5:42pm Jul 8 2012 (last edited on 5:43pm Jul 8 2012)
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[[ Well, Iza, Calim, Connor and Louis went to get Chicken wings, when it started to rain and Iza got a little wet. She started to go into Mermaid-Mode when everyone started freaking out and trying to warm her up to keep her from changing. Louis ran into the streets and Connor chased him, while Calim held Iza to heat her up. And, that's about it.
Oh, and Calim is going to shift tonight, as well. ^^ But no one else knows that. >>
.... Yes. I think I've it all.
Oh, we also have over 100 posts! :D ]]
5:47pm Jul 8 2012
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Posts: 331
Sheeran away
5:49pm Jul 8 2012
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((Omg I'm bored now. o-o
Kanky do you have Skyyyype?))
5:58pm Jul 8 2012
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Posts: 1,786
[[ Can't it be night already? xD I want to see Calim kick some ass in bear form. >) ]]
6:01pm Jul 8 2012
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Posts: 57
LOL ty ^^ (i'm lazy enough to put Shikamaru to shame!) :P
i is Gud rightr, <3 Makikio <3 
6:02pm Jul 8 2012
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Posts: 331
I do Rika, I just saw the post, lawl
Sheeran away
6:08pm Jul 8 2012
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Posts: 11,785
((What is it. ouo
Mine is rikathefallen
Also a storm is rolling in.))
6:12pm Jul 8 2012
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Sheeran away
1:56am Jul 9 2012 (last edited on 2:01am Jul 9 2012)
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The sun slowly slipped away. Louis was sitting in an armchair, just staring into the TV. He still couldn't believe what happened. How Iza was.. He grimaced as he picture all the awful stuff that could've happened.His attention was suddenly occupied by a loud noise coming from Calims room. He jumped out of the armchair and dragged himself to him room. "Calim?..." He stood in front of the door not knowing what to do. Should he come in? He turned around leaning on the door "Not this again. Just not this." He wiped a few beads of sweat off his face.
Sheeran away
2:10am Jul 9 2012
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Calim screamed as he fell to his floor, curling up into a small ball as his nails slowly elongated into claws, shaking heavily as he began to grow as well. He let out another pained cry as fur began to sprout on his entire body, his face beginning to elongate to form a muzzle and his ears rounding and moving to the top of his head. He hated this; it felt like he was just getting ripped apart!
His final cry escalated into a loud roar as he collapsed again, claws digging deep grooves into his floor as he snarled, still shaking and shivering from the sheer pain he was in. Sherbet was sitting nearby, looking concerned for the werebear. He always yelled and screamed...it must really hurt...
2:14am Jul 9 2012 (last edited on 2:15am Jul 9 2012)
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Posts: 379
[[Omg the alerts xD]]
Iza could here it all; Louis panicking, Connor following him out, Calim for once letting Sherbet out of his sight. She was grateful for everything her roommates had done; more than she would be able to tell them. She knew they had their own problems, but right now keeping herself warm was her top priority. Someone must have turned up the heat in the house, because the air felt stuffier than before when she opened her eyes. The sky was getting steadily darker, and the only light was that pooling in through the door. Iza thought she heard a thump coming from somewhere in the direction of Calim's room, but she pushed it out of her head and concentrated on the task at hand. If she could stand up, she could get her dressing gown and put that on. Pulling the duvet around her shoulders she quickly swung her legs over the side, moving on before she had time to concentrate on the pain. Keeping the fluffy cover close to her body, she took a couple of small steps towards her dressing gown. She kept on taking little steps, until eventually she reached the fluffy pale blue material, scooping it up into her arms and putting it on. That feels better, Iza thought, snuggling into the duvet again. She wasn't 100% yet, but her hope had been restored with the heat. Her legs were still prickling, and her brain did backflips every now and then, but she could manage. If she hadn't had the lads however, she didn't know what might have happened. Another thump and a shout told her that people were clearly still up. She debated going back to bed, but decided she would be better in the company of people. Slowly, she made her way to the hallway to find slightly human company.
2:21am Jul 9 2012 (last edited on 2:22am Jul 9 2012)
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Posts: 331
"Iza, what are doing here, go to your room or something. NOW! Louis yelled at her. He really didn't want to act like that, but he knew Calim wasn't even aware of what was happening. He slinked into his room. "Calim? Calm down. It's me, your friends, Louis" His thick Doncaster accent made that sound even more adorable. "Calm down, buddy. It'll be alright. I'm not afraid." Louis said and stood in front of the panting bear. He was actually pretty frightened, like always, but he knew he had to stay calm. Otherwise, bad things could happen. So he kept on standing , facing the bear.
Sheeran away
3:33am Jul 9 2012
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Calim, freshly changed and more bear than man, let out a vicious growl and swiped at Louis, rising up on his hind legs and snarled, looking around until he spotted Sherbet. He lowered himself back down and grabbed him by the scruff almost like a mother bear would do. He sat on his haunches a moment later, ears pulling back as he watched his door, ready for any others intruding into his domain.
4:00am Jul 9 2012
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Posts: 331
Louis stared at Calims paw flinging at him. It felt like he was in a slow motion movie. The pressure from his heavy limb pushed Louis towards the window, making him crash through the glass and fall on the sidewalk. Luckily for Louis, a random man was driving through the neighborhood. "OH LORD." The man ran towards him, checking his pulse. He was alive but unconscious. The man dragged him in his car and drove of to the nearest Hospital. Louis was diagnosed with 3 cracked ribs and a punctured artery on his kidney. He was placed in a room alone, still unconscious. The nurse walked out of the room, slowly closing the door.
"ROOM 317" -Intensive Care Unit-
Sheeran away
4:34am Jul 9 2012
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Calim remained in his room until the morning came, and the change back caused him to writhe and cry out in sheer pain, shivering once he returned to his more...human form. He whimpered for a few moments before he slowly sat up and looked around. His eyes grew wide when he realized where he was.
"Oh my god I changed here..."
He looked at the window then, and his eyes grew wider and his eyes welled up with a few tears. "Who did I hurt....?" he whimpered before he got to his feet, got clothed, grabbed Sherbet, and looked around. He couldn't see Louis...
"Oh my GOD was is Louis?" he whimpered, shivering before he went to run out of the door and straight down to hospital. After asking about Louis, he found he was in room 317 of the ICU, and soon he was seated at his side with Sherbet on the bed, snuggled up to him. "Oh my god Louis I'm so sorry..." he muttered, reaching out to grab his hand and squeeze it.
4:35am Jul 9 2012
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Posts: 11,785
Username: RikaTheFallen Character name: Melinkan (Mel) Karschel Character type: Mythical...He's a WERECHILLA Appearance: 
Personality: Sassy when ticked and kind when calm, he's quite...the conundrum. :'D That's all there really is to say. Pets: None o-o
Sexuality: Gay enough to have a sassypants hip sway.
5:06am Jul 9 2012
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Posts: 331
Louis' hand spazzed when he felt Calim's touch. His eyelids opened a little, his eyes fluttered showing hints of blue and white. He wanted to say something, but he just couldn't. His eyelids shut. Suddenly, the room was filled with loud noise -BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP- A nurse flew into the room forcing Calim out. The door shut, numbing the beeps. The Nurse walked out of the room with her head down. She walked up to Calim and grabbed his shoulder. "He's in a coma. But he's stable for now. However, visiting time is over. You can come by tomorrow same time. I'm sure he'll be there" The nurse giggled not realizing how inappropriate that joke was.
Sheeran away
6:06am Jul 9 2012
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Posts: 331
NOTE: I'm leaving :C However , I'll be back in 12 days. But I'll only be here for 2 days. And than I'll be gone for 12 more days. I'm on vacation, Aye. That's why Louis is in a Coma. You should RP. So I can read stuff when I come back.
Sheeran away
11:01am Jul 9 2012
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Posts: 379
[[The reason why I'm a little slow is because of school, but I break up on Friday so :Y ]]
Iza could only stand, huddled in her cover as the scene unfolded in front of her. She bit down hard on her bottom lip as Louis was shoved through the window, and backed down the hallway. She ignored the tingles in her feet as she turned and ran, rushing into the kitchen and leaning against the counter. Her first thought was to go and help Louis, but she kept herself from rushing back. Calim was probably still in bear mode, and having a recovering mermaid there wouldn't help at all. Instead she made the decision to find Connor. Perhaps he could help with all this. Slowly she peered around the door frame, her messy hair falling over her shoulder. Seeing the coast was clear, Iza started towards the first door and knocked. "Connor?" She hissed. "Are you there?"
1:28pm Jul 9 2012
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After a while, a dejected-looking Calim returned to the house and flopped into a chair, shoulders sagged and head in his hands as he tried his darnedest not to cry. He always hated hurting people when he changed...but this time it was someone he knew...someone he was close to!
"My god I am a monster...." he murmured, hiding his face. "How could....how could I do that...?" he whimpered, shivering fromm the restraint it took to not just break down and cry.
However, he simply couldn't help the break down when it came. It'd be safer for everyone if he just left...but where else did he have? Where else could he go without being hunted down...?