8:42pm Dec 6 2010
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The runt of the litter lay limp in her mother's grasp and seemed not to be alive, but the gentle rise of ehr chest spoke otherwise. Her eyes slowly opened and then shut as light blared in from the outside world. As the seconds ticked by, the last cub finally opened her small eyes and peered out at the world. It was strange and like nothing she had ever imagined. There was green shoots of gr*censored* growing from beyond the great rock and a sheet of rippling brown gr*censored* that covered the pridelands. She dropped from her mother's grasp and fell to the earth. It hurt. With further realization, the cub looked down and saw gr*censored* shooting throguh the rock on which she was sitting. The beige and black cub smiled and looked up at the sky to see a sheet of blue stretching to the horizon and beyond. She looked still further and then turned her eyes to the ground, blinking out the spots of sunlight that she had seen when looking directly at the sun. She scrambled to her mother's side, her weak legs collapsing as she reached it an inch away...
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8:52pm Dec 6 2010
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"Good Morning Keehla," she welcomed. Then, Nammi turned her head to watch pride rock, where the royal family now stood. "It is time," she whispered. "It is time." She slowly and respectfully bowed to the royals. Then, she waited for the cubs to be shown, keeping herself low to the rock.
9:18pm Dec 6 2010
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"Morning Mother." Melody whispered and then bent her hind legs and bowed to the ground, her head bent low in a sign of respect for the new cubs and the current pride leaders...
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9:22pm Dec 6 2010
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"Timon! The cubs are being shown. Hurry!"Nala exlaimed. The little merecat scurried over to Nala. They watched everyone bow down as they did also, in respect of Nala's daughter. Keehla nodded and bowed down. She saw Nala and sighed. Maybe the cubs will be good. She thought to herself.
 (Banner made by Kina)
10:58am Dec 7 2010
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Rowan was still in Rafiki's grip, despite her showing the rebellious side of herself. She kicked, squirmed and clawed at his hands, though receiving a rather negative response to her struggles. He didn't seem to be minding her. As they stepped out of the den, she stopped abruptly, as the shimmering morning sun glimmered on her midnight black pelt. There was a generous amount of green down there, it hurt her eyes, being accustomed to the dimness of the den. There were all kinds of animals as.sembled below, big, small, short, tall, fat, thin... Rowan's purple eyes widened at the variety, for she had not seen another creature except her parents and siblings from the day she was born. Wondering what her siblings thought about their new to-become playground, she turned to look at them, with a small squeal, which meant to convey, "Hey, look at this place!" Kovu made a gentle, low guttural noise, which was supposed to be a purr, though it would not strike anyone as being anything close to it. He set Kali carefully down, between his forepaws. "Like it, son?' he mumbled. It was kind of a rhetorical question, because he knew they would love it, the way he did. "The oldest must be shown first, now isn't that the right way to do it," Rafiki stated, turning to the mother and father. OoC: Who is the oldest, anyway? x)
3:54pm Dec 7 2010
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((Uh... Let's see... Kali is the firstborn son, and Phoenix is the firstborn daughter... Hard to say. -bl ink- And by the way...I think my cub is the only lion here with an actual African name. His name means 'Strength' in Swahili.))
5:33pm Dec 7 2010 (last edited on 5:34pm Dec 7 2010)
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((Mine's greek. I could change it, but I don't feel like it. EDIT: Pheonix is last born. She is the runt of the litter.))
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5:40pm Dec 7 2010
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(Okay...then Kali is the oldest...?)
5:40pm Dec 7 2010
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10:51am Dec 8 2010
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OoC: I have no idea what Rowan means, and I don't think it's African either. Awrighty. Kovu gave Kali a gentle push with his nose towards Rafiki, who had by then set Rowan down beside Kiara. Breaking one of the fruits off his stick, he cracked it open expertly, like he had done on Mufasa's, Simba's, and Kiara's Presentations. Dipping his fingers into the red juice inside, he smeared it on Kali's forehead. Then, scooping up the young cub, he mumbled, "You'd make a good king, my lad." Not that he minded which one of the trio was crowned, as long as they were able and sensible rulers, and didn't start another feud. He walked to the edge of the rock, his gaze travelling over the gathering, then into the sky where they fixed momentarily on the Sun. Here they are, Mufasa! A smile played on his lips as he raised the little bundle of fur into the sky, where every beast could see him. The reaction below was spontaneous, almost violent. The animals went crazy, They made all the sounds their kind was able to make, and bowed in respect to the young prince, their chins touching the ground as they did so. Rafiki raised Kali even higher, feeling the wind ruffle his fur. Kovu watched with silent pride as his son was Presented. He wondered if all the Presentations were done in the same pattern, same way. It didn't matter now, the past, he said to himself as he gazed up at Mufasa. He was thankful for all he had. He had become the king, like his mother wanted him to become, and he was with the love of his life. And he was happy he didn't kill anyone for this. He wouldn't have minded if he hadn't got the throne, Kiara mattered much more. Kiara, and now, their cubs.
11:45am Dec 8 2010
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Kali looked up at his father when he spoke, ears swiveling forward. He let out a mewl-like sound in response, his tail twitching lightly as he looked out upon the kingdom. In fact, he was so focused on staring out at the savannah that when Rafiki smeared the red goop across his forehead and lifted him up he let out a startled growl.
Then he fell silent as his blue gaze focused onto the gathering of animals, eyes growing wide when the animals went crazy. He looked around, staring at the different animals within what may very well be his kingdom when his father was gone. It was...amazing.
10:29pm Dec 8 2010
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((Can't do anything yet.))
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10:13am Dec 9 2010
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Rafiki walked back to his parents and lowered the cub slowly onto the ground. There was a short pause as most of the animals straightened their necks, awaiting the next one to be shown. Rafiki slipped his fingers into the fruit again, and smeared it, this time, across the surprised Rowan's forehead. She hadn't expected this, and was grinning to herself as she watched it being done to Kali. With a disgusted snort, she wrinkled up her nose in annoyance. Ugh! And to her disappointment, she was whisked up again, into the air, but this time, she stayed silent. Her violet eyes widened in pure amazement as the animals enthusiastically pranced around again. The wind was cool as it ran through her fur, the Sun was warm on her skin, and her forehead felt uncomfortably wet. Her eyes wandered excitedly over the gathering as she surveyed them through avidly. "Wow!" she mewed with quiet admiration. Suddenly she noticed a few animals that had a distinct resemblance to her mother. Narrowing her eyes from the glare of the sunlight, she watched them, knowing they were kin to her in some way. This sight lasted only for a few minutes, for Rafiki let her go again, and this time, she wished he hadn't. He repeated what he did with the other two with Phoenix, thrusting her slowly and carefully into the air.
5:14pm Dec 9 2010
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The runt of the litter looked down at the crowd and followed what her sister did, or attempted to at least. She opened ehr mouth to let out noise, but only a whisp of air came from her mouth. She tried again, but still, there was no noise and the animals below had gone quiet and were now watching her with curious eyes. Why me? why can't I do anything, why can't I speak!? She thought to herself. As she was looked at, she turned her head to gaze at her mother with saddened eyes...
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7:15pm Dec 9 2010
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So It is true, Nammi thought too herself. The third is mute. Nammi surveyed all the other animals silence. Then, she bowed to the cub and roared in the same approval as she had roared for the others. What makes this cub any different than the others. It still has a beating heart and breathing lungs. She's still going to be a strong lioness. Nammi watched the cub as she bowed yet again, proud of all three cubs.
7:21pm Dec 9 2010
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Dazed back into reality with the sound of Nammi's roar, Melody roared with the other lioness, her voice starting to watch that of the other lions and animals who had started to roar... finally. Pheonix looked at them bewildered and then smiled, her smile was the brightest of all the lion cubs...
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8:22pm Dec 9 2010
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Nammi watched the cubs until the ceremony was over. Then, she strolled back to her den, where she laid down, awaiting whatever was to come next.
9:29pm Dec 9 2010
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Kali looked up at his father, ears pricked forward slightly. His blue eyes were curious and amazed, the young prince wondering what had just happened. He cocked his head, then simply moved to sit between his father's paws, ears pricked in an alert fashion. It was all so new~
5:54am Dec 10 2010
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Rafiki sighed. He saw it too. But he was pleased the animals accepted the cub as quick as they had all the rest, despite her defect in speaking. He slowly lowered her to the ground, and turned to face the parents. A shadow of sorrow and concern p*censored*ed over the father's face. Kovu's green eyes wore the ex pression everyone felt for the unfortunate young cub. But he knew it would not, not for the slightest moment, make him love Phoenix any lesser than Kali or Rowan. She would forever be the same to him, mute or not. She would just need some help, that's all, Kovu thought to himself, and knew Kiara felt the same. Looking down at Kali, he gave him a smile, and patted his little head with his right forepaw.Then he got up and walked up to his daughter, and nuzzled her re*censored*uringly. Rafiki knew it was a real blow for her family, and he watched quietly as Kovu picked Phoenix up by the scruff of her neck and walked back into the den, where he knew she probably would feel safer. Rowan looked at Kali in some confusion. She watched as her father exited, and turned around to face the crowd. Seeing Melody, Nala, Nammi, and the others, she gave a little squeal in greeting. Turning back, she gestured to Kali to sit near her, and looked around for Phoenix, then suddenly remembered. She wondered if she should follow her sister, but the impulse to watch the other lions overwhelmed her, and she turned her gaze to the gathering below once more.
8:35am Dec 10 2010
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Pheonix grumbled about being taken back, well, in her head, for outloud, she could do nothing, her maw was only to be used for eating. Her eyes grew wide and pitiful and then they looked determined. Instead of settling down to sleep, Pheonix stood up on her small paws and trotted towards the high rock again. Rowan.... She nudged her sister and then lay down next to the other cub, a smile lit on her face...
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