3:23pm Jul 5 2012 (last edited on 3:23pm Jul 5 2012)
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Posts: 331
~ Btw. Guys, we need more Humans 8U xx
Sheeran away
3:25pm Jul 5 2012
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Posts: 57
lol ^^ Makikio is still up for CHARACTER adoption (the pet is MINE but feel free to visit her) <3
i is Gud rightr, <3 Makikio <3 
3:26pm Jul 5 2012
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Posts: 57
Want me to force Nek to join? :D
i is Gud rightr, <3 Makikio <3 
3:28pm Jul 5 2012
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Posts: 331
Yes yes, we need characters :3 xx
Sheeran away
3:29pm Jul 5 2012
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Posts: 57
lolk *drags Nek* MAKE A CHAR U LAZY LAZY BUM!! >:D
i is Gud rightr, <3 Makikio <3 
3:35pm Jul 5 2012
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Posts: 1,786
[[ I'll make a human girl in a moment. ^^ ]]
3:36pm Jul 5 2012
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Posts: 331
Sheeran away
3:37pm Jul 5 2012
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Posts: 10
Bah humbug XD I could be eating a tub of sherbet right now... okay lets see UMMM... *checks pics of chars* all i have is Nyan Koi! Naruto FMA... *goes off the search Google*
3:38pm Jul 5 2012
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Posts: 331
Oh yes. Tubs of Sherbet are perfect for hot summer days, yes? xx
Sheeran away
3:48pm Jul 5 2012
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Username: Vinnii Character name: Claire Character type: Human Personality: Claire was raised by her parents to be Christian. They were real Jesus Freaks. Unfortunately for them, Claire was never interested in the things she couldn't see. She's always been a girl of science and curiosity. 'Curiosity killed the cat; satisfaction brought it back' - Her favorite saying. The girl is very observant and hardly reacts to anything. If Connor told her that he was a vampire, she would not be scared. Instead, Clair would ask him questions about how he can live off of blood alone and why he thinks the sun weakens him. She'd take that information, then write it all on the small notepad she keeps in her back pocket. When Claire isn't asking questions for her own personal conquest, she remains pretty silent, observing what goes on around her. Pets: None, but she loves Makikio, mostly because she doesn't know what the thing is. (I hope that's alright, Sheshca. ^^) Sexuality: Claire is straight. Partner: She likes the males. o.o
[[ ... My fail character. xD ]]

3:51pm Jul 5 2012 (last edited on 4:19pm Jul 5 2012)
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Posts: 331
~You know what guys. I think we can start. People can flop into the middle of the RP If they want. xx
Sheeran away
3:59pm Jul 5 2012 (last edited on 4:02pm Jul 5 2012)
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Posts: 331
BEEP BEEP BEEP "Oh God.. wh.." Louis grunted as he bent over the table for his cellphone. It was 6 am, and another rainy day , like the ones he was used too. He hopped out of bed, Stretched out a little and sneaked into the kitchen. For some odd reason, Louis loved getting up early, while everybody else was asleep. You could say he just loved being the first one to wake up. It made him feel like he was in charge. He tip-toed through the hallway, trying not to wake up his roommates as the water on the stove started to boil. He quickly grabbed a small black box from the bathroom and tip-toed back to the kitchen. "Mmmm that was fast." Ha said as he stared at the pot of boiling water. He quickly poured it into a teapot. "I'll leave that there." Louis turned around on his heels, and flopped on the couch. "I hope someone will be up soon." He smirked, puffed his cheeks and grabbed the remote of the table. Upon opening the small black box, Louis grabbed his glasses, wiped them and stuck them on top of his nose. He flinged the box over the living room and covered up with a blanket.
Sheeran away
4:05pm Jul 5 2012 (last edited on 4:11pm Jul 5 2012)
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Connor grumbled loudly as he heard an alarm go off. It wasn't his; no way in hell that man would ever get up that early on his own free will. He rolled over in his sheets, getting tangled in the process. "6?" He groaned, flopping on his back once again. It had Louis; everyone else enjoyed their sleep.
"Stupid, vampiric hearing," Connor griped, kicking the tangled sheets out from under him. He got out of bed, kicking dirty - and clean - clothes out of his way as he walked to the door. He glanced back, noting he needed to clean his room. He chuckled because he had said that every single week since he moved in, and had never done it once.
As Connor entered the living room, he noticed someone on the couch. He was right, it was Louis. "Hey man," Connor muttered, flopping on the couch next to him. He looked down and smiled at his nightwear: A sleeveless gray shirt and his black and red flannel pants. "You really need to stop getting up so early," He added, yawning after his comment.
Claire glared at the black thing on her bed. She sneezed once, her messy bun flopping on her head as she did so. "Babuska." She hissed at the cat, wanting it out of her bed. The thing didn't even twitch it's tail. "Buska!" Her voice was becoming whiny now. Still no reaction. Out of all the beds the cat could have slept on, even his owners, the thing chose her bed. Always. The girl eventually just stopped leaving her door open in the night, something she despised doing.
"I go to the bathroom, come back, and you invade my bed?" Claire sighed. "I hate you." She said to the animal sharply. "I hate cats. I hate you. I'm allergic to cats, only thing I'm allergic to in this world. And you." She pointed to the animal lazily flicking its tail on her bed. "You... You choose my bed, as if you know I'm allergic to you." Still nothing.
Some people might have called Claire crazy for talking to the cat as if it were a person. But she believed that cats, all animals, for that fact, could understand. They just weren't advanced enough to respond, or smart enough to know not to. Nothing had proved otherwise, so Claire was determined to believe it. All truth, unless proven wrong.

4:10pm Jul 5 2012 (last edited on 4:36pm Jul 5 2012)
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Posts: 10
OMG PERFECT <3 Username: Nekuro (mix of neko(cat) and kuro(black) aka Nek) Character name: Maemi (means honest child XD) (aka Mae) Character type: human, cat cosplayer Appearance: WOW thats big 8O sorry about that... Personality: Troublemaker, sly, tricky, devious (etc.), dark (the pic says it all XD) Pets: Noir (the black one-green eyes) sorry its also big... :( stupid google... [I EDITED IT] Sexality: straight Partner: preferably male but not interested in relationship oh god sorry those pics were so big D: (i said the word in my first post)
4:11pm Jul 5 2012 (last edited on 4:13pm Jul 5 2012)
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Posts: 10
I feel like i spammed cuz my pics are so big... -kicks Google- sorry about that ^^; Shes will give 50k to whoever knows what show Noir is from!! (cuz I have no money XD)
4:17pm Jul 5 2012 (last edited on 4:18pm Jul 5 2012)
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Posts: 331
"But you know how much I love the morning" Louis grinned, throwing a pillow at Connor. "And it's not my fault you have that super hearing thing." He wiggled out of his blanket. Upon standing up, he stretched again and looked at Conner. "Up for some tea?" Louis asked and walked away to the kitchen without even waiting for his answer. He grabbed the teapot and filled 2 cups full of hot water. "Mint tea?" And once again, he did as he wanted without even waiting for the other lads answer.
He turned around and gazed into his eyes. "So how are you today? Any sunburns, or bloodthurst?" Louis giggled and smacked him across the face playfully."Just kidding. Should we wake up the others or leave them be?"
Sheeran away
4:20pm Jul 5 2012 (last edited on 4:21pm Jul 5 2012)
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Posts: 331
Gah, Neku, could you find smaller immages, It kinda stretches out the whole page.Or you can just post links, love xx
Sheeran away
4:29pm Jul 5 2012
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Posts: 1,786
Connor didn't even try to catch the small pillow as it smacked his chest. He left it there, enjoying the small amount of warmth it held. Well, Louis was right. It wasn't his fault he had super hearing. But, it was his fault he liked the morning. Stupid kids...
"Tea?" Connor grimaced when Louis was in the kitchen. Okay, so he actually really hated the way tea tasted; he was a coffee person. But, the vampire drank it because the boy wanted him to, and was nice enough to always grab him a cup.
Connor rolled his eyes at Louis' worries. Then he got hit in the face, playfully. The man groaned. It was early, he was drinking some Godawful tea, and was getting smacked in the face by a kid wearing glasses. It had to be the most unmanly thing he had ever done.
"Louis," Connor said, a wide grin on his face. "I'm always sunburned, and I'm always lusting." He let out a sharp laugh after his comment. Oh, those sneaky double meaning; he loved them. "And Claire's up... Trying to get Babuska out of her bed." Connor paused, then his eyes went wide. "Why did she get out rubber gloves?"
As if on cue, Claire walked into the room with a yowling Buska in her rubbed-gloved arms. Her nose was crinkled in disgust. "Keep the damn thing out of my room, Connor." She said flatly, dropping the hissing cat in his lap.
Connor jumped as claws ripped into his thighs. "Jesus, Claire," He said, quickly petting the cat to put it at ease. "Cool it."

4:45pm Jul 5 2012
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Posts: 331
Claire! Oh thank God you're up, this Pale.. person was really bringing me down. Tea?" He grabbed a mug and filled it with hot liquid."And you two should calm down. " Louis pulled out a chair and wrapped around it with his legs. "You guys bore me." He puffed his cheeks and started to ruffle his hair.His hair was always perfect. No matter what. And he wanted to keep it that way. After all, he was a complete perfectionist when it came to looks. He stood up and walked into the bathroom. Still feeling a little sleepy, Louis took off his glasses and placed them on the sink. He turned on the tap and stared at his reflection in the mirror. He couldn't seem to take his eyes off of him.
Sheeran away
4:46pm Jul 5 2012 (last edited on 4:47pm Jul 5 2012)
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Posts: 10
Maemi groaned as the wretched sunlight blinded her already closed eyes. Not wanting to bother asking why the shades were up, she quickly tossed the blankets over her eyes and kicked as she heard a light 'thump' followed by a hiss. Normally, she would love that her cat would try and get her up in the morning, but sometimes she wished Noir would give it a rest. Stupid shade-opening cat...
Noir, fed up, stalked off the the kitchen and stared at her master's roommates until they noticed. Sometimes, even she needed help getting the grumpy emo chick up in mornings...