11:51pm Jun 27 2011
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"Well yeah I know what happens but since when do you care?" She asked. "Whats going on here? I'm going to find and you guys know it too. Just tell me and this could save you both a lot of trouble and your fingers." "Paige, we can't tell you just promis me you wont go in there with out me or Alec." His eyes were pleading and his tone was steady. It was obvious that this wasn't one of his pranks. Paige glared at him a moment. He had never been this serious in a long time. She wanted to go in but seeing Kasey get so...protective wasn't quite the word but neither was scared. It was something in between those two words. "Fine." She grumbled. She heard another scream and she cracked her knuckles trying her hardest not to run past them all to see who or what was screaming side the chaple.
12:07am Jun 28 2011
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Posts: 224
"Hurry UP guys!" shouted Kirsty impatiently, "or I'll go in without you!" Alec glared at Paige, and for a moment the temperature seemed to plumet. "Don't go there at all," he muttered, frowning. "COME BACK, KIRSTY!"he shouted. Kirsty shook her head. "Fine! I'm going inside," she yelled. She turned and ran into the chapel "Oh, sh**." Alec breathed.
12:12am Jun 28 2011 (last edited on 12:20am Jun 28 2011)
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((I'm editing since I just got the rmail)) Kasey looked at Alec his eyes wide, "Well what do we do now!" He yelled, "I'm not going in there and I doubt your going in there and we can't send Paige in there," He looked at Paige kind of glaring at her, "wheather she's will to go or not!" He ran a hand threw his hair and let out a frustrated sigh. Paige was cinfuzed to say the least and by how angrey and scared Kasey was sounding she wasn't sure she wanted to. But of corse Paige being Paige there was a part of her that wanted to know what the he!! they were talking about.
12:24am Jun 28 2011 (last edited on 12:27am Jun 28 2011)
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Posts: 224
((LOL will rMail you ;) EDIT: OK, will change as well =P)) Kirsty struggled, crying out as a needle pierced her skin. Where were Alec and the others? What was happening?! “Help me!” she gasped, writhing on the bench. Blank eyes stared down at her, the rest of their faces hidden behind white masks and iron chains shackled her to the bench. “Lemme go!” she panted, almost crying as they hooked her up to something. When she’d come into the room, something had grabbed her, hauled her over to the bench and chained her down before she knew what had happened. Now, she was being poked with needles and unable to protect herself. The hands started stripping off her sneakers and socks, taking her hairband out, unbuttoning her jacket. "We have to get her out of there!" said Alec. "Or else-" he stopped short.
12:31am Jun 28 2011
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Paige wasted no time in dissapearing into the shadows next to the doorway. She ran to the bench and began to pick the locks on the shackles restraining Kirsty all the while staying invisable, "Kasey! Fire!" she shouted. Kasey instantly knew what Paige was talking about when she said 'Fire'. He snaped his fingers and little sparks make to his finger tips truning into flames. He ran forward close enough so that he could aim his fire but far enough away that he would be able to see anyone who was run towards him. He aimed his fire at the masked people, "GTE AWAY FROM HER!" He yelled. He was making sure that he wouldn't burn Kirsty.
12:42am Jun 28 2011
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Posts: 224
"Omigosh!" Kirsty flinched as sparks landed all around her. "Kasey!" Alec ran to the rear exit, blasting it open with a jet of ice. "We are so dead," he muttered, racing to Kasey's aid. "We gotta get out of here!" he shouted. ((I'm gonna edit Kirsty's bio - she can have a crush on Kasey =D ;) ))
12:52am Jun 28 2011
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((OK)) "Sorry" He lyelled to her over the sound of the flames. He was doing a good job of distracting the masked men since they had for the moment stoped poking Kirsty with needles. "GOT 'EM" Paige yelled as Kirsty's shackes snaped open. The invisable paige took Kirsty by the hand and grabing her socks and shoes and putting her hair bad around her wrist. She ran with Kirsty out the back door Paige's body coming back into veiw. Once they were out side she handed her her shoes and socks. Kasey was still blasting the masked men with fire trying to make his way out the back door.
12:55am Jun 28 2011
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Posts: 224
Kirsty's sky-blue eyes were very wide and her skin very pale. "It's not real it's not real it's not real," she repeated over and over, her breath coming short and fast. She was shivering, blood trickling from her upper arm. "Omigosh it's not real it can't be it's not real." She buried her face in her hands, her long auburn hair tumbling in front of her face. She trembled, biting her lip. "Kasey!" shouted Alec. He gathered his strength and created an ice-slide for his friend. "Hurry before you melt it!"
1:02am Jun 28 2011
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"Put on your socks and shoes." Paige said her voice calm and level. She was slightly freaking out inside at what she had just seen but she kept all on the inside. She didn't want to tramatize Kirsty any more. She wiped the bool from Kirsty's arm with the hem of her shirt causing a red stain on the white fabric but Paige didn't care. Kasey made his way to Alec's make shirt ice slid and slid closing his hands which stoped the fire from spewing out anymore. "Thanks." He said to Alec as he rushed over to Kirsty,"Are you OK?" He asked. Man thats a stupid question of corse she isn't OK. She was being proded with needles! He felt a bit stupid for asking that question.
1:15am Jun 28 2011
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Posts: 224
Kirsty's lip quivered. "No I'm not freaking OK I was abducted by....I don't even know what I was taken by and then they stabbed me with needles and..." Kirsty started crying. She rubbed her shoulder where three big red welts were swelling. She curled into a ball, silent. "Kirsty?" asked Alec softly, touching her shoulder. She didn't move.
1:23am Jun 28 2011
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Paige sat down next to Kirsty on the ground and out her arms around her shoulders in a hug. She didn't say anything she was just silent as she tryed to calm her friend down. She knew that she couldn't say anything to make this OK. The best this to do was just to let her cry it out. She kept looking back to the door where they had come out of the Chaple kind of paranoid. Were the creeps who abtucted Kirsty going to bust out of there and try to take them all or are they stuck in there some how or something. She looked up at Alec and Kasey giving them a look that obviously ment 'We need to talk.' Kasey just watched as Kirsty cried and Paige tryed to comfort her. He wasn't sure at all how to to make a girl who was crying feel better. With his mom he ussually snuggled up with her but he had a feeling that if he did that, that it would be akward so he dicided against it.
1:45am Jun 28 2011
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Posts: 224
((LOL you gotta love Kasey, huh. =) )) Kirsty stopped crying quickly – she hated showing weakness. “Someone t-tell me wh-wh-what happened,” she muttered, biting her lip. She was still hunched over, rubbing her arm slowly.
6:22am Jun 28 2011
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Posts: 496
((OMG, I hate you guys! Lol, jk, jk, but seriously, try not to go so far ahead without me, next time?)) I glare back at the guys, but then slightly doze off. Drawing may be my talent, but I'm terribly bored, even in art class. The next thing that I know, my friends are gone and the bell is ringing shirlly in my ear. "Ahh!" I scream. The art teacher glares me in the eye, but then moves on. I jump to my feet and grab my bag, dashing out the door. "Guys! Where are you?" I shout down the long, student filled corridor.
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
12:45pm Jun 28 2011
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"We'll tell you when we back to school,OK. We shouldn't stick around here." Kasey kept looking at the door nervously. It was wide open and he couldn't see anything but blackness past the ice slide that Alec had made. He didn't hear anything coming from inside anymore. He still didn't know who was screaming before which was going to make him crazy. He wanted to know. "Yeah we should get outof here before one those...things"she said with disgust, "figure out that we're just outside their back door." She stood up and dusted some of the dust and small rocks off her pants.
2:15pm Jun 28 2011
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Posts: 496
((Maya is NOT going to be happy about the boys not telling her, but she'll survive. Just watch for her wrath.)) "Did you guys just ditch class? You didn't even bother to bring me along? Oh you are so dead." I say, felling somewhere inbetween having boiling hot water poured over my head and growing sixty feet. I stand on my tip-toes to tower over the boys, but they don't even seem bothered. I could be a fluffy bunny to them. Their eyes keep flickering back to a door. "What?! What could be soooo important behind that door?! Just what?!" I yell at the two boys, feeling angrier and angrier. 'They got to ditch and they didn't even bring me along. What kind of friend does that?!' I think angrily to myself, waiting to see just what could be sooo important.
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
2:19pm Jun 28 2011
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Paige helped Kirsty to her feet before she looked at Maya. She didn't know what to say. She didn't understand what had been going on inside the chaple. It was Alec and Kasey's turn to explain to all of them. "We just need to get back to school right now. Thats the important thing at the moment." Kasey said his eyes still locked on the back dorr of the chaple.
3:03pm Jun 28 2011
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Posts: 496
((Man, Maya is coming off as a completely different character than I meant her to be.... O.O)) "Fine, but once we're back in the common room, you guys have to tell me what the hell you were doing." I says, lowering myself back to the earth. I'm still pretty angry, and getting on my bad side right now could mean another rage, but it looks like the worst is over. (I was just wondering if this school had houses. Something like what they had at hogwarts? Except less freakiness to the whole aspect.)
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
3:12pm Jun 28 2011 (last edited on 3:16pm Jun 28 2011)
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((I would think that they have dorm kind of like collage)) Kasey nodded and walked back across the street with the rest of the group. His hands were clutching the edge of his T-shirt. He didn't want to tell anyone about what was in the chaple but since two of the three people who didn't know about it had allready seen it he figured there's no going back now. Paige was walks with Kirsty making sure she didn't fall or anything. Truth fully she was scared out of her wits but she kept her composure and 'couldn't care less' adittude.
3:18pm Jun 28 2011
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Posts: 496
I walk back with the group. My books are still strapped against me, and school is over, so we'll be heading back to our dorms now. I could care less about homework. Sure, it was hard, and sometimes I didn't do it on purpose, but it just seemed stupid overall. I got the point, but what if I already knew the stuff. Why make me do it again?
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
3:21am Jun 29 2011
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Posts: 224
"Be glad you weren't there," Kirsty mumbled to Maya, eyes tracing cracks on the pavement. She glanced sideways at the new girl for a second. "Be very, very glad." Then she shut up again, biting her lip. Alec looked over at Kasey - the two were walking ahead of the girls - out of hearing range for all of them even if they did have super hearing. "What're we gonna tell them?" he whispered.