4:07pm Mar 3 2013
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Posts: 123
Zayden sighed, thinking he drove her off. He just sat on his bed and watched her flee the room. Once she was out of sight, Zayden fell back onto his bed. "D*** it!" He yelled, throwing his hands into the air. Davy peeked out of his room to see Ever leaving. "Why are you leaving?" Davy asked. Had it gone wrong? Davy asked himself.
4:25pm Mar 3 2013
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"Excuse you, girl, how DARE you wear that belt with those shoes? And those GAUUUDY earrings?"
Xilander groaned softly, lifting his hand to cover his face. The one friend he tolerated just happened to be Liam, known by their school as "The Sass". And "The Sass" was currently full-tilt. "Liam, let it go...we need to get home," he murmured, earning him a glare from the shorter, more obviously flamboyant male.
"Xi, now, you know I have to point out crimes to fashion! And this woman has committed more than I care to count!" Liam let out a sound of disgust, turning to face the woman and was about to open his mouth again when he was grabbed by his bandanna and pulled back.
"My apologies, miss," Xilander said before glaring down at Liam and proceeding to drag him off. "You really need to stop doing that, Liam. It's disrespectful ." He shook his head, sighing. And it was also embarrassing to have to deal with...
4:56pm Mar 3 2013 (last edited on 5:03pm Mar 3 2013)
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Posts: 384
Ever turned around to face Davy, her book bag flung over her shoulder as she stood in the kitchen. "My mom called. I guess I spent more time here than I thought. I didn't answer, but I know that she expects me to be home by now. She worries easily about me. I've tried to reason with her before, but she won't let me stay after school anywhere unless she knows exactly where it is. You could almost call it an anxiety." She shrugged her shoulders. "Oh, Davy, I almost forgot. Could you give this to Zayden?" Ever quickly unzipped her bag, taking out a small square piece of blank paper. She grabbed a pen out the bags pocket and quickly scribbled down her phone number, and then flipped it around to the other side and wrote a small note before handing it to Davy. "I would stay longer, but just the fact that she called me..." Ever trailed off, not wanting to get into the conversation of her mother's depressed state. (As in if she takes the energy to get out of bed and call, she means business. xD) "Anyways, I've got to get going quick." She said, pausing to see if Davy had anything else to add.
The note read: Sorry about the quick leave. Call me any time you need to. There was more after this, but Ever wrote too fast, leaving the rest of the writing illegible.
5:41pm Mar 3 2013
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Posts: 123
Davy nodded and took the note. He skipped off to Zayden's room and barged right in. "This is from ever." He put the note on the desk. Zayden quickly read the note and a smile creeped across his face. "Yes! I didn't scare her off!" He yelled. Davy laughed as Zayden got up to see if she left. (Let's say she did "^.^) Zayden walked out side, almost prancing across the street. He then saw two boys. One seemed to be pointing out a woman's fashion mistakes and the other trying to apologize. He decided to go up to them. "Uh hey..."
5:48pm Mar 3 2013 (last edited on 7:33pm Mar 3 2013)
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Xilander glanced up as another male wandered up, Liam giving the boy a wily grin. "Hello, pretty boy," he managed to get out before Xilander clamped a hand over his mouth, frowning at him. "Apologies. He's not...the best to be around in public," he said with a low, frustrated sigh following. He glanced back over at Zayden, dull dark eyes, brightened by the glare on his glasses, focusing onto him while Liam's vivid blue eyes seemed to try to focus a little too much.
"Liam, I swear to god, if you don't chill I'm taking Dingo and Flake and you won't get them back," he stated, making Liam's eyes widen, the shorter male pushing Xilander away with a scowl. "You wouldn't dare."
"Try me, shrimp."
7:49pm Mar 3 2013
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Posts: 123
Zayden couldn't help but chuckle at the two. "And I thought I would have nothing to do the rest of the day." He smiled at them. "My name is Zayden." He held out his hand. He was in an oddly good mood today. It was probably the fact that he just got a girl's number on the second day of meeting her. Zayden kept his hand out waiting for one of the two to shake it. "By the way, I like your style." Zayden said looking straight at Liam.
9:22pm Mar 3 2013
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Liam immediately perked up, a wide grin spreading across his face as he moved to take Zayden's hands in his own. "Really? You're being totally serious, right?" he asked, making Xilander sigh once again. "You've spent too much time with only your dogs, Liam. You're acting like an overexcited puppy," he murmured, covering his face as his tone began to slip into a more thickly Scottish one. "This is absolute rubbish, you know, Liam, you acting like this in public all the time. It's right embarrassing!"
10:54pm Mar 3 2013
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Posts: 123
Zayden smiled when Liam shook his hand. "Its ok. I think hes pretty cool." he said to Xilander. Zayden was completely happy. He was making so many new friends. He then looked back to Liam. "So, do you guys mind if I hang out with you two for a while?" Zayden gave them a soft smile. God, what has goten into me? Zayden thought. Why am I so nice today?
12:18am Mar 4 2013
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Posts: 1,459
(Sorry, life caught up to me.
I want to go through and read all the other posts so I won't seem lost before I post my intro, but here are my babes.
Name/Full name: Ashley R. Kiingsleigh Age: Nineteen Picture/desc[injection]ription: Reference Some things are left out though. She has tattoos; a piece across her chest/collarbone and sleeves on both her arms. The right side of her ribs has been tattooed to look like it has been torn open, both her thighs/haunches have snarling renditions of her cats Indie and Horror. "This Is War" is printed across her knuckles while "13" is printed in Gothic font on top of her right foot. Personality: Shy upon first meeting someone, introverted, sometimes skittish, kind, caring, overly affectionate, clingy, protective, sly, stubborn, infected, homicidal, charming, blunt and opinionated, volatile, sadomasochist, brazen, hyperactive, inappropriate, flirtatious, vain, catty, submissive, artistic, possessive,contradicting, adventurous, creative, insightful, curious, internet famous (her online tag is "Ashley Asphyxiation") Family: Mother and a father, and an older sister. City or town?: City Day or night kind of person: Night Accent?: She has a tinge of an English accent, though it's starting to fade and she's adapting more of a "city-lingo." Sport?: She attends regular yoga and pilates classes Pet(Optional): Indie, a huffy old cat of six years who craves attention, and Horror, a younger more spunky cat of two years. Desc[injection]ription of house (I would prefer if you would fill this out, but is not necessary): A medium sized flat that sits above the tattoo parlor, the inside is decorated in various paintings and current projects. She also is frequent practitioner of Feng Shui and will burn incense for her regular mediation sessions. Habits bad/good (Optional): She will smoke occasionally (a habit brought on by her current boyfriend), she is also prone to getting "snippy" and procrastination -- both are not tolerated at all with her clientell. Height(Optional): Five foot, three inches Past(Optional): Born in a quiet town. The arts had always amused and astounded her and were the main inspiration for her tattoo career, which she left home and settled down in the city to pursue. Fears/Phobias(Optional): Drowning, being alone or abandoned, leaving or losing the people she loves, failure. other: She's bisexual and polyamourous, meaning she has multiple partners, one being my other character. Despite this she will still flirt/crush on other people, and will have other partners aside from her current two (the other is not listed since I don't want a character overload.)
Name/Full name: Isaiah W Rossner Age: Eighteen Picture/desc[injection]ription: Isaiah is of average weight and height, yet he has a slender build. He does have some traces of muscle, but not much. He is fair skinned with pink undertones and narrow shaped, practically piercing, blue eyes (which happen to stand out a lot, making the boy easy to find.) His hair is shoulder length, jet black, and usually styled in a tousled, la[injection]yered, alternative style with it barely sweeping over his right eye. His clothing consists mainly of neutral colors, and are often tight-fitting. He also has two piercings on the both sides of his upper lip (as known as angel bites), a bridge piercing, and a biohazard sign burned into the underside of his left wrist, marking his allegiance to the street gang he is currently involved in. The inside of his lip is tattooed to read "Killer." Personality: Stubborn, egotistical, sadistic, two-faced--some simple words to sum up his personality. He likes things to be his way, if they're not then he'll make them his way. And if there's one thing people who first meet him will walk away knowing, it's that he has an 'act-first-ask-questions-later' attitude. He indulges in sadism--meaning he'll do anything to inflict mental, emotional, and even (and if necessary) physical pain on others. Manipulation is also one of his favorite ways to express this, especially a little thing called 'manipulative flirting'--he'll tell you what you want until he gets exactly what he wants, then write you out of his life. Promiscuity is another one of his favorite things, and though he is dating the internet-famous, alternative Site Model known as Ashley Asphyxiation (or Kingsleigh, rather. "Asphyxiation" is just a ruse), he'll flirt and hook up with practically everything and anything. [I'll roleplay the rest out, if that's okay.] Family: Mother, step father (real father unknown), younger sister, adoptive parents City or town?: City Day or night kind of person: Night Accent?: None Sport?: None, unless you'd consider being in a gang as one, which I certainly would not Pet(Optional): A little tuxedo cat named Lacey Desc[injection]ription of house (I would prefer if you would fill this out, but is not necessary): A medium sized townhouse/apartment. The original door has been reinforced with a screen after a drive-by shooting nearly took the glass off of it. The house is located in a thoroughly secure location. Habits bad/good (Optional): Smokes a lot, incredibly rude and vulgar, plus there's that...whole gang thing. Height(Optional): Five foot, six inches Past(Optional): Born in a small town. His parents had him on the right track, but that all changed when they moved to the city. Isaiah's involvement with gang violence didn't start until High School, though his rambunctious attitude and misconduct led his mother to submit him to a foster home, where he lives now. Fears/Phobias(Optional): He doesn't admit to having a fear, though he certainly has to have some. other: Like my other character he's bisexual and polyamourous, and will flirt with practically anything he takes an interest to.

4:33pm Mar 4 2013
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Posts: 11,785
Liam shook his head, grinning wide. "Anyone who agrees with my style is welcome to me!" he said, seeming rather excited to have received the compliment. "Anywhere in particular you were heading too?" he asked, turning to look back at Xilander over his shoulder, the taller blond sighing and resting his palm against his forehead before pinching the bridge of his nose. "Can't hurt, I suppose. You seem to be placating Liam, after all."
4:54pm Mar 4 2013
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Posts: 123
Zayden smiled. "Awesome. I was kinda just wondering the streets." He scratched the back of his head. "What about you guys?" He asked. Zayden knew this boy was into fashion, and seeing how Zayden himself was just wearing a white shirt and baggy jeans made him wonder why he wasn't being called out. He looked, what kids now-a-days call it 'emo'. His black hair covered his left eye and his silver 'snake-bite' lip piercings glared in the sun.
4:58pm Mar 4 2013
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"Well, I was about to take Liam home before he embarrassed himself further..." Xilander murmured, sighing heavily before he moved to pull his headphones over his ears, hands sliding into the pockets of his long black overcoat. There they found his music player, and the tall blond closed his eyes as he let the music drown out everything else.
Liam, on the other hand, shot Xilander a glare before turning back to Zayden. "Well, before Xi here was trying to drag me home, I decided I wanted to walk to the park and sit around a bit. But then this chick showed up wearing the /gaudiest/ outfit and I pointed it out, only to have Xi get mad and try to take me home," he stated, pausing a moment to glance around. Once seeing the lady was no longer there, he grinned, tilting his head slightly. "So how about it? The park sound good?"
5:11pm Mar 4 2013
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Posts: 123
Zayden smiled. "The park sounds great." He felt like smiling a lot today. It had just been a great day for him. He looked over at the park, then back to Liam. "Shall we?" He asked, motioning Liam towards the park. Zayden stuck his hands in his jean pockets and started hiding over to the park, hoping Liam would follow.
5:16pm Mar 4 2013
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Liam nodded, padding along after Zayden. He glanced back at Xilander, who was walking the opposite way, and chuckled softly. "I guess Xi's had enough human interaction for today," he said, shaking his head. "That guy needs to makes more friends. I think I'm the only person he can stand to be around for more than a couple minutes," he said with a soft laugh. It was kind of funny, considering their conflicting personalities and all.
5:22pm Mar 4 2013
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Posts: 123
"I guess I could relate." Zayden said. "I mean I haven't talked to anyone but my little brother in years. Your the second person I've talked to today." He chuckled a bit. "You could say I'm on a roll." He smiled and looked to the sky as they walked. Once they finally got there, Zayden stopped and turned to Liam. "So what do you want to do now?" He asked, spotting a bench. "Wanna just talk or...?" Zayden asked, not really having any other ideas.
5:24pm Mar 4 2013
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Liam shrugged slightly, moving towards the bench to sit down and lean back, legs outstretched and head tilted back. "I'm fine with just talking. Xi doesn't usually do much of that," he said with a chuckle. "Today's the most I've heard him talk for a while, actually. He's not the most outgoing guy I've ever met, but I don't mind. He's a good listener."
5:31pm Mar 4 2013
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Posts: 123
Zayden sat down next to Liam and let out a deep breath. "So you two are pretty close huh?" Zayden leaned back as well. His light blue eyes scanning the sky. "I've never really been a people person either until now." He paused, and hesitated to start again. He tilted his head to look at Liam. "Were kinda friends now right?" He asked, in a gentle voice.
5:34pm Mar 4 2013
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Liam shrugged slightly. "I guess you could call us close. I mean, I'm really the only person he says more than two words to most of the time," he said, tilting hsi head. "We've been pretty decent friends for a while, and honestly I just agitate him to try to force out that Scottish accent of his that he hides oh so well." He grinned, laughing lightly. "And..I suppose you could us friends. I mean, we did just meet and all, Zayden." He leaned forward, elbows resting on his knees. "I mean, hey, if you can tolerate "The Sass", be my guest to be my friend." He grinned over at Zayden, laughing once again.
5:42pm Mar 4 2013
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Posts: 123
Zayden laughed. "Pfft! Sass is my middle name!" Zayden said waving his finger around. He bursted out laughing as gave himself a facepalm at he failed attempt to 'sass'. "Ok, ok maybe not." He chuckled. This was the most fun he had in years. He quickly turned his whole body to face Liam, causing one leg to lay on the bench. He put his hands together in front of his chest and bowed to Liam. "Will you teach me the ways of SASS?!" He said giggling a bit.
5:43pm Mar 4 2013 (last edited on 5:44pm Mar 4 2013)
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Posts: 123
((Dang double post! >.<))