11:38am Dec 4 2010
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((Can we do the ceremony so I can roleplay?))
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5:54pm Dec 4 2010
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Posts: 1,148
The lioness woke up to see the sun shining through the mouth of the den. Nammi stretched and then sat up. She shook her fur a bit. Today was the presenting ceremony of Kovu and Kiarra's cubs. She walked out into the sun, welcoming it's warm rays. Today seemed like the perfect day to show the cubs.
6:00pm Dec 4 2010
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"Hello Nammi." Melody awke as she heard the cracking of bones when the older lioness stretched. "How are you today? I hear the cubs are getting shown. Ooh, I hope they are up to the challenge of following in the pawsteps of their parents." she yawned, showing rows of white teeth that glinted in the morning sun. She sighed and shook the shedding fur of her back. Ah yes, summer, when all lions start to drop fur everywhere they go. Ah well, it was a fact of life. Melody smiled once, a rare smile, and crept back into the shadows...
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6:34pm Dec 4 2010
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Nammi shifted her gaze from the green plains to the younger lioness. "Godd morning. It seems as though nature made today perfect for the showing, doesn't it? I do believe the cubs are going to follow their parents pawsteps wonderfully. I have faith in them. I mean, they are descendants of Mufasa." Nammi then watched Melody walk away, wondering if she even listened to a word Nammi had just spoken.
6:47pm Dec 4 2010
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"I hear you." Melody's voice echoed from inside the cave. "I just like the dark better, ironic isn't it?" A scoff rang through the cave and melody sighed. She should probably be wit hthe other lions, to get to the ceremony in time. She stood and walked out again, looking at the ground in an attempt to avoid the bright light...
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7:09pm Dec 4 2010
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Nammi stood and watched all the other animals moving across the land towards Pride rock. She was glad to see that so many others were gathering for the ceremony. She was excited to see the cubs. She had heards there were three, but having not seen the cubs for herself, she couldn't be sure what was true of the rumors rumbling through the other lionesses.
7:11pm Dec 4 2010
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Posts: 222
Tikal watched Melody appear out of the cave, from a nearby outcropping of rocks. A mischievous look glinted in his eyes, as he crept up closer to his sister. It was easy, almost too simple, especially with her head down like that. With a small yowl, he leapt over her, and appeared on the opposite side of her. "Good morning, lil' sis," he said, his mouth widening in a toothy grin.
7:12pm Dec 4 2010 (last edited on 7:13pm Dec 4 2010)
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"Nammi, do you know whether its true that one of them is mute?" Melody trotted up to the grey female. "I mean, doesn't that mean she or he would have no way to be pride leader?" She was young and loved to ask quiestions. Being out ehre, talknig to other lions, that was unusual. Usually she asked questions in the dead of night when she talked to herself. Melody felt her fur prickle as her brother leapt at her and she narowly missed being tumbled over. "Little sister? I was born first." she snorted.....
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7:30pm Dec 4 2010
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Posts: 222
"You were not!" Tikal protested, turning an icy glare onto his sister. "Forget it," he said, giving up. In all actuality, she was born first, but Tikal would never admit this. "Morning Nammi," he greeted, friendlily. "I didn't realize the ceremony was today," he continued, as he looked over at the other lions beginning to gather.
7:34pm Dec 4 2010
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"Tikal, you're just jelous that I am a few seconds older than you." Melody turned as if yto leave and then, without warning, she turned and leaped onto her brother, attempting to knock him to the ground. Her claws were sheathed so she wouldn't hurt him...
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7:38pm Dec 4 2010
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Posts: 222
"Hey!" Tikal shouted, as he was tackled to the ground by his sister. Grunting, he pushed her into a roll, so that he was now on top, pinning her to the ground. "You may be older, but we both know I'm stronger," he said, with another lopsided grin. "And handsomer," he said, batting his eyes, comically. "Let's face it, I'm just better," he joked.
7:40pm Dec 4 2010
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Posts: 1,148
Nammi watched the two young lions play, then felt that it was time to stop it all. "Now now young ones. Enough play. Today is an important day. All of us must be on best behavior. And to answer your question, Melody, I don't know if any of the rumors are true, but if one is mute, there is still a chance the cub could grow into an amazing leader. Only time can answwer such a question."
7:41pm Dec 4 2010 (last edited on 7:41pm Dec 4 2010)
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"You wish." Melody mumbled and threw Tikal off of her with her hind legs. She advanced towards him, ready to fight, but then a call rang through the air. It was time for the ceremony. Melody dipped her head in apology to Nammi and started towards the high rock... ((Is that alright?))
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8:51am Dec 5 2010
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Posts: 1,117
Rowan lay on her back, her eyes closed lightly. She could feel her mother's warmth against her body, and curled up tight. She had a sudden feeling of someone breathing against her. Opening one violet eye, she saw her father's muzzle inches away from her. She half jumped. Kovu grinned, flashing his white teeth. Rowan squealed. Rolling onto her back, she staggered up. Kovu watched curiously as the toddler stumbled to nowhere in particular.
1:18pm Dec 5 2010
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Posts: 1,719
Kiara smiled and awoke once she heard Rowan squeal. She looked up at Kovu and chuckled. "What are you two up to?" she asked in a chuckle. With hardnly any care of getting a response, the lioness rose, streched, and then bounced herself awake.
2:32pm Dec 5 2010
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Posts: 6,948
((Wolf, we should do the ceremony now...))
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7:20pm Dec 5 2010
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Posts: 15
Kuruka awoke fairly late. Her yawn seemed to echo through the cave she slept in. She stretched out, watching the blazing sun's beauty. Her stomach growled with hunger. Kuruka peeked out of the cave opening for any animals. There were none in sight. She stepped out into the warm gr*censored*, gazing around. She started off walking on a hunt for food. Just like any other day.
9:54pm Dec 5 2010
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Posts: 12,418
Keehla woke up slowly. She streched and walked out of her den. She cleared her throut. "What are you two doing?"She asked Melody and Tikal. "Ah. Hello Nammi."She said. (Fail)
 (Banner made by Kina)
9:35am Dec 6 2010
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Posts: 1,117
Kovu smiled warmly at his mate. Walking over to her, he rubbed his nose on her cheek affectionately, murmuring, "Morning, darlin'." Rafiki walked through the crowd of the *censored*embled subjects, authoritatively waving his stick in the air. The animals made way for him quickly, their eager eyes following him as he swiftly made his way up the Rock and into the chamber. Kovu looked up as Rafiki entered the room. He bowed low in the general direction of the royal family. Kovu nodded in approval and grinned. Rafiki cast his eyes down at the cubs. He picked up Rowan, who squealed in wholehearted disagreement. "It is time." he said. Kovu nodded again. He gently picked up Kali by the scruff of the neck, and motioned Kiara to follow with Phoenix.
3:36pm Dec 6 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Kali let out a squeal as he was lifted off the ground by his father, the only darkly-colored cub of the litter squirming until he was forced to give in. He pulled his little ears back, his blue eyes gazing out at the mouth of the den, his tail twitching lightly. Then he had to cringe and turn his head as the light penetrated young eyes used to the semi-dark of a warm den.
Then he was looking out at the kingdom, the firstborn son's eyes widening slightly in amazement. It was so...big! Infinitely bigger than the cave he was accustomed to.
(Wheee. ouo)