1:05pm May 1 2011
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6:16pm May 1 2011
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((XD Ace should wander into the forest. Lols.)) The girl watched the stone, mesmerized as it orbited the massive crytal. When it had stopped she let out a silent sigh, reaching her hand out to touch the stone. It grew brighter for a moment then grew still, floating away from the crystal. Suddenly she turned to face the sky, a look of pure terror upon her face. A moment later a loud, shrill shriek sounded. She looked at the two who had accompanied her then back at the sky. Those at the village heard the scream and fell silent. This sound had not been heard directly by this generation but stories had been told of these dreadful creatures. Banshee. "They have come! Come to destroy us!." One said, panic rising in their voice. Another one, an older gentlemen who had remembered the crystal's history spoke up. "Take refuge by the crystal. It will protect us as it once had. Get everyone into the forest." The people agreed and began herding younger children towards the forest in hope that the crystal would indeed protect them. The large black stone sensed the oncoming danger, the green mist wandering around the clearing. Reaching out as far as it could, searching for something that wasn't there. The girl just stood there, her head lowered. A tear fell from her face in frustration, but it never made it to the ground. It evaporated into nothing the moment it left her face. She looked to the two teens with despair, unable to speak to them. So she just stared, waiting for the disaster to come. ((Ack, it's missing something I just cant tell what. XS Grrrr. It is an epic failure but what ever.))
6:48pm May 1 2011
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"What's going on?!" Dusk demanded, directing himself at the silent girl. He then froze, begining to realize. "Oh." He spoke in a tone so soft he was barely audible. "It's them, isn't it?" He chuckled, not because it was funny in any way, but because this was sometimes the reaction he had when he felt as though hope was lost. Despite his pessimistic attitude, he stepped up to the plate, getting in front of the others. If those foul beasts wanted to get to his new friends, they would have to go through him first. In his hand, he spawned a sword of pure light. The sword released a blinding glow, as if ready to strike. The boy smirked with newfound confidence.
I\'m back.
7:33pm May 1 2011 (last edited on 7:33pm May 1 2011)
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OoC:// DX O'gawd. I just now remembered that I asked to join this roleplay, but never posted anything beyond my charrie. Major recap please?
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:16pm May 1 2011
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((Lols! Um, they woke up and well that's pretty much it other than right now so you can wake up to the sound of a banshee call to come in XD))
8:22pm May 1 2011
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<< Haha ok thats where shes headed >> Ace was in the forest now she stood frozen behind a tree. In front of her there was a clearing. Two people stood as they talked. "Oh" She gasped as her chest tightend. The scream she heard was a banshee. She was now frightened as ever. What good would her earth powers do? She scoffed at her sudden loss of breath. She saw the guy pull out a soward. It was light. All light and nothing else. Her hand flew up to the cage around her neack. "no" She whispered as she relized he was like her. She stepped into the clearing so she was visable to them though their backs were turned to her. She wanted the guy to know that she was there that she was one of what he was. She looked around franticly for an idea to make herself clear. She tucked the caged emerald in her shirt and looked at the ground around his feet. She started to make tiny flowers bloom as if it were spring. When he wasnt noticing, Ace made them go back into the ground and looked at a bush. she made one of the vines come out and slither on the ground as if it were a snake. As it aproched the guy the snake like vine pulled on the guys pant leg. Then Ace made the vine circle around him till he realized. Though she forgot that there was another person there too.
8:25pm May 1 2011
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Trsiton woke up and nearly fell off the tree branch he was in when he heard a screach. He regained his balance and stood up on the branch. He jumped to a branch near the top that would support his weight. From here he could see the town and something else. Not that far away he saw a large crystal jutting out of a clearing. Trsiton jumped from his branch into the sky. He landed in a tree not that far from the large crystal. Triston jumped once again and landed in the clearing. He looked around and spotted others. He stayed where he was and looked up at the crystal. Wow that's a big crystal. I feel a little stupid that I've never noticed it before.
9:17pm May 1 2011 (last edited on 9:18pm May 1 2011)
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"Gah!" Dusk gasped in suprise when a vine began to encircle his body. Calming himself, he used his sword to slice the vine in several places, glad when it was off him. He had great precision with his light sword, probably because he liked to pratice with it in case he'd ever have to defend someone. Now confused, he glanced around, searching for the source of this mysterious vine. Surely it wasn't something out of nature. He then noticed another girl, one who hadn't been there before. "Was that your vine?" He asked, finding it likely that she was one of his kind. "Sorry for slicing it up." He said sincerely, hoping it wasn't a pet or something. And then he noticed another boy jump straight into the clearing. People just seemed to keep coming, and Dusk didn't know what to focus on anymore.
I\'m back.
7:38pm May 2 2011
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<< Huh... I thought I posted last night >> Ace giggled at the guy and how he sliced up her vine. she shrugged loseing the giggle and her face tightened as she saw the huge crystal. Why hadnt she noticed that before. She stepped closer to the guy and then seeing another guy in the clearing she suddenly felt confussed. what is going on? She thought taking another step closer to the light guy. "Whats going on?" she said in a low voice that startled her. She didnt reconze her voice and was suprised with the way it came out. She couldnt stop staring at his light soward and then realized that she was playing with her caged emerald. She shook her head but kept playing with it and staring.
7:55pm May 2 2011
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"You don't know?" He looked surprised, as if everyone who was anyone knew. His crystal drifted next to him as if to confirm this, growing bright as it got closer and closer, this light channeling from the boy's energy. He sighed, as if sensing thier very approach. "Its the banshee. The evil creatures of legend. They're here to wreack thier havoc, no doubt." His eyes narrowed, his sword growing dim before it returned to its original brightness in a flicker. He then wrapped his fingers around his crystal, gently embedding it into his sword. The weapon now had a bright aura of light radiating from it in a foggy sphere, as if the sword itself couldn't contain its own energy. "Just try to avoid getting hurt. They take no mercy, from what I've heard." He glanced into the eyes of the vine girl, the glimmer in his own golden eyes showing bravery.
I\'m back.
8:15pm May 2 2011
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"Yes yes I know about them but why? Why now?" Her patiencs was short for some reason and guessed that it was the fear of the banshees.No She thought to herself I have to be stong. She realized that it might be the dream "The Dream?" She whispered to herself as she made the berry bush vines swirl around her feet. She made the vines into a dagger. She held it tight and looking around. She was paranoid.
8:44pm May 2 2011
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The dark hair girl looked over at the vine girl, a smile spreading across her face. She nodded once, reaching out for the caged emerald. It glowed slightly, warming up to the touch. Another shrill shriek made the girl jump some, urgency taking over her movements. She stood before the boy with the light sword, shaking her head in protest. She pointed to his stone, then to all the others. She hoped for all of their sakes that they got the message.
8:56pm May 2 2011
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"Oh, I see." Dusk spoke in reaction to the mute girl. He really did wish she could speak. He touched his sword to his head, closing his eyes as a blinding flash shone, dimming slowly, then separating into two. He lowered his sword, his stone drifting lazily off of it. He gently clasped his stone, giving it a light toss toward the large black stone. It hesitated for a moment, then begining to encircle the crystal once more. It began to light up again, quite determined as it brightened and brightened.
I\'m back.
9:07pm May 2 2011
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Ace flinched as the girl took her emerald and then the vine dagger fell a part. She now realized what the girl was doing and let the girl take the her precious emerald. Sighing she watched the girl did what was needed to be done. She didnt really trust this quie girl but thought it was for the best. << Uhg! Im so Brain dead >>
9:53am May 4 2011
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9:38am May 5 2011
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11:36am May 5 2011
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The girl tossed the green stone into the air and it hovered there a moment before making the same orbit the lighter stone made. She turned expectantly to the others in the clearing, begging in her mind that they hurried. The fate of all those around them was in their hands and they just stood there staring. The village members crashed through the trees, making the trek through the forest on their way to the crystal. Urgency kept their movements and conversations low and quiet. The oncoming dangers felt in the bones of the elders and seen in the eyes of younger children. Todays festivities had ended before they had even begun. ((PArdon my slight absence. I was in surgery as some might know already, though nothing too serious so don't worry about it. Today was my recovery day so I had to do some school work before I logged on. Soory again it took so long.))
11:12pm May 5 2011
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Ace stared in amazement as her stone hovered in mid air and moved around. Blinking a few times to make sure this wasnt a dream, she suddenly felt warm inside, like this was for the good of man-kind and that she was helping the girl in her dream. Suddenly the village started to crowd around. The warm feeling inside he was slowly fadding as fear took its place. What does this mean? She thought as she knew deep inside she knew the truth of what this all ment. Seeing some children in the corner of her eyes made her head turned. These fearful children made Ace's wooden ex pression soft and sad. She knew she had to do what ever was needed even if her fear gets in her way. Trying to smile at the children, she made little pink flowers bloom beneath their feet, as she made an effort to make the fearful children comforted. << Awe you got surgery :o Im sorry. >>
11:39pm May 7 2011
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Triston took out a sword that only had its hilt. He looked at the base of the hilt where his diamond was embedded. Carefully he removed the diamond and walked over to the mute girl and handed it to her. I really don't want to part with my diamond but if it can help destroy the banshee then I'm all for it. Triston thought of when he got his scar then looked at the large crystal. Whatever she is doing it better work.
11:20pm May 12 2011
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<< Bump... Is this dead? I dont know what to post >>