5:17pm Jul 5 2012
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Claire gladly took the cup of tea, loving the way it smelled. Mint. Her favorite. After a small sip, she put the cup back down. At that moment, she noticed Louis' perfect hair. She pursed her lips in thought for just a moment, then pulled out a notepad from her back pocket - she was already dressed for the day.
Louis' hair is always perfect. How? Ask what products he uses. P.S. Buy milk.
Claire nodded triumphantly and shoved the small book back into her butt pocket. She picked up her cup of tea and walked into the kitchen, looking for something to eat. She settled with cinnamon toast. Grabbing the bread, she popped a piece into the toaster. The girl waited exactly 48 seconds, then ended it early. She liked her toast one way: Slightly browned, mostly white, only semi-warm.
Connor watched as Louis left the room, most likely to fix himself up for the day, then Claire. He sighed, wondering if Buska was going to get up and leave him alone too. His eyes scanned the room, noticing Noir from across the room. He figured that Mae was still not up, and Noir was there to help her.
"Good kitty," Connor said as he passed the cat, scratching behind its ears for only a moment. He walked to Mae's room and knocked on the door once, before opening it. So, maybe subtlety wasn't Connor's strong suit.
"Mae, get your a.ss out of bed!" Connor called into the room, startling Buska who was still in his arms. The cat wriggled and jumped out of his arms. The cat walked to Mae's bed and jumped up. "Buska," Connor warned the cat sternly. The cat paid no heed. Figures, stupid, stubborn cat.

5:36pm Jul 5 2012 (last edited on 3:47am Jul 6 2012)
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Posts: 331
"Where is Claire?" Louis tilted his head. It was amazing how he got all nice and tidy in a few minutes. His hair perfectly swooped to the side, no glasses, skinny jeans and a tight v neck shirt. He smelled amazing too. "I think I'll wake up the others than." Louis dragged himself along the hallway , slamming into the door by accident. "Whoops" He kicked back and wiped his shoulders. Upon crawling into the room of one of the roommates, Louis tip-toed and slowly started opening the blinds. "Good morning sweetcheeks" Louis didn't even know who he woke up. But he knew the person wasn't so happy about it. He grinned in an odd manner and ran away from the room. "Oh. Hello Connor" He greeted the boy even tho he saw him less than a minute ago. He ruffled his hair "Would you clean up, you're a mess" He sad with a cheeky grin on his face.
Sheeran away
5:40pm Jul 5 2012 (last edited on 5:40pm Jul 5 2012)
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Posts: 10
Mae gave an irritated grunt. She turned her head sideways and came face to face with Connor's cat. It stared at her, unmoving and unblinking. Mae stared back equally still, knowing how much tension grew when you were in a blinking contest with a cat. Blinking showed respect.
She felt Buska shift, starting to get uncomfortable. Mae only intensified her glare, determined to win. It felt like hours had passed before finally, the cat blinked. Mae smirked and blew a puff of air in the cat's face, startling it as it fell off the bed and scampered out of the room.
Reluctantly, Mae heaved herself up and forced herself to throw on whatever clean clothes she could find, which consisted of a pair of jeans and a black guys t-shirt that said "I Went Outside Once... But I didn't like the graphics". Running a hand through her messy black hair, she made her way to the kitchen, not caring what her mirror said. Ignoring the stares she got, she made her daily cup of coffee.
5:55pm Jul 5 2012
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"Where's me?" Claire popped her head out of the kitchen, wondering who had said her name. She sipped on her tea, shrugged and walked back. It was probably Louis anyways. She opened the fridge and cringed as she saw a pitcher full of Connor's 'Protein Shake'. She tried the reddish brown drink once. Let's just say she'd never do it again.
"Morning~" Claire said to Mae as she walked into the room, though her face was still in the refrigerator. She pulled out a tub of leftover spaghetti from a few nights before. She opened up the package and sniffed it. Well, it seemed fresh. The girl popped it into the microwave and started on her tea again.
Connor watched as his cat stalked out of Mae's room, followed by the girl herself after only a moment. She was a mess, even more so than him, which was saying a lot. He didn't say a word; she was in a trance and probably wouldn't have answered him anyways.
Connor turned at the sound of Louis' voice. He looked the boy up and down, shaking his head at his perfect hair. Ridiculous, as always. He rolled his lip ring with his tongue as the boy started talking again. Something about cleaning up? He didn't know.
"Uhm," Connor paused. He then realized what the guy had said. "Why don't you clean me up yourself, Louis? Since you always look so good." Connor winked at Louis then laughed loudly. He shook his head, a grin on his face, as he walked back to the bathroom to take a shower.

5:56pm Jul 5 2012
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Posts: 57
Makikio waited and watched. If there was one thing she loved almost as much as strawberries, it was coffee. She waited in the darkness of the kitchen for at least 10 minutes before Mae finally came crawling out of her cave. She waited even longer as the coffee maker heated up.
Finally, it was ready. But her plan still wasn't complete. Makikio slowly made her way to the counter where her prey sat, unsuspecting. She stopped, using the shadows as cover until the perfect moment...
Bingo! Mae walked away, pissed and determined to find her cat, which was currently in hiding. Makikio bolted up to the cup of coffee while everyone was distracted, drinking almost the entire cup.
Somehow, she had managed to get another morning of coffee and plopped down on the couch, letting the drink warm her stomach.
i is Gud rightr, <3 Makikio <3 
6:05pm Jul 5 2012
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Posts: 10
After giving her cat a lecture, Mae walked back to the kitchen and took a sip of her coffee, nearly chocking when she realized it was almost all gone. "Who drank my coffee?!" she snapped at Louis and Claire, who looked back at her, stunned. Neither of them replied.
Even with the little bit of coffee she did have, her brain started working and she stormed over to Makikio's favorite spot on the couch. "You little rat, quit stealing my coffee!" Makikio looked up with big eyes and tilted it's head.
"Don't give me that, you have a brown ring on you're fur around your mouth!" Whoops...
6:08pm Jul 5 2012
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Posts: 57
Makikio's ears fell "Kyu..." she murmured in a sad apologetic tone. She played the guilt card as she felt tears well up in her eyes and could sense the unapproving look the other two gave Mae.
Now, Maemi would be stuck with guilt gnawing at her conscience for the rest of the day... if only she had one.
i is Gud rightr, <3 Makikio <3 
2:04am Jul 6 2012
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Posts: 379
Iza was sat at the window, her legs crossed and her forehead pressed intently against the glass. She had been up for a while, waiting for the sound of Louis' alarm to tell her that the daily routine had begun. A few thumps and clatters pretty much guaranteed her that her roommates had entered the kitchen. "Of course, Louis will be making tea," she murmured, turning around to face her room. "And Connor will be up, and Clair too probably." She adjusted her slightly back combed hair as she passed the mirror, still a little shaky on her feet as she crossed her room. Then again, every morning brought shaky steps for Iza.She was already dressed for the day. Her feet and legs were bare, as she didn't like wearing tights or socks. Instead she wore dark denim shorts and a loose white t-shirt with a tropical island splayed across the front. Quietly she walked to the kitchen, sliding in the door and checking her eyeliner in the reflection of the toaster as she did so. "Morning guys."
2:51am Jul 6 2012 (last edited on 3:50am Jul 6 2012)
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Posts: 331
"Good morning, love" Louis said as he reached for the teapot. "Tea?" The water had already cooled by not, but he had the urge to offer the girl some. He ruffled her hair almost purring and lopped back onto the couch, flinging his legs in the air. "Ain't no party like a TV party 'cause a TV party don't stop" Louis mumbled and grabbed the remote. He turned around noticing someone was missing. Someone who takes up his attention all the time "CONNOR" Louis's voice cracked as the others flinched over his loud voice. Louis jumped to his feet, gently throwing the remote on the couch. He headed to the bathroom but swiftly turned around before reaching the door and stared at his roommates while not making a sound. Louis usually had hissy fits like this, and he'd just randomly start doing chores or helping around. Not like the others mind, in fact, that's the only reason their house was all clean and tidy. "Guys. I'm starving. Are you up for some Nando's?" This time Louis waited for their response,not wanting to cause drama over some fried chicken. Typical Louis. He'd get all Hyper in a few minutes. But the other got used to it. Hopefully.
Sheeran away
3:17am Jul 6 2012
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Posts: 11,785
((If it isn't too late to join... ^o^))
Username: RikaTheFallen Character name: Calim Jushai Character type: Mythical...He's a werebear. <3 Appearance:
 Sherbet 8D Sherbet bear lolololol. <3
Personality: Comes off rough and tough, but in reality he's just a big, cuddly teddy bear. <3 He's gentle and compassionate, and when he finds someone he has his eye one he's quite the charmer. He's protective and willing to fight to the death for someone he feels close to and would never let harm come to them so long as he can help it. He wants to be someone who will accept him for who, and what, he is. <3 Pets: Can. Can he have a bear cub? o-o Iiiiif not then he has a little brown cat named Bear. XD Sexuality: Bisexual, leaning heavily towards homosexuality. Partner: Male preferably? ^-^
3:25am Jul 6 2012 (last edited on 3:26am Jul 6 2012)
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Posts: 331
Rika, you're in Guurl. Plus, I really like your Sherbear xx
And, sure he can have a bear cub lol
Sheeran away
11:36am Jul 6 2012
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Posts: 379
Iza shook her head vigorously at the prospect of tea, eyeing the hot water. A couple of drops of the liquid and she would be stuck with a tail again. Of course, it wasn't that she hated it entirely; underwater could be a beautiful place sometimes. But it was extremely inconvenient in the middle of a kitchen with only a bath to keep her scales from drying out until she switched back again. She furrowed her brow thoughtfully when Louis brought up Nando's, her gaze shifting around the room and resting on each of her companions' faces. Was she the only one who hadn't been to Nando's before? "Er... sure?" Iza spoke slowly, wondering if she would regret her words when she added, "I've never really been before."
12:11pm Jul 6 2012
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Posts: 331
Louis gasped as he opened his mouth widely. "You've never been to Nandos? Disgrace.." He shook his head in dissaprooval. He walked through the hallway and grabbed his jacket of the hanger. "Anyways guys, I'll be back soon. Don't do anything stupid." He backed away from the hanger, tripping over his own feet. "Wait guys, I don't really feel like going out alone." He grinned. "Would anyone care to join me?" Ha stared at them with an awkward smile. He slowly walked up to the bathroom door. He bit his upper lip. "Connor , are you decent?" He knocked on the door slowly. "I need you to go to Nando's with me. Like now. So get ready"
Sheeran away
2:42pm Jul 6 2012 (last edited on 2:43pm Jul 6 2012)
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Posts: 57
Okaay Makikio is a boring character so I'mma make another one XD (I already have a char from an anime that I love, ill just change her a little...) Username: Sheshca Character name: Hikari (meaning light) Character type: witch/dark mage Age: 17 Appearance: (Anyone know what show she's from? ^^)(thats her perv bro on the ground...) Personality: hyper, dark, dramatic, competitive Pets: Makikio Sexuality: straight Partner: prefers male and let's make her Mae's enemy.... >3
i is Gud rightr, <3 Makikio <3 
5:19pm Jul 6 2012 (last edited on 5:28pm Jul 6 2012)
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"Did you say Nando's??" Connor shouted from inside of the bathroom. He was in the shower, but quickly washed the soap and shampoo out of his hair and body. He pulled up his undies, but wrapped a towel around his waist anyways. Wouldn't want to give one of his roommates a heart attack, now would he?
Connor opened the bathroom door and was surprised to see Louis there. He probably had knocked and Connor just hadn't heard him. Connor flashed him a bright smile before fleeing into his room to clothe himself in his usual attire: Black skinny jeans that weren't too tight, a gray crew-cut T-shirt covered with his black leather jacket, his black army boots and his Aviators.
Connor walked back to the room where everyone was at and leaned against the door frame. "Come on guys, I'm hungry." And impatient. And thinking he was all hot stuff. Ignorant vampire...
[[ Connor is so confused by his sexuality. xD ]]
5:57pm Jul 6 2012
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Posts: 11,785
((Okay so I guess my werebear should just be waking up? ^o^))
6:50pm Jul 6 2012
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Posts: 1,786
[[ Just noticed we have 4 girl and 4 boys, but three of those boys prefer males. xD
All of the house likes the boys. -shot- |D ]]
2:48am Jul 7 2012
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Posts: 331
Lol, I so didn't notice that before
Sheeran away
3:03am Jul 7 2012
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Posts: 11,785
(The bear cub is named...Sherbet. 8D
Should it be black, brown, sun, panda, polar, or...what? XD What kinda bear should it beeee?))
4:54am Jul 7 2012 (last edited on 4:58am Jul 7 2012)
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Posts: 379
Iza started a little when Connor appeared at the door. She had been daydreaming, off in a complete world of her own. She had started off wondering what Nando's was like, but as usual her easily distracted mind had wandered to other subjects. Her brown eyes narrowed for a moment, contemplating how this would affect her day. "You know what, it sounds like fun. Mind if I join you guys?" she asked, scooping up her dark blue Vans and her matching hoodie. Even if she didn't go with the lads to Nando's, she wanted to go for a walk anyway. She needed to get out for a while, and just breathe the fresh air and smile and laugh. Iza quite often visited the park when she felt like that. A lot of people went with their dogs, and she enjoyed playing with them when the owners got tired. It was a strange hobby, but it entertained her when she got bored. It got her brain working, and most of the drawings in her sketch pad were of the dogs she saw there. The minute she got home she would flip it open and begin scribbling away.