1:07pm Jul 28 2012
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11:11pm Jul 30 2012
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3:21am Aug 7 2012
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Posts: 331
Purpleskye, please read all the rules again :3
Sheeran away
3:30am Aug 7 2012
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Posts: 331
Ed stepped into Louis' room, staring into his phone. "Wait, what, are you even allowed to have a phone here? Who are you texting? Is it a girl? Or a guy? Is it mom? Are you ordering lunch? I could go for some lunch right now Or is-" "SHUT UP OMG" Louis yelled and tucked his phone under the pillow. "I just texted my roommates. They'll be here in a few." He flicked his hair and threw himself back on his bed.
"Oh. Sorry. Are they bringing lunch?" Ed sat down next to Louis nudging him. "I am absolutely starving. I bet you are too."
"Could you stop talking about food for a second. You should be thinking about leaving a good impression on my roommates. Considering you'll be living with them for God knows how long."
Sheeran away
3:43am Aug 7 2012
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((Omg Kanky. <3333))
5:16am Aug 7 2012
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Stretching out her legs, Iza faced the door from where she was sat. She ran a hand through her hair, pushing it back from her face and closed her eyes.
She couldn't believe that Louis was awake. He hadn't been gone for that long but it felt like forever. And who was this cousin? She racked her brain for any mention of one, but couldn't remember if Louis had ever mentioned him before.
With a sigh, she grabbed the banister and pulled herself up. "Mel?" She called in a random direction, not knowing where he was. "Do you fancy driving, or should I?" As she finished speaking she leaned against the nearest wall, trying to calm down her excitement as she waited for a reply.
"Hopefully it won't be too bad of a hospital..." Iza murmured to herself, scrunching up her eyebrows as she thought of the over cleanliness and the bright white of the hospital rooms. It just all seemed far too man-made for her liking, and she spent as little time in them as she possibly could. She would probably be completely against them if they didn't help people as much as they did.
Shaking her head, she pushed the bad thoughts out of her mind and concentrated on the good. Louis was awake, and that was all that mattered at the moment.
6:17am Aug 9 2012
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Connor began to whistle the 'SWAT' themesong as he crept down the hallway. He paused for a moment, in midstep, and listened to Iza mutter to herself. Sure, it wasn't exactly polite, at all, but hey, it wasn't as if he could help the fact he had better hearing than the average being.
"Not too bad of a hospital, though the smell of antiseptic and blood is overpowering," Connor commented to the girl as he passed by her to get down the stairs. "But you probably can't smell that..." He added after a second. Duh. "So, I'll see you at the Hospital, Iza. Don't take too long; I have no doubt that Louis is dying to see you."
Connor gave the girl a cheeky grin before sliding down the banister, landing gracefully at the bottom of the stairs. He chuckled as he stepped outside, reveling in his childish behavior. You were only twenty some once, after all! Or, in Connor's case, for all eternity. Same thing, right?
Connor la di da di da. He gets chicken, somehow straps it to his motorcycle and drives to the hospital with ease.
The vampire parked his bike, removing his helmet in a flash. He ran his fingers through his hair, getting that 'messy-in-an-intentional-way' type of hairdo again. He threw the helmet on the back of the bike and picked up the Chicken. Nando's perfection, was more like it.
Connor quickly made his way through the hospital, weaving his way through the crowd of nurses and doctors. 'Crowd' meaning those few people walking through the halls, checking up on their patients, all giving Connor a weird look for the fried food he was carrying in his hands. Friend Chicken, at a Hospital? That didn't sound too... healthy.
"Hello?" Connor called into Louis' room, knocking once before opening the door and peeking his head in. He saw Louis sprawled out on the bed, some guy sitting on the edge with him. His cousin, he hoped. He means, presumed. The man pushed the door open, going into the room completely. He held the bag up in his hands, shaking it and its contents lightly.
"Who wants chicken?"

6:26am Aug 9 2012
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Posts: 331
"BAH. CONNOR" Louis jumped up, nearly pushing Ed off and fleeing towards his frind. "God, I've missed you so much" His hand gripped the boys shoulders. "Where's Iza?" He looked around, still gripping firmly to the lad. Louis let go of the boy's shoulder, flopping on his bed and staring at the paper bag covered in grease. "Is that.. chicken?"
"I could go for some of that." Ed stood up, coming out of his comfort zone and staring into the strange lad who was sitting right next to his beloved cousin.
"Aye. I'm Ed. And I'll be living with you guys for a little while." He stroked the back of his head and stretched out his arm in order to shake the lads hand.
"A little while? HAHA, Knowing you, You'll stay here for all of eternity, you little ginger parasite you." Louis chuckled as he stuffed his face with chicken wings.
Sheeran away
6:53am Aug 9 2012
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Connor rolled his eyes at Louis' excitement. Shouldn't he still be all coma-y? You know, laying on his death bed, barely able to lift his arms? Definitely not jumping out of bed and flopping back on, making a mess of those delicious smelling wings. God, where was his bib?
Connor turned to Ed, a questioning look in his face. Huh, living with them for a while, eh? Did he know about what they were? No, Louis wouldn't spill a secret that big. That meant he had to keep his tough front on all the time. That, and he had to be careful with talking about his instincts. God, this was going to be hard.
"Hi, Ed," Connor said, flashing the boy a grin. He shook his hand gently, not wanting to hurt him. "I'm Connor, it's nice to meet you."
Connor smiled at the boy again and released his hand.
"Where did you come here from?"
3:36pm Aug 9 2012
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((VIN REPLY >C -bad morning- -grumpy--also been waiting for DAYS-))
Mel watched as Connor sped off, shaking his head with a sigh before he looked over at Iza and offered his hand. "Well then, I guess we're driving there without him, hun," he said, offering the girl a small smile as his violet eyes softened. He slipped his apron over his head and moved to find the keys, looking over his shoulder at the girl behind him with a soft laugh. "I guess Connor was a little too excited, seeing as he left us behind, huh?"
He slipped one of his hands into his pocket, a soft ex pression on his face. "And I guess things are looking good seeing as he texted Connor, eh?" he stated, grinning. He was excited too, but usually he was a bit better about containing himself...minus his outburst in Calim's room. ________________________________ Speaking of Calim, the werebear, who had retrieved a cup of coffee for both him and Louis, stepped into the room after a few moments, seeming surprised when he saw Connor there. Suddenly a little skittish, he stepped over to Louis and offered the coffee, glancing at Connor almost cautiously. He hadn't forgotten the vampire snapping at him, ruining the already fragile mental state he'd been in. Meanwhile, Sherbet, who had been left on Louis's bed and had been knocked in the floor when Louis's jumped up, looked up at Calim from the unviewable, at least from Ed's point of view, side of the bed.
Calim seemed a little upset over the little bear in the floor, and set his cup of coffee down so he could kneel down and gently scoop the pink panda into his arms and hug him, his entire personality changing to be even more silent that he had been before, the poor thing seeming afraid to touch Louis again for fear of Connor snapping at him again. A vampire's wrath is a frightening thing, especially since he could only defend himself once a month.

5:48pm Aug 9 2012
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Posts: 11,785
((I like how we all have stardust things and most of us have glasses. xD))
7:38pm Aug 9 2012
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Posts: 379
[[I feel like I should get glasses so as not to be a combo breaker 8I Typos will be edited out tomorrow, it's too late for me to bother right now :Y]]
Iza smiled, taking Mel's hand and pulling herself up from the stairs. She blew a strand of hair away from her eyes, pulling a grip from her pocket and pinning it back. There, she thought, pulling her hoodie close around her shoulders. That's much better.
"I guess he did," Iza murmured, blinking once as she shot a glance at the window. She relaxed as she saw that the sky was perfectly clear, and let out a deep breath. No rain meant she could travel with ease, and wouldn't have to worry about anything except visiting Louis and meeting this new cousin.
Moving her brown gaze back to Mel, she grinned again. "I guess we should get going then. Louis and the others will be waiting for us, I bet!" She stepped towards the door as she spoke, pulling it open and gesturing for Mel to go first.
[[I'm lazy and tired so short post. Apologies.]]
4:21am Aug 10 2012
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Posts: 331
"B'aww, poor thing" Ed stretched out his arm and ruffled Sherbet's fur. He looked up with a smile on his face, stopping on Calim's ruby red eyes. By the look on his face, Ed knew something just wasn't right. He Lifted his eyebrow, slowly letting go of the bear and standing up. His eyes met as he stared into the other boys face as if he was trying to figure out what was going on.
"Is everything alright, mate?" His hand slipped, patting Calim's shoulder in a frindly mannor. "I'm sure it's nothing coffee can't cure, aye. Now buck up, we need to look our best for that drama queen over there. Plus that Connor guy scares me." He tried to engage in a friendly chat, grabbing Calim's coffee mug off the night stand and pushing it towards him.
The bag of chicken wings was so darn tempting. "I could take just one, It's not like Louis would mind" Ed grinned and reached for a piece of the crispy chickeny goodness.
"AYE, WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU BLOODY THIEF. GET YOUR OWN." Louis smacked his hand causing the chicken wing to fall on the fresh sheets, leaving a greasy mark. "Sorry..Sheesh. It's not like I'm starving or anything." Ed puffed his cheeks, turned back at Calim and smirked. "Can you believe this guy."
[[ Chickeny. It's a new word.]]
Sheeran away
6:05am Dec 30 2012 (last edited on 6:06am Dec 30 2012)
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Posts: 331
Hello lovelies. As you all might now, this was my first Roleplay, and, to be honest, my favorite. Therefore, I've decided to keep it running.
I hope you'll all continue with your characters, maybe add in a few new ones or whatever you want, just.. get this running again c:
Let me just sum up what happened before so we can hopefully continue from where we left off.
Louis, Claire and Maemi, being the only humans in the house have to take care of a varitey of mythical beings. Of course, there's a twist to it. Louis gets attacked by Calim, who is a warebear. He ends up in the hospital, with Calim feeling extremly bad for what he's done. Louis' cousin, Ed decides to drop in and stay with them for a while. Of course, Louis didn't reveal the secret of his roomates to him...
There we go. Oh and let's not forget Louis' man crushes.
That's it I guess. Hope you'll accept this as an invite to a new.. let's say chapter of Lego House.
c; x
Sheeran away
7:56am Dec 30 2012
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Posts: 379
Wahey! I missed Lego House. I figured I'd drop another human into this to mix things up. Be nice to him >:C
Username: GingerNut Character name: Zayn Character type: Human Age: Nineteen, soon to be twenty Appearance: Naturally dark skin covers his thin frame, and though he's fairly tall he has a tiny waist and slim arms. Big brown eyes are set deep under his brows, and half the time they seem to glow an almost gold colour. His eyelashes are thick and long, and he was often teased when he was younger because kids thought he was wearing mascara. His hair is jet black and usually styled up in a quiff that takes far more time than is probably necessary, although sometimes he has it down and swept over his forehead. But even then he takes the time to style it until not a single hair is out of place. He wears glasses sometimes; thick framed square glasses that got him the 'nickname' Geekboy. He also has a lot of tattoos, including a half sleeve, a few on his chest and shoulder/collarbone area, one on each hip and the yin-yang symbol on his left wrist. Personality: Zayn is quite stereotypically geeky, hence the nickname. He likes his comics and loves to draw, creating a whole world to hide himself in with a pencil and paper. There are doodles all over his white Converse, and there are often pencil smudges on his fingers from where he's not bothered to wash it off. He's very quiet and shy, his often wide stretched eyes giving him a look of innocence that disappears once you get to know the real him. He loves a good laugh, and always says he wants a really close best friend - a partner in crime to pull pranks and mess around with him, with whom he can really be himself. But he's too shy to get to know someone on that level, too scared to place his trust in someone, so he sticks to himself and his drawings and hopes that someone forces him to be friends with them like in the stories. Pets: None Sexuality: Bisexual Partner: Both
Yay for geekboy!zayn
8:01am Dec 30 2012
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Posts: 331
Yayhuh c;
Sheeran away
3:45pm Dec 30 2012
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Posts: 331
I might get a new character tbh.
Sheeran away
5:34pm Dec 30 2012
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Posts: 1,786
[[ Them man crushes. MMM. 8I -hehe-
I might make a new character. Beaux. I think you guys'd like him. xD Maybe not.
Also, Kanky, I have something to tell you about my Christmas present I'm sure you'll enjoy. 8I
/is so glad we're continuing this. ]]
3:41am Dec 31 2012
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Posts: 331
Ah omg Vin I'm glad as well c: And yes, get a new character. I was working on my bio for the new character but kinda fell asleep ;-;
Sheeran away
12:20pm Jan 18 2013
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Posts: 379
is this necroposting
i hope not
i can't remember sob