9:00am Jun 26 2010
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Posts: 923
Aito lept down his tails twitching, he chuckled a bit and watched, the corners of his mouth curled up into a devious grin. He sat down, his orbs stopped rotating and hugged his body.
9:12am Jun 26 2010
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"Ugh." Orion grunted, bending down low to rub his shoulder on the ground, as if to erase the germs on Aryia's paw. "You two are really mean." He said lamely, sticking his tongue out at Aryia. --- Aryia twitched her tails. "Don't make me rip off that tongue, Orion." She said, but she couldn't stop grinning. "Don't make me come closer to you." She took a threatening step. Orion scrambled up and took a few paces backwards. Aryia rolled her eyes. "We aren't infected." She looked over at Aito. "I think."
9:18am Jun 26 2010
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Posts: 923
Aito turned his head sideways "If we are, we don't to seem to have any symptoms of a foriegn body in our systems. Usually our bodies would react to destroy it." he shrugged "who knows."
10:09am Jun 26 2010
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Orion muttered a few words, settling on the ground. "I still don't want to get near you two." He mumbled, casting a wary glance at Aryia, who was still grinning at his weakness. He started rolling on the ground, putting his paws up in the air and examining them. "I really hate being an original, you know?" He said, not taking his eyes off his paws. "Being able to die any second. You guys are just lucky." --- Aryia sat down on the ground. "Well, it's not exactly our fault." She flatted her ears. "Besides, you're not going to die. Not now, at least."
10:10am Jun 26 2010
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Name: Hwajae (Fire in KOREAN. HA.) Age: 400 ((Four tails.)) Gender: Female Element: FIRE Looks:
 Divine Tributes: Sweet, gentle, kind. Evil Tributes: Has a VERY short fuse. ouo New Kitsune Or Original kitsune: New Kits/Mate/Crush: Open. ouo Other: ...:D Name: Mul (Water in Korean) Age: 200 (2 tails) Gender: Male Element: Water/Ice Looks:
 Divine Tributes: Calm, thoughtful, kind. Evil Tributes: When pushed into a rage, he's difficult to calm down. New Kitsune Or Original kitsune: New Kits/Mate/Crush: Open Other: Gay, so the other one isn't all alone. <3 ((:D))
10:14am Jun 26 2010
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Posts: 7,620
Kikaru saw aryia and orion.He grunted a little but stood his ground.He didnt know how they would react to his presence.He waited for a reaction as they were talking.He stepped a little closer making sure he didnt get them mad. Tiaru saw aito and sniffed curiously.She walked confidentally to a tree that was only a few meters away from him.She smiled and her orbs lit up.
10:21am Jun 26 2010
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Posts: 923
Aito saw the light and turned his head towards her and smiled "Hello Tiaru." He stood up and stretched his orbs now attached to his body, connected to the organ that stores the poison, and began draining to clear orbs. and he turned to face her.
10:24am Jun 26 2010
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Aryia looked to her side. "Oh, hello, Kikaru and Tiaru." She said. "We're in the middle of scaring Orion." She grinned and stretched out her paw to touch him on the shoulder again. --- Orion saw this coming and darted out of the way. "Haha, tricks never work twice!" He said happily. He skidded to a stop when he saw Kikaru and Tiaru. Groaning, he looked up at the tree, wondering whether or not he should scramble up the tree again.
10:29am Jun 26 2010
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Tiaru pranced up to him and sat down infront of him"hello Aito"she said in a soft voice.Her orbs were still lit as she was happy.She giggled a little and looked at him. KIkaru looked at aryia"hello Aryia"he smirked then saw orion.He looked confused as to why he looked scared.He shrugged it off then looked back at Aryia.
10:38am Jun 26 2010
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Posts: 923
Aito grinned "How are you today Tiaru?" his orbs emptied completley and detatched from his body and began revolving around him again, when light his each orb it gave off a crystalized rainbow effect.
10:42am Jun 26 2010
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Posts: 3,002
"Disease?" Dawn laughed at the question."Hello." She looked towards the Kitsune who had appeared. "Hello." She smiled and stood back up. ((Braindead. D:))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
11:03am Jun 26 2010
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Aryia looked at Kikaru. "He's just paranoid about the whole disease thing that's getting the old kitsunes. " She grinned. "Look, watch this." She padded up to Orion. --- Instinctively, Orion scrambled another few paces back. "This isn't fun, Aryia!" He said, fighting the urge to climb up the tree. He blew a few flames at her, only to see Aryia deflect them with her wind. "This isn't fair either." He moaned, slumping down on the ground in defeat. --- Aryia put her paw on his back. "I win!" She grinned at Kikaru.
11:13am Jun 26 2010
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Posts: 923
Aito chuckled and ran over to Orion and stood meters away from his muzzle and grinned, drool dripping onto his forehead.
11:58am Jun 26 2010
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"Gah!" Orion cried out, muffling his pathetic little squeaks by attempting to bury his head into the ground. "That's it, I'm up the tree!" He declared, and leaped up, easily scaling up the trunk and back onto his branch. He hissed like a cat. "You guys are really annoying." --- Aryia rolled her eyes. This was becoming a habit whenever she was near Orion. "Oh, we're the annoying ones?" She asked sarcastically.
12:07pm Jun 26 2010
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Posts: 7,620
Tiaru smiled"good"she ran with him over to see what was going on.Kikaru laughed and looked at aito and Tiaru.Then turned to look at Orion"Dont be such a cat"he teased.
12:14pm Jun 26 2010
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Posts: 5,998
[[Can Aryia crush on Kikaru? : D]] Orion lashed his tails on the branch, making it tremble slightly. "Says the immune kitsunes." He retorted, then feeling his anger try to take over him. 'Whoah, calm down.' He told himself, tensing up his muscles and then relaxing them. Taking a deep breath, he sighed and sat down on the branch. He blew more fire at Aryia. --- "Stop with the fire, Orion." Aryia complained, swiping it away with her wind. "You're going to start a fire in this forest." Aryia looked over at Kikaru and Tiaru. "He's very hard to have a normal conversation with." She explained. "Oh, like you're so smart!" She heard Orion reply.
12:18pm Jun 26 2010
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Posts: 7,620
{{of course}} Tiaru giggled"oh orion dont be so sour its ok"she said smiling. Kikaru looked at Aryia"obviously"he chuckled.He saw that he had to calm himself down.When he sees another male tensing up his body retaliates by doing the same.It was like a reflex but he calmed down.Tiaru was still giggling.
12:24pm Jun 26 2010
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Posts: 5,998
Orion whipped his head around to stare at Tiaru. He looked at Kikaru. "What in the world did she eat to make her so giggly?" He asked. "Is it a new symptom of the virus?" He asked jokingly. --- Aryia looked at Kikaru. "Uh, did you just tense?" She asked. She knew that Kikaru was quite strong. Aryia may have disliked Orion's attitude, but not enough to want to see him mauled. "I mean, yes, Orion is annoying." Aryia flicked one of her tails at his direction. "But still." --- "I'm not annoying." Orion said indignantly. "You've just got no sense of humor."
12:28pm Jun 26 2010
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Posts: 923
Aito glared at Orion angrily, but then turned his head away calming down instantly "Well. arn't original kitsune just dandy." he said chuckling. His orbs flashed and rotated slightly faster, his eyes drained of their lime green color and returned to their birth color of blue, the poison that coated his eyes seeped into the organ. Aito blinked a few times as his sight returned to normal rather than the Psychedelic vision he had adapted to 250 years ago.
12:53pm Jun 26 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Hnn. I'ma make another male. :K Just... I don't know why, really. I just want to. <3))