Kovu's Pride

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3:31pm Nov 27 2011

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"Oh really?",Spirit asked with a smirk,"She doesn't like them much,does she."

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

3:34pm Nov 27 2011

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Posts: 2,052
"Nope." Etana said, giggling. "AFter all...she DID adopt Kovu as a son, and when he went off with Kiara...that's when the trouble started." Etana shivered at the memory.

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3:37pm Nov 27 2011

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"Oh ok.",Spirit said.

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

2:48am Nov 28 2011

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Etana nodded, and continued to walk.

"Not far till we reach Pride Rock, now." she commented. She could see Pride Rock in the distance.

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4:58pm Nov 29 2011

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((I'll bring in my lions when the times comes. xD;;; -fails at life-))


6:12pm Nov 29 2011

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Posts: 9,781

"Ok.",said Spirit as she saw the animals around pride rock and hissed under her breath,"I'm starting to think this was a bad idea.",she finally said.

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

3:11am Nov 30 2011

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"It'll be FINE." Etana assured her friend, moving to the side a little to allow a Rhino to pass through before slinking back to her place.

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2:01am Dec 3 2011

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"If you say so...",Spirit said growling at a zebra trying to shove her out of the way.

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

12:15pm Dec 5 2011

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"Shhhh, don't growl." Etana said, quietly. "That'll put everyone on edge. And a nervous elephant is always a bad thing." She eyed up an elephant that wandered leasurely past.

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6:20pm Dec 6 2011

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"Fine...",Spirit started to say as she looked at the zebra walking off.

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

6:26pm Dec 6 2011

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Posts: 1,053
((may i join your RP?))

3:00am Dec 7 2011

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Etana gave a smile and looked around.

"Ooohh...look, it's a baby elephant!" she said. "Awwww....it looks so cute!"

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3:07am Dec 7 2011

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Posts: 1,053
((may i join your RP please?))

5:42pm Dec 9 2011

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Posts: 9,781

"Yep",Spirit smiled.

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

3:59am Dec 10 2011

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Posts: 2,052
Etana watched the baby elephant wander merrily about.

"Adorable..." she whispered.

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2:39pm Dec 10 2011

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Posts: 9,781
"Yep.",Spirit agreed.

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

9:11am Dec 14 2011

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Posts: 1,117
OoC: God, I'm dropping off so much. -_- Sorry for being so inactive guys. Again. I promise I'll post more often from now on.
Of course, Pancakez ^^

Kiara could hear the animals assembling down below, but she didn't dare move, in case she roused the cubs. She waited patiently for Kovu as she stared out into the distance at the dark sky.


Kyrie was tugging at an old, but rather obstinate root, when he heard the news. "The Presentation will be starting soon!" a bird screeched in his ear, taking him completely by surprise. He started, and losing grip on his toy, tumbled to the ground. He swore loudly at the stupid bird, and batted at it with his paw, and, missing the creature by a few inches, swore again. He had been cursing a lot lately. I bet mom'll be prouda me, he growled to himself. His mum rarely was. Kyrie wanted to show her he was like them too, at least in this way. He decided to go find her. Casting one last regretful look at the root, he slunk away to the den.

11:25am Dec 14 2011

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Posts: 2,052
"I think the presentation will begin, soon." Etana commented. She sat down and nodded politely to a giraffe that wandered past.

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4:33pm Dec 23 2011

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Posts: 9,781
"Ok.",Spirit smiled.

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

10:25am Dec 24 2011

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Posts: 2,052
Etana batted playfully at a butterfly that fluttered past, like a kitten playing with a fly.

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