8:31pm Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 3,265
Kokohi nodded, watching Azune go up to a house. "Looks like we have stalkers...", Optimus chuckled, grinning at the other creatu.
8:42pm Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 1,719
NightFeather smiled. "They're very nosey stalker at that," she called back to them. The two then raced off to go find their lost ruby-heart. "Now that they're gone, shall I teell you about a dream I had?" NightFeather cooed.
8:44pm Mar 21 2010
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"Go ahead!~", Optimus laughed, grinning.
9:04pm Mar 21 2010
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NightFeather gentley smiled. "I dreamt that I layed a Valabex egg. Somehow, I knew that you were its father," she chocked out with a blush.
9:06pm Mar 21 2010
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"How would a Uilus and a Malal lay a valabex?", Optimus laughed, grinning.
9:09pm Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 1,719
NightFeather shrugged. "The two-walkers do believe that Malals and Valabexes are distant relatives. Maybe it's that and that Uilises are native to the same planet as Valabexes," she muttered, and then looked away.
9:16pm Mar 21 2010
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"Maybe", Optimus said, shrugging and playfully nudging Nightfeather.
9:27pm Mar 21 2010
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NightFeather smiled weakly at Optimus Prime and closed her eyes to imagine something. She could just see it within her mind- her owning-two-walker meeting up with Optimus's owning-two-walker. The two-walkers would be talking and watch the two creatu try something out together. She then looked at her friend again and chuckled. "Come and get me!" she giggled, racing away and hoping Optimus would chase after her.
9:34pm Mar 21 2010
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"What?", Optimus laughed, galloping off after Nightfeather, "Did I say something wrong?"
9:40pm Mar 21 2010
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"You only spoke perfection," NightFeather called back in laughter, hearing Optimus's lion paws gentley tossing up loose dirt that she had made weak.
9:43pm Mar 21 2010
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"Well, than why are you running?", he asked, stopping and grinning.
9:49pm Mar 21 2010
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"I want to play tag, silly," she huffed as she stopped and twirled around. She then began to slowly walk backwards and hum Abingdon Boys School's Athena. "So, ya gonna get me or not?"
9:56pm Mar 21 2010
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"Of course!~", Optimus chirped, tackling his friend and tumbling with her in the gr*censored*. "Caught 'ya!~"
10:06pm Mar 21 2010
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NightFeather toppled down to the ground with Optimus on top of her. She smiled, deciding that now was a good time to "attack." She then twisted her neck and looked up at the Uilis with an enormous smile. She then quickly reached up and licked his feathered cheek. "And that's why it's called 'Revenge of the Fallen," my dear Optimus," she giggled with a blush.
10:16pm Mar 21 2010
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11:24pm Mar 21 2010
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Azune scraped at the door, and a young girl opened it and stared at him. He was taller then her, but she didn't seem to care. He looked up at her with innocent eyes and whimpered softly. The girl ran inside the house and came back with half of what seemed to be a steak. She held her hand out, and he gently grabbed it in his teeth. She smiled, patted his head, and closed the door. Azune chuckled and turned, walking to Kokohi.
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
7:30am Mar 22 2010
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"What in the world are you talking about?", Optimus laughed, chuckling as he was licked by his friend. "That was cool!", Kokohi chirped, "Can I try?"
2:32pm Mar 22 2010
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Posts: 2,046
"Sure, but be careful. Some people aren't as nice. I should also teach you the limp trick." He winked and took a bite of the steak. He rasied up his paw and pitifully jumped around, using the same cute eyes he did with the little girl.
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
2:53pm Mar 22 2010
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Posts: 1,719
"I got revenge, Optimus- you gave off your attack, which made me fall, and then I gave off my attack. See?" NightFeather cooed with a slight purr in her voice. She then wriggled herself until she was upon her back and giggled. "Now will you get off of me?"
4:49pm Mar 22 2010
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Posts: 3,265
"Of course I'll be careful!", Kokohi chirped, ruffling his feathers so that they were scragly and uneven. He copied Azune, scratching pittifully at a door. When it openrd, he walked around, one limb dangling limply. His eyes were big and sad as well. The woman at the door picked him up and carried him inside. ((XDD)) "Yeah, sure.", Optimus chuckled, releasing the Malal, "Your horn kept poking me in the face anyway."