12:36pm Feb 23 2013
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Posts: 11,785
((Pfft then I can't use Abhaya. :c I'll find someone else to use I guess.))
10:29pm Feb 23 2013
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Posts: 123
Zayden smiled at the girl. "Yeah, I'm new here. Starting school tomorrow." He said, feeling like he forgot something. "Oh! My name is Zayden, nice to meet you." He chuckled. He was relieved that she goes to his new school. At least now he would have someone to hang out with instead of being a loner again.
((Sorry it's a bit short ))
2:59pm Feb 24 2013
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Posts: 331
Ed's fingers tapped on the screen of his phone. He was still walking down the streets, looking up from his phone every now and then and scanning for good places to eat. His eyes looked back down on his phone a split second before he ran into the black haired lad.
"Oh.. sorry, got distracted by my phone." He shrugged and got down to pick his phone up. "I'm Ed." He tapped his shoulder in a light, friendly manner. "I was just wondering if you knew about any nice restaurants around here, I'm starving." Ed cocked his head and shot a look at the tgirl which he had just noticed. "Oh. Hi there. I'm Ed." He smiled politely and looked back at the bloke. "Oh, were you too talking? Sorry for interrupting you, oh." He stepped away "So. About that restaurant?"
Sheeran away
3:51pm Feb 24 2013
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Posts: 68
Tiffany wakled along the beach shore in a lacey top with a white bikini on the currents rushing under her feet tickling her slightly she giggled with a smile. Her footprints following close behind her then soon disapearing into the water she hummed a tune as she looked at the waters as it reflected in her eyes she sighed
4:32pm Feb 24 2013
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Posts: 9,781
(I'll post my intro in a bit. Be prepared for a girl to walk down the beach with a wolf pup in her arms.)
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
5:34pm Feb 24 2013 (last edited on 6:42pm Feb 24 2013)
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Posts: 384
-Is prepared-
Sorry guys! I tried to get on last night and earlier today, but it was pure chaos. xD
"It's very nice to meet you, Zayden. I'm glad to be one of the first to welcome you to the neighborhood. I'm E-" Ever began, before seeing a figure run smack into Zayden's shoulder, her eyes widening for a moment in surprise. "Oh, uh, hello there. Ever said, noticing the guy who had seemed to have appeared out of thin air, but forgetting that she had yet to tell Zayden her name. "How didn't I notice that guy walking towards us?" She asked herself, not thinking of the fact that her attention was just about glued to Zayden. "Um, there is a restaurant just a couple of blocks from here." She said, pausing for a couple of seconds before adding, "I can't remember it's name, but you can't miss it. It's a fairly large building. Oh, you can actually see it from here." Ever said, pointing out the building and hoping that they both would forget her useless rambling. She then looked down at her watch, a worried ex[injection]pression on her face when she looked at the time. It was almost time for lunch, and she still had to finish her walk to the store to buy more flour.
8:22pm Feb 24 2013
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Posts: 123
Zayden was surprised when the boy ran into him. After he apologized, Zayden smiled. "That's ok." He said. After the boy explained his name was Ed, and that he was looking for a restaurant, Zayden didn't know what to to say. He didn't really get out much, besides going to his job and the store."Well, my name is Zayden. Nice to meet you." He quickly shook Ed's hand. "Sorry, I forgot I had to get my little brother breakfast!" Zayden started to walk off, hopping Davy doesn't get to worried.
8:38pm Feb 24 2013 (last edited on 8:42pm Feb 24 2013)
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Posts: 384
Ever watched Zayden walk off, and then turned to Ed, feeling guilty that she as well was in a rush to get food. "Nice meeting you. I'm sorry, but I have to get going. My mother is going to kill me if I don't hurry up and pick up the groceries." With that, Ever turned and continued walking down the street, about a half a block behind Zayden. She mentally gave herself a face palm, feeling like her leave was rather curt to say the least. Ever glanced down at her watch, and began to walk faster. "And I thought I told myself I wouldn't rush things any longer..." She thought to herself, but then she thought of the repercussion if she slowed down. "I don't need her any more burdened than she already is..." Ever thought as she continued on, knowing that making breakfast would be a hassle for her mother.
8:57pm Feb 24 2013
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Posts: 123
Zayden finally reached the store and walked in. He quickly walked to the frozen foods isle and grabbed a box of toaster waffles. He headed back to the cashier and handed her the box. "5.54 please." The cashier said. Zayden took out his wallet and took out all he had. Only four dollars. "God..." He said slightly angrily. He looked up at the cashier nervously. "Come on, I'm just a dollar and fifty four cents off!" Zayden pleaded. "Sorry sir." She said. Zayden kicked the side of the check-out. He felt like yelling at the girl.
9:14pm Feb 24 2013 (last edited on 2:35pm Feb 25 2013)
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Posts: 384
After about five minutes, Ever finally made her way through the store's doors. "Finally." She said as she grabbed a shopping basket and headed towards the baking isle for some flour. To her relief, she quickly found it. "Yes, they don't keep it on the top shelf anymore." She said happily as she reached out and easily grabbed a bag of flour, and placed it in the basket. This was followed by a few other food items before she made her way to the check-out. She waited an unusually long amount of time in the line. "Things must be moving slow today." She told herself before pausing as she heard the cashier trying, quite unsuccessfully to reason with a customer about the cost of an item. She peered over the side of a what seemed like seven foot retired bodybuilder who had been efficiently blocking every view of the front of the line up until this point, and found that her gaze landed on Zayden. She clenched her teeth as she watched him kick the side of the check-out. "Ouch." She said under her breath, as if she had kicked it herself. Ever stood watching, unsure if she should try to aid in anything, or stay put. After a few moments, Ever looked around, and within seconds spotted a self check-out. "Well, that's new, and fortunate." She said as she walked over to it, ringing up her things as Zayden and the cashier continued with their issue. After she finished ringing up her items, Ever walked back towards the cashier made her way straight to the front of the line. "Uh, sir? I think you dropped these two dollar bills. Ever then knelt down, and gingerly slipped two dollar bills out of her wallet before standing back up and placing it right into the hands of the cashier, who was on the other side of the divider. "I saw it fall out of the bloke's wallet while he was taking out his money." Ever said, before letting out a silent sigh of relief, seeing that the cashier seemed to be buying it all. Ever talked fast, hoping Zayne wouldn't try to prevent the whole thing."I've got to go. Have a nice day." She said to both of them. With that, Ever walked out of the store with her groceries, a feeling of cheerfulness filling her.
...Too lazy to break it all into paragraphs. xD
1:38am Feb 25 2013
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Posts: 331
Ed sighed and scratched the back of his head, still eyeing the corner of the street where the two left his sight. "Well... that wasn't awkward at all." He stuffed his hands back down his pockets and continued to the restaurant. "At least my food won't judge me." He walked in and soon grabbed his order, hugging the greasy paper bag and slowly walking back to the flat. There was something comforting about bag pressed up against his chest. Either the fact he was going stuff his face soon or the warmth of it, almost like a hug. Ed kicked the flat door and gently placed the fried chicken on the table, pulling out his phone and sending a quick text to Louis -"Mate, I bought way more Nando's then I expected. Get over here like now. Bass x "- He looked at the text once again, checking for typos because Louis always corrected him and he couldn't really stand it. Ed nodded at his phone and left the bag on the table, flopping back on his sofa and waiting for his friend to reply. The fluffy cat followed his steps and climbed to his lap as soon as he hit the sofa. "The only reason you're cuddling with me is because I smell like chicken, Innit?" He stroked the cats back and turned on the tv. "Hopefully, Louis won't take too long to reply."
Sheeran away
7:26am Feb 25 2013
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Posts: 9,781
(Here's my intro.)
Lily was sleeping under a thin and fluffy
black blanket when something began to lick her chin. The little fluffy
body of a wolf pup was wiggling under her hand as it laid on her neck. "Stop it,Shadow.",she said with a small laugh as she reached her other hand under its belly and raised it up so she could see the fluffy little face it had. She put the pup down on her chest and sat up. Realizing she had slept in her black bikini she smiled and said,"Looks like I won't have to get dressed this morning." Finally standing up,she walked out of the room and down the stairs with the wiggling pup. The little wolf pup was set down on a blanket in the kitchen as Lily went to make her a bottle. She warmed it up and then got herself the quick meal of a pop-tart and put it in the toaster. The bottle in hand now,Lily picked up the puppy and began to feed it. It sucked on the bottle greedily until all the milk it held was gone and then Lily cleaned the bottle out at the sink and took the pop-tart from the toaster to begin eating it. When finished Lily walked out the door and locked it. The pup still in her hands she began to walk to the beach. At the beach Lily walked in the shallowest part of the water with the little pup beginning to fall asleep in her arms. It was a very cute picture.
(How's that?)
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
2:40pm Feb 25 2013
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Posts: 384
(Good. ^_^)... spam xP
4:45pm Feb 25 2013
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Posts: 123
Zayden couldn't believe what just happened. He glared at the cashier as he grabbed the box before she could give him a bag. He stormed off to catch up with the girl. "Hey!" He yelled to her as he finally caught up. "Look, I don't need your charity. I'll pay you back when I get the money." He insisted. Zayden hated getting help from others. It made him feel like he couldn't do anything on his own. Zayden suddenly saw Davy walking down the street nervously. "Oh come on!" He snapped before Davy noticed him. "Hey! Bro!" Davy called out as he ran up to Zayden. "Davy, what did I tell you about leaving the house without me!" Zayden said trying to keep his voice down in front of the girl. "Sorry, I just get scared when I'm alone..." He looked down. Zayden sighed and let out a small smile. "Its ok." He said then looked back to the girl. "Hey, I never got your name."
5:11pm Feb 25 2013 (last edited on 5:15pm Feb 25 2013)
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Posts: 384
((Is Davy seven? Or older and I miscalculated? xD))
"Alright, alright, if you insist." Ever said, seeing how determined about paying her back he seemed to be. Looking over at him, she noticed his eyes were fixed on something down the street. She turned her head, seeing a boy wandering about. The next thing she knew, the boy ran over to Zayden. "Oh yeah. Sorry about that, I'm Ever." Ever replied, then she looked down at the boy, asking to Zayden "Is this your brother?" Ever gave the boy a smile, as a memory of herself walking down the streets looking for the exact same thing, her older brother, emerged.
6:45pm Feb 25 2013
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Posts: 123
((Yeah Davy is around seven or eight.)) "I guess I'll see you tomorrow then." He gave Ever a soft smile. As he started to walk off he stopped and pulled out a shred of paper and a spare pen. He wrote something down and handed it to Ever. "Here, you know, if you ever want to talk." He handed her the piece of paper with seven digits on it. Davy grabbed Zayden's hand as he walked away. "Bros got a girlfriend!" Davy teased. "Shut up." Zayden said as Davy laughed.
8:17pm Feb 25 2013
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Posts: 384
"Yeah, see you tomorrow." Ever replied, before reaching her hand out, taking the paper and folding it into her wallet. She had not gotten an answer about Davy being Zayden's brother, but she assumed it was a safe bet. As they walked off, Ever stifled a laugh as she heard Davy's teasing and quickly placed a hand over her mouth in case either of them were to look back. "Ah! It's almost dinner time! I'm dead... I'm so dead." Ever then walked fairly quickly back to her house, and ushered Blackout inside from his perch on the front railing. "Come on you fruit loop, you don't want to be stuck out here all night, do you?" She said jokingly at Blackout, before having to resort to picking him up, and placing him inside the house instead. When she entered the house, Ever momentarily froze as she saw her mother eating dinner with a less then pleasant look on her face, which grew even more so as her mother looked up at her. "You forgot to cook anything today. I almost burnt down the house trying to toast bread, and what on earth happened to our flour?" She said, before noticing the bag of flour and adding, "Why did it take you that long to get the flour? I thought you left this morning?" Ever let out a sigh as she tried to think of which question to answer first. "I accidentally knocked down the flour while trying to figure out what we needed to go buy, I was talking to a couple of people along the way, and had to direct someone towards a restaurant. I'm sorry it took so long." Ever replied. "She only wants to know because she cares..." Ever reminded herself, feeling overwhelmed from the greeting she had received. "Well, thanks heaps for what you did buy, we were running low." Her mother added, a tired, almost zombie like ex pression on her face. "Mom, I can't believe I'm going to say this, but I think you have to go back to bed." With that, her mother nodded, and left the burnt toast on the counter before disappearing back into her bedroom. Ever then walked over to the toast, feeding its remains to Blackout before heading over to her room, and falling asleep from the exhaustion of the conversation.
9:49pm Feb 25 2013
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Posts: 123
Once the two of them got home, Zayden put a few of the waffles in the toaster. As they sat down to eat, Davy smiled. "I like her." Davy said. Zayden almost choked on his food. "Excuse me?" He cleared his throat. "That girl from earlier." Davy smiled even bigger. Zayden rolled his eyes and stood up from the table. "Whatever." He tossed the paper plate in the trash and walked into his room. It took a while, but he finally feel asleep.
10:08pm Feb 25 2013
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Posts: 384
((That managed to actually make me laugh. xD Do you think we should wait for the others to catch up, or move on to tomorrow?))
7:25am Feb 26 2013
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Posts: 9,781
(I'm fine if you move on. From the way my character and her pet are,they might fall asleep on the beach.)
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.