8:01pm Mar 23 2010
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Posts: 3,265
"Um, no thanks..", he said, shvering at the slobber-colored gem. ((I never agreed to them falling in love... =x ))
8:34pm Mar 23 2010
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OOC: *hardly even cares* You can make it glow, or you can make it spark, or you can give me the decision. Key: Glowing- perfect couple; Sparking- not exactly the best couple; Nothing- neutral BIC: "Come on, Optimus," NightFeather muttered as she raised her muzzle to swallow saliva. Luckily, she had a tight grip upon the stone by using her teeth as a barricade, so she didn't get to experience choking for her first time.
8:37pm Mar 23 2010
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Posts: 3,265
Optimus reached out and touched the stone, but nothing happened. "And?", he asked, unsure of what she wanted.
8:47pm Mar 23 2010 (last edited on 8:50pm Mar 23 2010)
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NightFeather stared sadly at the stone, hoping for even the slightest of glows. After ten seconds of nothing, she began to weep tears and spat out the stone. "Goodbye for forever," she muttered and then sprinted away. Minutes later, the stone began to crack, a faint glow seeping out from within the crevice. NightFeather's new belief was wrong- totally wrong.
8:50pm Mar 23 2010
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"What was that?", Optimus asked, shaking his head and picking the stone up with his paw and placing it in a pull-string bag, hanging it around his neck.
9:18pm Mar 23 2010
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"NightFeather, Itsumo, Hero's Come Back!" NightFeather's owning-two-walker called. Instantly, Itsumo and his best best friend ran to their owner, but NightFeather didn't. Instead, she ran to a cliff and sat down to weep in privacy. Ten minutes later, the creature called NightFeather's name once more, but no Malals came into her view. "She's probably busy makin' out with Optimus," Hero's Come Back hissed in a chuckle. "At the base, or another creatu?" the two-walker asked, tapping at her translation device that was within her ear. "Another!" the two male creatu happily chirpped in unison. The creature then smiled. "Liquid-style searching, boys," their owner declared, flipping her sungla-sses down and getting onto Itsumo's back. "Start at Base Village." Within moments, the three of them were in the village with three other creatu and two other humans able to be seen. The two-walker then pointed at Optimus Prime. "This Optimus?" "Yes, yes, Leah!" the two creatu happily chirpped.
9:24pm Mar 23 2010
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Chrysta shuffled her paws. "Chrysta." She answered quietly as her wings crumpled a little. She flicked her tail and she looked around. Azune sighed and slowly got up. "You sure your okay?"
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
9:28pm Mar 23 2010
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"I'm fine, Azune.", Kokohi laughed, "And that's a nice name."
9:34pm Mar 23 2010
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Azune sighed quietly. "I suppose she could come with us?" He said. There was still enough time to hit the abandon house and make it back to the cave before sunset. Chrysta sighed. "I have nothing better to do, if you'll take me."
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
9:36pm Mar 23 2010
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Hero's Come Back began to sniff the air, and then inserted himself into Optimus's bag. "It's glowing! The ruby-heart's glowing!" he called. His owner hopped off of Itsumo's back and raced over to Optimus in order to see the comotion. Without even tapping her sungla-sses or opening the bag, she easily saw the red light leaking out of the Uilis's bag. "Quickly, Optimus, tell me who you touched the stone with," she demanded, staring at the Orchid creatu with the smallest smile ever upon her face, hoping that he'd say the name of her pet.
9:51pm Mar 23 2010
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Posts: 3,265
"No one!", Optimus insisted, "I just picked it up!" "Sure, I won't mind", Kokohi said, grinning.
10:03pm Mar 23 2010
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Azune raised an eyebrow and chuckled at Kokohi. He padded out the door and into the woods. He soon came across the shack and snuck in the window. Chrysta followed Azune and into the shack.
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
10:03pm Mar 23 2010
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The two-walker shook her head in disbelief. "It never glows from a single-type touch," she muttered and then focused her sights back at Optimus. "You must've touched it with a female of any sort in order to get it to glow, Optimus," she explained. She then smacked herself on the forehead and focused her sights upon the bag. "No eggs of any sort," she declared and then demanded, "Tell me who you touched it with."
4:51pm Mar 24 2010
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Posts: 3,265
"No one, I swear!", Optimus exclaimed angrily. "What's this place?", Kokohi asked, following the others into the shack.
4:57pm Mar 24 2010
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Posts: 3,002
((Back....What happened so far?))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
5:20pm Mar 24 2010
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Posts: 2,046
"A two-walker abandon this place a few days ago. Theres still food, blankets, you name it here. we're grabbing some food and other stuff today and then gonig back home. We'll get the rest tomorrow." Azune explained and clamped his jaws around the fride handle and pulled, opening it. There was some cheese and eggs. Also a few scraps of leftover ham and turkey. He grabbed a bag in his jaws and brushed all the food into the bag. He closed the fridge and then moved onto the cabinets. He took some bread and put it in the bag. "That's most of the food." He said and jumped onto the counter, grabbing a few bottle they could store fresh water from a pond in. Chrysta got the message and opened her wings. They were much larger then they looked before. She flew up and stairs and into the bedroom. There were pillows, blankets and a small couch. "Kokohi! up here!" She called, figuring she would need help to move the couch. She piled pillows and blankets onto it and waited.
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
5:44pm Mar 24 2010
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Posts: 3,265
Kokohi followed the veram up the stairs and grinned. "So you want to fly this out of here?", he asked, flapping his own pair of wings.
5:47pm Mar 24 2010
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Posts: 6,165
(( I quit, cuz no ione likes, interacts, or talks to my charries DX))
7:04pm Mar 24 2010
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Posts: 1,719
OOC: Nice to know, Angel. *pokes Angel to the rp Josiah would fit in* BIC: The two-walker shook her head. "Before you put it in your bag, who did you touch the stone with?" she asked and then whispered, "Whisper the answer into my ear if you want to keep it a secret."
8:49pm Mar 24 2010
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Posts: 2,046
Azune had already started out the door, heading home. Kokohi knew the way back, so Chrysta would have no problem. He held the bag in his jaws and padded to the beach. Chrysta smiled sheepishly. "I suppose. Will you help me carry it?" She asked quietly and blushed under her fur. She stretched out her wings and readied for takeoff.
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...