4:52pm Dec 10 2010
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Kali looked over at Rowan, his ears twitching slightly. He lowered his head when his father's paw was placed upon it, the cub looking up to watch his father leave with Phoenix in his mouth. Then he turned back to Rowan and stood up, padding over and sitting beside his younger sister, pressed against her as he looked out at the creatures, which were beginning to leave.
10:12am Dec 11 2010
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10:23pm Dec 11 2010 (last edited on 10:24pm Dec 11 2010)
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"Look at them," Rowan mewed excitedly, pointing her white muzzle in the direction of the lions. "They look so like us, don't they?" Her voice rose as her eagerness to go see them. She paused to gaze down at them once more. One of them reminded her distinctly of Phoenix. Suddenly, she felt the soft fur and warm pelt of her sister's against her, and she turned with a returning smile to her. "What happened, Phizzy?" Rowan seemed to love making nicknames and she had already begun with one for her little sister. "You see 'em down there?" she resumed her earlier topic, pointing once more, this time with a stubby little finger of her left forepaw. "Let's go meet them!" And without waiting for a response from her siblings, she attempted to totter down the huge rocks that made the Rock.
10:59pm Dec 11 2010
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Kali looked where Rowan was pointing, his ears pricking curiously. The young male followed after his sister, pausing a moment before he hopped down to a close rock, then searched for another one so he could get down safe. He repeated this process until he overshot a jump and slipped, tumbling down the rest of the way and ending up coming to a stop in front of what appeared to be a fully grown lioness. Kali knew about his grandmother, Nala, and knew this wasn't her, so he bit back a startled mewl, instead just rolling abck over onto his paws and sitting down, staring up at the female curiously. "...Hi," he mewled, flicking his tail. ((The adult female is Melody, by the way. P:))
9:45am Dec 12 2010
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"Hello little cubs." Melody's whiskers twitched as she bent low to greet them. "You are Kali, Rowan, and Pheonix, are you not?" She let out a low chuckle. "Don't be scared." she saw pheonix staring up at her with wide eyes that seemed look like deer in headlights. "I'm a young adult, but I have always looked full grown. Sorry to have startled you." She nudged pheonix back towards her sister and the then did the same to Kali. "I can tell, you three are very curious, just watch out, there are some lions that don't like cubs." she growled and then laughed...
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6:51am Dec 13 2010
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Rowan stared curiously up at the lioness. "Hey," she said with a friendly smile, extending a paw toward her. She pondered her last remark, and asked innocently, "Uh, like who?" Her big violet eyes studied her, her fur, her nose, her tail, and at last decided she looked a lot like them. Then she let her gaze travel to the other lionesses, eager to greet them as well.
8:02am Dec 13 2010
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Name: Resent
Loner or member?: Loner
Gender: Male Age: Young Adult (however many that is in lion years?) Personality: Resent, due to his life, tends to be a rather melancholy little fellow. He doesn't talk much, and when he does, it usually isn't anything cheerful. His self esteem is incredibly low, and he always views himself as something vile or to be hated, and so, with that mentality, he tends to be bitter and snappy. When he isn't angry, he's usually depressed, and because of his lonely lifestyle, most of his energy goes to just staying alive. His social skills are also a bit awkward and, even if he wanted to be friendly, he wouldn't quite know how to convey such emotions. There was a time when he considered looking for mates, but his discoloration and unhappy aura drove the females away; and the males, for that matter, feeling an odd sense of being intimidated by not his physical power, but all of the pent-up rage. He's a smart little kitty, though, and knows how to get by. Crush (if any): x Mate (if any): x Appearance (pic/deion):
History (optional):
Resent is the half-brother of Kovu, although quite a bit younger. After Zera fell off into the canyon during the flood, she did not die immediately. In her belly was a small litter; most of them died due to the trauma, but there was one odd-looking kit that survived. Zera resented him, for making her weak and bringing her to her demise, and so she named him Resent. She only lived long enough for him to be old enough to remember his name, and so when he was merely a few weeks of age, his mother died, leaving him alone. Mothers from other prides would sometimes wander upon him and take them into their care, but once they realized whose blood he shared, he was cast out amidst the wilds of Africa. He does not know of his half-brother, although if the two were next to each other, a striking resemblance would be obvious to any onlookers. Family relations in the pride: Half-brother of Kovu, and so his relations apply to Resent (don't feel like going back and figuring them all out :3 )
8:54am Dec 13 2010
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"Oh, some of them really want to be queen or king rather than you three." Melody said as she shook the paws of the lions..
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10:22am Dec 14 2010
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OoC: Accepted, Requiem. I like your bio. I'll reply tomorrow. Tests D=
6:46am Dec 20 2010 (last edited on 6:47am Dec 20 2010)
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OoC: Yeah, I know I said I'd reply, but tests are still going on, and I find it hard to come on. Sorry, you guys. I don't think I have anything to post now, so I guess this is just a BuMp ^_^
11:57am Jan 2 2011
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