2:51pm Jun 25 2011
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9:18pm Jun 25 2011 (last edited on 9:22pm Jun 25 2011)
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Posts: 1
Genius Name| Lucien Glynis Grade| 10th Age| 15 Gender| Male Appearance|  Personality| Lucien prefers to be alone, but is (or at least was) often forced to be with the children of family friends, but most of the time he stays quiet unless talked to. He hates crowded places and prefers the isolation of his room. He's definitely not popular, but has one or two 'friends', not counting his other 'friends' who are just the children of family friends he's was forced to hang out with. He could care less about other people and unless you really try to leave an impression on him, he won't know the difference between you being there and you being gone. He can hold some grudges against things done to him and won't forget easily. He's skeptic of the supernatural, but will believe it if evidence is before him. He will often just say what he dislikes about someone bluntly. But really, he's afraid of getting abandoned, since even his own parents didn't want him... or at least that's what he assumes. Natural talents| Being a jerk His family payed for violin lessons, so while not being the best at it, he can play the violin fairly well. He also has a pretty good memory. Given talent| He can control shadows. However, the shadows still have a bit of the personality of the person that they came from and can at times rebel. They can only go a foot from the floor and can be hurt by stomping on them, ect. He can also only control the shadows for a hour max. Anymore and he gets weaker.
Family| His parents, who adopted him. Crush| "... You're kidding me, right?" Other| -

10:10pm Jun 25 2011
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Posts: 5,578
7:10pm Jun 26 2011
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((Is this rp dead all ready?))
7:11am Jun 27 2011
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Posts: 496
((A lot of RPs seem to be dying and forgotten at the moment. As soon as someone forgets to post, a new RP is made in their place. It's quite annoying actually, and people seem to just be abandoning "old" RPs without evn having the decency to delete the thread so things aren't as cluttered.....))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
12:35pm Jun 27 2011
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Posts: 5,578
((Awww and I thought this might be a good rp too.))
3:20pm Jun 27 2011
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Posts: 496
((Let's hope it doesn't die! Keep bumping it!!))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
3:22pm Jun 27 2011
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Posts: 5,578
(( I think it would be allright to post your intro and then we could keep it alive in a more interesting way instead of just bumping it we could have out charries talk. Or since your charrie doesn't like to talk my charrie could be anoying and all that fun stuff XD))
3:32pm Jun 27 2011
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Posts: 496
((I already did post. I'm waiting for a reply.))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
3:33pm Jun 27 2011 (last edited on 3:38pm Jun 27 2011)
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Posts: 5,578
((Haha sorry I knew that)) Paige puts more detail into her drawing paying no attention to the people around her. Her cousin Kasey anoyed her to be quite frank with his pranking. Sometimes it was funny and she would willingly admit that but most of the time it just anoyed her. She shook the thought of her anoying cousin out of her head and focused more on her drawing. Kasey watched Maya glare at Alec and him. He smiled at her and winked. He knew it would make her angrey plus she was kind of cute so it was a win win. He looked to the front of the room then to the teacher who was now standing up and telling the class what they were going to do today. It was drawing. Didn't they do this last term? He thought. Oh well he didn't mind. Art class was an easy A. Just as long as you didn't annoy the teacher to much.
3:37pm Jun 27 2011
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Posts: 496
((Sure you did, Lol. Bumpeth. Somebody message Shattered))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
9:35pm Jun 27 2011 (last edited on 9:38pm Jun 27 2011)
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Posts: 224
((Sorry guys - I got banned from my laptop. But I'm back now =) )) "So bored..." groaned Alec quietly. He raised his hand. "Miss! I just remembered there's an urgent make-up class for all the members trying out for the band! That means Lucien, Kasey, Kirsty, Maya, Paige and I have to go - now! Thanks!" He stood, his chair clattering over backward, and strolled casually out the room. "We'd better not be late!" he called over his shoulder. "Yeah," agreed Kirsty, following.
9:48pm Jun 27 2011 (last edited on 10:11pm Jun 27 2011)
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((YAY! YOUR BACK! I MISSED YOOOOUUUU!)) Kasey stared at the bored his head placed on top of his crossed arms that were on the desk. His eyes had a glossed over look to them as he stared off into space. He was thinking about who he should take to the dance. Pretty much all the girls at this school hated him except a few who seemed to be stalking him. He was brought back to reality when Alec said his name. He saw him get up and followed him, "Where are we going?" He asked, "I wasn't paying attention." Paige was finished drawing her hell hound. It was standing in front of flames in a pit bull like stance snarling with a piece of something haging from it's jaws. It's eyes seem to peirc you looking into your deepest darkest secrets. Paige heard her name. She had been listening to the teach and heard Alec's voice cut it. She put her pencil and drawing into her bag and walked out of the room following the others.
11:17pm Jun 27 2011
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Posts: 224
((Haha LOL missed you too =) <3)) "You should know," grinned Alec. "The graveyard, idiot!" he shoved his friend playfully. "Oh, yeah," laughed Kirsty. "Gotta love ya," she poked Alec, and he shoved her gently as well. They all loved to prank newbies about the graveyard outside the chapel, with its dark, bare trees and the heavy mist that swirled around it. Really it was an abandoned carpark, but no-one had to know that.
11:23pm Jun 27 2011
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Posts: 5,578
Paige smiled when she heard 'Graveyard', "Yes!" she said. She didn't exactly scream it it was more she said it with some enthusiam and thats probably as close to screaming 'YAY!' and doing a happy dance as your going to get out of her. She followed the group walking on the outside of the group. "I knew that. I was just making sure you knew." Kasey said trying to act like he had known that all a long though he didn't think any of them would buy it. When he heard Paige talk his head swung over to look at her, "Whoa! ou can talk!" He said. He hadn't herd her talk all year. Or last year for that matter. The last time he had heard her speak was the last they had seen each other(biseds when they were sent to Kalisky together) which was when they were five.
11:30pm Jun 27 2011
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Posts: 224
"Emo," muttered Kirsty, digging her friend in the ribs. "Fail," snorted Alec as they crossed the clean tarmac. Suddenly a yell came echoing across from the chapel, filled with pain and fear. "HELP!" the unknown person screamed. "Omigod," gasped Kirsty. "Who is that?!" She broke into a run, racing across the pavement with Alec at her heels. "Wait!" hissed Alec. He turned to Kasey. "We have to keep them away from there," he said in a lower voice.
11:37pm Jun 27 2011 (last edited on 11:43pm Jun 27 2011)
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Posts: 5,578
"I'm not emo it's called being orgigonal...emo people cut themselves and ware lots of black. I don't ware black or cut myself now do I." Paige said colding out her wrists to Kirsty. She heard the scream and her head turned in the direction of the Chapel. She followed Kirsty, Kasey and Alec but when Alec whispered to Kasey she couldn't hear what he said, "What?" she asked. She was going to find out what he said and if he didn't spill the beans soon she would torture him for it. "What did you say Alec." she demanded, 'Tell me or...well I don't think you want to know what i'll do." she glared at him and waited for him to tell her. Kasey fnodded to Alec, "Who was that though?" He asked his voice holding a bit of a quiver. He was willing to admit he was a bit freaked out but anyone in there right mind would be. Right?
11:38pm Jun 27 2011
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Posts: 224
((Alec whispered to Kasey, not Kirsty...=P))
11:39pm Jun 27 2011
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Posts: 5,578
((I know I edited. Sorry I was reading fast lol))
11:43pm Jun 27 2011
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Posts: 224
((LOL I do it all the time ;) And I'll rMail you something)) "I don't know and it's not our place to. You know what happens when we disobey," Alec growled, making sure only Kasey could hear as he ignored Paige. "Now we need to get Kirsty back, now." Kirsty skidded to a stop as another scream echoed around. "Guys! Come on!"