6:49am Apr 21 2011
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((I guess I will continue with Faith)) The water whisperd in Faith's ear. "Help her" it said. Faith sat up like a bullet which had been shot out of a gun. She knew the water was right. Help her. The shards of dream congaed out of her head, one after the other after the other. "NOO" she whispered back. "Stay Stay. Don't go! I need you" But the dream shards refused and still left, not that she had any control over it to begin with. Faith grabbed her head. Trying to remember what had happened made her head throb. Girl in trouble, Crystal, mutts racing, falling off cliff, death, needs help. Thats all she could recite. Those pieces of the dream were all who stuck to her head, like metal on metal. Then a happy thought shot into her head, it's my birthday! My birthday, my birthday. As she repeated it, it seemed it became less of a happy thought until she was saying: my no good, birthday where all we do is sing happy birthday! why do we have these things? To make people scared of getting older? UG! I HATE birthdays.
12:46pm Apr 21 2011
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The fog of the dream dissapeared but, left Ace with the feeling that she needed to do something. Help the girl in her dreams. It was a strange notion but she knew it had to be done for the good of... She didnt knowwhat the good of helping this girl was but she didnt question it any more. For it was her birthday today after all. She smiled to herself, "Finnaly 17" She whispered as she rolled over on her stomach. Crushed leaves stuck to her as bathed in colors of brown, gold and orange. She touched one of the non crushed leaf before her and it turned green as if it were spring. She laughed and gently released her finger from the green leaf as it turned back to brown. She sighed at the dead world before her. Silence inveloped the small meadow as Ace got up. She walked out of the small meadow clearing and into the forest. She soon came upon her little creek that she goes to every morning. Cupping her hands together she dipped them in the shallow creek. With the water in her hands she splashed it onto her face. Some of her blond hairs got damp but she didnt care. She took her sleeve and dried her face as she once again dipped her hands in the creek but this time getting a drink. Standing up, now, she wiped her hands on her pants and walked foward thinking of her bithday and how ever will she find this girl in her dreams.
5:19pm Apr 21 2011
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((Sorry guys, I was at a funeral today. )) The town, now crowded with people, moved with perfect harmoney. Everyone was helping another out with preparations for the festivities. A group of five people were currently in the process of hanging the colorful birthday banner. The village members smiled with mixed emotions as they pas.sed the sign announcing the 17th birthday of sevral kids. "Wow, 17 already?" "Ya I remember when they were just tykes, don't you?" Excited chatter sounded through out the main square. Kids and adults alike wandered by the fountain, flipping coins into it for good fortune. Still the girl sat, watching the sky with a blank ex pression. ((Lols, I have nothing better to post. XU))
5:35pm Apr 21 2011
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Posts: 2,721
((Dawn is now Dusk *Ironic name change* And is a boy. That stinks, Emerald D;)) Dusk's golden eyes glinted in the morning sunlight, his pupils shrinking in an attempt to hide from the vicious rays. Through some akward vision, he'd seen a girl, one who was in grave danger. "Trapped." He recalled. "In a crystal?" He thought, considering how strange this was. He shrugged it off, figuring he must have gotten a bad meal or something of that sort. He then decided to walk to the pond, which was but a short distance away. He stared into his own reflection in the stilled water, and he observed the image of a seventeen year- old. Where had the years gone? Without further hesitation, he plunged fully clothed, his momentum carrying him to the depths of the water. How refreshing. Because of the darkness of the very bottom of the pond, he used his control over light to cast a bright glow, which illuminated his path rather well. But it wasn't long before he surfaced. If only humans didn't require oxygen. It was only several minutes later that he splayed himself onto dry land, lying flat for several seconds. The gras.s recieved so much water here that it was nearly as lush as one of those memory foam matresses, and Dusk was taking full advantage of this. He rose from his spot reluctantly, wishing he could bask in the warmth of the sun for just a little longer. He snatched his gem from his pocket, marveling at it's orange splendor. ((They do have their gems, right?)) It floated in front of him, as if to point him in the correct direction. He was led in a zig- zag through the trees, ending up in town. It slowed down when it reached main square, and when the crystal and the boy halted in front of a blank, emotionless girl, the crystal shyly drifted back into a crevice in his pocket. "Uhh?" He was unsure of what he was to do. "Hello." He hesitated. "Ummm.... Whatcha doin' there?" He spoke in a friendly tone.
I\'m back.
6:41am Apr 22 2011
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Faith got dressed and decided to go down to the festival. One foot in front of the other, she reminded herself. As Faith entered she head a bunch of people buzzing about her. "theres another" one woman said "I think that one is named Dusk!" another said. Faith just kept walking. ((Thats all I can post LOL, Emerald, can your charrie and mine meet up and become friendys?))
6:52am Apr 23 2011
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1:20pm Apr 23 2011
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((Sorry, sorry, sorry. Life is insane currently. OMG what to post... oh right.)) The girl blinked with surprise, unsure if the voice was directed at her. She turned her head to look down and sure enough, standing there was a young boy. Her dark green eyes studied him, locking eyes with the boy. It was as if all time just stopped, a calmness settled around them both, but only for a moment for then her eyes darted to his pocket. She turned her focus back to the large crystal that had towered the village for generations now. Lifting her hand, the girl pointed at the large mas.s with a look of longing. She came to a stand, balancing perfectly upon the fountain's top. She flipped off gracefully, her landing making less noise then the gentle breeze that flowed through the village. Around her neck was a silver chain that was empty of any charm and seemed to serve no purpose but for decoration. She turned to the boy one final time, a slight smile of what looked like hope crossing her features. Then she was moving, her gait graceful but swift as she made her way towards the outskirts of the forest. The boy was still in sight when she turned so she motioned for him to follow before dissappearing into the shadows of the forest. (EPIC FAIL. XP)
7:22pm Apr 23 2011
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((got it, Em ^^)) Faith, seeing the girls's wonderful acrobatics, chased after her. Panting hard she struggled her way to the girl. "Hey, you! That was some pretty hefty stuff youd id back there" she said, panting. ((EPIC FAIL))
7:28pm Apr 24 2011
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Posts: 1,329
<< Ah Sorry I just got back from camping... Kate, who is Dusk talking to? Also i changed Ace's picture. >> Ace was still walking through the forest. Thoughts and questions came and left her mind un answered. They were all about the girl trapped in the crystal. She sighed and stopped walking blinking to relization that she had her own crystal. It wasnt so much of a crystal, more like a emerald. Her hand flew up to the chain arounf her neak and the small cage attatched to the chain which held the emerald. Ace shook her head and subsided all her thoughts that connected to the girl and thought more about her birthday. After all the town was having a celebration. She loved having her birthday but she hated when people gathered and celebrated her birthday. She studied the surrounding forest. Not far from the town Ace thought and started to walk sluggishly towards the town. As Ace approached the town the noises got lowder and the more people she saw. she tucked her neaklas in her pink blouse and ducked her head low so no one could reconize her. Her red hair was in her face and her blue eyes followed the ground looking for a place to sit. Her eyeys soon flickered to a stone bench with floral engravements on it. The bench was slightly cacked and vines grew on the bottem of the bench. Ace walked over to it and sat listening to the villagers talk and murmer about the birthday of the 'children'. << Sorry I would have had this up 40 minutes ago but I had to clean my computer from the 10 viruses!>>
3:48pm Apr 25 2011 (last edited on 3:49pm Apr 25 2011)
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Posts: 4,258
((Lols, Its alright Leo. Kate was talking to some mysterious girl of mine.... Same with Wish now. Did you have fun camping!? EDIT: Where is Tiger?? Needs to make an intro before we can move on!))
5:45pm Apr 27 2011 (last edited on 5:47pm Apr 27 2011)
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<< Haha My internet went down and nothing happend... oh and I dont know where Tiger is. She hasnt been on one of the others for a while either EDIT: Oh ok and Camping was fun! I got tan, even though I was already. >>
7:00pm Apr 27 2011
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Posts: 1,248
((Sorry I was gone for so long. Kinda forgot to get on the computer. haha...)) Triston woke with a start and nearly fell out of the tree he had slept in. He regained his balnce and thought about the dream he had. Who was that girl? Why was she being chased by the banshee? Then there's the crystal. It looked familiar. "Oh well. Why should I care?" Triston looked inbetween the branches and at the sky. It was nice out and there was a nice breeze. Triston sat there for a few moments then it dawned on him what day it was. Oh fun... My birthday. I just love my birthday. Triston layed against the trunk of the tree. To many people... ((I'm a little braindead today so... That's all I have in me right now.))
7:17pm Apr 27 2011
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Posts: 2,721
((Yup, Dusk is interacting with Emerald's charra. Of course you can bring your charra to him to interact, if you want, Leo~ Love Ace's new pic by the way.)) "Oh...." Dusk froze with awe. She was amazingly acrobatic, and he began to wonder if she was even human. But he was torn from his thoughts when she motioned for his attention, and soon after he began to trace the girl's trail. He wound through the tightly clustered trees, almost losing sight of his new acquaintance several times, but he always managed to catch up again. He nearly stumbled to the ground with a shock of suprise when a different girl came to view in front of the pair, clearly tired. He noticed she was panting rather heavy, and he mimicked this, wondering how that other girl wasn't tired. He froze in place, staring at the first girl he'd met, the acrobatic one, seeing if she'd stop to welcome this new girl into the group.
I\'m back.
11:25pm Apr 27 2011 (last edited on 11:26pm Apr 27 2011)
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<< Thanks Kate! I dont know what to post ARUGH! >> Ace sighed and started playing with her shirt. She fastened and un fastened one of the buttons on her pink blouse. Her red hair fell in her face and she had to keep pushing it back behind her ear. Her Dull grey eyes wondered around spotting a group of what seemed like acrobatics up the road. It was funny, she thought, that on her birthday out of all the other things that could have happened she saw acrobatics. It was a stupid thought realy, but thats what bordom leads to. Stupidness. She let out a heavy breath as she fastened her button and stood up. Her eyes were now fixed on a fruit stand next to the acrobatics. As she walked up to the stand she kept a low profile and tried not to be seen. Looking down at her feet she started to hum to the sounds of her surrounding. The birds chirping, people talking, and the wind blowing. It was all verry refreshing.Though no mater how many times she pushes away the thought of her dream it comes back making her mind clouded. Approching the fruit stand she asked for a apple and paied the fifty cents she had to. Tossing the apple in the air once she leaned aginst a stone wall watching the acrobatics and people walking by talk. Ace took a bite into the fruit as juice dripped from the flesh of the apple. She giggled at the fresh suprising taste and continued to watch in further more scilence. << Fail :( >>
8:20pm Apr 28 2011
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5:59pm Apr 29 2011
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8:14pm Apr 29 2011
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Triston looked up at the sky. "I think I'll stay here for the rest of the day. I don't want to bother with the celebration.." Triston yawned and fell back asleep.
((Brain dead...))
1:23pm Apr 30 2011
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Posts: 4,258
((Sorry, I was away for a little bit and couldnt get on for a couple of days.)) The girl turned, looking at the new comer. She took a step back from her, studying her. Then she smiled and motioned for the two of them to come. They were almost there, even if they couldn't see that. Humans had a tendancy to fall victim to magic more easily, so while these two felt tired they had run almost through the forest. Quite a few meters before them was a clearing and she pointed at the clearing before running right for it. She looked back before stepping into the light filled clearing. Towering above all trees was the great black crystal. The green aura grew brighter with every step the two magicians took, seeking the magic that had once been apart of it. Calling out to the stones took much enerygy though, which was what causes the heat in the stones. She stood there silently, waiting for the two to catch up.
1:54pm Apr 30 2011 (last edited on 1:56pm Apr 30 2011)
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Dusk came to a dead halt when he arrived in the clearing. This place was so familiar, and yet he'd never been here in his life. He glared deeply into the large black crystal, mesmerized. It felt as though the boy was frozen in time, unsure if the crystal was pure or evil, or perhaps a mixture of both. Just then, his crystal began to emit a cozy warmth from the depths of his pocket. It escaped his clothing, first encircling the trio with a radiant orange glow. It then shifted its course, now making an orbit around the large black crystal. As it made more and more revolutions, the glow grew brighter and brighter, until it was nearly blinding. It was the stone of light, after all. After about a minute of doing this, the crystal drifted to a stop as if defeated. It clearly needed help with whatever it had been doing.
I\'m back.
7:54pm Apr 30 2011
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Posts: 1,329
After Ace finnished her apple she walked over to a garbage can and discarded the core of the apple. Bored out of her mind she looked around. The buzzing crowd was giving her a headace. She wanted to get out of this crowd. She walked fast swerving in and out of people. Her head was pounding and she couldnt focus on what was going on around her. Ace tripped and fell on a crack on the ground. She scowled at it though she knew that wouldnt change the fact that she was on the ground and people grew silent as they stared at her. She looked around at the people as she struggled to get up. People started to whipser and realize that she was one of the people that was turning 17 today. She sighed as she walked away leaving people staring .