8:53pm Mar 22 2010
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Posts: 3,265
"That's interesting...", Optimus said, nodding and grinning.
8:54pm Mar 22 2010
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Posts: 2,046
Chrysta slowly padded along the forest, sighing quietly. The chain on her arm jingled as she trotted through the trees. Azune growled and caught the Hairdrier in his mouth, biting down and destroying it in seconds. His paws sparked as he jumped toward kokohi.
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
8:56pm Mar 22 2010
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Posts: 3,265
"No, Azune!", Kokohi shouted, leaping from the water, "Electicity and water do NOT mix!" The woman caught the wet Uilus in her arms and ran like mad from the house, into the one across the street. "BETH!", she screamed, "YOU'LL NEVER BELIEVE WHAT'S HAPPENING TO MEEE!"
9:00pm Mar 22 2010
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Chrysta saw a woman runing, and then a Zaphao runingg after her. "I really am going insane." She muttered and sat down, sighing. Azune ran to catch her, and soon caught up, ripping through the house and knocking over tables and chairs. "Kokohi!" He yelped and leapt at the woman. he tried to make sur the electricity in his paws would only paralyze her if he landed on th woman.
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
9:01pm Mar 22 2010
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NightFeather smiled widely and weakly until she heard a two-walker screaming. "Let's go see what's wrong!" she ordered, racing towards the village.
9:02pm Mar 22 2010
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The woman lept out of the way, in the process Dropping Kokohi, who ws pounced on By Azune. "My baby!", she screamed, hitting Azune with a nearby lamp, "YOU HURY MY BABY!"
9:07pm Mar 22 2010
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NightFeather ran faster than what anyone would've thought and soon saw the messes of the female two-walker and the two creatu. "Kokohi!" she breathlessly bleated, noticing a bracelet upon the two-walker's wrist. "The ruby-heart!" she exclaimed, noticing the small stone sparking at a totally wrong mixture.
9:08pm Mar 22 2010
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Optimus chased after Nightfeather and panted, "What.. Is... It...?"
9:08pm Mar 22 2010
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Azune growled and swiped at the lady, but as she smacked him with the lamp, it broke over his head. He stumbled a bit, and fell over off of Kokohi. his vision blurred as he tried to get up, but his strength failed and he dropped with a thud.
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
9:10pm Mar 22 2010
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With Kokohi temporarily paryalized, and Azune uncontious, the woman sighed and fainted. What a day for a clinically insane woman. ((LOL, random. XD ))
9:12pm Mar 22 2010
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Posts: 2,046
((Lol, I need Kokohi to get... Un- Paralyzed or something. xD))
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
9:12pm Mar 22 2010 (last edited on 10:07am Mar 23 2010)
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Posts: 1,719
NightFeather pointed towards the female two-walker's jewelery. "I think that she has Itsumo's ruby-heart, Optimus," she breathlessly bleated. She then walked up to the creature and snatched the item off of her wrist. OOC: There- better? Jordin was all crazy last night. o.x
9:23pm Mar 22 2010
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Posts: 3,265
((Have the veram walk in on them. XDD And, Krill, read the last few posts.))
9:35pm Mar 22 2010
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OOC: Strawberry murrsauce. >.>' What should I take out/replace?
9:42pm Mar 22 2010
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Chrysta slowly got up and followed them. She padded inside tofind her insane hallucination real. Her eyes widend.
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
7:50am Mar 23 2010
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Kokohi finally began to regian feelng, squrming out from beneath Azune to see a veram witnessing the madness. "Hello", he said, "You have caught me on an off day... This crazy woman tried to creatunap me..."
3:50pm Mar 23 2010
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Posts: 2,046
Chrysta still couldn't believe her eyes. "So This isn't another step to my insanity...." She whispered to herself. "Uhm.... Hello." Azune slowly opened his eyes. "Ko....Kokohi..... kokohi! Are you okay?" He yelped, trying to stand up.
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
5:05pm Mar 23 2010
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Posts: 3,265
"I'm fine, Azune", Kokohi said, looking at his friend, "And no, you're not going insane, that woman was... My name's Kokohi, and that's Azune. Who're you?"
7:55pm Mar 23 2010
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Posts: 1,719
"That two-walker was already insane," NightFeather spat past the ruby-heart within her mouth. She then raced over to Optimus. "Touch the stone with your paw," she ordered, lowering it for his ease.
8:00pm Mar 23 2010
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Posts: 6,165
Angel was sitting by a post when she saw the scene."Oh my god, is everything all right?" she asked, running over there.