time for our morning run" Lucas shouted, hiding his grin as he heard his brother yell back. "I've told you, Don't call me Johnnycake!.......And since when did I go running with you?" Lucas shrugged, shouting back "Since today!" before wincing as he heard Fall jump up and run down the stairs barking both madly and wildly. "Yeah morning to you to Fall." He muttered as he knelt and patted the big dog. Their was a muffled thud from upstairs as Johnny rushed down the stairs and fell. "Whoa bro, careful there." Lucas said, helping him up. They grabbed a bowl of cereal and talked about how they were half glad, half not that their dad was in London. "just sayin' Johnnycake, Dad doesn't let me do what ever and be loud." Lucas shrugged as he said that, standing up before Johnny could try and lecture him again. "Later bro." He yelled over his shoulder, before running barefoot in boardies and a tee shirt, toward the beach with Fall. Whilst running he slipped on his sun glasses and stopped off at a small cafe.
1:28am Feb 23 2013 (last edited on 1:58pm Feb 23 2013)
Normal User 
Posts: 384
Eh, pet wolf, yes. Sewn mouth shut, nope. xD Sorry.
I am having my B-day "party" tomorrow (Actual birthday on the 26th, like any of you had the slightest interest xP) so I might not be on as often. In addition, I also have family over. I will try to sneak in a few short posts during the daylight hours although at night, I will have much more time to post. xD
Btw, some guy in my advisory is called "Johnnycake" on a regular basis. xD
"Oh, no worries." Ever replied, giving him a smile in return. "Family always seems to have the ability to devour you out of house and home." She said before pausing for a moment, looking him over. "Are you new? I haven't seen you at school before, and I'm having a hard time imagining someone who cares about their brother so much as to pick him up breakfast to be the same person who wouldn't care enough to get to school." Ever said, her voice filled with kind curiosity as she looked up at him, her small stature more apparent than before, when she had been across the street.
4:48am Feb 23 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 68
tiffany was still riding along the beach shore on the silk fur of her beloved hoorse she patted the old jet black mares neck smiling as they galloped along the shore line