4:33pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 2,338
((will someone tlk to my charrie??))
4:35pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 1,864
Kiri looked up to the other containment. Her pupils dialated larger. "What was that? You have... knives?" She thought of him with knives. "..." Smexy. But more likely someone would kill themself. Was he a threat? Her lips curled, and she shuddered subtley. Maybe. Oh well. She continued checking out her fingernails. "Anyone know when our next performance is?" she asked no one in particular. She had a certain excitement for her shows, shifting, jumping, spinning. And the screw ups. One slip of the pawpad, and a whipping ensued. Not that she was totally unhappy. It hurt, but if was... exciting. Her smile widened.
4:35pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 3,557
(Talk to Alexis, he's sitting in bed, no one can leave the room, lol.)
Isn't this fun?
4:36pm Jul 15 2010 (last edited on 4:37pm Jul 15 2010)
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Posts: 15,067
"Well, I came for a deal, right. And all of a sudden I get stabbed, and thrown in here. I don't give a damn about the stab, but I don't like liars." Jack growled, replying. "And you?" He asked back, looking to the girl. "Yes, I have knives. Hundreds of them. But I only have around ten with me. And no, none of you can look at them, I don't need children committing suicide. Those are for me to use to kill adults."
4:36pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 12,418
Akila sat next to Ayra. "Hey."She said to her.
 (Banner made by Kina)
4:36pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 3,557
"If you read the damned schedual instead of eating it, then you'd know it was in four hours, putz." Alexis snorted.
Isn't this fun?
4:37pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 3,557
"I was looking for my sister." He replied annoyed.
Isn't this fun?
4:39pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 2,338
Arya looked around. it was quiet. or at least it was where she was. she moved a little and accidently hit someone with her elbow. "oh i'm sorry!" she said turning to the guy. ((alexis))
4:39pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 15,067
"Ahh, I hate her." Jack replied, chuckling slightly.
4:40pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 3,557
"No problem," Alexis said. "Alexis Brimmings, you?" He said irritated slithly. (Is this Ghost?....)
Isn't this fun?
4:40pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 3,557
"Why? She's you daughter, after all." Alexis replied, looking at Jack's feet. (He was thinking the ;Is this Ghost; bit, BTW)
Isn't this fun?
4:41pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 15,067
"No, she is not. I don't care what anyone says." Jack growled.
4:43pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 7,187
"Damn... four hours?" James said to himself quietly. He looked at Jesse with daggers in his eyes. 'You kept me up all night you little...' He sighed, Jesse always had trouble sleeping, it wasn't his fault. Besides, he was his brother, he couldn't stay mad at him forever. "Little idiot." James murmured.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
4:44pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 3,557
"Interesting." Alexis sighed. "Whose the little idiot?" Alexis asked, makign his voice sound like the ringleader's. He was a master at throwing his voice. (Ringleader's a woman, BTW XD)
Isn't this fun?
4:45pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 1,864
Kiri growled. "I didn't eat the damn schedual. I've eaten, like nothing. I wish I had eaten it. It'd be better than this *censored*." She turned her head to Jack. "Mmm. Cool. Don't worry, I'm not gonna kill myself. Knives are... nice. Shiny, slim, smooth. Cutting. Its cool."
4:47pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 3,557
"We eat three meals a day, unless your anorexic, then you should have been eating. (Lol, am I having one guy interact with three people! O_.')
Isn't this fun?
4:49pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 2,338
Arya put her face back in her knees. she hated this place. she hated everything about it. she would usually go up to a random person and sa "hi," but the ringmaster had knocked that out of her long ago. she wanted to be her oldself again. not be afraid to start talking to someone. not be able to control herself. she missed the old arya. she wanted her back,.
4:50pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 3,557
(Alexis asked Arya's name. O_o;;;)
Isn't this fun?
4:51pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 15,067
"Very." Jack agreed, replying to the girl.
4:53pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 2,338