11:11am Jul 8 2012
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Posts: 331
"Ohboyohboyohboy" Louis ran around the house like a chicken. He knew Iza could and will take care of it by herself , but he still didn't feel quite alright leaving her alone like that. Louis rushed into Iza's room, leaving the door open. He sat on her bed, right net to her and stared into her shaking body. He had absolutely no idea what to do, but somehow he felt that his closeness would help a little. So he stayed with her, sitting on the bed and leaning back on his hands. For someone who lived with mythical beings for a while, Louis was spazzing over everything. While he was sitting on the bed, all these memories passed through his head. He felt a little bad for his roommates who sometimes couldn't even control the changes they were going through. Thank God Louis had Connor and Mae with him, otherwise, he'd be gone by now. Louis licked his lips, looked up at the girls face and said with a stutter "Are you alright? Do you need me to bring you anything?" He slipped off his beanie revealing his really messed up hair. Even worse than Iza's.
Louis lowered his head and puffed his cheeks. "I.. I'm sorry. For not knowing how to handle things in these kind of situations. I mean, I've lived with you guys long enough and every time something happens I just panick out. I'm really sorry." Louis shrugged and threw himself on the bed next to Iza.The ex pression on his face showed how bad he felt about all this. He even lost his appetite which wasn't typical for Louis. But he didn't care. He was scared to death and he was glad it all passed.
Sheeran away
4:10pm Jul 8 2012
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Iza couldn't speak. She was conscious of Louis next to her, but all she could do was lie there with her skin burning. Her head was spinning, making the whole room look like it was in a whirlpool. As water popped into her head, so did doubt. What if she couldn't keep herself human? Perhaps it wouldn't be so bad to spend some more time in the water. Maybe life would be easier if she spent all her time in the water. The sea isn't that far away... No. I mustn't think like that. Iza repeated the words to herself, clenching her jaw with determination. Carefully she opened her mouth, taking a deep breath before attempting to speak. Instead of words, a strange rasping noise came out and Iza's hand flew to her mouth before she could stop it. A lightening-like feeling hit her skin, rushing down to her bones and making her shut her eyes tight. Keeping her eyes closed, she pushed her brain into opening her mouth again, and tried her hardest to get out a sentence. "L-Louis, I d-don't think I can do t-this," she stuttered.
4:25pm Jul 8 2012
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Connor slowly made his way back into the house, following the other three. He was just about to dig into his chicken wings when Iza spazzed out. Well, Louis spazzed out. Iza just kind of stood there. The vampire took a deep sigh and set his chicken wing down. He eyed it for just a second, as if it were going to walk away as soon as he turned.
Connor walked into his room and pulled the comforter off of his bed. With the bundled heap in his arms, the man walked into Iza's open room. He rolled his eyes over-dramatically at Louis, who was flopped on the bed. He was such a girl sometimes. An attractive girl. That is, if he were one... A girl, he means. [Right Connor; keep living in denial.]
Connor smiled softly at Iza before throwing the blanket over her already covered body. "Don't say that, love," He commented, referring to her 'Can't do this' statement. "You've done it before, so don't give up."
4:29pm Jul 8 2012 (last edited on 4:38pm Jul 8 2012)
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Posts: 331
Louis grabbed Iza's wrist "WHAT, NO" His heart was pounding like crazy. He tried to scream but his lungs ran out of air. "No.. Iza" While holding her wrist with one hand, his other hand wrapped around her neck. "CALIM" Calim was the first person Louis could think off. He hoped he could do something. Louis' hand started shaking while holding onto Iza's body.
"CALIM, Where are you?" Louis whined hoping he'll come soon. He really didn't know how to handle these kind of situations so he just sat there with her in his arms
When Louis saw Connor at the door he couldn't help to smile. "Ohm thank god you're here." Come help me here. Even tho Louis loved Iza, he couldn't help but giggle a little every time he was around Connor. God he was so girly. But that was fine with him.
Sheeran away
4:36pm Jul 8 2012
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Calim blinked as the others seemed to run off, the werebear blinking before he grabbed Sherbet and cautiously followed after. He stood outside of the doorway, head tilted slightly to the side. Slowly, he made his way in and set Sherbet on the bed, reaching out to gently place a hand on Iza's shoulder. "Are you okay? Do you need anything?" he asked softly, pretty good at staying chilled out during someone else's transformations.
Now...his own were a different story. They felt like his skin was getting ripped apart to reveal some....evil beast down below. He knew what he was...and he couldn't control it, not yet. When a certain phase of the moon hit, he turned into a big, mean...monster! He wasn't in full control of himself, so he usually kept himself locked away somewhere the entire night, only to return exhausted.
He wanted to help Iza if he could at all.
4:42pm Jul 8 2012
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Posts: 331
"What do you mean is she okay, she's obviously.. GOD KNOWS WHAT OVER HERE!" Louis screamed at poor Calim. Things would probably be calmer if Louis was't here. But he just wanted to help badly. Poor Human didn't even know what he was getting into. He squeezed Connors knee. "DO SOMETHING, GOSH! Don't just stand there. You to Calim, get over here, oh my god, you guys are such.... "Louis started grumbling words and walked away. He couldn't even handle this much stress anymore.
Sheeran away
4:46pm Jul 8 2012
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Connor stared at Louis blankly as he began to freak out again. It wasn't a normal freakout, either. This kid was having issues at the moment. He shook his head and squeezed Iza's hand once before heading towards the door to follow Louis.
"I'll turn up the heat," He told Iza as he left. Perhaps that would help dry her out some. Hell, he didn't know.
"Hey, Louis," Connor called after his roommate. He could have ran and caught up with him, but that wasn't his style. Though, it didn't take him long to catch up. "Louis," He grabbed the boys elbow softly to turn him towards him. "Get a hold of yourself... She'll be fine."
4:49pm Jul 8 2012
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Calim sent Louis a glance when he was yelled at, moving to grab Sherbet and hand him to Louis before he left. "It's dangerous to go alone...Take this," he stated before he gave him a soft smile. "And relax... It'll be fine," he told him, placing a hand on his shoulder. At that point he turned to go back in and gently pull Iza into a hug after wrapping the comforter a littler tighter around her, as well as placing him on his lap. Being a werecreature, he gave off a lot of heat....especially since he was a bear.
"Just calm down, Iza.... It'll be fine.... You've gotten through it before," he said gently, tilting his head a little.
4:50pm Jul 8 2012
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Posts: 11,785
((Well since Calim tried to get Louis before he left my post isn't late? ;A;'))
4:59pm Jul 8 2012 (last edited on 5:03pm Jul 8 2012)
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Posts: 331
"Can you guys stop treating me like a baby. I'm not a fricking baby!" Louis stormed out and shut the door. He didn't even notice the pink fuzzy ball he was squeezing in his arms. He was so confused the fact that he sort of maybe liked Connor got into all of this too. But he wasn't thinking about that right now. " I am not a drama queen, I don't need to calm down." Louis was talking to himself while sitting in the middle of the street. The roads were still wet, leaving wet traces on Louis' clothes
He felt bad for storming out on the lads like that. Especially on Iza. In fact, he felt so bad he didn't even feel like comming back home. He just sat there, in the middle of the wet road, thinking, and petting Calims totally straight bear.
Sheeran away
5:02pm Jul 8 2012
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((Calim gave Sherbet to Louis. ouo Where the bear omg. XD))
5:02pm Jul 8 2012 (last edited on 5:03pm Jul 8 2012)
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Posts: 331
Whoop O_O ~ Fixed
Sheeran away
5:06pm Jul 8 2012
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Connor was only mildly shocked when Louis stormed out of the house. To Connor, yes, he was a baby. Age wise, everyone was a baby compared to him. But Connor definitely didn't think Louis was a baby. He wasn't into that kind of thing. He sighed and pulled his jacket collar up. Yes, even vampires got cold sometimes.
Connor slowly approached Louis in the road. Not the safest place to think, really. It reminded him of that awful chickflick, The Notebook. The one that he only kind of, really enjoyed. "Louis..." Connor said from the sidewalk, looking both ways before he crossed to the human.
"Two things, love: 1. I don't think you're a baby. Trust me on that. And 2. You look awful. I don't want the neighbors to see you." Connor grinned at the boy and offered his hand to help him up, not even knowing if he would take it or not.
[[ "I'm not a baby!" -Is holding a pink, fuzzy bear-
... Nice one, Louis. xD ]]
5:09pm Jul 8 2012
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Sherbet wiggled as he was squeezed, letting out a sound of protest before he snuggled up to Louis upon being petted. He moved to look up at him, blinking once before he turned to lick at the nearest part of the human he could reach, almost like an apology for him.
Calim looked up as Louis ran out, a conflicted ex pression forming on his face. He should stay here and help Iza...but Louis needed help too... He sighed softly, and moved to set his head gently on Iza's shoulder. He needed to help her warm up...
5:10pm Jul 8 2012 (last edited on 5:11pm Jul 8 2012)
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Posts: 331
"My hair is a mess, aye?" Louis got up and grinned, still staring at the floor. "I'm sorry. I just spazz a little sometimes." He shrugged looking into Connors eyes. "OH WAIT" Louis turned around, tripping over his leg and picking up the small pink fuzzball off the road. "That could've ended badly." He followed Connor back to the house, staring at him all the way back. Thoughts flew through his brain "God Louis, you are a crazy crazy man. But you're a man therefore, you love women. WOMEN" He smirked and sniffled a little.
Sheeran away
5:13pm Jul 8 2012
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Posts: 11,785
((Oh god I thought of another way to add more drama. o-o
Calim forgetting what night it is and ending up changing in the house. .-. -shot-))
5:14pm Jul 8 2012 (last edited on 5:14pm Jul 8 2012)
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Posts: 331
That's good 8I
Sheeran away
5:19pm Jul 8 2012
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Sherbet let out a squeak when he was left behind, ears pulling back until he was retrieved again. He clung tightly to the human, looking up at him before sneezing softly and burying his face into the other's shirt. He didn't want to be left out there again, so now was the time to cling like a koala onto Louis.
((Herp bears.))
5:30pm Jul 8 2012
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Posts: 1,786
[[ Vin likes Rika's herps... xD -Feels like a creep for saying so- ]]
Connor looked up at Louis' now messy-mane and laughed. Yes, his hair was indeed a mess. As Louis and him stared at eachother, Connor felt something. Did his stomach just flip over from nerves? Hah. No. He was probably just hungry, since he had to abandon his deliciousness of which he called Chicken Wings.
"Thank God you got the bear," Connor said with a grin. "We wouldn't want Calim to go all big bad bear on us." Little did Connor know... Little did he know.
He began to walk towards the house, Louis just behind him. He felt an itch between his shoulder blades. It was usually his intuition telling him someone was watching. He shrugged off the feeling, thinking it wasn't Louis, but only the neighbors.
5:37pm Jul 8 2012
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Posts: 57
Okay I haven't been in the reading mood for the past few days (had 21 fanfic updates OMG they NEVER update until now! XD) and there is so much to read, can someone just fill me in? 8l
i is Gud rightr, <3 Makikio <3 