5:49pm Mar 4 2013
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Posts: 11,785
Liam blinked, then laughed and shook his head. "My sass came natural, hun," he said with a wink, crossing one arm across his chest as the other rested upon it. "I mean, I can't exactly teach what comes natural!" He grinned, giving Zayden a wink.
5:55pm Mar 4 2013
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Posts: 384
lol, im typing from my phone right now, so im npt even going to attempt to write an rp paragraph. sorry im not posting much right now. i need to get my hpmewprk done andthen study for a test that i have tomorrow. I will be on within three or four hours. this was horribly typed with my new phone.acepalm.
5:56pm Mar 4 2013
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Posts: 123
Zayden placed a hand on Liam's shoulder. "Well it was worth a try." He smiled. He looked into Liam's eyes. "Sooooooooooooooo..." Zayden said. His body was still facing Liam as he wondered what to do next. Zayden fell silent for an awkward moment.
11:49pm Mar 4 2013 (last edited on 11:49pm Mar 4 2013)
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Posts: 384
-Applauds Karkette for 100th post- xD
((Gah Karkette, we both forgot about your kitten while I was at your house. I wanted Ever to see its adorableness. xDD))
Ever jogged home instead of her usual leisurely walk, as she was attempting to get the majority of her irritated feeling towards her mother out of her system before she stepped into the house. When arriving at her door, she looked through the window located at the front porch and saw Blackout staring back at her with his shining yellow eyes. "I'm coming Blackie, Don't get your fur into a twist." She happily said as she walked up the steps and opened the door, Blackout mewing his lungs off for her to get inside faster. "I know, I'm usually here sooner. I would tell you I'm glad to be home, but I wont lie." She reached down, scooping up Blackout in her arms before walking over to her Moms room. "Mum, you awake?" Ever asked, knowing that she was about to get flung with a million questions concerning why she was out so late. "Where were you? I tried to call. You know I don't like it when you go somewhere without my permission." Her Mom replied, a slight worried tone to her voice. "Don't worry, I was just at the... beach. I left my phone on silent, that's why I didn't pick up. Do you mind if I go down there more often?" Ever silently pleaded to herself, hoping her mother would find it alright. "Okay... just make sure to text me first." Her mom said, a slightly unsure tone to her voice. "Thank you mum." Ever was glad the room was dark, as she could not hide the smile that crept onto her face.
8:19am Mar 5 2013
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Posts: 11,785
Liam laughed softly, offering Zayden a smile as he relaxed again. "Well, Zayden, what all do you like to do?" he asked, looking over curiously, blue eyes focused onto the other male. "I mean, I obviously enjoy fashion...when it's done right, anyways." He frowned slightly, shivering a bit. "You would not believe the horrid outfits I've seen."
4:35pm Mar 5 2013
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Posts: 123
Zayden couldn't really think of what he liked to do, so he replied to what Liam said next. "I'm surprised I even passed." Zayden looked down at his plain white shirt and baggy jeans. Even his shoes were just old hightops. He didn't have anything special about himself, or at least he couldn't think of one. He always thought of himself as plain.
5:32pm Mar 5 2013
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Posts: 384
((Gahness... I've run out of things for ever to do. Lol, I sent her home too early. D:
...Must use brain... >.<
8:03pm Mar 5 2013
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Posts: 11,785
Liam shrugged. "At least you match," he stated, linking his arms behind his head as he crossed his legs. "That's more than I can say with a lot of people nowadays." He sighed, shaking his head. "It's kind of sad, really."
9:21pm Mar 5 2013
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Posts: 123
Zayden nodded. He just sat there silently. He didn't really have much to say at this point. This was the most he's talked in years. Zayden extended his hand towards Liam. "It was a pleasure to meet you Liam." He said with a slight smile.
9:24pm Mar 5 2013
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Posts: 11,785
Liam turned his head to look at Zayden in a curious manner before he reached out to take his hand in return, offering a small smile. "Nice to meet you as well," he stated. This conversation wasn't going very many places too quickly, was it?
9:57pm Mar 5 2013 (last edited on 9:59pm Mar 5 2013)
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Posts: 384
((I... I have no idea why I keep having these extreme posts. xD))
Ever slowly backed out of the room with Blackout still contently laying in her arms. He lifted his nose to her upper arm, and sniffed for a few moments, and then began rubbing his head all over it. "I know, it's weird innit? I smell like something other than you and this house." She laughed quietly. Ever then took a sharp left, turning towards her room and stopping at its entrance. "Why didn't I just leave the door cracked and make things easier for myself?" She quietly said aloud as she gently bounced Blackout in her arms, not wanting to have to place him on the floor and end his blissful purring. She let out a sigh, deciding she might as well try and open the door by using something other than what was using to hold her cat. She instead swung her leg up to reach the door handle, missing a couple of times before finally succeeding. "Huh, I didn't know I could do that." She said, shrugging her shoulders before walking into her room and sitting onto her bed. She placed Blackout on the bed next to her. His ears folded back, a clear sign that he wished to stay on her lap. Whether that was because he wanted attention, or just because he wanted to finish ridding her of that unusual smell was unknown. She looked out of a window to her right, located about four-ish feet above her bed. Looks like it's starting to get dark. Why did I have to leave so early... Ever thought to herself, the guilt beginning to pile up after realizing how rudely she had left Zayden. She laid back, placing a pillow over her head in embarrassment.
8:48am Mar 6 2013 (last edited on 9:49pm Mar 11 2013)
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Posts: 1,459
(jeez, I've been procrastinating this so much )
"Can I get you something, sugar?" Came from a woman behind the counter, her nails rap-tapped against the glass as she waited on a response.
"Lookin' to get some ink." Remarked a man in his mid twenties. He was well toned and carried the composure of a body builder, which as more apparent when he pulled up his sleeve. "Here." He added, giving a slight gesture to his bicep.
"Ah, yes, well," she spared the man a few minutes from looking at her computer to survey the area, "I'm afraid we're booked today sug. Fill this out and I can pencil you in for tomorrow." She shoved a small pad of paper and a leopard print pen towards him, which he used to scribble his information in.
"Thanks sweetheart." She smiled. "So we're all set for 5:00 tomorrow." The pen "clicked" as she tucked it back into its holder. "Here's your card and don't worry about being punctual, I'm guaranteed to be quite late myself."
Though it wasn't the best thing to say she was probably right; tomorrow was her first day of school, and as much as she couldn't wait to finish her Senior year she actually dreaded the fact.
The tealette wiped away the beads of sweat from her brow as she returned the gun to it's usual resting place. Cord tucked under -- the way she always had it so stress wouldn't build up and cause the connector to break. There was air conditioning, and even though she was clad in her usual thigh-length shorts and a tank top the black gloves were conductors to heat, and she was standing under one of the few lights in the shop, and that did hold a window adjacent, and it was fairly sunny, despite the time.
Miscellaneous posters, completed artworks, and incomplete concept sketches littered the walls of the place. The scent of smoke, ink capsules and an occasional scented candle combined to create a scent one was sure to never forget, and the drone of machines, dim lighting, peculiar decorations, and sound of punk, pop, indie rock, dubstep, or electro house music created an ambiance only the employees or a tattoo junkie could love.
But to her it was soothing, and her smile and minute hospitality brought on a bit of tranquility and ease while waiting to be injected with ink or a piece of metal. But now her smile had faded and her mind was filled with other things while she closed the ink capsules. fitted the spare needles into their containers, and wiped down the cabinets.
"There." She smiled before adjusting her hair which sat pinned up above her heart-shaped facial frame.
"I'm heading out," She called to the man in the room next to her.
"Make sure you lock up everything when you're done."

10:16am Mar 6 2013
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Posts: 13
( Guys i've got so much homework now in high school and i've been ill so I dont think ill join this thread after all soz)
2:01pm Mar 6 2013
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Posts: 123
Zayden hesitated, but got up from the bench. "I should probably go check on my brother." Zayden gave Liam one last smile and turned around to leave. Zayden didn't think he was being rude, but others might think differently. He sighed as he slowly began to walk off.
4:50pm Mar 6 2013
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Posts: 9,781
(What have I missed?)
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
4:52pm Mar 6 2013
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Posts: 4,873
Name/Full name:Spirit Marie Fawn Age: 16 Picture/deion: Spirit isn't much or a girly girl, she's more of a country girl. She loves to get down and dirty, like riding a tle="" target="_blank">ATV in the mud. She is a rather quiet girl in class. It is rare you'll see her talking a lot. It is because of the tragic she had went through as a kid, but just because of that doesn't mean she can't enjoy life. Family: Spirit's dad died working in the army, while her mom is in jail for life because of acuseing child abuse, drugs, robbery and fighting a cop. City or town?: Town, will rarely be seen in the city. Day or night kind of person: She's more of a mid day person. Accent?: She has a country accent, because of her coming from Nebraska. Sport?: She'll play Soft Ball, and when not at soft ball, she works with her horse's in the sport's Cutting and Rening. Pet(Optional): [I know it's not real, but I really like these guy's. LOL P.S. I own them all four on DA] Deion of house (I would prefer if you would fill this out, but is not necessary): 1 - - - -* [4] - - - - - - 10 Height(Optional): 6'3 Fears/Phobias(Optional): One of her Phobias, is that someones going to treat her like her mother treated her and her 1 week old brother. That's why she is so shy. Sometimes, she;ll leave the lights on in her cabin, it may seem childish, but she's some what scared of the dark. ~ She keeps both a secret. other:
Favorites: Favorites: music: Country, Dubstep and Rap Books: Murder Mysteries Magazines: Reaning and cutting magazines Food: Steak and Salad Drinks: Pepsi Animal: Horse Sports: Soft Balll Color: Blue
Etc. Goals and hopes: She hopes to be the top Soft Ball Player at the school and somewhat go to the olympics Favorite school subject: Art, PE and Spanish
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
11:10pm Mar 6 2013 (last edited on 5:24pm Mar 7 2013)
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Posts: 384
((Hey Spirit. :D You haven't missed too much. Sorry I didn't post earlier, it's mid week and my teachers are killing us with tests/exams. Gah... So far in the last three days I have had a total of five major tests, and one more tomorrow. (<----- Me trying to explain why I wasn't on today. Fail, I know. xP)
SpiritDragon: Welcome to the rp! You may post if you'd like. It's about seven or eight pm in the rp realm.
Suddenly, while Ever was calmly lying on her bed and using a pillow to cover her shame, a chirping noise began. She quickly sat up in bed, thinking Blackout had claimed yet another birds life. To her surprise, he was lying right next to her, sleeping soundly. "What... wait, it's coming from inside my room?" She asked herself as she looked over at the now groggily awake Blackout and quickly picked him up, walked over to the door to her room, and placed him right outside of it. "Don't worry Blackie, you can come back in a few minutes. I just don't want you killing whatever has taken refuge in my room." She said to newly awoken and slightly dazed cat who was now making his way towards the living room sofa, obviously not caring either way. Ever walked back into her room, shutting the door behind her and began her search for the chirping she had heard just moments earlier. "Where... where... Oh, that was quick." She said as she looked under her desk, finding a bird lying motionless. "You alright little guy?" She noted the bird seemed to be breathing fine, and didn't have any open gashes of any sort. It must just be shocked. No wonder, it looks like Blackout got a hold of him. She thought to herself as she backed away from the bird. Ever left it be, knowing from previous "birdie and kitty" encounters that it is best not to stress the poor thing out too much. Ever walked back to her bed, and pulled out her cell phone too look at the time. "Seven fifty already." She whispered aloud to herself before remembering Zayden's cell number that she had obtained right before school started. She grabbed her wallet, took the slightly wrinkled piece of paper out, and added it to her contacts. A few moments later, she opened his contact and sent him a text. The text read: "Added you to my contacts. Now I can finally say I have more than family on here. ;)" She pressed send, then sat back in bed and watched the digital clock count by the seconds.
3:18pm Mar 7 2013
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Posts: 11,785
((So another school day yes? :3))
5:20pm Mar 7 2013 (last edited on 11:27pm Mar 7 2013)
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Posts: 384
Yes, but it could be the weekend if you'd like. I'm up for either of them. xD
By the way, SpiritDragon, I'm trying to imagine the height difference between your character (Fawn) and Ever. It just made me chuckle a little. xD ...I'm too easily amused if you hadn't noticed by now. xP
5:03pm Mar 8 2013
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Posts: 123
Zayden walked home. Once he got inside he imminently went to where he left the paper and typed the number into his phone. He saw that he had one text. He smiled a small smile and began to type back.
Text: Haha, now I can have a use for this phone. :)
He pressed send and waited for it to load. After it sent he waited for a reply. As he waited he went to check on Davy. He was on the couch watching spongebob. "That stuff will rot your brain." Zayden said jokingly. "Pfft what ever Bro!" Davy ignored Zayden's warning and kept giggling at the stupid yellow sponge. Zayden hated that show, but it still made him laugh sometimes.