6:33am Jul 7 2012 (last edited on 6:59am Jul 7 2012)
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Make it pink o___o @Rika
Sheeran away
6:50am Jul 7 2012
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Posts: 331
"Sure babz" Louis said and nudged her shoulder playfully. "However, you could fix your hair a bit. We don't want you scaring the children in the park like you did lats time. And NO water. I don't want you to go all Mythical on me." Louis Stood in front of Connors door waiting for the older Lad.He patted his pockets a few times just to make sure he brough his wallet. "HURRY UP GUYS." He spazzed a little. He had to control everything. But they were used to that too. Louis opened the door and went out without the other just to start his car. He flopped on the front seat and started the engine. The wide grin that stretched to the sides of his face showed how happy he was. He loves his friends so much. Actually, they were more like siblings. Besides the fact they weren't human. But Louis didn't care about that.
Sheeran away
6:54am Jul 7 2012
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((XD A pink bear cub named Sherbet?))
6:59am Jul 7 2012
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Posts: 331
Perfect 8I
Sheeran away
7:25am Jul 7 2012
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Posts: 379
Iza grinned and pulled on her shoes. "Oh come on, you know that wasn't my fault! Those kids are just silly," she shot back, jogging out of the front door to jump in the car. In spite of her comment, she pulled out a comb and a bobble out of her pocket and pulled her dark hair into a bun, letting some of the loose hairs stay free. She didn't even understand why the kids were scared of her, anyway. What's wrong with messy hair? It wasn't as if she was shouting at them or anything that would actually give them an excuse to be frightened. Iza sighed, shaking her head a little. "What do they do at Nando's anyway?" she wondered out loud.
7:53am Jul 7 2012
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Posts: 11,785
 ((Meet Sherbet.))
Calim groaned softly as he made his way out of his room, his bear cub Sherbet in his arms, and glanced down the hall. His hair was a mess, and his red eyes glazed with sleep. "The hell are you guys doing?" he mumbled, shifting Sherbet so he could rub one of his eyes and wander over. He was currently only dressed in a pair of sleep shorts (With boxers underneath of course.), but his little cub managed to hide some up his toned upper body.
"You guys goin' somewhere?" he asked after a few moments, yawning again. "I was in the middle of one of my bear naps," he mumbled, giving the others a wide grin after a bit. He was quite tired still, but if they offered to let him come along, he'd gladly accept. Sherbet had gotten good at pretending to be a teddy bear.
8:09am Jul 7 2012
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Posts: 331
Louis stared at Calims figure while he turned the key in the ignition. "You can join us if you get dressed in 2 Minutes. Otherwise, we're leaving With or without youuuu" Louis sang out a few notes. He turned off the engine and placed his hands behind his head. "Well this turned into a little roadtrip, yeh guys?" He said in his thick accent. "CALIM"
Louis' breakdown was suddenly interrupted by a drop of rain falling directly into his eye. "Crap. Rain" Louis reached under the car seat and grabbed a gray beanie. He didn't want his prefect hair to get messed up. The gray fabric slipped over his head, leaving out a few locks.
Sheeran away
8:41am Jul 7 2012
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Calim was indeed dressed within two minutes and plodded out a few moments later. His shirt and pants both were a bit tighter than he'd like, but he didn't care. He climbed into the car, setting Sherbet on his lap. "Alright I'm ready," he stated, lifting a hand to rub his eyes again. "So where are we going?" he asked softly, hugging Sherbet a little closer. He was still a bit drowsy, but he'd survive.
4:25pm Jul 7 2012
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Posts: 379
Iza's smile faded when Louis pointed out the rain. She pulled her legs inside the car and slammed shut the door, half expecting to feel the familiar tingling sensation where the water hit her skin. She sighed with relief when the feeling didn't come, and brushed herself down a little. "Do you ever let that bear out of your site, Calim?" she asked, shooting a smile at the lad. The rain started to fall a little harder, hammering on the roof of the car. Iza shrank down in her seat as if she could get away from the water that way, pulling her hoodie closer to her shoulders and putting the hood over her head. "Maybe this was a bad idea..." she murmured, closing her eyes for a few moments.
4:41pm Jul 7 2012
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Connor had never been more thankful for sunglasses as Calim stepped into his sight. Staring was rude... Unless you were wearing sunglasses. The vampire grinned as he caught Louis taking a peek as well. What was new there?
Connor climbed into the backseat wordlessly, sitting behind the driver's seat, and Louis. With a snicker, the man rubbed Louis' beanie on his head, attempting to mess up his perfect hair. Typical Connor, always making an ass of himself.
"Hey, are you okay, Iza?" Connor then turned his attention to the mermaid who was sinking in her seat. He was genuinely concerned about the girl's well being, like he was about all his roommates' well being.
10:59pm Jul 7 2012
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Posts: 331
"HOW DARE YOU!" Louis tried to sound offended but the little chuckle afterwards proved him wrong. He shifted a little, looking at Iza with a straight face. Instead of saying anything, Louis' hand slid over her shoulder. The look in his eyes was telling her "You can leave, you know."
"So are we set?" Louis buckled up grabbing a few sips from a can he found in the door. "Ew. old soda" He smirked while crumbling the soda can. The car engine started to roar, causing Louis to flinch a little, being the manly man he is. Louis slid open the car window, causing a few drops of rain to splatter on his face. The wind was playing with the rest of his hair that wasn't guarded under the beanie. Not like he cared anymore, now that Connor ruined it. Louis' hand wrapped around Calims neck while he tried to unpark "Err.. sorry 'bout that. I was just looking for something to grab for a better grip.. While I'm uparking. You know."
Sheeran away
11:02pm Jul 7 2012 (last edited on 11:04pm Jul 7 2012)
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Calim chuckled, lifting Sherbet a little higher so that the little pink bear was laying against him. "Of course I don't. He's my little baby bear, why would I let him out of my sight?" he asked, looking curious. "Besides, he likes going out too, even if he has to act like a teddy bear," he stated, nuzzling the little guy. "He's too cute to leave him at home!"
When he felt Louis's hand on the back of his neck, Calim couldn't help the pale pink that rose to his cheeks. "Ah...um...it's, ah...it's fine," he replied, giving the other a warm smile that belonged right on a teddy bear. He hugged Sherbet a little tighter, glancing over at Louis again after a second.
((He's only like this with these guys lol.))
12:04am Jul 8 2012
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Posts: 331
Louis smiled back at the Lad, turning his head around quickly and moving his hand. After a few minutes they arrived at Louis' favorite restaurant. " You guys wait here, kay?" He treated them like little kids, even tho he was younger than all of them. He walked away from the car and came back with a handfull of paper bags. "Anyone care to give me a hand?" Louis said obviously staring into the older Lads.
Sheeran away
3:54am Jul 8 2012
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Posts: 379
Iza nodded when Louis put his hand on her shoulder. She half wanted to leave, but she knew that sooner or later she would have to face up to being outside more. She was perfectly safe inside the car, as she would be inside the restaurant. A little rain shouldn't bother me, she decided mentally, sitting up a little and forcing herself to relax. She let out a chuckle when Calim blushed, and her previously tensed muscles loosened. Iza sighed quietly, brushing a hand over her hair to check it was still okay. "It's a good job I'm hungry, or you lot might have to look after yourselves for once!" she grinned, leaning forward to open Louis' door for him.
4:06am Jul 8 2012
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Calim moved to climb out of the car when the other male returned, carefully setting Sherbet down and heading over to assist him. "Need a hand?" he asked, grinning in a rather cheeky manner, reaching out to take a few of the bags to make things easier on him.
((Okay so total writer's block here.))
4:20am Jul 8 2012
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Posts: 331
"Get that sassy smile off you face" Louis chuckled and helped him get the bags into the car. He placed one on his lap. "God, I love the warmth of Chicken wings and chips." He closed the door, almost flipping the warm meal in his lap. "Whoops" He grabbed the weal and slowly got out on the road. While parking next to their house, Louis noticed people moving around inside "OH YES! Everybody's up" He said with a hint of enthusiasm in his voice. "Guys. Seriously, stop dragging your bums and get inside so we can dine." He grabbed a bag that was sitting in his lap and opened the door for the other lads.
Sheeran away
4:33am Jul 8 2012
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Posts: 11,785
Calim laughed, allowing Sherbet to hang onto his back as he helped to carry the bags. "Dude Louis you need to chill. We're coming," he said, grinning wide at him as he happily padded inside and allowed Sherbet to climb off onto the nearest counter.
The pink panda tilted his head as he watched everyone moving around, blinking his eyes curiously. They sure were weird...
4:53am Jul 8 2012
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Posts: 379
Shaking her head at Louis, Iza zipped up her hoodie and took a deep breath. She grabbed the nearest bag of food and hugged it to her chest, then bent her head and pushed open her door. Not waiting for the others, she pelted towards the front door as fast as she could. She flung it open and pretty much fell inside, panting heavily and shaking a bit. She could feel her ankles tingling slightly, as if only a tiny bit of water had splashed up onto her legs when she ran. Slowly she stood up again, putting one hand against the wall to keep herself upright.
5:35am Jul 8 2012
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Posts: 331
"Iza, are you allright?" Louis dropped the bags and ran towards her. He grabbed her hand and placed it around his neck. "C'mon Let's get you inside." She probably wasn't that hurt, but Louis was a well known Drama Queen. As he stepped inside, the two of them were followed by the confused looks on the faces of their roommates. Louis dragged Iza to her bedroom and flopped her on the bed. "DO NOT MOVE." He ran to the car and grabbed a bag of chicken which he brought to her room. "Now eat, fishgirl."
Sheeran away
10:41am Jul 8 2012
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Posts: 379
Iza's mind whirled as Louis set her down on her bed, and her heart started pounding. She could barely speak, but still she tried to choke out a thank you. She could feel the cold prickles making their way up her legs, and she hugged the warm bag to her in an effort to stop it. If she didn't completely heat herself up soon and evaporate the water, she would be sat in the bath for about 24 hours until she shifted back again. It was like extreme pins and needles, but she had handled it before. Slowly, Iza curled her legs under the duvet, trying to slow her breathing as if she were going to sleep. I can do this, she told herself, mentally crossing her fingers.