6:51pm Mar 22 2010
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Matrix sighed and stood up, walking to the strong man. "Uhm, s'cuse me," She smiled shyly with psuedo innocence. "Are you still allowing people to anger the Wulves? My friend bet me I couldnt do it." She gestured to a random boy in the crowd then looked back at the man. She caught the she-wulves eyes. Calm down,
Resident mounted archer
8:59pm Mar 22 2010
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The Ringmaster looked down from his perch at Matrix, looking down his beak-like nose and smiling with grimy yellow teeth. "Why yes, for such a pretty and couragous girl we will certainly bring our specimens out again!" He exclamied, waving a meatly faced man forewrds, and hopping off the large crate he had been standing upon. "And which one would you like to see, little lady?" He asked, waving to the two snarling wolves in the background. "The Beastly BlacK, of the Grizzly Grey?" He added with another filty smile. The man laughed out loud at Addie's determination to get ahold of him, and he pulled a long bullwhip from the loop of his belt, his face a few inches from the she-wulf's. As the wulf fell asleep, he laughed louder, and threw his head back in his twisted mirth. It amused the strongman that these creatures were so easily captured, and the deamon wulves her housed in the bodies of frail looking teens. Although this one had more kick when captured than the male, there was a quiet danger, a destabilization to the ash-grey male, hidden rage in the boy's mismatched eyes. Dravius immediatly stopped fighting as the men closed his door, his frame shrinking into that of a person's again. He reached over to Addie and placed a few fingers on her deep black flank, a few fingers of a.ssurance and a little bit of comfort. He reached back inside his cage and stared straight ahead, his eyes fixed on the pattern of the cobble stones in the square where the show was being advertised.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
1:45am Mar 23 2010
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Posts: 2,963
Matrix shrugged and continued her act. "Oh. I dont know. Whatever one you think best," Her eyes were calculation, though she wore a mask of innocence. If I can get a hold of the cattle prod thing they've got...
Resident mounted archer
3:39pm Mar 23 2010
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Posts: 305
Even being asleep, Asteri smiled a bit from the touch of Dravius. She had never been so quickly caught up in another person. Her back shifted up and down, each breath giving her a new calmness. As her body began to shift back to her human self, she woke, only to be less panicked than before. She couldn't be angry, even though she had only gotten a few minutes of sleep, it had replenished her energy, and she just had to try to stay sane long enough to escape. She looked over at Dravius, leaning over the way he had. She placed a hand on his arm, reaching through the bars. She just wanted him to know she would be here. That everything would get better. As a human and calm, it was the first time she had ever felt like a completely different person in her human form. Maybe she should still be angry, but she couldn't be. Part of her just felt like she needed to be strong for him. Even if she hadn't known him long. He was the first one like herself that she had met, and that creates a bond. Wether she wanted it to or not. And wether he felt it or not. He may have been the most beautiful thing she had ever seen.
5:30pm Mar 23 2010
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Posts: 2,963
The man handed her the cattle prod and Matrix stepped forawrd, careful to retain her timid composure. She was close to the Wules now, close enough to taste them; she wished she could smell. She could feel the man behind her, his breath on her neck, hand reaching out to touch her.... Mat spun around before he could, buzzing end of the cattle prod conecting under his jaw, snapping his head back and screeching with pain. More men came ove, trying to subdue her. She whirled around...a fist conected with her nose and a split second later, a waterfall of blood sprung from her broken facial feature. She hissed in pain but kept spinning the prod around in a blur like it was a glaive.
Resident mounted archer
5:12pm Mar 24 2010
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Posts: 2,963
((Hmmhmmhmmhmm. Bump. ^^))
Resident mounted archer
6:07pm Mar 24 2010
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((Anyoe else wanna join? O.o))
Resident mounted archer
2:17pm Mar 28 2010
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((Tode, Mister Nasty Ringmaster man didn't give you anything yet.)) Dravius looked over at Addie and smiled wanley, his sharp teeth glinting. He had really never met anyone other than him that considered him anything other than a monster, not a freak of nature. He clenched his fists and snarled at the crowd, causing a few of the more adventurus watchers to shie back. He turned to Addie and whispered, "Watch this." He turned tot he crowd and picked out a single child, flicking a sharp-nailed finger at the ten or eleven-year-old. The child walked forewards, a few steps at a time. Soon the boy was only a few steps away from the cages that contained the WUlves. Dravius smiled creepily, and shot out a hand, scring three small scratches on the side of the child's cheeck. "You're next." He said, and let out a creepy chuckle as the child scrambled back, screaming loudly. The Ringmaster smiled with crusty teeth and nodded. "Why don't you try the male there, sweetherart." he beckoned behind him and one of the muscled men steeped forewards, offering the cold steel poker to Matrix. "Go ahead, little lady." He said, his foul breath washing over Matrix in clouds. He placed a grimy hand on her shoulder and steered her towards the cages.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
11:19pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 2,963
((Bleh. You was gone. I improvised. XD)) Matrix glared at the male Wulf as the child ran screaming past her. That was uncalled for. She thought, planning on a long shouting match later, if she succeeded in her plan. When she succeeded. She was careful to keep her scared act, however, even gasped and trembled as the man led her forward. She wanted to rib his arm out of the socket just because of him touching her. Hmmm. Not a bad idea... They still werent close enough to the cage. Whatever she was going to do, she was sure it would all come to her by-and-by. ((Ow. Hands hurt. Not smart to chord out a song using the sides of your fingers. ><))
Resident mounted archer
11:19pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 2,963
((Bleh. You was gone. I improvised. XD)) Matrix glared at the male Wulf as the child ran screaming past her. That was uncalled for. She thought, planning on a long shouting match later, if she succeeded in her plan. When she succeeded. She was careful to keep her scared act, however, even gasped and trembled as the man led her forward. She wanted to rib his arm out of the socket just because of him touching her. Hmmm. Not a bad idea... They still werent close enough to the cage. Whatever she was going to do, she was sure it would all come to her by-and-by. ((Ow. Hands hurt. Not smart to chord out a song using the sides of your fingers. ><))
Resident mounted archer
7:45pm Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 305
Addie glanced at the crowd, she became angered once again, seeing the way people reacted to Dravius. She snarled and growled, and gnawed on the edge of her cage. There really wasn't much she could do, seeing as these bars seemed so unbreakable. She heaved, standing in her place, listening to the remarks, and watching Dravius and the vampire girl. Why had she come? Looks like she was just another like the ringmaster. "Dravius!" Addie cried out, she wanted so badly to feel his comforting touch. She was so worried about him, and scared for the both of them. She didn't know if she would ever be free. Her skin shifted beneath her fur, her anger causing her muscles to move in strange ways. She snapped, the drool connecting one tooth to the other, she bit down on a bar hard, and it snapped. Her form growing a bit larger with her anger.
9:56pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 2,963
The female Wulf grabbed the bars of the cage and the ring masters attention was diverted. Matrix braced herself, grabbed the mans arm, and flipped him over her shoulder. Speed that shouldnt be hers enabled her to run to the cage which held the Wulves, bracing on foot on the one inch lip and vaulted up. The wood on the top was solid and sent jolts up her legs. She ignored the comotion around them and grabbed a degger from her boot sheath, looked at it and shrugged mentally before chopping at the wood below her.
Resident mounted archer
8:06pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 2,963
((*sighs and watches RP collect cobwebs*))
Resident mounted archer
11:41pm Apr 15 2010
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Posts: 2,963
((Yet again, I am left with a dead RP))
Resident mounted archer
7:52pm Apr 22 2010
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Posts: 2,963
Resident mounted archer
10:34pm May 15 2010
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Posts: 2,963
((Okay, even if Kitty doesnt want to play nomore, I still do. If someone joins, we can start over.... Im bored and my hair is short. O.O))
Resident mounted archer
3:15pm May 22 2010
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Posts: 2,963
((Alright. Starting over from scratch...but someone has to post.))
Resident mounted archer