9:03pm Apr 19 2011
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Posts: 4,258
((Lols... ya maybe too many guys. Air will HAVE to be a guy. XP))
9:54pm Apr 19 2011 (last edited on 9:55pm Apr 19 2011)
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Posts: 1,329
<< I can wait to start this! So there are going to be 3 girls and 3 guys right orrrr? >>
9:55pm Apr 19 2011
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Posts: 4,258
((For now, yes... as soon as Kate decides to change Dawn. XP And we get an air....*Thinks of plot* Gender ratio is so off. Lol.))
9:58pm Apr 19 2011
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Posts: 1,329
<< I think I could get some one to play air... hold on >>
11:19pm Apr 19 2011
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Posts: 1,248
((Yo Leo. The plot sounds interesting. I believe I'll join. So air is the the one left. I'll take it. Hope it ok for me to join.))
11:21pm Apr 19 2011
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Posts: 4,258
((Yup Tiger! But please can the charry be Male?))
11:24pm Apr 19 2011 (last edited on 11:35pm Apr 19 2011)
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((Sure. Oh and I have the perfect dude to. I'll post bio in a bit. *Takes off to find where I hid him*)) Name: Triston Colleen Gender: Male Main Power:Air Personality: Kind of a loner. Quite type so he doesn't talk much. Other: He plays an ocarina which is white with a black crescent moon on the back. He has a scar on his back which he got from a banshee. Appearance:
11:57pm Apr 19 2011
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Posts: 4,258
((Yay! Now we need to convince Kate or Dragon to make their character a guy. That is unless Leo wants to. *Hint hint SHOVE* <3 luv ya Leo. Once we have another guy then we can start. Unless having one guy and like 4 other girls is alright with everyone XP?))
9:30am Apr 20 2011
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Posts: 2,158
((dragon already has a boy. We have 2 boys and 3 girls >.<))
9:36am Apr 20 2011
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((*Sigh* Dang am I so slow lately. Sorry about that. XD Alright if it is alright I would like them to start waking from a dream(That will be my first post in a sec) on the day of their 17th birthday. How does that sound?))
9:46am Apr 20 2011
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<< That sounds good... unless you want me to make my charrie a guy >>
10:20am Apr 20 2011 (last edited on 11:34am Apr 20 2011)
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((Eh, No Leo I think we're good. XD I was just skimming too quickly and messed up while reading... Well here is the dream I was talking about, feel free to do what ever from then on. XD)) It was dark, the stars emitting very little light but the moon shone like a beacon of hope. Silence enveloped the land and alone stood a tall girl with hair that blended into the air around her. Deep green eyes scannded the ground and sky as she took a tentative step forward. She moved swiftly and softly accross the plane, a short distance from the mountain path she previously took to the great forest of Shia. Half way to the lining of trees a loud, blood curdling scream sounded through the air. They were here. Taking off quickly the girl made it to the tree line, looking back only once to see the swarm of banshee that had been tracking her. A single tear stained silver by the moon fell to the gras.s and she was gone, running like the wind. It was nearing the end of the Fall season with snow on the horizon. The hard ground made running easier but not as easy as flying could have been. She sensed the Mutts that served the banshee closing in around her. Their goal being to trap and herd her away from safety. Breaths came out in white puffs as she ran for her life. The black stone that hung arounder her neck began to glow with a slight green tinted mist. I pulled her soul in one direction and rather than fighting it she followed the pull that was to lead her back to safe grounds. The sounds were behind her now, the banshee closing in for the kill. Her eyes widened with fear but she didn't dare stop running. Ahead she could see a light and she darted for it. Her token was warm with anticipation as she arrived at her final location. The black stone glowed brighter with a green mist that signaled her end. A final tear fell from her face as she thought of her fallen comrades just before she whispered the final word. She stepped out into a clearing flooded with moonlight, the green mist enveloping her completly. She walked out into the middle of the clearing, feeling the creatures closing in. "Prebudi!" She yelled, the stone following it's command and grew. It encased her in a black crystal that glowed with a green aura. The mist reached out, ensnaring and killing the banshee that were too close. The others stood back and watched, screams wailing at their failure and defeat. Within the crystal, the girl closed her eyes with a smile. She would live to fight again. The spirits of her friends encirled the stone, their own tokens gone, taken by the banshee. Energy can not be created nor destroyed, merely change form and that is what they did. They fused with the girl's token to await the awakening of the next magic users. ~~~ The dark crystal toward over the still slumbering village, the sun beginning it's ascent behind it. Soon the people would be hustling around trying to get ready for the festivities that would start at mid-day for the birthday of five chilren, all turning 17 today. Alone in the streets, sitting upon the fountain in the center of the town was a girl with long black hair and green eyes staring longinly at the crystal. Movement began in the households and quickly spilled out into the streets but it was as if no took notice to the girl. There she sat, silent and waiting. ((Epic failure. XD))
5:52pm Apr 20 2011
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Posts: 2,158
((let me and Faithy have a go at this...)) Deep in the woods, a girl ran. Light shown through the Bedding of trees and cast little light dots throughout her path. As light as the wind the girl hurdled through the forest's gentle protective branches. Behind her, a swarm of angry mutts who had been chasing her got closer and closer. The girl's hart pounded. Caboom, Caboom it thudded inside her, pounding like a baby chick longing to exit the wet shell that contained it. Running higher and higher, the altitude growing, air loss gained on her. Up the mountain she ran, or was it a cliff? At this point the girl just ran where she could. Avoiding death, the girl tried to make a curve to go down the mountain once again. But that would be deadly, jumping off would do much better. Sadly, these thoughts vanished as the girl had to concentrate on her feet. If she lost balance, she would be killed by the racing mutts who longed to put her life to an end. The path thined as the girl reached the top. Unable to maintain her speed, the girl fell from lack of air. Stumbling, the mutts got a lot closer now. But lucky for her, she was able to keep going. But going meant she had fell off the cliff. Indeed, it was a cliff. Falling through the air, the girl made an amazing recovery. Grabbing the branch of a tree she only scrapped her knee and injured her shoulder. The pain was not enough to keep her from going so she climbed down the tree. One arm holding on, the other clung to her shoulder. Her legs acted as a landing catcher. When the girl reached the bottom a moon filled circle cast over the emppty, but not silent forest. "Prebudi" she whispered to the night. At once the dark crystal which was swung around her neck. The crystal started to glow green and enclosed the girl inside. Mist filled the outside and a dark feeling swarmed the cirlce which this had happened in.
5:55pm Apr 20 2011
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Posts: 4,258
((Lols, that sounds like mine! XD Oh do you know what Prebudi means?))
6:44pm Apr 20 2011
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Posts: 2,158
((I had no idea what to post in the dream, so I just took the concept from yours ^^ and no, what does it mean?))
7:20pm Apr 20 2011
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Posts: 4,258
((Lols, it means 'Awaken' that's why the crystal grew. XD Omg, I have an idea! What if she end up near the black crystal, cause that is my charie's crystal, then sees like the girl inside or something... gets all freaked out then wakes up! Lols... Im on a tangant of random things. Just ignore me. XD))
7:22pm Apr 20 2011
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Posts: 2,158
((Faith can see through the waves of the water, so the water can report it to her in her dream and she wakes up then ^^))
8:28pm Apr 20 2011
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Posts: 2,721
(So wait a durn second. Should I swap my charras gender, or be we alright? If you include the crystal girl, we have four girls, two guys.))
I\'m back.
8:31pm Apr 20 2011
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Posts: 4,258
((Kate, if you want to change the gender of your character you may but it is up to you now. I think 4 and 2 is ok...))
11:21pm Apr 20 2011 (last edited on 11:31pm Apr 20 2011)
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<< I will be gone tomorrow through sunday... sorry >> Annetta tossed and turned on leaves as they crunched beneath her body. She was laying on a pile of leaves and beneath them, soft green gras,s. The dream made her breath hard and short. A girl was running, it was like Annetta was her. She was running from dangers. They were banshees and some how wanted to take the girls- her- power and use it horribly. The girl in her dream was sad and knew what she would have to do to surrvive. Annetta was now sweating her clothes sticking to her skin while the early morning sunlight shone on her, making the sweat beads on her fore head glisten and sparkle. A sigh escaped the lips of this sleeping girl stuck in a nightmare. As the banshees caught up to the girl with the power that determined her destiny and the the 5 children going to be born in the future, she knew what she had to do. This girl who seemed surreal stepped into a clearing as grean smoke inveloped her. The powerful girls last words "Prebudi".The next thing in Annettas dream was the girl, who was now gone and all that was left was hope. Hope of a better future and hope that who ever holds the magic to save the girl who was developed in green smoke will fufill the mission. At that, the last of Ace's dream, she woke up eyes wide and breath heavy. Her head turned slowly towards the sun shining bright in her eyes. Ace sqinted and sat up cruncing more leaves beneath her weight. She let out a long sigh. It was a relif that she was finnaly awake. Still covered in sweat and short breaths she tried hard to remember the purpose of the dream that lingered in her mind. She looked up at the bare trees that danced in the wind and the dead leaves that twirled around freely and carelessly in circles mocking those who couldnt move or yet, who couldnt remeber. Ace's eyes scaned lazily around her surroundings not yet attatched to the world around her and still in the fog of the dream. She sighed again but this time annoyed at her non working memory and gave it time as she tried to grasp the remains of her dreams.