11:28am Mar 21 2010
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The family's screams cut off as they were stunned into silence yet again, by another changer barreling into their house, with a puppy in it's jaws and it's chest heaving underneath the fur. They stood mesmerized as the changer nudged the other with its' nose, and they seemed petrified at the thought of not one, but two changers in thier hut. This village was one where all creatures not human were feared, owing to the zombie population nearby. The mother clutched the small child to her chest, shaking, and walked a few steps forewards, her arms trembling. She placed the sleeping baby on the floor of the house in front of the two changers, then scrambled back, to sheild the others. It seemed that this town also had a superstition, that if you gave the monsters your only child, they would leave. A daughter reached for her brother, but the mother shoved her hand away and soothed her with soft words. The mother looked fearfully at the baby, which had awoken and was crawling towards the fallen changer, prodding his angular face and tugging on his sharp nose. Suddenly, the skin changer flinched, and his eyes flew open, one gold and one bright crimson, and he got to his hands and knees, head hanging as he coughed, his whole bady convulsing with the wet, ugly sounds. He looked through his hair at the small baby, and growled, blood dripping from his parted lips. His body twisted, and an ash grey wolf stood unsteadily, weaving and swaying in the small house. The wolf was grey, no dispute of that, but the thick ruff of fur that started behind the ears mingled with black, lending it a dirty appearence. The claws and teeth on this specimen of wulf were huge, the black claws digging into the dirt floor. The gleaming ivory was splashed with crimson, the wulf's own and it coughed, the shape receding once again to that of a tall, thin, and very, very pale, boy, who was on his knees, coughing and coughing, a wet, ugly sound, one that inspires tuberculosis and tradgedy of death. The boy wiped the blood from his chin and snarled, a sound more wolf than man.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
12:30pm Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 305
Addie nudged the large skin changer, others like herself had never scared her. She licked the face of the baby, setting poison down first of course. She nudged the baby back to it's mother, and turned to face the large skin changer behind her. She gave a curious look at him, and and nudged his face lightly again, a sign of wanting no harm. She wouldn't fight, and wouldn't become violent unless she absolutely had to. She hadn't met another like herself, only heard of them. This was an interesting turn of events tonight. She flicked her midnight black tail, and her breath became steadied once again, Poison nipping at her feet. Addie motioned to the other changer to follow her, she dooubted he would. She wanted to know him in his human form. He seemed angry and violent, and it interested her. People like that had always interested her. It was such a difference than her own persona, that she felt it was a compliment to her own personality. He intrigued her. She flicked her tail again, and gave a slight shift of muscles, and shook her fur.
1:05pm Mar 21 2010
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Dravius whirled and growled, eyes fixed on Addie. His mismatched eyes were unusually bright, bright with anger, although he didn't seem strong enough to stay a beast for long. He watched as Addie signaled to follow her, and he choked out one word, one, short, little word. "Why?" His voice was accented, although with what was hard to place. His eyes were large and angled, and his cheeks bones were high on his skin, giving him a frail appearence. He growled again, sharp teeth bathed in blood. The baby giggled as Addie licked his face, and grabbed at the small puppy nipping at her heels, burbling happily. The family wore an ex pression of horror, horror that the wulves hadn't just taken the child and left, but rather were content to stay in the house. They gripped each other for safety, and shuddered as one.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
1:44pm Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 305
Posion played contently with the baby in the corner, rolling around and licking where addie had licked him. Addie gave a small smile. "You interest me." Was all she said, at least for a few moments. She was growing tired herself, and she could feel her muscles aching to change back, but she didn't want to in front of the family. "I'm a new changer. Come talk with me." She was giving quiet answers. She barked, almost like Poison often did, sounding like a puppy herself, signaling the puppy to follow her. She pushed the door open with her nose, and pushed past it. She could feel the short gr*censored* curling between her toes, she shook her fur, and she sat under a tree, in the center of a large group of the same kind of tree. She was awaitng an answer from the large male wolf. She licked her haunches, trying to stay patient.
2:30pm Mar 21 2010
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Dravius snarled at the female wulf, and sat back on his haunches and wiped his face, glareing at the humans a.ssembled there. He picked up the puppy and growled at the baby, making the small child's eyes tear up, and he left quickly, leaving the baby to be swept up by the mother and sqeeuzed, murmering soothing worsd to the disheartened child. He rubbed his head and stumbled outside, sitting next to Addie with another cough. He tossed the puppy to her softly, not hard enough to hurt the small canine. He sat a few feet away, his messy black hair hanging over his face. ((I can't describe his hair right. Here's a picture. It's what I based Drav off- Copyrights to the original artist. ~Rarw~ ))
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
2:56pm Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 305
Addie licked Poison, and shifted back, although nude, she was completely comfortable. She reached up into the tree, and grabbed a pile of clothes she had hidden here. That was another strange thing about her... she always hid her clothes in the most convenient of places. She placed the clothes on her body, and walked over to Dravius, and spit on his muzzle, wiping it in the scratches. "It's gross, but it helps. Canine saliva." She smiled, and stuck out her tongue, showing that these were one of the few parts that stayed canine after she shifted back to her human appearance. "So, I'm Addie." She crossed her legs, and sat down, stroking Poison's head. "Do you always cause such havoc?" She stifled a giggle. He looked tired, and injured. She remembered days like that.
3:35pm Mar 21 2010
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Dravius grunted, staring at the ground in front of him. He seemed unperturbed when Addie changed back, and jumped at bit at Addie's question. "Pretty much." He answered, his accented vioce smooth and rich, like melted chocolate. "I'm Dravius." He added, with his chin in one hand. "What brings you to this boring little burg?" He asked her, keeping his mismatched eyes straight ahead. Now that his anger had cooled, his eyes were flat, and seemed to absorb light, giving them a dull shine.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
3:43pm Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 305
Addie gave a small smile, pleased that he wasn't completely bothered by her. "I was bitten a few months back. Just doing some... wandering." She shrugged, and leaned back on the tree. "What do things like us do? I've been extremely bored. Running...hunting..sleeping...running...hunting...sleeping. and so on." She sighed, realizing how empty her time had been, and how she had failed to notice it until now. Her muscles shifted under her skin again. She rolled her eyes, becoming very annoyed at how restless she constantly was. "This is almost imaginary. Unreal." She looked around, and her head twisted around as she heard a squirrel run in the tree above. She growled quietly, a smooth and sultry sound. It had often shocked her how much more grown and mature she had felt lately. She felt almost like a monster. Then again, she was.
4:27pm Mar 21 2010
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"We actually don't have much of a purpose." Dravius said, messy hair blending with the night. "And I'm surprised you don't loose count of the days. I was born like this." He kicked a pinecone lying on the ground, and growled at it, peeling his lips back from his sharp teeth. His thick lips and long eyelashes covered a sense of power and turbulence, lying just beneath the skin of this teenaged boy. He shifted in place, his long fingers tightening on is face.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
4:37pm Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 305
Addie glanced at him, shocked by his response. "I can't forget my past. I want to find somebody to love, but how can I when I'm a monster? I used to be happy." She looked at her hands, they were still soft, but the thought of what she really was, was constantly becoming more real, with each p*censored*ing day. With each moment. "Are you happy?" She yearned for a life. For more than doing nothing over and over again each day. Hearing another like her talk this way, only made her feel even more empty. But she knew she wouldn't feel this way forever. There were others like her. She stood, and walked closer to him, and sat indian style, her knees touching him. "I don't want to make you uncomfortable, I just want to know what it feels like to be so close to another like myself." She gave slight smile.
5:49pm Mar 21 2010
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Dravius shrugged his thin shoulders and frowned, saying, "You aren't a monster." He left it at that, offering no reason why she wasn't, and the look on his face was one of sorrow and a hint of deeply seeded anger. "And at least you have a degree of control. I'm widely known as the Scourge Of The Towns, rampaging along until someone either catches me, or I get too tired to keep going." He added, lookingat his fingers, with theor long, slender fingers, tipped with sharp, curved nails. "And I don't really know how to tell if you're happy. No one ever told me." Dravius answered her question, not acknowledging her closness, nor that she was purposly touching him. "Could you, um, not touch me please?" He muttered, scooching about three inches away from Addie. "I don't like to be touched."
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
5:56pm Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 305
Addie laughed, not at him himself, just at herself and the situation. "Control is nothing to be proud of. Trust me. Sometimes I wish I didnt, controlling your emotions makes it easier to hide them and pretend you feel nothing." She stood up, and brushed the dirt off of her. Not that she actually cared. "Thanks for the talk. I guess I'll see you around." She tapped her hip, and Poison imediately came to her haunches. She stepped towards the woods, and shifted again, her midnight black fur only shining in the slightest from the moon light. She looked behind her at Dravius, something inside her flicked, an interest. She smiled, and brushed it off, running into the woods. Hoping, maybe she would see him again.
6:28pm Mar 21 2010
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Dravius's face broke into a crooked smile at Addie's remark, and he nodded slowley. "No problem. Hope it helped." He got to his feet and walked off, his tall frame sillouhetted in the bright moon. He smiled as he walked, listenig to Addie's paw steps faded into the distance, and he sighed, rrubbing the back of his neck and yawning, letting tiredness wash over him. In fact, he was so out of it that he didn't notice the figures crouched in the darkness a mere ten feet away, waiting with ropes and chaiins, muzzles and guns. A muscled man watched a tall teeneged boy walk boy, yawning loudly. Apparently, this frail lookign specimen was a werewolf, and werewolves needed to be hunted down, and sometimes they could even be sold for profit. His band of men crouched behind him, and he raced at the boy, bellwoing like an elephant. The dark haired boy turned his way and snarled, a beast exploding from his form in the night. One of the bandits quickley looped a muzzle around the huge wolf's mouth, and another threw a rope over the animal's head. It snarled underneath the restraints, but was gradually subdued by the leader, and it's legs were tied together. It took four men to move the collosal canine, and once they did, it resisted even more, adding two more men to the hauling force. Into a cage it was thrown, with a knife gash across one bleeding eye, and a bullet hole in one ear. It's human eyes pleaded with the bandit, but the only response that was had was a slamming door on a truck, and a trip to the local market. In daylight, the bandits set up their tent at an outdoor market, a black sheet amongst the brightly colored merchant's stalls. Beside the large, muscled leader, sat a cage, and in the cage was a boy. A thin, pale, snarling boy, with his hands tied together, and one eye scarred and sightless. He was for sale, and already a few circuses had come by to inspect him, prodding him with sharp pokers to produce a large grey wolf. The boy was in despair, as the cage was lifted by two absurdly buff men and hauled to a brightly colored cirsus caravan, painted with a clown, mouth open in a sinister smile. Posters were already tacked everyhwere, proclaming, "Come, to the Circus Magnifico! See- The Severed Head! The Terrible Tigers! AND! New To This Marvoulus Show! See Something Amazing! An Ordinary Boy, when Angered, Shifts Into A Most Terrible Beast! A WereWolf, unique To The Circus Magnifico!"
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
7:51pm Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 305
Addie's head twisted at the sound of a man, speaking of a werewolf. Despite all of her instincts, she ran, hoping to see what the man was yelling for. She ran, once again kicking the earth beneath her feet. She came down the same hill she had just walked up, and something about this was incredibly tedious, but her curiosity over-powered anything else. She wasn't tired, and she came to a stop not too far from the people. She could see the man and the beast like herself. She paced back and forth around the area of the men, she could smell Dravius around here. It couldn't be too terribly dangerous if he was here. Then it caught her eye.
The look in the boy's eyes was of pain and despair. She became angry, snarling and growling and snapping towards the men. She growled and barked hysterically, she would fight for another like herself. She knew how this felt... Nobody deserved something even worse than the fate of being a monster. But to be shown off for being this way? She wouldn't stand by. As the attention was put on her, a fear washed through her. A fear that she should have stayed in the woods. Away from these people.
8:06pm Mar 21 2010 (last edited on 8:06pm Mar 21 2010)
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Posts: 305
Ooc: I was a bit inspired by Addie's interest in Dravius. I got bored... so I did some digi-art. (: tle="Click for a larger view" width="426" height="227" />
9:44pm Mar 21 2010 (last edited on 10:43pm Mar 21 2010)
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Posts: 2,963
((Oh Mai. O.O Sorry. I'll be at my aunts for a few days, so I dont know how oft I'll be on. I'll try to catch up as much as I can when I am, though. ^^ LOL. Gordos font size makes me go cross-eyed. XD)) Matrix watched the procedings with steely gray eyes. She didnt know what had persuaded her to follow the black she Wulf, but she did, running faster than a normal human; one of the many upsides to being a dhamphyre. All the strengths, non of the weakness's Talk about Mary-Sue... She thought bitterly, wind whipping her hair back. Now she was here, watching some guy shout about another Wulf. She sighed. Skinchangers'll take over the world. At least they aint full Wulves.
Resident mounted archer
1:33am Mar 22 2010 (last edited on 1:36am Mar 22 2010)
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The Ringmaster, in his tall red and black hat, and his bright crimson coat with shiny bra.ss buttons. He waved his arms in the air, continuing about the wonders of the wolf boy, and pulled a key from his sleeve, a grey metal key with a snarling wolf's head carved into the end. He handed it to an imposing man behind him, and the muscled strong man unlocked Dravius's cage and pulled his out, a loose chain thudding against his thin chest. It formed a long loop, with one end held in the strongman's meaty fist. In the other he held a long black poker, the handle carved in a similar way as the key. He held the poker out to the a.sembled crowd, as the Ringmaster shouted, "As as.surance that there is no trickery in our show of wonders, I will offer this poker to anyone here, to have the Wolf-boy provoked into showing us his true form!" The Master raised his hands in the air, and the strongman cheered loudly, leading the corwd in a long roar. A small child stepped forewards, and asked timidly, "Mithter Thtrongman, I wanna thee the Wolf-boy!" The Stronman ruffled the child's hair and handed the child the poker. The child drew his arm back and hurled the heavy iron poker at Dravius, striking him in the side of the head. Dravius snarled, and his form ballooned into a wolf, fur puffed up and a hole through it's ear, but was jerked to the ground by the strongman, and was held motionless by the choking chain around his neck. The Ringmater shouted, "And there you have it! The Magnificant Wolf-boy, freshly caught!" At the sound of the barking wolf, the crowd turned as one and screamed at the sight of another Wulf. The Ringmaster pointed at Addie, and another strongman stepped forewards, a gun in one hand and a thick steel chain in the other. He leaped towards Addie, pinning her beneath him and wrapping the chain around her muzzle and neck, painfully tight. He lifted Addie onto his shoulders and cheered, the crowd roaring in response to the trussed and bound Wulf. Addie was thrown into a cage beside Dravius by another leering man, and the door locked swiftly behind her. Dravius was forced back into his cage, although his snapped and snarled as savagly as he could in his weakened state.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
9:04am Mar 22 2010
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Posts: 2,963
Matrix stood up. This was wrong. She had a problem with animal abuse...even if they animals werent really...animals. The fact they were people made it all the worse. But what could she do. She didnt want to make a huge, unnecissary scene. She would wait. Wait for her chance. It would come soon enough. ((Sorreh. Has to be fast))
Resident mounted archer
1:29pm Mar 22 2010
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Posts: 1,943
((-Drools over picture- You even got the yellow eye right! -Is Amazed at Artistic Talent-))
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
4:06pm Mar 22 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 305
((Thanks on the art compliments you guys. And sorry about the font... this is the only way my long posts work on my computer. It's hard to explain.)) Addie snarled, barking madly and biting at the bars. Nothing had angered her so much up to this point. She whipped her head around to Dravius. "What the heck? This is insanity!" She growled and tossed her head around the cage, only grinding down one of her back teeth. She reached her feet out in between the bars of the cage, and snarled, trying to get near the man that had boasted so loudly about capturing her, and about this show with Dravius. She hadn't gone this crazy since being bitten. The cloudiness of her thoughts was making her tired, but she wouldn't back down. If nothing else, she wanted to drive the people mad with annoyance. She scratched at the bottom of her own cage, still in the same frantic manner. As one of her toes started bleeding, she backed up, her chest heaving. Her vision was clouded, all of the people and her surroundings becoming flashes of blobs, only taunting her. She now regretted doing anything. But an insane thought ran through her mind. Maybe, just maybe, if she stayed long enough, she could rip one of their heads off. She doubted it, and she collapsed. The anger had tired her, and she couldn't fight anymore. She fell asleep in the corner of the cage, despite the anger and fear washing over her body. More and more crept into her body every second.