5:26pm Nov 30 2010
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(I'll be making a member. You can be her child, Pirate.)
 (Banner made by Kina)
5:53pm Nov 30 2010
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Posts: 222
((Alright, thanks. ;D I'll make my form after you, then.))
5:57pm Nov 30 2010
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Name: Keehla Loner or member?: Member Gender: Female Age: Adult Personality: Keehla is very protective, but very sweet. People mistake her as Simba's sister though she's not. She's a little less protective then him. She's more laidback but also caring. Crush (if any): Open Mate (if any): None Appearance (pic/deion): Coming History (optional): Not saying. Family relations in the pride: Her teenage cub.
 (Banner made by Kina)
8:15pm Nov 30 2010
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Posts: 222
Name: Tikal Loner or member?: Member Gender: Male Age: Teen Personality: Tikal likes to be the center of attention. He is rebellious, and always getting into some kind of trouble. Despite this, he is very loyal and trustworthy, when it comes down to it. Crush (if any): Open Mate (if any): None Appearance (pic/deion): A young looking lion, with green eyes. History (optional): Not much. Normal life... Family relations in the pride: His mother, Keehla.
8:19pm Nov 30 2010
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Posts: 6,948
((May I make a sister for Tikal?))
 <-- Click me
9:06pm Nov 30 2010
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Posts: 222
((Yes. :) ))
9:17pm Nov 30 2010
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 <-- Click me
7:31am Dec 1 2010
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OoC: Accepted, Tribecka, Feyth and PiratesCanon =D
3:05pm Dec 1 2010
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Posts: 222
((Yay! ;D When can we start?))
3:17pm Dec 1 2010
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Name: Vitani Loner or member?: Member ( She joined the pride if i remember correctly) Gender: Female Age: Adult Personality: Vitani is very loyal to whomever stands on her side. She is somewhat of a smart alac. Crush (if any): Mate (if any): Appearance (pic/deion): Vitani has light tan-colored fur, electric blue eyes with dark circles around each, and a tuft of hair on her head. History (optional): Originally and outlander, was the first (besides Kovu) to realise fighting was pointless. still mourns the death of her brother. Family relations in the pride: Kovu's sister.
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

8:11pm Dec 1 2010
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Posts: 222
9:13am Dec 2 2010
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OoC: Accepted, ilovetoshiro ^ I think we can start now. The Sun rose high over the Pridelands, brightening up the dark sky with his golden light. The dew on the lush green gr*censored* gleamed, birds twitted and chirped merrily, the river flowed noisily. The wind whistled softly, caressing the flowers and the leaves, making them dance about, like they were celebrating a new day. But all creatures knew today was a different day, a special day. Because today was the Presentation of Kiara and Kovu's cubs, and one of them would be the next to inherit the Pridelands. Word got around that there were three, and the fact that today was the day they were going to be Presented caused great excitement and restlessness among the subjects. OoC: I am terrible at starting D= I'll bring my charas in after someone else posts.
2:40pm Dec 2 2010
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Posts: 222
With a yawn, Tikal opened his eyes to the bright light of the sun. Blinking, he got up and stretched, before glancing at the still sleeping form of his twin sister. Grinning mischeiviously, he knelt into a crouch. Letting out a yowl, he pounced onto his sister, rolling her over, and pinning her shoulders on the ground. "Morning," he said, a quirky look on his face.
6:30pm Dec 2 2010
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Posts: 12,418
Keehla heard the yowl. She woke up. "Good morning, Tikal."She said as she walked up to him.
Nala sighed. She walked outside hers and Simba's den. She sat down and licked her paws she looked around for her daughter.
 (Banner made by Kina)
7:56pm Dec 2 2010
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Posts: 15
OoC: Are there any more exceptions? If not ignore this post.
Name: Kuruka Loner or member?: Loner Gender: Female Age: Teen Personality: Kuruka is quiet and conservative. She never makes an effort to go out and meet others, she waits for others to come to her. She loves to meet new people, too. She fears rejection. She often says that she wants wings. Crush (if any): Waiting [open, will pick later] Mate (if any): None Appearance (pic/deion): Long limbs and body. Her fur color is technically white, but has a creamy apppearance on the top of the body. She has fiery amber eyes to top it off. History (optional): Meet her, and she may tell you. Family relations in the pride: ???
11:52am Dec 3 2010
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Posts: 1,117
OoC: Accepted =3 We could always use more people.
4:33pm Dec 3 2010
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Posts: 1,805
Vitani opened here eye's drearily and gave a large yawn, stretching her front and hind legs. She looked over to see her brother still sleeping and rolled her electric blue eye's. Padding across the cave, she peered outside looking over the pridelands. It was so different to the outlands. so much life. She could already see a coronation of animals starting to form at the base of pride-rock. Their numbers where slim, but they where still more to come. Padding down to the cave beneath pride rock, she inspected Simba's predecessor chamber. the scratches on the wall still remained. How she used to look up to scar. He was one of her own. now however, she was no-longer sure. Simba's reign had ended. It was now her brothers pride. Today was the day when one of his three cubs would be chosen. It had all gone so fast.
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

5:28pm Dec 3 2010
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Posts: 6,948
((I love, its not the day when they are chosen, its the day when they are shown.))
 <-- Click me
5:33pm Dec 3 2010
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Posts: 1,805
((thats what I meant.))
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

11:34am Dec 4 2010
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Posts: 1,117
Kovu sat upright, his head held high, reflecting the pride he felt in his heart. The cool morning breeze ruffled his dark mane, which had grown thick over time, giving him the appearance of the monarch he was, and not the teenish look he had before he married Kiara. He sighed deeply, inhaling the freshness of a new day, mixed with the fragrance of the flowers which seemed to have bloomed especially for this occasion. The Sun was low, just over the horizon, and he could see the silhouettes of the animals who were filing in. It was a good sight indeed. The urgent need to see his cubs and mate once more filled him, and he got up and strode back into the Queen's chamber.